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medium.com berichtet:
Our 10 Tips to Have Productive and Engaging Virtual Meetings
As The Liberators, we collaborate with people from all over the world. Virtual meetings are an essential platform for this. Over the years, we’ve developed and learned a lot of practices that may be beneficial to your own adventures with virtual collaboration.
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Mit fünf Fragen zu besserer virtueller Kommunikation (reloaded)
Mit dem Internet und den neuen Technologien sind neue Geschäftsmodelle und Arten zu arbeiten möglich geworden. Die Welt der Möglichkeiten wurde größer und die Welt selbst kleiner, weil Distanzen plötzlich virtuell überwunden werden konnten.
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wissendenken.com berichtet:
Einfach, schnell, hilfreich: der One-Pager
Ich bin alt genug, um noch Software im Pappkarton gekauft zu haben :-) Darin fand ich dann auch ein Kartonblatt mit Menü- und Werkzeugüberblick sowie Shortcuts. Ein Schummelzettel, ein Einseiter.
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
5 meeting saboteurs every leader meets
Prepare for saboteurs if you lead meetings.
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Corona-Krise als Beschleuniger der Digitalisierung: 8+1 Wege
Eine Situation, wie wir sie im Frühjahr 2020 haben, ist zumindest für unsere Generation neu. Es gibt viele Menschen, die durch die Corona/COVID-19-Krise stark betroffen sind, und zwar nicht nur die unmittelbar erkrankten Menschen und gegebenenfalls Angehörige von Menschen mit besonders schwerem Verlauf,
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Die Krise als Chance
Trotz der verordneten und angeratenen räumlichen Distanz rücken die Menschen näher zusammen und zeigen mehr Interesse und Verständnis füreinander.
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tastycupcakes.org berichtet:
Agile Wheel – A Coaching Tool
This fun game can be used by coaches to teach key focus areas of Agile, assess teams / projects on these key aspects and help teams to make improvement plans. It leads to discussions about challenges being faced by teams and good practices that can be learned from other teams and organizations.
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age-of-product.com berichtet:
Remote Agile (Part 2): Virtual Liberating Structures
Last week, we addressed basic practices and tools of remote agile with distributed teams. Based on that article, I also ran a live virtual class, the recording of which will be made available soon
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produktwerker.de berichtet:
Wie kann ich mit mehr Präsenz als Product Owner auftreten?
Als Product Owner stehen wir oft im Rampenlicht. Eine ausgeprägte Präsenz ist daher hilfreich. Wie wir eine Präsenz entwickeln und welche Aspekte dabei besonders wichtig sind bespricht Dominique mit Alexandra Klingor.
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Lässt sich Scrum auch in Hardwareprojekten nutzen?
Immer wieder taucht die Frage auf, ob denn Scrum auch für Hardwareprodukte geeignet sei. Die Konzepte in Scrum kommen aus der Hardwareentwicklung.
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agileforall.com berichtet:
6 Tips for Building the Right Vision
Hey everybody, it’s Peter Green with Agile for All. All my product owners, my product managers, my entrepreneurs, my CEOs, my chief product folks, this one’s for you.
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medium.com berichtet:
Product Ownership — Maximizing Value with Product Pricing
Regardless of the source (e.g. PSPO-I or PSPO-Advanced, Scrum Guide, or this article) you should know that the purpose of the Product Owner role is to “maximize the value of the Product”.
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project-management-podcast.com berichtet:
Episode 446: Project Scope Management - The Secret to Project Success (Free) #PMOT
Disruptive business models, technological progress and intense competition force your customers to continuously innovate. Clients naturally demand that you deliver high-quality projects involving complex, ever-changing scope at tight budgets and within compressed timelines. Is this challenging?
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
#ThePMTribe: A Community with a Difference
I’m an author and mentor and I do the job of project managing as well. I support project managers individually through 1:1 mentoring, and also through my small group membership scheme, Project Management Rebels.
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herdingcats.typepad.com berichtet:
Capabilities-Based Planning
Over the years, the success rate of traditional project management methods applied to software development projects has been underwhelming. Capabilities–Based planning provides a defined outcome that is not a conclusion but lays the groundwork for the continued delivery of value.
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What to Put in Your Risk Register (Risk Log) | Video
Risk Management is one of the core skills of project management. And your Risk Register – or Risk Log – is the primary tool you’ll use.
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mpug.com berichtet:
A Beginners Guide to Baselining a Project
Throughout my career as a project manager, I have been through many project audits, but the first one is etched in my memory.
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actitime.com berichtet:
6 Ways to Look at Project Costs
Project costs are funds required to perform a planned business endeavor, and they are a key subject in project budgeting and cost management. When estimating costs that your project may incur, you gain a higher chance to keep it profitable and achieve the desired performance outcomes.
