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medium.com berichtet:
Stop Applying Makeup on Reality
Over the last decade, I worked with more than 50 Scrum teams, some of them were raw to the Agile world, and some mastered the game. What stuck with me is a common trait among the outstanding teams: they didn’t apply makeup on reality. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Scrum promotes lean thinking
Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed. Lean thinking reduces waste and focuses on the essentials. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Technical Debt! Who ya gonna call?!
Trap your Technical Debt before it traps you! Technical Debt is scary stuff. To management, it may be a mythical creature; ghost stories heard through tales of developers, but never quite seen. It haunts them. ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
Quiz: How Self-Managed Is Your Team?
Here's something that might interest many readers: a self-assessment to explore how self-managed your team actually is. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Creating Psychological Safety in Your Teams
To create a high-performing team, make sure you have a high level of psychological safety in your team, where people feel free to express their questions, concerns, ideas and mistakes. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Lean und ich und die Verwaltung
Kennen Sie das auch? Man macht einen mehrwöchigen Kurs (Lean auf gut deutsch), man tauscht sich aus mit den anderen Kursteilnehmer:innen, man hört der Referentin (Mari Furukawa-Caspary) zu, man merkt wie die Kursinhalte im Laufe der Wochen langsam immer tiefer „einsickern“ und dann merkt man plötzlich, dass das, was man da lernt und gelernt hat, das ganze Leben betrifft. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
9 Tipps für eine agile Transformation
Wir begleiten seit vielen Jahren Unternehmen bei agilen Transformationen und erleben immer wieder, dass es sich lohnt, sich vorher mit konkreten Zielstellungen zu beschäftigen. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Change ist der falsche Ansatz für die Digitale Transformation
Keine Frage, die Welt in der wir leben, ist Veränderung pur. Sie verändert sich kontinuierlich und wir mit ihr. Gleichzeitig gehen 2/3 aller geplanten Veränderungsinitiativen in Organisationen schief. ...
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newbusinessherald.com berichtet:
Project managers find opportunities as companies hire remote workers
Courses are taught by teachers with experience, including William Steward, a certified Project Management Professional with a 4.5 out of 5-star ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Asana Vs Wrike Comparison
Project management software makes the collaboration of projects and oversight of needed tasks a lot more simple, and Asana and Wrike have both ...
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
How to Conduct a Successful Project Kick-Off Meeting
Project kick-off meetings lay the foundation for the project's success by communicating the vision and plan. Here's how to make it go smoothly.
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techbullion.com berichtet:
How Important Project Management Tool For Your Business
A project management tool is here to relieve you of a load of manually gathering data and performing repetitive activities.
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jdsupra.com berichtet:
What Do Atomic Habits Mean for Legal Project Management?
He is, after all, a writer. But he does have some great insights that can help you go from zero to 100 with your Legal Project Management initiative.
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business-wissen.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement: Von der Linienorganisation zur Projektorganisation
Stimmt die Performance, steigt der Projektmanager rasch auf und kann größere Aufgaben übernehmen. Dank der zeitlichen Befristung der Projekte lässt ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Agiles-Collaboration-Tool Planta pulse: kollaborativer mit Microsoft 365
... Hybrid Premium ergänzt pulse um das Multiprojektmanagement-Werkzeug Planta project und schlägt mit 15 Euro pro Nutzer zu Buche.
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fenews.co.uk berichtet:
Association for Project Management (APM) calls for employers to invest in project ...
Anne Ashworth, head of employee apprenticeship at Pearson, says: “The project management apprenticeship programme is fast becoming one of our most ...
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computerworld.com berichtet:
How to choose the right project collaboration software
Collaborative work management tools provide a central location where teams can plan, coordinate, and collaborate on projects while keeping ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Asana Vs. Trello Comparison
Trello and Asana are both quality project management tools. The right one for you depends on the types of projects you're managing and your ...
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inside-it.ch berichtet:
Personalabgänge bei Berner Schul-IT-Projekt Base4Kids
Der Product Owner Patrick Gerber erklärt uns seinen Kündigungsgrund. Die Direktion für Bildung bedauert seinen und einen weiteren Abgang und ...
