Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 88: PO Toolbox, Teil 2 - Gemeinsames Verständnis
Wir begeben uns wieder in den User Story Baumarkt und befüllen im zweiten Teil der PO Toolbox unsere Werkzeugkiste mit Tools, die dazu dienen ein gemeinsames Verständnis innerhalb des Teams zu erzielen. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Knowledge Sharing – Wissen teilen ist Macht
Kürzlich habe ich in einer Präsentation die Aussage gehört, dass sich durch die Corona-Krise unser berufliches und privates Leben noch schneller von verändert. VUKA als Akronym für Volatilität, Ungewissheit, Komplexität und Ambiguität lässt grüßen. ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Doing Agile Right: From Agile Mindset To Agile Principles
“An agile transition is a perpetual improvement process, not a project with a ... Some link “agile mindset” to the work of MIT management professor ...
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iotforall.com berichtet:
5 Tips to Prevent Your IoT Project from Taking a Wrong Turn
Other factors affecting IoT project success rates include the lack of technical talent, limited budgets, and unclear bottom-line benefits. Chris Howard, ...
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continuitycentral.com berichtet:
How could using Agile project management techniques change the way we conduct BIAs?
While there is no general definition for 'Agile' project management, it can be seen as using a collection of lightweight approaches and methods in ...
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federalnewsnetwork.com berichtet:
Agile Method: a conversation with Darrell Rigby
He is a certified Scrum Master, and skilled Agile trainer, coach, and practitioner. He recently co-authored articles about Agile Innovation in the Harvard ...
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ip-insider.de berichtet:
Was ist Work Management?
Doch Work Management ist nicht nur anders als Projektmanagement (auch wenn es sehr gut für Projekte zum Einsatz kommen kann), sondern kann ...
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devops.com berichtet:
DataOps and DevOps: A Match Made in Heaven
Flexibility — Because agile methodology insists on managing the raised change request, teams aligned with DevOps will be able to manage any ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Erfolgreiches DevOps führt zu mehr Kundenzufriedenheit
Der nächste logische Schritt heißt DevOps, ein Kunstwort aus Development ... In der alten Welt konzentrierte sich die Software-Entwicklung auf die ...
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ericsson.com berichtet:
How to create a fair intrapreneurship process
Set intrapreneurs up for success. At Ericsson ONE, we work hard to ensure our intrapreneurs' projects are successful throughout the entire innovation ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How Big Tech Was Built On Agile Principles
It produced the mother board in just forty days and the whole project in about a ... Unlike IBM or GE, Microsoft's top management embraced the Agile ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Wie DataOps die Datenlieferkette optimieren sollen
Der Begriff DevOpsDevOps - ein Kunstwort aus Development und ... Prozessen und Technologien, um "agileagile und automatisierte Ansätze für das ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
InLoox präsentiert kostenlose Online-Projektmanagement-Lösung
Schneller Einstieg in das Software-gestützte Projektmanagement mit der neuen InLoox now! Starter-Edition. InLoox Starter: Der Arbeitsplatz in InLoox ...
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news.efinancialcareers.com berichtet:
Scrum Master Interview Questions: How to Prepare
“In the IT industry, Agile method is rapidly rising as the norm in delivering,” Richard Cheng, VP of Training and Chief Product Owner at NextUp ...
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themandarin.com.au berichtet:
Project management in agile environments
Within project management solution, PRINCE2 Agile, there is a useful checklist that helps project managers become aware of four areas that are ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Design Thinking in HR
Während bei agilen Methoden wie Scrum Teilprodukte in Sprints entwickelt werden, wählt die Design-Thinking-Methode einen ganzheitlicheren ...
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pinkuniversity.de berichtet:
Scrum im Überblick - so machst du dein Team produktiv
Scrum ist ein Framework aus dem Bereich des agilen Projektmanagements. Es zeichnet sich durch Iteration, kurze Zyklen im Feedback und eine klare ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Geplanter Erfolg: Projekte managen mit Merlin
Eine möglichst präzise Planung trägt erheblich zum Gelingen wichtiger Vorhaben bei. Projektmanagement-Software wie Merlin Project hilft Ihnen ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Project Management In The Age Of Remote Working: Three Tips For Managing Team Members
On the plus side, the move to all-remote teams could prove to be the spur that some businesses need to rethink processes that were no longer ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
10 project management tips to take organizations to the next level
Project management positions are an invaluable part of an organization's day-to-day operations and long-term goals. After all, there's a reason these ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
3 Things Virtual Teams Need from a Scrum Master
Scrum Teams are always dealing with complex problems, unpredictability, and change. When they are working in a virtual environment, there can be ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Create a culture of appreciation within your virtual team
My musings on project management, project portfolio management and change management. I'm a firm believer that a pragmatic approach to ...
