Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
itpro.co.uk berichtet:
UK 'wastes billions every year' on failed agile projects
The company questioned 300 CIOs about how they're using agile project management methodologies and their successes and failures. Although the ...
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
ClickUp is the First Project Management Solution Made for Everyone
"[Most companies] get whichever project management tool is cheapest, or is the cheapest they can get away with," Explained CEO Zeb Evans, "that is, ...
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konversionskraft.de berichtet:
5 Projektmanagement Tools, die jeder Conversion Optimierer kennen sollte
Auf dem Markt gibt es allerhand Projektmanagement Tools. Da fällt es nicht leicht, den Überblick zu behalten. MS Project und JIRA sind wohl jedem ...
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ciodive.com berichtet:
4 reasons why most data science projects fail
Starting with the right question sets the stage for a successful data science project through increased accuracy and efficiency, resulting in purposeful ...
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cio.de berichtet:
4 Ansätze von Forrester: Design Thinking und Agile fehlt Verzahnung
Weil Design Thinking und Agile Development nur selten Hand in Hand arbeiten, kommt es zu Problemen. Forrester nennt 4 Ansätze für eine bessere ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum as a Driver for Organizational Change
When talking about Scrum, people often imagine the picture above: framework and its roles, artifacts, and events. Scrum rules are fairly simple, and ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Practical Coaching Tips for Scrum Masters to Drive Change and Engagement
In this blog, we will explore few practical coaching tactics that a Scrum Master can apply to drive more engagement and the right behavior in Scrum ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Marketer's Guide to Project Management Methodologies
In 2001, seventeen representatives from several IT specialties and backgrounds—programming, SCRUM, adaptive software, and so forth—developed ...
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cio.com berichtet:
How to connect business strategy with project management
Making the connection between your business strategy and project management isn't easy, but it is necessary if projects are going to serve a purpose ...
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information-age.com berichtet:
Project managers need to skill-up to thrive in the “transformation economy”
New research by AXELOS, global custodian of PRINCE2, the practiced project management methodology, has suggested that the project manager ...
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
ClickUp Could Become the Slack of Project Management
ClickUp, a project management platform that just entered it's second BETA phase, plans on ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projekt Magazin > Large-Scale Scrum mit dem LeSS-Framework. Mit vielen Teams erfolgreich ein ...
Mit vielen Teams erfolgreich ein Produkt mit Scrum entwickeln - wie lässt sich das koordinieren? Zum Beispiel mit dem LeSS-Framework, das Sie ...
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she-works.de berichtet:
Thea Weiland – Gründerin von „7leads“ & „Scrum for Families“
Thea Weiland hat gegründet, im IT-Bereich. Und sie hat zeitgleich auch noch Zwillinge bekommen. Wie bekommt man das alles unter einen Hut?
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Digitale Transformation und das Viable System Model
Das erste Handlungsfeld ist also das Management der Kanäle des Operativen in den Markt und die Organisation, die Koordination bzw. Prozesse ...
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buchreport.de berichtet:
Tausendsassa für die Projektorganisation
Im Projektmanagement beschreibt jede Liste in der Regel einen bestimmten Status (im einfachsten Fall z.B. „erledigt“, „in QA“, „in Bearbeitung“ ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Managing Technical Debt
Do not accustom yourself to consider debt only as an inconvenience; you will find it a calamity” - Samuel Johnson.
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
Scrum: 19 Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns
Scrum's sprint planning is a simple ceremony. Invest upfront during the product backlog refinement, and you will keep it productive. Avoiding the ...
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blog.hubspot.com berichtet:
13 Project Management Terms You Should Know [Infographic]
These basic project management terms could come in handy on your next big project.
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Are Your Projects Suffering from Self-Inflicted Complexity?
So why do so many project managers impose self-inflicted complexity on their projects instead of finding ways to simplify, simplify, simplify? I believe ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Leadership Agility in a VUCA World
... Agility Advantage in a VUCA World and co-authored two other books -- Managing Change in Organizations and Project Change Management.
