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toolblog.de berichtet:

12 Gründe für das Unglücklich sein

Von Paul Watzlawick stammt der ewigwährende Bestseller Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein”. Er gibt in diesem Buch Ratschläge, wie Sie sich nachhaltig selbst das Leben versauen können. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:

The Simplicity of Discipline: Thriving Without the Baggage of Expectations

The clients I work with almost all put incredible expectations on themselves — they have higher standards than almost anybody I know. It’s why they work with me. ...
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5 Tools for Team Conflict Resolution

Is infighting damaging your team morale and retention? Do you know what types of conflict are healthy and which are not? When you do intervene, do you have a strategy, or just ”wing it” and hope for the best? ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Scrum’s Nature: It Is a Tool; It Is Not About Love or Hate

What has always struck me in this discussion is the fact that Scrum is a tool useful to accomplish one primary task: delivering value to customers of emergent products in complex environments while mitigating an organization’s exposure to risk at the same time. ...
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Is the Distinction Between Outcomes and Output Overdone?

In about half the conversations about agile, I hear someone make the point that “teams should focus on outcomes rather than outputs.” It’s gotten to the point that I’m tired of hearing it, especially because I somewhat disagree with it. ...
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Homeoffice: Worum es wirklich geht

Homeoffice ist tatsächlich nur vordergründig eine Frage des Arbeitsorts. Im Kern geht es dabei um das Prinzip der Augenhöhe, um Menschenbilder, Vertrauen statt Kontrolle und ganz grundsätzlich um das Verhältnis zwischen Führungskraft und Wissensarbeiter. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:

Leadership Fails: Avoid These 10 Mistakes

Leadership fails, every great leader will have some during their time on top. Being the leader of the pack is not easy, it is stressful at times but can be rewarding if done right. A great leader is critical to a teams’ success; the way they choose to lead will have a huge impact on the entire organization. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

The #NoEstimates movement is a pointless infatuation

The #NoEstimates movement is gaining more and more traction. I wanted to understand why, so my team experimented with it for 3 months. After working with it for a quarter, I don’t believe it’s as game-changing as #NoEstimates proponents are trying to make us believe. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

Why Most Roadmaps Make Poor Results Inevitable

Why do we strive to have a perfect roadmap per quarter? Because we want to commit to the future outputs. Then we can set clear expectations with our stakeholders. Wouldn’t it be ideal for delivering everything on time as we planned? ...
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medium.com berichtet:

Beware using “Chapters” in Remote Team Environments

Ever since that fateful day when Henrik Kniberg published the ideas he and Jeff Sutherland planned for the future structure of Engineering Culture at Spotify (“The Spotify Model”), thousands of companies have tried to emulate their design. ...
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jarche.com berichtet:


This is a retrospective on how my work has been influenced by the Cynefin framework, which I first came across in late 2007, many years after it had been originally published in 1999 — the same year as The Cluetrain Manifesto. ...
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Let’s talk about change fatigue

For those on the front lines of an organizational change I’m sure you’ve heard this a time or two. Perhaps you’ve even said it yourself. A typical response is, “It never ends. Look how fast the world is changing…it’s here to stay.” ...
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:


What is your team’s reason for being? Do they even know? When asked, most teams will say their reason for being is to build a feature or a product. To ship it. And after it’s shipped? Does the team still have a reason for being? ...
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Tipps zur agilen Situationsanalyse: Die Methodenkiste der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK)

„Ist GFK agil?“ – die Frage taucht ab und zu in Webinaren oder Webkonferenzen auf. Und eigentlich liegt die Antwort nahe: beide Strömungen stammen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Quellen und haben bislang nicht viel miteinander zu tun. ...
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Agile Missverständnisse: Die Rolle des PMO im Agilen

Arbeitet ein (Software-)Team erfolgreich agil, so wird dies schnell als Möglichkeit gesehen, das auf weitere Teams oder das gesamte Unternehmen auszurollen. Im klassischen Projektmanagement gibt es hier die Funktion des Project Management Office (PMO). ...
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Das SCARF-Modell: Wie du mit Erkenntnissen aus der Neurowissenschaft produktive Teams formst

Kennst du auch solche oder ähnliche Situationen? Du willst jemandem helfen, doch dieser reagiert ablehnend und gereizt. Du hast eine gute Idee, erhältst jedoch nur negative Reaktionen als Antwort. Ein Kunde reagiert aufgebracht auf eine Kleinigkeit und du fragst dich, was du falsch gemacht hast. ...
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Kennst du das Ralph-Stacy-Modell?

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere ist mir das Ralph-Stacy-Modell im Oktober 2019 in einem wirklich großartigen Kurs der BTA Berlin zum „Agilen Management“ das erste Mal begegnet. Ich finde das Modell sehr nützlich, da es einem – ähnlich wie das Cynefin-Modell – dabei hilft zu entscheiden, ob man ein bestimmtes Projekt lieber klassisch oder agil umsetzt. ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Gantt Diagramm: Alter Hut oder zeitloser Helfer?