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knowyourteam.com berichtet:
Virtual team building: How to build trust in a remote team beyond games and activities
You want your team to feel connected remotely… but how do you do it without cheesy games and activities? Here are 8 ways to get virtual team building right. ...
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agilesocks.com berichtet:
5 Ways to Support Your Team (and Yourself) in Uncertain Times
As a coach, I’ve gotten many inquiries from colleagues and students asking for advice. How do I support my team during a time when we have and are still experiencing so much change and high levels of uncertainty? How do I even support myself right now? ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
The Five Types of People to Surround Yourself with for Success
Success is made up of hard work, commitment and passion but perhaps one of the most crucial factors to take into account is who we choose to surround ourselves with. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
A Guide to Dealing with the Growing Tiredness & Boredom of the New Normal
This pandemic is no longer an exciting (but scary) novelty. We’re a couple months into this lockdown and crisis, and it’s starting to wear on many of us. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The plate-drop challenge: how to respond to failure
The only way to learn how many plates you can spin is to break some plates. The question of capacity guarantees failure. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
10 Powerful Questions to Create Better Sprint Goals
Almost everybody sees the value of Sprint Goals. But most teams struggle with them nonetheless. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to creating good Sprint Goals. Sure, there are helpful canvasses and conceptual models out there, like this one and this one. ...
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produktwerker.de berichtet:
Mit Liberating Structures als Product Owner Zombie Scrum entkommen
Liberating Structures sind eine Option, um echte Zusammenarbeit zu etablieren. Daher haben wir mit Johannes Schartau von Holisticon gesprochen, ob und wie Liberating Structures Produkt Ownern unterstützen können. ...
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kurswechsel.jetzt berichtet:
Decision Poker – spielerisch reflektierte Entscheidungen treffen
Ein Spiel, das zur Handlungsfähigkeit bewegt, weil es Teams und Organisationen zu gut überlegten Entscheidungen befähigt. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Sinn und Vertrauen in der Krise
Verteiltes Arbeiten und Führung auf Distanz basiert auf Sinn und Vertrauen. Wo beides nicht sehr ausgeprägt war, wird die Corona-Krise zur Vertrauens- und Sinnkrise. Daraus kann man lernen – oder möglichst schnell das vorige Betriebssystem der Organisation hochfahren. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Frischzellenkur Selbstorganisation? Ein häufiges Missverständnis und seine Konsequenzen
Als mich Ralf Volkmer dazu eingeladen hat, für leanbase.de einen Artikel oder sogar eine Kolumne zu schreiben, habe ich das Themenanliegen auf Twitter weiter gegeben, um allgemeines Interesse abzufragen. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Four Symptoms of Zombie Scrum
An introduction of the 4 symptoms, with the symptom ‘No desire for contact with the outside world’ explained in detail ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The road from Business Analyst to Product Owner
The transition from Business Analyst to a Product Owner is something that happens often and naturally. I started as a Developer, then became a Business Analyst and finally got promoted to Product Owner. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Is “Soft Sand” Slowing Down Your Scrum Team?
Relaxing on a beach, lying on the warm, soft sand, listening to the meditative sounds of the ocean waves….. just thinking about that scene can begin to relax even the busiest mind. ...
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felipecastro.com berichtet:
How OKR Helped Gmail Reach 1 Billion Users: an Interview with Itamar Gilad
What exactly does OKR look like in practice at the company that popularized it? I know many readers are curious about OKR at Google, so I’m happy to introduce you to Itamar Gilad, who, as former Lead Product Manager and Head of Growth at Gmail, helped, among other things, launch the Tabbed Inbox feature and grow Gmail from 400 million to 1 billion users. ...
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herbig.co berichtet:
Product Discovery
When the roadmaps for the year ahead get crafted, you should be able to rank the themes you and your team want to work on. Most often, those topics result from epics you've worked on before, your Product Strategy, user feedback or the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) for your team. ...
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mattphilip.wordpress.com berichtet:
NoEstimates, Applied
A colleague recently posed the following rhetorical scenario about how to deal with a situation that presumably requires upfront estimates, to which I responded internally. I’m republishing it here, as I think it’s a common question, especially for service providers who are perhaps skeptical and/or misinformed about NoEstimates techniques and philosophy. ...
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talente.co berichtet:
Virtuelles Arbeiten ohne E-Mails durch Asana: Best Cases
Mit Asana können also nicht nur Projekte, sondern auch Prozesse, ... und Schulung für das weltweit führende Arbeits-Management-Tool Asana.
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builtin.com berichtet:
How to Build a Successful Data Science Workflow
When undertaking new data science projects, data scientists must consider the specificities of the project, past experiences and personal preferences ...
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