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scrum.org berichtet:
Create A More Engaging Sprint Review With This String Of Liberating Structures
Do you frequently find yourself in Sprint Reviews that only consist of a PowerPoint presentation? Or entirely without users, customers and other stakeholders present? Or bored out of your wits because it keeps turning into a huge group conversation where people talk over others or keep revisiting topics that have already been addressed? ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
Podcast: Was aus Product Ownern und ScrumMastern wurde
Ursprünglich als "Konkurrenz" zu Scrum positioniert, hat Kanban einige der Konzepte mitgenommen, darunter den ScrumMaster und den Product Owner. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
Podcast: Darf ich eigentlich...
"Darf ich eigentlich..." ist einer der häufigsten Anfänge bei Fragen, gerade wenn Menschen erste Erfahrungen mit der Kanban-Methode machen. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Systems Thinking, Episode #1 What are Wicked Problems and Why Should I Care?
In a series of blog posts, I want to share how you can use Systems Thinking to resolve complex problems. Systems Thinking aims at understanding and possibly solving complex problems. In this episode, I will focus on complex adaptive problems, also known as “Wicked Problems”. ...
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agilealliance.org berichtet:
Viable Organizations with Beer
I am a strong believer that sound organizational models are the key to a company’s success and its viability in the complex world in which it must survive. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Lebendiges Miteinander ohne starre Regeln
Wie viele Regeln braucht das Miteinander? Weniger ist mehr. Im Verkehr zum Beispiel, wie das Konzept des Shared Space von Hans Monderman zeigt. Aber eben auch in Organisationen: weniger Regeln führen zu mehr Verantwortung und lebendigem Miteinander. ...
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mironov.com berichtet:
Product Consequences and a Product Code of Ethics?
Prompted by discussions with Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, Phil Wolff and John Sebes, I’ve been thinking about tech products that are doing harm in the world – intentionally or otherwise. ...
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project-management-podcast.com berichtet:
Facilitating a Project Planning Meeting
Planning your project right from the start is a big factor for future success. It’s definitely not everything, but doing the planning right goes a long way. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
How do you handle unresponsive key project stakeholders?
It is a common challenge for anyone who has managed projects for a meaningful amount of time. One or more of your key stakeholders who are integral to the successful completion of the project appears unwilling to engage as expected. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Using Proof of Concepts (POCs) To Develop New Software Products
A Proof of Concept (POC) is a small exercise to test the product idea or assumption. The main purpose of developing a POC is to demonstrate the functionality and to verify a certain concept or theory that can be achieved in development. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
5 Agile Metrics to Improve Performance and Quality
Agile has been a buzzword for many organizations in the last few years. And while many organizations are “adopting” an agile methodology, many are not fully embracing it. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Value Stream Mapping Issues and Special Cases
A value stream is a set of activities that are intended to create and deliver a consistent set of deliverables that are of value to customers. Organizations map value streams as a tool to visualize the flow of work. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
If You Don’t Know How to Say Someone’s Name, Just Ask
I have had my name butchered my entire life — not just since I’ve lived in the U.S. over the past eight years, but in countries where I worked all over the world including my home country of Singapore. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
Designers and statisticians disagree on what makes a good information graphic
The field of data visualization has become a tussle between accuracy and beauty. In one corner, designers say that data is fungible as long as the presentation is eye-catching. In the other corner, statisticians argue that clarity should rarely be sacrificed in the name of novelty or entertainment. ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Release planning advice
Release planning is an important task for product people working with agile teams: It ensures that the product is moving in the right direction and it connects strategy and tactics. Despite its importance, release planning is not always effectively practiced in my experience. This article shares my advice to help you reflect on your release planning practices and improve them. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Outcome Over Output: Also Impact and Effort
Gusto is reflecting on how we observe our own activity and results. We have been wildly, improbably successful in our niche of payroll and benefits for small businesses. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why your Scrum Master might be your next CEO
There are articles about “How to be a good scrum master,” or “Why you don’t need a Scrum Master,” or “Top Scrum Master anti-patterns.” ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Mistakes and Discoveries While Cultivating Ownership
Aaron Blohowiak talks about Netflix’s model of the five levels of Ownership: Demonstration, Oversight, Observation, Execution and Vision. He shares his well-intentioned mistakes and what they have learned so far. ...
