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cloudwards.net berichtet:
Wrike vs Trello: Two Big Names Battle It Out in 2019
In this article we're comparing two project management tools: Wrike and Trello. Both are among our favorites. Wrike always does well in our pieces, ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
Everything you thought you knew about sticking to deadlines might be wrong
New research on project management finds that embracing uncertainty ... map out their uncertainty, and fold it into a project management system.
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tech.co berichtet:
Basecamp Review 2019
A simple to use project management app that tries to be an all-in-one solution, offering integrated chat, file storage, and project management tools.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Forschen für mehr Effizienz
Mit Sensoren ausgestattete Kanban-Behälter sollen selbstständig über eine modulare Service-Plattform kommunizieren und z.B. mitteilen, was sie ...
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martechseries.com berichtet:
10 Tips for a More Successful Price Optimization Project
And few things can impact these faster and more positively than a successful price optimization project. Sometimes a pricing project starts because a ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
Focus as an Antidote for Wanting to Do Everything
I have a problem, and I think most people do as well: I want to do everything. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
7 ways to overcome distraction and do what matters
47% of the time you aren’t focused on what you’re doing.* ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Wie ich mein Notizbuch führe
In meinen Workshops zur Arbeitsorganisation lege ich großen Wert auf den Bezug zur Praxis, das Herumtheoretisieren ist nicht so meine Sache. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Wie Sie noch mehr Bücher lesen
Nachdem ich das Bücher lesen eine Zeit lang vernachlässigt habe, habe ich mich in den letzten Monaten durchaus wieder zum Bücherwurm entwickelt. ...
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merlinmechler.de berichtet:
Das Prinzip hinter Geben und Empfangen (nicht nehmen)
Grundsätzlich beschreibt dieses Prinzip ein Verhalten bei dem jeder durch eine Win-win Situation profitiert. ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:
Identität essen Gedanken auf. Wieso wir oft nicht offen denken.
Wir leben in einer ziemlich hysterischen Zeit. Irgendjemand schreibt etwas ins Internet, sagt auf einem Kongress oder in einer politischen Debatte, und sofort fühlen sich Menschen angegriffen, zetern, wüten. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
6 Steps to Better Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving is at the core of human evolution. It is the methods we use to understand what is happening in our environment, identify things we want to change and then figure out the things that need to be done to create the desired outcome. ...
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if-blog.de berichtet:
Wer glaubt denn noch an VUCA?
Immer wieder wenn ich Veranstaltungen zu #newwork oder #agile besuche, dann höre ich dieselbe Klage: ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Designing a Team Culture
Teams are becoming the fundamental organizational entity, individual responsibility is being replaced by that of the team. ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Agile Missverständnisse: Schneller mit Agil
„Twice the work in half the time“, so heisst es an manchen Stellen. „Agil skalieren!“, hört man häufiger von Vertretern der unterschiedlichsten Skalierungs-Frameworks. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Best Practices for Becoming a Better Product Owner
It may be that your organization is just beginning its Agile transformation or has yet to begin. It's also possible that it's been going on for some time but that you just haven't made the forward progress you'd hoped for in terms of software releases or customer responsiveness. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Being Agile Without Being 'Agile'
Have you noticed that the word "Agile" sometimes scares people? It could be that their perception is that "going Agile" will eliminate their role or disturb their routine. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Organizations that Work on Fewer Projects at a Time Get More Done
By this point, most people seem to understand that multitasking is a myth and does not boost productivity. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Kultur folgt Struktur oder der unverstandene Scrum-Master
Aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung mit der agilen Transformation von Organisationen und insbesondere mit der Einführung des von Bas Vodde und ihm entwickelte Modell LeSS hat Craig Larman mehrere Beobachtungen als ...
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scrumschau.wordpress.com berichtet:
Konferenzen für Agile und Scrum in D-A-CH
Wann findet wo eine Konferenz zum Thema Agilität und Scrum statt? Hier findet ihr nun eine Übersicht für 2019: ...
