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medium.com berichtet:
What Scientific Research Tells Us About Retrospectives
Agile is based on empirical process control theory. But what does the research say about the effectiveness of Retrospectives? ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Wo sind die KO-Kriterien geblieben?
Entscheidungen sind eine schwierige Sache. Als kognitiv orientierte Gesellschaft lernen wir daher in Schule und Universität Verfahren, wie wir sie strukturiert angehen können. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Wollen Sie sich streiten?
Wer sich einigen möchte, der findet Wege, wer streiten möchte, findet Themen! Können Menschen miteinander arbeiten, wenn die Gräben zwischen ihnen sehr groß sind und sie wenig Verständnis füreinander haben? ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Soft Skills von Agilisten
Soft Skills – oder soziale Kompetenzen – sind im beruflichen Umfeld unabdingbar. Doch was meint man eigentlich, wenn man über Soft Skills redet? ...
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projekte-leicht-gemacht.de berichtet:
Die Earned-Value-Analyse einfach erklärt
Dein Projekt ist nach der Hälfte der Projektlaufzeit zur Hälfte abgeschlossen? Klingt gut! Leider hast du mehr als die Hälfte des Budgets verbraucht – weniger gut! ...
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du-bist-grossartig.de berichtet:
Brauchen wir wieder mehr Vorfreude in unserem Leben?
Wie schnell isst Du Dein Eis? Wie isst Du Dein Eis? Genießt Du es langsam und isst es gerade schnell genug, damit es nicht wegfließt? Oder konsumierst Du es so schnell wie möglich? ...
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blog.projektmensch.com berichtet:
Gefahr für etablierte Unternehmen: Disruption ist der Angriff von unten
Sie kommt schleichend, wird anfangs belächelt und wenn man sie erkannt hat, ist es vielleicht schon zu spät. Ein bisschen Disruption und weg sind die Einnahmen. ...
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xp123.com berichtet:
TDD is an Alchemy Trick: Points and Partitions
Alchemists sought to transmute lead into gold. TDD turns a small set of examples into code that handles the whole range of inputs. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
You Are Using Story Points Wrong: How to Make Story Points Suck Less
If you want to skim, just read What are Story Points, Purposes of Story Points and Example of a team using relative pointing. ...
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:
Planning work with OKRs
Here’s a fascinating challenge that happens once your teams start targeting outcomes rather than outputs with their OKR goals: planning work becomes unpredictable. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Product Diligence: The New Technical Diligence – Part one
I was surprised to hear recently from a startup friend that no one did any technical diligence aside from interviewing their tech lead before securing their multi-million dollar round. ...
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jpattonassociates.com berichtet:
Keep actual effort and outcome visible
We all understand how a star trek transporter works. Which is surprising since it’s not real and I don’t even understand how my toaster oven works. ...
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leaderpost.com berichtet:
Project managers in Canada can easily make six figures
PMP certifications can open up a lot of doors for promotions and ... Master project management and prep for certification exams with this ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
App of the week: Taiga Project Management
Kanban and scrum make it managing development projects much easier. But what about projects of another nature? Jack Wallen has found a kanban ...
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modernhealthcare.com berichtet:
The five main reasons healthcare projects fail
Greg Kain, managing director of IPM's healthcare practice ... Taking a sound project management approach can help you successfully execute ...
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
The 9 Best Features of Smartsheet You Can Use for Project Management
Smartsheet is a dynamic work platform that lets you manage projects, build workflows, and collaborate with the team. Check out its best features!
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
The 9 Best Agile Productivity Tools for Remote & Hybrid Teams
You can use its Kanban board for planning tasks for a sprint. Its release planner feature displays user stories, tasks, and bugs of a portfolio ...
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nagpuroranges.com berichtet:
What are the skills required for Scrum Master?
Scrum Masters is an exceptional skill to again through an Agile course. They are go-betweens that work with both improvement groups and the.
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
The 5 Best Trello Power-Ups to Maximize Your Team Collaboration
Trello is a free but powerful project management app. It's widely used across industries and has allowed countless teams to operate smoothly.
