Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
hbr.org berichtet:
How to Hand Off an Innovation Project from One Team to Another
Nearly every business leader I meet fears being overcome by tech-savvy upstarts. That fear drives their companies to invest millions into coming up with breakthrough innovations. ...
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herdingcats.typepad.com berichtet:
Project Management of Product Development
There's a popular fallacy in the agile community of products over projects. This, of course, is based on the lack of knowledge of Managerial Finance, Systems Engineering and Product Development principles and processes. ...
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susannemadsen.co.uk berichtet:
The Best Project Management Podcasts
Personal and professional growth should be one of the highest priorities on anyone’s to-do-list. Progressing, expanding and getting better at what we do is one of the fundamental human needs that we all have. ...
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agilityinmind.com berichtet:
There’s no big difference between Scrum and Kanban so pick one and get on with it
Don’t say this too loudly around agile conferences, but when it comes to the day-to-day work, Scrum and Kanban are basically the same. ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Industrie 4.0: Produktionscontrolling muss an digitale Wertschöpfung angepasst werden
Für die digitale Wertschöpfung durch Industrie 4.0 muss das Produktionscontrolling angepasst werden. Vorgehen, Schwerpunkte und Erfahrungen ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Kundenzentrierung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: Tipps für den Erfolg
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass Digitalisierung Unternehmen antreibt, zunehmend Angebote zu entwickeln, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Mein Scrum ist kaputt #59: Emotionale Belastungen als Manager*in (mit Lisa Kretschmer)
Lisa Kretschmer ist Development Managerin bei Electronic Arts und hat in ihrer Karriere bereits einige emotional belastende Phasen, wie die ...
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clickliverpool.com berichtet:
What Should you Use – Kanban or Scrum?
If you have heard of Kanban before, the likelihood is that you will also have heard of Scrum. The big debate over Kanban vs scrum board is an ...
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themediaonline.co.za berichtet:
A different look at Agile Certification
A fierce debate has raged for many years in the Agile community around the value of certifications such as Certified Scrum Master. The argument for ...
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businessadministrationinformation.com berichtet:
What Can Project Management Education Do for Me?
Project management professionals are usually pictured as employees of huge corporations who coordinate large teams and manage massive ...
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digitaljournal.com berichtet:
What will be the Project Management Software Systems market growth rate by type, application?
The latest research study from HTF MI with title Global Project Management Software Systems by Manufacturers, Regions, Type, and Application, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How to Manage Remote Employees
Use the following tips to manage your remote workers effectively. ... To make projects easier to follow, check out project management software.
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prnewswire.com berichtet:
Quick Base Brings Kanban Reports to its No-Code Development Platform
Quick Base, a leader in no-code application development platforms, today announced the release of Kanban reports, a new ...
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qualitydigest.com berichtet:
Personal Kanban: Work Not Chosen
Personal Kanban: Work Not Chosen. The point of the options column is to give you the option of not doing tasks. Published: Wednesday, August 22, ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Wenn klassische Planung an ihre Grenzen stößt
Sind auch Sie ein wenig ratlos, ob agiles Projektmanagement für Ihr Projekt überhaupt sinnvoll ist? Und wenn ja, wie sollen Sie Ihr Projekt nun ganz ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Praxis-Check Software-Architektur: DDD, Microservices und die Rolle als Projektmanager
Das ist aber kein Projektmanagement und auch nichts Neues. Domain-driven Design ist auch schon fast 15 Jahre alt. Am Ende sollte der Architekt wie ...
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huffingtonpost.de berichtet:
Wie sich Scrum und CSR-Management verbinden lassen
Interview mit Mirjam Gawellek. Mirjam Gawellek, geboren 1981, ist Projektmanagerin, CSR-Managerin und zertifizierter Scrum Master. Nach ihrem ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:
3 Tips for Project Managers to Manage Input From Multiple Stakeholders
Managing the feeling of the stakeholders, though, will be perhaps top among all of ... Related Article: How to Use Salesforce for Project Management ...
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techbullion.com berichtet:
Zoom is a Blockchain Platform for Project Management and Outsourcing: Interview with the CEO ...
