Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
innovations-report.de berichtet:
Personalentwicklung und Projektmanagement im internationalen Fokus
Dem Web Based Training (WBT) „Projektmanagement Essentials nach PMI“ wurde eine besonders hohe didaktische und mediale Qualität ...
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xing.com berichtet:
Ein bisschen Digitalisierung ist nicht genug
Braucht es jetzt eine 180-Grad-Wende oder reichen kleine Schritte? Ein bisschen Digitalisierung ist nicht genug. Dr. Winfried Felser. Insider. Gründer ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How Does Scrum Help you Realize the Value of Failure?
That's the basics of Empiricism, and Scrum is based on Empiricism. That's the reason people always say, the Scrum framework helps to maximize the ...
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sunzinet.com berichtet:
Wir verbinden verschiedene Vorgehensweisen zu genau der passenden Methodik für ihr Projekt. Sie möchten ihr Projekt lieber klassisch angehen, ...
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tapscape.com berichtet:
Project management methodologies: Agile vs Waterfall
Agile methodology is based on four principles Agile Manifesto. Agile methodology is based on iterative development where requirements and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Four Guarantees Every Executive Should Give Scrum Teams
When a team has a single leader to follow, be it scrum manager, product manager or engineering manager, it reduces politics and churn.
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cloudwards.net berichtet:
Best Project Management Software for Freelancers 2019
In our experience, freelancers range from rolling in cash to scrambling to pay the bills every month. Price will be a big factor, so we'll look for tools that ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How Developers Can Learn the Language of Business Stakeholders
This kind of information will support not only the project manager, but most of all the ... Relate it to inventory management, or assets under construction. ... The InfoQ article "Real Options" Underlie Agile Practices explores how we can ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 things a new project manager may find challenging
With all of the things to remember, starting your career as a new project manager can be stressful. Here are five things new project managers may find ...
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tech.co berichtet:
Asana vs Basecamp
Asana and Basecamp are two of the most interesting names you'll encounter when looking at project management software. Both systems have ...
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tech.co berichtet:
Asana vs Wrike
Asana and Wrike are two of the biggest brands in project management software, making Asana vs Wrike a prize title-fight in the category. Asana is a ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement: factro erhält neues Benachrichtigungssystem
Auf Kundenwunsch hat die Software fürs Projektmanagement factro ein neues Benachrichtigungssystem erhalten. Ziel ist es, dass jeder Nutzer die für ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Persönliches Zeitmanagement vs. Team-Produktivität: Was kommt zuerst?
Genau diesen Fragen gehe ich hier nach. Ich spreche über Gewohnheiten, den Online-Kurs “Free The Dream” von Cliff Ravenscraft, weshalb eine hohe Team-Produktivität Unternehmenssache ist, sogar von Fussball und verweise auch auf meine Team Productivity Platform. ...
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bueronymus.de berichtet:
Das grüne Büro
Vor ein paar Jahren lektorierte ich ein Wahlprogramm der GRÜNEN. Das heißt, ich arbeitete es Wort für Wort durch. Und wie ich immer wieder feststellen muss, hat mich das nachhaltig geprägt. ...
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rgalen.com berichtet:
The agile coaching dilemma
Renee Troughton is someone that I don’t follow nearly enough. But when one of her articles crosses my path, it nearly always resonates nicely with my own experience or helps define a concept or notion that I’ve been struggling with. ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Warum sich richtige Priorisierung falsch anfühlt
Wer kennt das nicht: Der Chef schaut vorbei und hat – mal wieder – eine neue Aufgabe, ein Mini-Projekt, oder was auch immer zu besetzen. Das Team, das offensichtlich mehr als ausreichend Arbeit für die nächsten X Wochen oder Monate hat, wird die Hand heben und sagen: „Ja klar, schieben wir irgendwie rein. Ist ja wichtig.“ ...
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age-of-product.com berichtet:
Technical Debt & Scrum: Who Is Responsible?
If technical debt is the plague of our industry, why isn’t the Scrum Guide addressing the question of who is responsibly dealing with it? ...
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empowering.team berichtet:
Doing Strategy
Ever wondered why the 500 ppt slides on corporate strategy did fail in execution, communication and operationalization? ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Improving Scrum Sprint Planning With Liberating Structures
According to creators Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz, Liberating Structures "are easy-to-learn microstructures that enhance relational coordination and trust. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
3 Tips & 8 Seconds that Change the Emotional Climate of your Team
Scrum Masters, ask yourself - Are you a natural servant leader, or do you struggle to be the inspiring coach that creates high-performing teams? ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Die agilen Falschmünzer auf dem Weg in die Cargo-Kult-Hölle
Wer Spotify nachmacht oder SAFe einführt oder nachgemachte oder verfälschte agile Frameworks sich verschafft und als best practice in den Verkehr bringt, wird mit sinnlosen kultischen Handlungen nicht unter 20 Stunden pro Woche und Mitarbeiter bestraft. ...
