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datensicherheit.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement 4.0: Die Symbiose aus klassisch und agil
Das Projektmanagement habe sich übrigens immer schon dazu verpflichtet, Komplexität beherrschbar zu machen, egal ob die einzelnen Prozesse ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Scrum zur Miete
Agil bei Arbeit, Sport und Spiel. Eine neue Variante bietet nun die Jenaer Web-Agentur Flyacts Mit einem externem Scrum-Team können Anwender ...
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agitano.com berichtet:
Projektmanagement: Welche Funktionen hat eine gute PM-Software?
Die PM-Software kann für jedes Unternehmen hilfreich sein. Entscheidend ist, wie sie verwendet wird. Denn die Einsatzgebiete sind sehr vielfältig.
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rehm-verlag.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung und agiles Arbeiten in der Verwaltung
Die Begriffe Digitalisierung und Agilisierung sind in aller Munde. Sie stehen u. a. für den permanenten Wandel in der Arbeitswelt. Die Digitalisierung ...
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channelpartner.de berichtet:
Wann Sie Ihr Projekt killen sollten
... negative Informationen zu ignorieren und nach Bestätigung für ihre eigenen Annahmen zu suchen", erklärt der Experte für Projektmanagement.
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heug.org berichtet:
Which Projects Should be Agile?
This is an interesting question raised during and after the PCM webinar entitled "Agile Project Management Methodologies". This same question has ...
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rtinsights.com berichtet:
DataOps: The Antidote for Congested Data Pipelines
DataOps is an emerging set of agile practices, processes, and technologies for ... DataOps, at its core, is a methodology that aims to streamline all the ... real-time data analytics and collaborative data management approaches.
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appinventiv.com berichtet:
Top 10 Mobile Product Managers Skills to Master in 2020
The role of a mobile project manager goes beyond the role of a manager. .... This can be achieved by adhering to the agile product management ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
DevOps terms: 10 essential concepts, explained
Terms like DevOps and agile are sometimes used interchangeably. Some concepts ... Alan Zucker, founding principal, Project Management Essentials ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
The End of Agile: A Rebuttal
This works whatever the nature of the project (no, agile is not just for ... business development, software development, and project management at ...
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internet-fuer-architekten.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement im Architekturbüro: Methoden und Tools für Planer
Ein zentrales Instrument ist die tägliche Kontrolle der Arbeitsorganisation im „Daily Scrum“. Alle Teil-Ergebnisse werden frühzeitig und fortlaufend mit ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Die agile Art des Outsourcing
Bei FLYACTS können Unternehmen ein SCRUM Team mieten und erhalten damit ... Lean Development für schnelle und leistungsfähige Ergebnisse
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
The Power of No
Work-in-progress, work entry and “no” are highly interrelated. Not saying no generates a cascade failure that reduces efficiency, quality, and value, while at the same time increasing cost, time-to-market, and turnover. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Managing Sprint Interruptions by Tracking Buffer Use
In an ideal world, a Scrum team could perform the work of its sprints entirely uninterrupted. Product owners would never introduce change. ...
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anaxi.com berichtet:
How to Use – and NOT Abuse – Software Engineering Metrics
Software engineering is one of the top pillars for an organization to become one of the best performers in their industry. ...
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thedigitalprojectmanager.com berichtet:
How Many Projects Should I Manage?
It’s common for project managers to wonder, “How many projects should I manage?” ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
Four Misconceptions about the Critical Path
Most non-technical people don’t know what the critical path is; whereas, those that work on IT projects know what it means at a high level, but have few insights into the actual mechanics of it—and how quickly it can change the outcome of their projects! ...
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binfire.com berichtet:
Project Management Plan- Key components
Projects, no matter their scope, duration or size, need a carefully built project management plan. This is true regardless of the project management methodology used to manage the project. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
The silver lining on the people management cloud of project-oriented structures
While the relative level of formal authority vested in a project manager is greater in project-oriented (formerly projectized) organization structures than in matrix ones, the downside of this authority is that the project manager will spend much more time on people management administrative activities such as performance evaluations, hiring and supporting their professional development. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Top 12 Project Management Jargon Terms
Here’s our list of the top 12 project management jargon terms. We’ve based this list on the most viewed videos in our Project Management in Under 5 Minutes series. ...