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cutle.fish berichtet:
Great Teams Break the "Rules" All the Time
Guess what? Great teams break the "rules" all the time. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Mythen der Agilität
Moin, ich bin Nick L. und seit nun fast drei Jahre schlägt mein Herz für Agilhausen. Hier ist vieles anders. Alle sind irgendwie cooler drauf. Obwohl wir nicht mal 5G haben und W-Lan-Hotspots sich nur langsam vermehren, scheinen sie es hier mit der Digitalisierung echt ernst zu meinen. ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
DevOps process: 4 ways to improve
Read also: Top 7 open source project management tools for agile teams. ] Here are the lessons I've learned to improve the DevOps team process ...
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crosswater-job-guide.com berichtet:
Agile Arbeitsformen auf dem Vormarsch
Auch in Sachen agile Projektmanagement-Methoden sehen viele Befragte enorme Wichtigkeit. Hierbei unterscheiden sich die Antworten von ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why Agile Methodologies Miss The Mark For AI & ML Projects
What is needed is a project management methodology that takes into account the various data-centric needs of AI while also keeping in mind the ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Same Product = Same Team: Myth of Fact?
With such an easy formula where “1 Product = 1 Product Owner = 1 Product Backlog” it is only fitting to add a little extension to it by saying “1 Product ...
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risknet.de berichtet:
Transformation zu Agile im Risikomanagement
Die bekanntesten Modelle sind Scrum und Kanban, die es Teams vor allem ermöglichen, transparenter zu arbeiten, eine gewisse ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Showcase, Show & Tell or Sprint Review.
In this situation, there is likely to be a broad mix of people fulfilling the Scrum Master roles. These could be client staff both with previous experience or ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why Sprint Goals are Important
A Sprint Goal is not often something people think about when using Scrum. Turns out it's really important for teams to act as teams. Find out why in ...
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consultancy.uk berichtet:
5 questions to ask before embarking on an agile journey
Conversely a start-up defining and delivering a new product is better suited to Lean Start-up or Scrum, or even a combination of the two.
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business2community.com berichtet:
How Do You Know You're Not Involving Stakeholders?
The Scrum Framework urges teams to involve stakeholders. But many Scrum Teams struggle to do so. For some, involving one or two internal ...
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bits-chips.nl berichtet:
Coaching in the third wave of Agile – part 1
The third wave comes with teams building a technical product and ... The product owner and scrum master roles will need to be clearly defined so ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Create Faster and More Accurate Forecasts Using Probabilities
If a product owner wants to know how long it will take to finish a specific set of items in the product backlog, a traditional approach would be to examine ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Hybrides Projektmanagement - echte Alternative?
Gründe für ausbleibenden Projekterfolg gibt es viele. Der Grundstein für das Scheitern kann jedoch bereits mit der Wahl der falschen ...
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technical.ly berichtet:
Why you shouldn't be afraid of DevOps
Just as Agile helped improve the quality of software, both in its output and in ... and make management of hundreds of AWS resources a simple task.
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business2community.com berichtet:
Project Management Trends for Agencies: What to Skip, What to Adopt
What are some of the top project management trends agencies need to watch out for? Find the right answers in this article. As a project manager, you ...
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theladders.com berichtet:
7 questions you should ask in a project manager interview
Project managers have a unique role with many nuances most people ... like agile software, financial modeling, and scrum management are equally ...
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guidingtech.com berichtet:
6 Best Google Sheets Templates for Project Management
A lot of Google Sheets users use it for project management as well. The fact that it integrates with other Google apps like Docs, Slides, and Forms ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Product Mindset: Encouraging Ownership in a Scrum Team
How is that supposed to scale, you might ask, isn't that approach turning the Product Owner into the Scrum team's bottleneck, impeding value creation ...
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business-wissen.de berichtet:
Wie Sie agile Teamarbeit einführen
Agile Tools wie Design Thinking, Scrum und Kanban dienen vor allem der Entwicklung kreativer Lösungen. Auf der anderen Seite ist es eher ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Product Mindset: Encouraging Ownership in a Scrum Team
There is one product, one Product Owner, one Product Backlog — a simple rule. How is that supposed to scale, you might ask, isn't that approach ...
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m-q.ch berichtet:
Trendreport: „Agil in die goldenen 20er“
Während viele Unternehmen bereits auf agile Methoden wie Scrum und Kanban bauen, fehlt häufig noch ein unternehmensweites Bewusstsein für ...
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