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mdalmijn.com berichtet:
A pretty burn-down usually means ugly Scrum
Why you should be worried if your burn down charts are perfect ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
Tackling Hard Tasks
Generally we avoid hard tasks, putting them off while we either do easier tasks or distract ourselves. ...
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rgalen.com berichtet:
A triple-d guide to giving feedback
I’ve been thinking lately about the nuance of feedback. Inspired to a large degree by the amount of ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Toxic Productivity: Alles ist Gift – auf die Menge kommt es an
Schon Paracelsus wusste es: „Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift. Allein die Dosis macht, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist.“ ...
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modusinstitute.com berichtet:
7 Work-in-Progress (WIP) Blockage Factors
Modern business drowns in overhead it can’t even see. I’ve seen companies spend hours denying an expense request on a $20 book. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Promoting Creativity in Software Development with the Kaizen Method
Are software developers right- or left-brained? Logic would suppose that the left side of the brain, which neuroscientists tell us is connected to one’s quantitative, objective thoughts, would most likely contribute to the ability to write good code. ...
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buero-kaizen.de berichtet:
Grundlagen zum Gemba Walk als Teil der Lean-Management Philosophie
Ein großes Problem des Managements eines Unternehmens ist es oft, dass die Führungskräfte und damit das gesamte Management sich vom eigentlichen Ort des Geschehens entfernt haben und damit die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter und die Prozesse vor Ort nur noch schlecht oder gar nicht mehr wahrnehmen. ...
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produktwerker.de berichtet:
Product Backlog Refinement – Tipps für Product Owner
Durch das Refinement wird das Product Backlog zu einem gut gepflegten Product Backlog und ist dadurch ein wichtiges Werkzeug für Product Owner. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Overruling the Product Owner? — Making Your Scrum Work #21
There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Since Scrum is an intentionally incomplete framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Scrum Guide for Leaders - Supporting the Scrum Accountabilities/Roles
We started the Scrum Guide for Leaders series with a discussion of what Scrum means for you as a Leader. Next, we discussed the conditions where Scrum's Empiricism, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
How leaders can effectively support and leverage Scrum Events
It's time to look at the Scrum Events ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
How I Got Fired As A Scrum Master
Being a Scrum Master can be tough. You are accountable for helping organisations change the way they approach complex work. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Are Fixed-Price Projects Agile?
It’s tempting to imagine a world in which all projects are started without deadlines and continue until stakeholders decide enough value has been delivered. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
5 activities to spice up your next Scrum Sprint Review
The Sprint Review meeting is one of the Product Owner’s most important events. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
3 einfache Fragen, die Product Ownern helfen, nicht in die Feature-Factory-Falle zu tappen
Das Problem mit Features ist, dass sie fertiggestellt und ausgeliefert werden sowie perfekt funktionieren, aber dennoch keinen Wert liefern können. ...
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agile42.com berichtet:
11 Ways to Improve Your Retrospectives
Possibly the most important part of your Agile journey is your ability to inspect and adapt. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Effizienz durch Wendigkeit
Agile Methoden wirken nicht direkt auf die Effizienz. Agil heißt wendig. Agilität sorgt durch Wendigkeit und Flexibilität für Effektivität. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
You want people to take ownership – but how
“Anything that affects my team is mine.” Brandon Ross* ...
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lean-agility.de berichtet:
Lebendiges und totes Holz
"Verhältnisse sind wichtiger als Verhalten", lautet eine alte Soziologenweisheit, die in grossen Change-Projekten leider noch zu selten beachtet wird. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
7 Schlüssel für innovative Teams & Team Flow
Mit seinem Team-Flow-Modell erklärt der Kreativitätsforscher Olaf-Axel Burow anhand von 7 Prinzipien, wie diese dazu beitragen, innovative Teams zu erzeugen. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Five Things Every Starting Scrum Master Should Know
(And that should benefit experienced Scrum Masters too) ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
What Tools Does Your Agile Development Team Use?
There are dozens of agile project management tools. How do you choose which one is right for consultants and agile coaches? ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Daily Stand-up: Why it’s time to ditch the ‘3 questions’
The Daily Stand-up is a fairly straight forward event for most agile teams. The practice is fairly straight forward. Just go around the team, one person at a time, and ask three questions: ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Scrum Master as a Teacher
How does a Scrum Master teach Agile to the teams? ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Scaling is easy if you just let go!
Scaling is about alignment. Focus on balancing alignment! Autonomy and scaling will evolve organically, suiting itself to your organisation ...
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medium.com berichtet:
FAST Agile and Scrum: where do they operate in the complex domain?
A deep dive into complexity ...
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userinterviews.com berichtet:
A Framework for Decision Driven Research
A UXR-tested and approved framework for doing more focused and impactful user research to enable better, more efficient decision-making. ...
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blog.kainexus.com berichtet:
Value Stream Mapping Best Practices
Value stream mapping (VSM) is used to visually depict, analyze, and improve the flow of materials and information through end-to-end processes. ...
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lennysnewsletter.com berichtet:
Picking a wedge
When, why, and how to pick a wedge for your product ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
Spark Efficient Project Management With These 3 Steps
Here's how you can give your project management efforts the jolt of energy they need.
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Controlling zwischen agilen und nicht-agilen Organisationen
Hier bewegen sich unsere Mitarbeitenden inklusive der projektorganisierenden Rollen (Scrum Master und Product Owner) in einem Ökosystem, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
What Is A Scrum Board? Should You Make One?
A Scrum board is a visual way to manage and organize projects, and is a key part of the Scrum framework.
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dailybayonet.com berichtet:
Sprint Size in Scrum - What Should It Be?
Planned or Unplanned Work? Time for Scrum Ceremonies; Size and Scope of the Work; Feedback Cycle; Inspection and Adaptation. What is Scrum?
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 open-source kanban boards to help you get and stay on task
If you're looking for an open-source kanban board solution, Jack Wallen offers up his five favorites for your consideration.
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youtube.com berichtet:
#353: Managing Projects Without a Project Manager, with Ashley Steckler
Lawyerist Product Director, Ashley Steckler, shares how to better scope and manage projects for your business. If today's podcast resonates with ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project
Despite the increasing prevalence of Agile software delivery methodologies and ... Indeed, according to a 2017 report from the Project Management ...
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enterprisestorageforum.com berichtet:
Best DevOps Tools & Software 2021
Jenkins integrates with a wide range of DevOps solutions such as GitHub for continuous code review, Jira Software for agile project management, ...
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cloudwards.net berichtet:
Project Management Guide 101 [Beginner's Guide in 2021 ]
Kanban Boards. Next up is the kanban board. It's pretty much the backbone of any project management strategy and almost all project management ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
What is a Distributed Scrum Team? Tips to Manage and Build an Effective ...
The distributed scrum team also refers to virtual teams or remote teams, which means that being a distributed team member, you can work from your ...
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ciodive.com berichtet:
A CIO's guide to developing a low-code/no-code strategy
Business-user productivity improvements delivered by citizen developer-led scrum teams; Enterprise controls and services delivered by pro-code scrum ...
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