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Disciplined Agile - modernes Arbeiten mit agilen Methoden
Durch seinen Werdegang hat Bodo Giegel in leitenden Funktionen als Berater, Projektmanager und Key Account Manager einen breiten Erfahrungsschatz und ...
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textilwirtschaft.de berichtet:
Analyse zur Digitalisierung der Prozesse: Lieferketten und das Ende von Excel
Frühe Buchungen von Containern und Schiffsraum sowie ständige Übersicht über den Stand der Produktion sind in der Krise noch wichtiger geworden.
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zdnet.com berichtet:
Keep your work organized all in one space with this task manager
It's fatiguing just going back and forth between messaging, email, project management, and task apps. If we could just gather everything in one ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why 'Big Bang' Agile Transformations Are A Bad Idea
It is tempting for managers, facing urgent competitive threats, and frustrated by the slow-motion actions of their own firm, to pursue big-bang, ...
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searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com berichtet:
Are you really doing Scrum? Follow these guidelines to be sure
Dig Deeper on Agile culture and collaboration. Scrum. By: Ben Lutkevich · Agile Project Management (APM).
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
The 11 Best Features of MeisterTask for Agile Project Management
Kanban-Style Project Board. A visual showing the Kanban-style project boards in MeisterTask. Visualization of work progress is a ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Mit Schwarmintelligenz das Projektziel erreichen: SAP-Berater:in bei Deloitte werden
Erfolgreiche Projekte, Wissensaustausch und mehr. Daniel arbeitet aufgrund seiner Erfahrung in Projekten, in denen die Prozesse von Auftragsanlage ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
How To Create A Simple, Effective Project Timeline In Six Steps
There's no one proven system that guarantees a successful project timeline, but rather several possibilities that may be the right fit.
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augustafreepress.com berichtet:
What is PMO and how does it relate to project management for your business?
A project manager is one person acting and taking care of a single project from the beginning to the end. However, a PMO utilizes a team of ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
What Is A Project Manager, And What Do They Do?
A project manager is the point person for all of the company's major goals by implementing important plans and managing teams. They follow a project ...
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elektroniknet.de berichtet:
Case Study: Wie Scrum die Entwicklung von E-Fahrzeugen antreibt
Wie Scrum die Entwicklung von E-Fahrzeugen antreibt.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 kanban services ready to take your productivity to the next level
In fact, Monday.com is a complete project management solution that handles agile methodologies, budget management, collaboration, Gantt/timelines, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Kanban Vs Scrum: Which Is Best For You?
The simplest way to describe Kanban is the process of visualizing your workflow. It is one of the more popular project management methodologies used ...
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newsdio.com berichtet:
What are the 8 Best Project Management Tools?
You might as well get pre-designed templates for project roadmaps and workflows. MeisterTask. MeisterTask's simple yet strong Kanban structure can ...
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spiegel.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung am Arbeitsplatz: Jeder Achte fürchtet laut Umfrage um Job
Zwölf Prozent der Befragten äußerten in einer Untersuchung des Beratungsunternehmens EY die Sorge, dass ihr Job durch die Digitalisierung in Gefahr ...
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programminginsider.com berichtet:
Your Startup's Guide to Getting Started with DevOps
It gets its several aspects from Agile methodology. ... The project manager sets up the project management tools. Phase 02: Code.
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forbes.com berichtet:
What Is Waterfall Methodology And How Do I Use It?
Learn more about how Waterfall works, what projects the methodology is best suited for and how it compares with Agile, another project management ...
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thedrum.com berichtet:
Why agile teams should care about relationships
This can make the role for the scrum lead or project manager difficult, when so many partners are involved. Market data vs team data. By their very ...
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probuilder.com berichtet:
5 Ways to Upgrade Project Management Practices for 2022
Project management for construction in 2022 will require streamlining workflows and working smarter not harder to trudge the challenges of the ...
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businesswire.com berichtet:
User Adoption a Key Factor in Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Platform Success
They use approaches like Agile or Waterfall and are built within a formal framework. However, those represent only a portion of the projects that an ...
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report.at berichtet:
Agilität als Stärke
Das ist nicht Freunderlwirtschaft und Postenschacher, sondern rücksichtsvolles und wahrhaft nachhaltiges Beziehungs- und Projektmanagement.
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