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pmforthemasses.com berichtet:
Remote Project Management and Distributed Agile Teams
It’s weird out there, folks, With most of the world dealing with an invisible enemy, many have been forced or asked to work from home. This is also true of project teams. Today Cesar talks to Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby on how to avoid the chaos of distributed projects.
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Recognizing A Toxic Meeting Culture
In some organizations meeting culture is out of control or, worse yet, toxic. In order to see how bad the situation is, measure the problem. One simple measure to understand how much of a workweek that is consumed by meetings is to calculate a burden rate
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agile42.com berichtet:
Active Listening
So, I kept my second webinar last Friday with the topic about “Active Listening”. And despite the internet connection over 5G cutting off, we did no panic, but restored things over another
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a16z.com berichtet:
a16z Podcast: Security When the Workforce is Remote
We are in the midst of a rapid and unprecedented shift to remote work. What does it mean for security when the airgap between work and life is gone? How prepared are organizations? And what should security professionals as well as individual workers be doing to protect themselves and their companies?
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 86: Verteilte Teams, Teil 3 - Tools
Sebastian erzählt von seinen ersten Erfahrungen ein neues Team Remote kennen zulernen, während Ina von Social Remote Events eines bestehendes Teams spricht.
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marcloeffler.eu berichtet:
#NoEstimates explained – An interview with Vasco Duarte
Today I had the pleasure to talk to Vasco Duarte. He wants to transform product development organizations into product business organizations. Vasco does that by focusing the work of the product development teams on the end-to-end life-cycle of their products. From Concept to Cash and Back!
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chriscorrigan.com berichtet:
A tour around the latest Cynefin iteration
Every year, to celebrate St’ David’s Day, Dave Snowden has shared a series of posts on the evolution of the Cynefin framework. This year he introduced the newest version. The framework changes, because as we use it, it has an evolutionary journey towards “better” and more coherent.
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ceoworld.biz berichtet:
How I Created a Change Culture for Technology Implementations
Indeed, the human element can make or break a technology project. It is absolutely ... Like all successful projects, ours was led from the top. Guidance ...
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industry-of-things.de berichtet:
Warum IIoT-Projekte scheitern – und welche Stellschrauben das verhindern können
Dabei erfordert die erfolgreiche Nutzung von Maschinendaten im ... Um in Zukunft deutlich mehr IIoT-Projekte erfolgreich ans Netz zu bringen, bedarf ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Mit DevOps Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren
Die Automatisierung der Software-Entwicklung, des Testens und der ... Umgekehrt wird ein Unternehmen, das auf Kulturwandel setzt, agile Methoden ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Kollaboratives Projektmanagement im Marketing mit socoto
Das Ablagesystem für das Projektmanagement ist projektbezogen und stellt die Daten allen Projektbeteiligten in Echtzeit zur Verfügung.
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cio.de berichtet:
Kostenlose Programme für die Heimarbeit
Die Plattform agorum core beinhaltet verschiedene Dienste wie ein DMS, CRM, Filesharing und Projekt-Management. Alle Funktionen der Open ...
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softwareadvice.com berichtet:
4 Best Basecamp Alternatives for Project Management
Asana is a cloud-based project and task management solution that helps users manage and track projects to deliver them on time. They can automate ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Top 7 Trello Alternatives Worth Your Attention in 2020
Jira is a project management tool designed to assist software development ... Budget management; Agile and traditional task boards; Customizable ...
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builtin.com berichtet:
Agile Isn't an Excuse for Bad Management
Agile won't produce great software on its own. For that, you need great management of engineers and product designers. April 2, 2020. Written by ...
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masterstudies.com berichtet:
Study Project Management for Career Freedom
Enter project management, which uniquely positions people for a variety of ... about it, but now a lot of people are talking about agile methodologies.
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igd.com berichtet:
Introduction to agile ways of working
Find out how to apply the principles of agile project management to help you be more responsive and collaborative in your own work. Duration: approx ...
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techbeacon.com berichtet:
How to build a DevOps army
This way, they can write the requirements while working with the product owner to ensure that the requirements fit the business and have sufficient ...
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basicthinking.de berichtet:
In der Krise liegt die Chance für die Digitalisierung
In der Krise liegt die Chance für die Digitalisierung. vor 3 Minuten. Home Office, Remote Work, Arbeitsplatz, Digitalisierung. Plötzlich erkennen wir die ...
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rechtslupe.de berichtet:
Das Zeugnis in agilen Projekt-Teams
Die Scrum-Methode verhindert schon im Grundsatz keine individuelle Leistungsbewertung. Da der Kläger nach Auffassung des Arbeitsgerichts Lübeck ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Applying Agile Project Management in the Gaming Industry
In this article, you will learn the basics of a technique called Agile Project Management and how I used it to create my game ideas and documents in a ...
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reportedtimes.com berichtet:
Agile Earned Value Management (EVM) for Scrum Projects
Secondly, it has proved to be a splendid assistant for project managers. Noting this, the private sector has begun to use it in the Scrum framework too, ...
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