Zoom is a platform for outsourcing and project management. It codes agreements and contracts into smart contracts, making sure people get paid for ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
How to manage project volatility
This is the only way it can be planned for and managed, according to George Pitagorsky, New York-based process and project management ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Projects and Products in Scrum
Agile coaching is a journey into irony. One of the chief discoveries you can make on this voyage is that the more experienced you become, the worse ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Why Your Product Backlog Should Look Like an Iceberg
will contain a prioritized list of desired features, each sized differently and written at varying levels of detail. ...
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agilesocks.com berichtet:
Scrum Mastery: 5 Steps to Leverage the Organization
This is the fifth in a series of posts exploring Scrum Mastery. In our first post, we introduced the 4 dimensions of Scrum Mastery: ...
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blog.borisgloger.com berichtet:
Magic System Mapping oder „How to make toast“
Ein und dasselbe Thema – viele Sichtweisen und Wissensstände. So sieht es oft in einem Team aus, bevor es an die Entwicklung eines Produkts ...
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lostconsultants.com berichtet:
How To Structure A User Story
As my last post was about how to write good User Stories, this post is about good structures for them. When developing products that require several team and stakeholders to collaborate, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Myth : Scrum Master is an Information dispenser
This is the second in a series of posts exploring some of the myths about Scrum Mastery. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
If you manage projects, you will have come across a Gantt chart. Even if you don’t manage projects but are involved in project teams, or you manage Agile projects – Gantt charts are everywhere. ...
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drunkenpm.blogspot.com berichtet:
Communication Tips for Distributed Teams - from Agile 2018 w/ Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby
In this podcast interview, which was recorded live at Agile 2018, Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby offer some tips on how to improve communication in distributed teams. ...
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insights.dice.com berichtet:
Best Practices for Running Productive Agile Scrum Meetings
If you've ever attended a sprint planning session that was hijacked by a teammate with an alpha personality, or a daily stand-up that got lost in the ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 signs you hired the right project manager
No one project manager is the right fit for all of your company's projects. ... manager is genuinely focused on the successful outcome of that project.
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knowledge.insead.edu berichtet:
Agile Boards of Directors: A Fad or the Future?
Born in the software industry, the Agile philosophy quickly moved beyond it, laying the foundation for a revolutionary approach to project management ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How Agile Is Your Team? How To Transform Your Teams And Your Business To Thrive In Ambiguity
These teams come together fluidly to work on a project, evolve as the ... to know the basics of marketing, user research and project management.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Think in Products, Not Projects
Retrospectives are a powerful tool for product management; they give you the ... Usually we see results with the first Agile project and we get in the routine of repeating the same things and expect better results, project after project.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Ein Barometer für die Digitalisierung
Ohne Mitarbeiter mit den entsprechenden Fähigkeiten können Unternehmen die Digitalisierung zumeist nicht bewältigen. Umgekehrt werden sich ...
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Zerstören Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz klassische Marken?
Marken leiden unter der Digitalisierung und der Dominanz weniger mächtiger Plattformen. Markenexperte Jan Döring betrachtet die Konsequenzen ...
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td.org berichtet:
A Lifelong Learner With a Desire to Always Do Better
... began his efforts focusing on senior-level development and then expanding his course offering to a project management (PM) certification program.
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it-production.com berichtet:
Kulturwandel in der Ingenieurswelt
Methoden wie Scrum, Design Thinking oder Working out Loud halten Einzug in das Arbeitsumfeld der Ingenieure. Was diese Schlagworte konkret ...
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all-electronics.de berichtet:
Predictive Maintenance als Geschäftsmodell
Wie sich dieses Geschäftsmodell unter den Bedingungen von Industrie 4.0 wandelt und Unternehmen künftig auch mit Services Geld verdienen ...
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aerzteblatt.de berichtet:
Wie sich die Digitalisierung auf die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten auswirkt
Die Digitalisierung ist in den Unternehmen angekommen und wandelt die Arbeitswelt rapide. Die Beschäftigten spüren den Wandel an ...
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handelsblatt.com berichtet:
SPD-Chefin Nahles will Tech-Riesen stärker regulieren und kooperative Plattformen fördern
Dazu gehört die Digitalisierung, die viele Menschen verunsichert. Nahles spricht vielen der Anwesenden aus der Seele, als sie die Marktmacht der ...
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