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timesofindia.indiatimes.com berichtet:
How programme managers can handle transformation complexity
While a project manager will lead a specific project, a programme manager will need to understand the bigger business opportunity, ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten nach Scrum – 3 Elemente zum Ausprobieren
Ursprünglich wurde Scrum als Rahmenwerk für die agile Softwareentwicklung konzipiert. Heutzutage wenden auch Teams außerhalb der Softwarebranche bei ...
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netzwoche.ch berichtet:
DevOps verliert an Zuspruch
Die als Wasserfallmodell bezeichnete Projektmanagement-Methode ist ein lineares Vorgehen, das sich am Top-Down-Verfahren orientiert.
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appinventiv.com berichtet:
SAFE Framework - A Guide to Scaling Agile for the Enterprises
When the organization has to better the product development time and wish to know how the ... The role of Product Owner is that of a multi-tasker.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Evidence Based Management with scrum.org
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Patricia Kong of Scrum.org about Evidence Based Management.
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forbes.com berichtet:
Best Practices For Approaching Risk Management
The most popular answers were, “We budget 30% for risk,” and “Risk management is not feasible in our project.” In my opinion, both answers are exactly ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Don’t let your first Product Requirements Document be your last
Joining a tech company as a new Product Manager can be extremely intimidating – especially that moment when you’re asked to publish your first Product Requirements Document (PRD). ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
A learning roadmap for product people
Working in product management can be very rewarding. But it can also be very challenging. One of the reasons is the diverse skills that are needed to succeed as the person in charge of the product. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
Fostering Efficiency in Your Internal Teams
As a manager, your job is to create an efficient environment in which your team can succeed. That means developing a workflow that supports collaboration, positivity, and productivity all while fostering the efficiency you need to be competitive in the modern economy. ...
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review.firstround.com berichtet:
The Best Managers Don’t Fix, They Coach — Four Tools to Add to Your Toolkit
Think about your typical week as a manager. How many times did you help your direct reports by trying to solve their problem? The answer is probably as many times as you met with them. While that’s common among managers, it’s not always optimal. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why implementing Scrum is exactly like losing weight
Today’s world is drenched with temptations. Unhealthy snacks and chocolate are displayed at the checkout aisle, begging you to take them home. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Puzzle of Self-Organisation
Self-organisation is something we strive for in Agile, but we should be very well aware that it is a delicate balance. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Do you deliver as a Tanker, Truck, or Bicycle?
Three different patterns for delivering Increments using Scrum ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Becoming a Value-Driven Professional
Without a value-driven mindset, creating innovative products is impossible. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Make Your Scrum Team More Effective With Management Support
5 Do-it-yourself workshops to make your Scrum team more successful by collaborating with management ...
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hannes-jaehnert.de berichtet:
Bürokratie, Bullshit & Serious Games
Glaubt man der kleinen Umfrage, die ich zum Jahresbeginn auf LinkedIn und Twitter startete, ist die Antwort aus meiner Social Media Bubble eindeutig: Ja! Ein bemerkenswert großer Teil der etwa 200 Antwortenden war sich offenbar sicher, keinen Bullshit-Job zu haben. ...
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geemco.de berichtet:
Wenn Führungskräfte zur Hürde werden
Wenn Führungskräfte zur Hürde werden, hat im Lean-Kontext etwas (oder viel) mit ihrer Kompetenz zu tun. Dabei meine ich nicht, dass die Hürde in der Inkompetenz der Führungskräfte begründet ist. ...
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youtube.com berichtet:
Die Folter im Projekt - Coaching mit Humor und Karikatur mit Thomas Michl (#AgilerBrühwürfel 003)
So manches, was im Arbeitsalltag passiert, bringt einen zur Verzweiflung - Es ist eine wahre Folter! Thomas Michl nutzt in seinen Coachings gerne Humor und Karikaturen. Da kommen dann schon mal Igor und Luigi vorbei und bringen Folterwerkzeuge und Betonschuhe mit. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
How to Make the Most of Your 24 Hours
So many of us feel a scarcity of time: we feel rushed, like there’s not enough time to do everything, always behind, never feeling like we’re doing enough. ...
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Why „Hybrid Agile“ is not Agile at all.
Acouple of years ago, I got a call from a project manager. He wanted to introduce Scrum to his team. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
How to develop the habit of finishing stuff
Bad habits – in the beginning – are easier than good. The habit of almost finishing stuff destroys effectiveness, diminishes respect, and drains energy. Anyone can start. Leaders finish. ...
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