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ideequadrat.org berichtet:
Strategieentwicklung für zeitgemäße Organisationen: Warum der Fokus auf die Digitalisierung allein gefährlich ist
Das Leben ist eins der Schwersten. Als Entscheider*in, als Führungskraft und Managerin ist es heute mehr als relevant, “die” Digitalisierung auf dem Schirm zu haben. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
PMTQ: PMI’s Vision for the Future of Project Management
The PMI has just released a report on the Future of Work, based on its 11th Pulse of the Profession Survey. Called ‘Leading the Way with PMTQ’, it introduced the idea of Project Management Technology Quotient (PMTQ). ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Podcast Episode #162: Ruth Pearce – How to spot character strengths in your project team
Have you thought about your strengths lately? Not your skills and talents, but the key character strengths within your personality. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
MS Project Formula Tips
Microsoft Project formulae are a powerful way to introduce custom calculations into your project plan. Many people who may be familiar with writing formulas in Excel find Microsoft Project’s formula editor a little less intuitive, so this article will give you a basic introduction to formulas in MS Project. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Risk un-management
On any project there are going to be dozens, perhaps hundreds, of unmanaged risks. These comprise the population to be un-managed. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Proactive dependency management with agile approaches
When we are managing projects using a predictive delivery approach, dependency identification and tracking is done as part of the BPUF (Big Planning Up Front) exercise using the activities from a work breakdown structure and the collective wisdom of our team members and key stakeholders. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
Who is a Project Sponsor?
A project sponsor is an important link between a project team and other stakeholders, including more senior executives. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Estimation?—?how can we estimate with confidence in software development?
Estimating in software is traditionally difficult, inaccurate most of the time, with project teams spending a significant amount of time on the process. ...
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projectmanager.com berichtet:
Deciding the Level of Detail Needed for a Release Plan
This is an important question to ask at the beginning of a software development project, or in the case of a long-standing product team, before the development of a major release of a system. ...
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sizovs.net berichtet:
Great developers are raised, not hired
Every company on the market is looking for the best talent. Companies are waiting when “the talent” will appear from nowhere as if there were some secret talent factory. ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:
Making Effective Decisions: Overcome Cognitive Bias
Decisions made based on emotions and distorted by cognitive biases are likely to send projects off in wrong directions and result in mediocre if not down-right poor outcomes. ...
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aeon.co berichtet:
How much can we afford to forget, if we train machines to remember?
When I was a student, in the distant past when most computers were still huge mainframes, I had a friend whose PhD advisor insisted that he carry out a long and difficult atomic theory calculation by hand. ...
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facilethings.com berichtet:
Unusual Ways to Break Through a Creative Block and Boost Productivity
Feeling stuck in your work is always a challenge. Often times, you just can’t think of any way to finish your piece. ...
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svpg.com berichtet:
Coaching Tools – The Assessment
In my last several articles, I have been focusing on coaching tools for helping managers of product managers to raise the level of performance of the product managers that report to them. ...
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amplitude.com berichtet:
Creating Flow and Value in Product Development
Let’s consider the time it takes to go from agreeing to do something to a customer receiving value. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Experiments with Holacracy: Why we stopped doing it, and what we learned along the way.
My colleague Minke’s recent article ‘Getting started as an employee experience chief’ triggered some questions about why we at Organize Agile abandoned Holacracy. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Can the Agile Method Be Scientifically Proven?
Those who are waiting for the scientific verdict on Agile development run a strong risk of being left behind. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
The Failure of Focus
Liz Keogh discusses different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from where we are right now, and allowing innovation to emerge through obliquity, naivety, and serendipity. ...
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improuv.com berichtet:
Beyond Budgeting und Agile Transition - wie passt das zusammen?
Agile Transitionen sind mittlerweile aus der Innovatorenecke herausgekommen und die meisten größeren Organisationen haben eine oder mehrere Initiativen laufen, um „Agilität einzuführen“ - was immer das im konkreten Fall heißen mag. ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Agile Camp Berlin setzt neuen Standard für die Agile Community
Das Agile Camp Berlin 2019 ist als BarCamp organisiert, eine „offene ... about the effective agile and organisational development practices and we ...
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