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rogerswannell.com berichtet:
A single piece of information: pipeline or platform
A few years ago, if an organisation wanted to present a piece of information to their customers they might go through a process something like: decide what to write, write it, publish it on their website, tell customers where to go to read it. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
10 Questions to Consider when Setting up a Corporate A.I project
By now, all self-respecting executives have heard of A.I and thought “Mmhm, yeah, I’d like to get myself a piece of that action”. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
How to navigate weakness on your team
You love working with the people on your team. BUT there are a few things that drive you nuts. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
5 Ways to Cultivate a Problem Solving Culture
Organizations cannot improve unless they consistently seek out and solve their problems. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Use Data to Improve Your Sprint Retrospectives
Most agile teams do sprint retrospectives at least once a month, to iterate and improve on their software development process and workflow. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Extreme Programming in Agile – A Practical Guide for Project Managers
We have received an awful lot of requests about extreme programming in waterfall — and that how one could benefit from it as a project manager. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 3: What Is The Recipe, The Right Answer?
I started this series asking where “Agile” was headed. Part 1 was about the 4 big problems I see. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
„Unzuständig“, „zuständig“ – das leidige Thema Kundenorientierung
Aus dem Urlaub habe ich zwei Geschichten mitgebracht, die beide das Thema „Zuständigkeitsprüfung“ betreffen und beide zufällig mit der Bahn zu tun haben. ...
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collectivecampus.io berichtet:
Design thinking playbook
A can of WD-40 can be found in millions of homes around the world. However, the world's favourite penetrating oil and water-displacing spray wasn’t perfect from the very beginning and it took 39 failed attempts to perfect the formula. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
How to Master Innovation (without the) Labs
Despite up to 96% of all innovation projects failing to make any return on investment and 97% of large businesses believing digital innovation to be critical to their future success, how do organisations find the balance between challenging the status quo and creating innovative products and services time and time again? ...
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chiefmartec.com berichtet:
Want to innovate like Amazon? Here’s their formula
You can’t escape Amazon in the digital economy. Now a trillion-dollar company, they have disrupted diverse sectors from retail to software development with a deftness and drive that’s admirable and alarming. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 1: Do You Need an Agile Approach?
I spoke at Agile 2019 last week. I had both a great time and a heart-rending realization. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 2: Where Does Management Fit?
In Part 1, I wrote about how “Agile” is not a silver bullet and is not right for every team and every product. This post is about how management fits into agile approaches. ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Zuerst das Große platzieren: methodisch vorgehen ist kinderleicht
Wer Gesellschaftsspiele mag, kennt vielleicht die analoge Tetris-Variante Ubongo, bei der aus Quadraten zusammengesetzte Plättchen in verschiedene Formen gelegt werden. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Practice Pair Programming for Great Results
Pair Programming (PP) is an extreme programming approach to produce better software where two people work together at one computer and work is reviewed as it is done. ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Agil als Missverständnis
Wenn man über Agile Missverständnisse spricht, darf man das wichtigste Missverständnis nicht aussen vor lassen: Agil! ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
How to survive and thrive in imperfect organizations
You’re surrounded by imperfection. Everyone has a handful of strengths and a bucketful of weaknesses. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
The Magic of Small User Stories
I often run into teams that like big User Stories. Why spend time writing, planning and estimating a bunch of small stories when you can write, plan and estimate just one big story? ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Using Bets, Boards and Missions to Inspire Org-wide Agility
Cutler: Heidi and I do go way back, I started working at a company in Southern California, and Heidi was just picking away at me. ...
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marcusoft.net berichtet:
How we agile - principle-led & context-dependent
Agile is soon (?) to be forgotten and ditched like yesterdays clothes if you ask some agilistas that I follow. ...
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