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manufacturingglobal.com berichtet:
7 project management tips for manufacturers
There is a lot of work and even more detail involved in taking a project from the original concept to completion. Plus, there is usually a lot riding on the ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Why emotional intelligence is key for project success
In the past, its impact on business and project success has been misunderstood and undervalued, but the connection is quickly becoming crystal-clear ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
We Value Tools Too
I'd like to share my experiences in working both with and without tools designed for a specific purpose. I worry when colleagues and teammates talk ...
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afterdigital.co.uk berichtet:
Best practice JIRA management for your scrum team
Our scrum master explains the best JIRA practice to implement in your office and with your team.
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bizjournals.com berichtet:
Five management tips to improve project results
Organizations that target these key areas have higher rates of success with projects — the strategic initiatives that drive organizational change.
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
Time-Saving Tips and Tech to Keep Employees Happy
Instant messaging and project management tools can serve as great meeting replacements. With these tools, status updates and project check-ins can ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Megaprojekt Seidenstraße: Wie China den alten Mythos zur neuen Schlagader des Welthandels ...
Die Entwicklung der "neuen Seidenstraße" zeigt deutlich auf, welche Rolle Projekte und deren Management für die Umsetzung politischer Ambitionen ...
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mit-blog.de berichtet:
Karriere als Projektleiter machen: Das lernen wir von Donald Trump!
Professor Pfeffer analysiert: Erfolgreiche Manager und Politiker sind ... Zeugnisse und Belege sammeln: Nicht erfolgreiches Projektmanagement zählt, ...
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business-on.de berichtet:
Personal und Karriere: Wie Mitarbeiter ohne formale Führungsfunktion an Akzeptanz gewinnen
Immer öfter richtet sich die kollegiale Zusammenarbeit an den Bedingungen von Projektarbeit aus. Denn die Komplexität und Intensität der ...
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statescoop.com berichtet:
States love agile, new data shows
State government projects that use agile methodologies are virtually always ... And you'll find you're not having to have that conversation managing ... delivery disciplines — things like project management, construction, testing, and ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Four factors that will improve project outcomes
The survey, which involved nearly 3 000 project management practitioners from around the world including senior executives and project ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to facilitate more productive project meetings
Project meetings are an interwoven part of each stage of project management, and typically cover things like planning, project kick-off, status updates, ...
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learning.linkedin.com berichtet:
Project Managers Are Being Replaced by AI. Here's how to Avoid That.
As a project manager, relying too heavily on shortsighted thinking can be detrimental. It can be extremely tempting for you to overanalyze problems by ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
10 Tipps für gutes Risikomanagement
Projekte ohne Risiken gibt es nicht. Im Projektmanagement ist man mit permanenten (Ver-)Änderungen und daher ständig mit Chancen und Risiken ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Chat, Social Media & Co. – mit „Reverse Mentoring“ die digitale Projektwelt entdecken
Doch viele Projektmanager tun sich schwer mit der Nutzung dieser Medien. Prof. Mühlfelder empfiehlt fünf Strategien, mit den digitalen Chancen ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Would You Eat Your Hamburger Layer by Layer?
Formal approvals are a fundamental part of Agile/Scrum. The sprint (and also the planning) ritual will be much more attractive and real if we choose ...
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business.itbusinessnet.com berichtet:
Companies Worldwide Are Becoming Agile
The use of Agile and Scrum?the most popular Agile framework?has also expanded to departments outside of IT, and more teams are taking ...
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blog.acorel.nl berichtet:
From Siebel to SAP CRM with Scrum
This blogs provides project experience on how to accomplish such a migration project from Siebel to SAP CRM in a short time frame with a scrum way ...
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news.sys-con.com berichtet:
Collaborative Work Management – Is it a project or a process?
The process is often obscured in project managers like Gantt charts, where it's difficult to get a holistic view of how works flows through the project.
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
Planview Elevates Collaborative Work Management with New Projectplace Workspaces for All the ...
Projectplace streamlines the interaction between typical project management activities, Kanban boards, and task cards to directly connect planning ...
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