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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Die Scrum-Revolution

Die Idee des agilen Projektmanagements ist alles andere neu. Schon vor ... und die Kosten möglichst exakt geschätzt („Plan Driven Development“).
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Challenges of Large System-Integration Agile Projects

A large system-integration project, on its own, is a challenge for a development team and its stakeholders. Having to adopt the Agile method to ...
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The essential role of project management in UX

Where digital and UX are concerned, project managers deal with a number of aspects such as team resourcing, scheduling meetings, and financial ...
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Die vier "Spielfelder" der Teamkommunikation

Da Rollen wie Scrum Master, Product Owner, Teamleiter etc. selbst Teil der Teamkommunikation sind, bewegen sie sich permanent in einem ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

How to use scrum for app development QA testing

Scrum works well in design and prototyping. Here's why it should should it be used to address other areas of app development and deployment.
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techworm.net berichtet:

Top 10 project management tools for 2016

Project management is one of the high-responsibility tasks in modern organizations. Project management is used in several types of projects ranging ...
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gocertify.com berichtet:

How Does CompTIA's Project+ Compare to PMI's PMP?

Project management concept jigsaw puzzle So you are ... Currently, there are two widely respected project management certifications available in the ...
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pddnet.com berichtet:

How to Strategically Approach New Product Development

Effectively managing a new product development (NPD) program can be ... introduced over 30 years ago by innovation management expert, Robert ... 2) resource investment and project focus; 3) idea-to-launch framework; and 4) ...
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cio.com berichtet:

To avoid IT project management failure, strip rank of its privileges

How ownership of a Project Management issue should be a shared responsibility, as seniority or rank does not give you exclusivity on solutions.
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itweb.co.za berichtet:

Executives struggle to build agile firms

This is according to Changepoint's Business Agility: Is it Easy to Pivot? report, released yesterday, which surveyed 1 257 project management ...
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stantec.com berichtet:

How to manage BIM projects: 4 lessons for project managers

For many project managers, transitioning to BIM can be like transitioning to parenthood. You can read all the books you want but nothing really ...
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cio.com berichtet:

4 ways to make agile and waterfall work together

But in selling the project to upper management and the finance ... If you think hard about it, agile and waterfall are nearly contradictory philosophies.
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Die drei Seiten der Projektmedaille

Micha glaubt, es ist ein Projekt ohne Potential für "Herzinfarkt-Puls-Frequenz", denn er sieht keine unkontrollierbare Risiken, keine "technische ...
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4 Management Tactics to Help Grow Profitability of Your Security Business

It can be easy to overlook business management practices, but they're ... and efficiently handle all aspects of project management from start to finish.
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5 Tips For eLearning Project Management Success Without Sacrificing

eLearning designers need time and freedom to design, but project managers want to closely define project dates and costs. The two do not need to be ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:

How to Pick the Right Scrum Tool

A guide for picking a Scrum Project Management Tool that will facilitate the Scrum methodology, enable collaboration, artifact management, and ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Mit Scrum zu einem besseren Kundenmanagement

Für Unternehmen bildet das agile im Gegensatz zum klassischen Projektmanagement zu Recht eine attraktive Alternative: Flexibel, schnell und ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

How To Fix Three Of The Biggest Project Management Problems Your Business Faces

When Red Branch Media first started, I was the sole project manager. At that time, my staff wasn't developed enough to manage projects on their own.
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cio.com berichtet:

Don't let stress and a crazy pace kill your culture

He also recommends creating a culture that allows for adjusting priorities, but to avoid relying on another project management system. Instead, work ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

A Letter to the Manager: Release the Power of Your Agile Teams

The reason for introducing agile often is to be able to release products earlier ... In the traditional setting work comes from the manager (line, project, ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Johanna Rothman on Agile and Lean Program Management

The book Agile and Lean Program Management: Scaling Collaboration Across the ... Rothman: Project and program managers definitely. Program ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:

How to Avoid Failure When You Own a Contracting Business

Poor oversight and control at the upper management and project management levels. When key staffers leave the company, they are often replaced ...
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federaltimes.com berichtet:

How agile development aids FITARA compliance

We look at the employment of agile methodologies in all acquisition and ... One of the IT project managers recently met with staff from the contracting ...
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heise.de berichtet:

Richtung Service: Die Evolution der Kanban-Methode

Im Kern hat sich Kanban über die Jahre hinweg nur wenig verändert. Trotzdem gibt es viele neue hilfreiche Konzepte, die den Anwendungsbereich ...
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Psychogramm agiler Methoden

In der Projektarbeit spielen Bedürfnisse wie Anerkennung, Sicherheit, Status, Zugehörigkeit, Neugier oder Selbstbestätigung eine wichtige Rolle.
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cio.com berichtet:

8 tech conferences every project manager should attend

Project managers who have a technical background and stay abreast of current technical trends and technologies will find it much easier to manage ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Groß und (Fr)agil: Lassen sich Retrospektiven skalieren?

Sprint-Reviews und Retrospektiven – diese beiden Regel-Meetings aus der Scrum-Welt lassen sich nicht ohne weiteres auf große Agile-Projekte ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Wie HR- und Fachabteilung gute Entwickler finden

Mit Scrum oder Kanban nutzen auch mittelständische Softwarehäuser vermehrt die Vorteile agiler Softwareentwicklung. Dabei kommt es in Zeiten des ...
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lead-digital.de berichtet:

Dieser Mann hat Scrum erfunden

Wie kam Jeff Sutherland die Idee zu Scrum und was hat der Name der Management-Methode mit Rugby zu tun? Das erzählt der agile, ältere Herr ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Q&A with Roman Pichler about Strategize

He is the author of Strategize and Agile Product Management with Scrum, and he writes a popular product management blog. Find out more.
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Agile Transformation: It's About the People

The Agile Manifesto declared independence from constraining, process-centric software development methods. The Manifesto advocated for a ...
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td.org berichtet:

Everything You Wanted to Know About Project Management

Recently, someone asked me about the non-negotiables of our approach to project management. My response will tell you a lot about our project ...
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Nine best practices in healthcare IT project management

If you think building or remodeling a home on time and within budget is challenging, try managing a substantial IT project. Unfortunately, without ...
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business.com berichtet:

On the Ball: 5 Project Management Tools Every Small Business Needs to Stay Organized

Fortunately, an expanding array of web-based management tools makes it easier than ever to achieve the rigorous levels of organization necessary ...
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Introduction to Dynamic Project Management

Download LiquidPlanner's latest eBook, Introduction to Dynamic Project Management and start incorporating this new type of PM into your job today.
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4 Keys to Optimize Project Management Dashboards

For speedy perspectives on project performance, it's best to begin with one dashboard that houses all of the key metrics from management's ...
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Tackling Urgent Requirements in the Middle of a Sprint

Although Scrum is designed to allow for flexibility and to handle uncertainty in projects, it still ensures that one sprint is given to the team to focus on a ...
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Coaching in the Moment

This scenario is typical of the conflicts and challenges that Scrum teams face day in, day out. In the end, the developer gave up. I could sense that we ...
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[Video] Agile Education Compass (Duration: 5:22)

What does it mean for an educator to be Agile? Discover how the education community is adapting Agile to be used in a 21st century classroom.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

6 Agile-Tools im Vergleich: Agilo for Scrum – ZenHub – Active Collab – ScrumDo – JIRA – Pivotal ...

Agilo for Scrum ist ein Projektmanagementtool, dass von der Firma Agilo Software GmbH entwickelt wurde. Wie der Name vermuten lässt, eignet es ...
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