Projektmanagement-Tools, die die freie farbliche Gestaltung der Balken im Gantt Diagramm unterstützen, schaffen hier eine noch bessere Übersicht, ...
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e3zine.com berichtet:

Software Development At SAP: The Scrum/Agile Methodology

Instead of defining the deliverable and estimate the cost, in an Agile project we ... Answer: “Yes, I was waiting for a decision from management.
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finextra.com berichtet:

Are we witnessing an Agile Revolution in Client Onboarding?

Traditionally, a digitisation project at a financial institution has been a unique ... From the early-2000s, the Agile methodology's popularity and maturity have grown ... A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Den Wirkungsgrad von Projekten erhöhen

Die aktuelle Bitkom-Studie zu Industrie 4.0 zeigt es: Die Zahl der Unternehmen, deren Geschäftsmodell durch die Digitalisierung beeinflusst wird, ...
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builtin.com berichtet:

How to Make Sprint Retrospectives More Actionable

Agile teams can face a number of challenges in their retros: working ... Snapsheet Software Engineering Manager Lionel Luchez said retros for his ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

[2 Mins FAQ] What Is The Career Path For Scrum Product Owner?

The career path for Product Owner is rather different but just like the Scrum Master career path it also has two paths as people may have different ...
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inc.com berichtet:

Six Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Project Management Tool

Now keep in mind, whatever project management tool you've chosen whether that be Asana, Zoho Projects, Trello, Basecamp, Liquid Planner etc - most ...
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cio.de berichtet:

Die agile Plattform für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Mit diesem Projekt bewarb sich die ZSVR für den Digital Leader Award 2020. Profil von ... Jira ist eine Projekt-Management-Software von Atlassian.
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The No. 1 Trait for Aspiring PMs? According to This SVP of Product, 'Storytelling'

Bedi now leads product management at project44, where his team develops supply chain technology that delivers real-time visibility and actionable ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:

6 gängige Projektmanagement-Fehler – und wie man sie vermeidet

So wie sich Projektteams und Interessenvertreter auf die Unterstützung und Anleitung von Projektmanagern verlassen, sind auch Projektmanager auf ...
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edtimes.in berichtet:

Reasons Why Do People Fail The PMP Test

Instead of taking a PMP certification course, some try to cut corners and study by themselves. It is often a misconception. Examination training explains ...
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report.at berichtet:

Agile IT-Vertragsgestaltung und Scrum

Je nachdem wie intensiv der Auftraggeber in den Scrum-Prozess involviert ist, stellt sich die Frage der Projektverantwortung. Ist klar, dass der ...
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newsdio.com berichtet:

What is the difference between SAFe and Scrum Master Certification?

The SMC certification will assist you to know that good scrum is as per the official scrum guide or SBOK guide from SCRUMstudy. Basically SAFe ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

Changing Company Culture For Agile Project Management: Avoiding The “Can't Ban”

According to the survey of 1,100 software managers, “General organization resistance to change” (48%) and “Organizational culture at odds with Agile ...
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4 Advantages of Project Management Software for Managers

Managing projects requires specific skill set and the right tools. Project management software combines multiple tools in one centralized place to deliver ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Ein Digital Asset Management (DAM)-Projekt starten

Zudem ist ein agiles Projektmanagement-Framework erforderlich, um flexibel auf notwendige Änderungen reagieren zu können, ohne den Zeitplan zu ...
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openpr.de berichtet:

Projekterfolg mit externen Ressourcen - neuer Service für Projektmanager

Projektmanager können Projektpläne, Fortschrittsberichte und andere PM-Bausteine bei Bedarf auch extern zukaufen. Standardisierte Projektabläufe ...
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builtin.com berichtet:

14 Roadmapping Tools Every Product Manager Should Know

... or a Kanban board assigning responsibilities to team members and tracking task progress, a roadmap helps a product manager see what needs to ...
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abtasty.com berichtet:

Product Manager vs Product Owner: What's the Difference?

Put simply, no, Product Manager and Product Owner are two distinct roles. Although they do share a common goal – delivering sticky products users ...
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techhq.com berichtet:

How Kubernetes adds agility in challenging times

It makes sense that empowering development teams to do more in less time ... Kubernetes to make product development and delivery cycles more agile, ... But at less than six years old, deployment and management of Kubernetes ...
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cio.co.ke berichtet:

6 Common Project Management Mistakes – And How To Avoid Them

Dealing with problems calmly and efficiently is a vital aspect of the project manager's role, and some of the challenges you will face as a project manager ...
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openpr.de berichtet:

Deutschsprachiges Taschenbuch zum Spotify-Framework für Agile Transformationen erschienen

Als Projekt Manager ist er zertifiziert als Project Management Professionale durch das PMI (PMP) und als SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC) - dadurch ...
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Discover a new era of project management at the inaugural International Project Management ...

An estimated of 1,000 delegates, including project management gurus, subject matter experts and industry thought leaders, are expected to log-in for ...
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