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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 76: Definition of Ready
Die Definition of Ready ist kein “offizielles” Scrum-Artefakt und doch wird sie häufig empfohlen und eingesetzt. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
„Agile Verwaltung“ – was heißt das eigentlich?
Wer will nicht agil sein? Da schwingt Lebendigkeit mit, geistige und körperliche Fitness und Flexibilität … Und so erlebt der Begriff derzeit eine Inflation. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Haben Sie genug Spielraum für Ihre Ideen, Kreativität, Agilität und für sich selbst?
Wie viel Spielraum haben Sie? In dem Buch Spielräume von Tom de Marco geht es um den verrückten Ansatz, alles effizienter machen zu wollen. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Das Visual Understanding Environment
Wenn Sie mit Concept-Maps arbeiten, dann kennen Sie sicher auch die kostenlose Software Cmap Tools. Mit diesem mächtigen Programm können Sie solche Diagramme erstellen, bearbeiten und verwalten. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Vorsicht Falle! Kennen Sie diese Verkaufstricks?
Ich will nicht päpstlicher sein als der Papst. Auch wenn ich der Minimalismusbewegung vieles abgewinnen kann, so möchte ich doch nicht ganz auf den Konsum verzichten. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
Weshalb Work-Life-Balance weniger mit deinem Job, als vielmehr mit dir zu tun hat
Ich habe Mühe mit dem Begriff der Work-Life-Balance, aber finde die Problematik, die der Begriff anspricht, extrem wichtig. Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich eine interessante Unterscheidung kennengelernt, die mir bei der ganzen Problematik hilft: Segmentors vs. Integrators. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Wer A sagt muss auch B sagen und andere falsche Dichotomien
Der Begriff Dichotomie geht auf das griechische dichotomía zurück und bedeutet Zweiteilung. Eine falsche Dichotomie ist die Suggestion, dass es zu einer Streitfrage nur zwei sich gegenseitig ausschließende Alternativen gäbe, obwohl tatsächlich weitere vorhanden sind oder sich die beiden angebotenen Alternativen gar nicht widersprechen oder ausschließen. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
How *Not* to Do Timeboxing in Agile
Timeboxing can be seen as a core discipline that agile practitioners ought to master. Scrum has five events, for example, each of which can take no more than a maximum amount of time. ...
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agilix.nl berichtet:
To fix your Scrum you need to fix your agreements.
In many organisations I see Scrum not producing its anticipated value. The concept of value varies across organisations. But there also is a universal anticipated value of Scrum. The Scrum Guide says about Scrum’s purpose: ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Do We Really Need a Product Owner?
As regular readers might know, I'm working on a book called The Art of Product Ownership to be published by Apress later this year. One of the chapters is entitled "Why have a Product Owner," and a few days ago a bunch of ideas crystallised into what follows... ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Cost of Delay: Why You Should Care
The real problem is this: Why should you care about how much a delayed release costs you? Maybe you have a “sweet spot” in the way you start your projects or release them. “It just takes that long here.” (That’s the sign of a system impediment.) ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Scrum Team: What Is Your Inner Compass?
If you can create a vision for your Scrum team, and you find them all aligned in the right direction, your work has a reasonably good chance at success. ...
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inspectandadapt.de berichtet:
Groupthink: Ein Problem in agilen Teams
Agiles Arbeiten mündet in aller Regel in einer Zusammenarbeit in interdisziplinären Teams. Notwendig wird das, weil Lösungsfindung in einer komplexen Welt nicht mehr ein Experte alleine stemmen kann. ...
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inspectandadapt.de berichtet:
Agile Rollen: Kompetenzen
Echtes und erfolgreiches agiles Arbeiten zum Lösen komplexer Probleme basiert auf einem Menschenbild, nach dem Menschen grundsätzlich zugetraut wird, dass sie aus sich heraus motiviert die beste Leistung bringen. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The five practices of smart teams
Teams, like individuals, can be stupid or smart. Stupid teams consists of smart people who engage in stupid behaviors. ...
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projectriskcoach.com berichtet:
How to Perform a SWOT Analysis
If you are looking for a great way to engage your key stakeholders and identify project risks, perform a SWOT Analysis. Project managers or other facilitators can use this powerful tool to identify strengths and weaknesses. ...