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agilealliance.org berichtet:
Clear as Mud – Attaining Real Transparency in Agile
How transparent are you? How transparent is your team, your organization? We all know that transparency is an essential aspect of Agile development, but do you really understand just how critical it is? ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Make Scrum Fail
A lot of people have heard about Scrum; some of them know what it is, some of them have tried it already. And for some of them, it failed. In this blog post, I’ll enumerate things you should do if you want your Scrum project to fail. ...
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britta-redmann.de berichtet:
Gute Arbeit durch “Lust am Mitmachen”
FutureBusiness und damit auch eine zukunftsfähige, gute Arbeitswelt braucht Akteure. Menschen, die engagiert unsere Wirtschaft mitgestalten, die Lust haben, „mit zu machen“. Doch wie gelingt es, Menschen zum „lustvollen“ Mitmachen zu bewegen? ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
10 Ways to Be a Successful Change Leader
This month's ASQ's Influential Voices topic is about change leadership. In today’s current climate transformation is a common term and transformative efforts are a regular occurrence. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
What remarkable leaders do that average leaders don’t
Rosa Parks wasn’t the first black woman to stand up for herself in Montgomery, Alabama. On March 2, 1955, nine months before Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus, a skinny 15-year-old schoolgirl was yanked by both wrists and dragged off a very similar bus. (Newsweek) ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:
Leadership statt Leadershit - mach mich nicht zum Schaf!
Braucht die moderne Organisation Hierarchie und Management oder kann man das abschaffen? Eine neue Art der Führung brauchen wir in jedem Fall, um allen Herausforderungen der Postmoderne gerecht zu werden. ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
The workplace revolution: work-life balance & social norms
As explorers of radically engaging workplaces, we try to read all notable articles published on the topic. We read them, we rank them and we share them. ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
5 best practices to distribute decision-making
An important feature of traditional organizations is centralized authority. This suggests decision-making competence rises with level in the hierarchy. This is obviously nonsense. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
What is a RACI Chart in Project Management?
When it comes to any project team, the assigning of roles and configuring of the approval process can often cause considerable and damaging delays. When this happens, it is up to the project manager to formulate an effective RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix), like using a RACI chart, to clarify who’s supposed to be doing what and what kind of input different people will have to various topics. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
The Pros for Big Bang Change Implementation
A big bang adoption of a process or system is an instant changeover, a “one-and-done” type of approach in which everyone associated with a new system or process switches over in mass at a specific point in time. ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:
5 Ways To Improve Benefits Realisation By The PMO
Establishing the benefits that can be derived from a project remains one of the most elusive things for the PMO to achieve. ...
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qahiccupps.blogspot.com berichtet:
The Value of Testing is ...
I was at Cambridge Agile Exchange's first Unconference the other night and I pitched a 15-minute discussion with the title The value of testing is ...: ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Why Every Team Wall Should Have Personas on Them
As CEO and Product Owner for Scrum.org I get the amazing opportunity to visit lots of different companies. Recently I spent a week in Brazil visiting some amazing companies and talking about agility. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Clean Your Backlogs
I've been working at the intersection of the project portfolio and the product roadmaps. (You can tell because of the various posts about information persistence.) Here's what I find when I work with my clients: ...
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velociteach.com berichtet:
Episode 83 – crisis decision-making: climb a tree, run, or stand still
What do you do when you are at a crisis decision point? What do you choose, and how do you make that decision? ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Best Ways to Lead your Project Management Team Remotely
Have you ever managed to have that long-distance relationship with your employees being a project manager? Well, we all are aware of long distance relationships being a little difficult to maintain. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
When Your Job Is Your Identity, Professional Failure Hurts More
Jake is three and he is tired. He wants to be picked up and held. “It’s okay sweetie,” his mom, Kate, sings as she reaches down to pick him up. Midway through the lift Jake writhes, throws his head back, and knees her in the stomach. ...
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projectmanager.com berichtet:
10 Office Etiquette Tips to Swear By
Office etiquette might sound like an old-fashioned concept, and perhaps it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s antiquated. Good manners have a purpose. They provide a social roadmap and foster a culture of respect where people on the job can get along better. ...
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producthabits.com berichtet:
How 51 leading tech teams define the Product Manager role
What are companies actually hiring Product Managers to do? What responsibilities should a PM expect to own? And what product skills are in demand? ...
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