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project-management-podcast.com berichtet:
Managing Smaller and Medium-Sized Projects (Free)
Today, I don’t have a full interview for you. I have something better. I have a free book on how to manage small and medium-sized projects for you. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What are External Dependencies in your Project?
When you are planning your project, you need to be mindful of all sorts of things. Some, you can control. Others are external, and you cannot. These are your external dependencies. ...
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virtualprojectconsulting.com berichtet:
How to Transition into the Agile Project Management Role
This article will focus on what is required to make a successful transition to Agile project management. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:
Fixed-Everything: Agile?
I hear: the real world is fixed-scope projects, how can I do that in an Agile way. You can’t. Agile exists because scope always changes as work progresses. It’s central. Fixed objectives? Sure. Fixed time? Sure. But we learn as we work. Your contract must reflect that. ...
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codingsans.com berichtet:
Technical debt: everything you need to know, and how to manage it
Technical debt is on everyone’s mind in the tech industry. According to a recent survey, companies spend about $85 billion annually on fixing bad code. ...
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elemental.medium.com berichtet:
The Art and Science of Remembering
Cramming for the exam, repeating someone’s name: Some experts say they’re not that effective at solidifying a memory. ...
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themuse.com berichtet:
The Best Way to Talk About Your Strengths and Weaknesses in a Job Interview
There’s a whole lot of talking about yourself that goes on in an interview. One of the most stressful parts might be when a recruiter or prospective boss asks you to tell them about your strengths and weaknesses. ...
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intercom.com berichtet:
Product managers should not build the roadmap. The product team should.
When you think of the role and responsibilities of a product manager, two things probably come to mind – prioritization and roadmaps. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Five Habits of Design Thinking
There are three thinking styles that have transformed how we develop new products today: Agile, Lean (Startup) and Design Thinking. Design Thinking is the least defined and most problematic to explain. ...
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agilealliance.org berichtet:
Harvesting Mob Programming Patterns: Observing how we work
In this report we explore a set of mob programming patterns discovered by two different teams — LendingHome and IBM — after more than a year of practice. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why Cutting Costs is Expensive: How $9/Hour Software Engineers Cost Boeing Billions
The short-term impact is just the beginning, though. If Boeing doesn’t fix the crisis effectively and restore the public trust, it could materially impact the long-term stability of the company. ...
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produktion.de berichtet:
Warum Führungsschwäche die Digitalisierung behindert
Eine Experten-Befragung zeigt: Wenn die Digitalisierung nicht recht vorankommt, sind die Ursachen dafür oft eher in der Betriebsführung zu suchen ...
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it-business.de berichtet:
VUCA und Digitalisierung – was bedeutet das für Organisationen?
VUCA beschreibt dabei beispielsweise die sich ändernde Geschäftsdynamik bei der Digitalisierung. Diese gilt oftmals als Ausweg, wird aber zum ...
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archdaily.com berichtet:
Architects to Project Managers: Making the Leap
Commercial project performance has risen globally on a year-to-year basis. Reports from the Project Management Institute (PMI) show that 71 percent ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Project management software: 7 biggest factors to consider before buying
Project management software adoption is on the rise, as project managers and business leaders increasingly seek out such tools to increase ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:
Top 5 habits of successful project managers
As project managers, we don't just handle one project. We handle multiple projects going on at the same time. There are thousands of tasks, different ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
The new age of Agile: Evolving from teams to the entire business
In his book, From Project to Product, author Mik Kersten describes how ... when combined with Lean, DevOps, and Lean Portfolio Management.
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business2community.com berichtet:
What's Your Elevator Pitch For Scrum?
So, if I'm talking to someone who has some kind of background in IT even if they are non-technical I might say that Scrum is about focussing on ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum Team: What Is Your Inner Compass?
If you can create a vision for your Scrum team, and you find them all aligned in the right direction, your work has a reasonably good chance at success.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Why your software project failed, and how to succeed next time
... can all learn from project failures to build more successful products in the future. Live.
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heise.de berichtet:
Die Perversion agiler Metaphern
Agile Softwareentwicklung bedeutet heute meistens Scrum. Der Begriff "Scrum" (Gedränge) kommt aus dem Rugby-Sport. Der Begriff bezeichnet ...
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applause.com berichtet:
Which Agile Are You?
While it seems natural to have a scrum master manage your scrums and daily standups, many organizations leave this to a project manager, believing ...
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fooddive.com berichtet:
Can Agile development help Campbell Soup improve sales?
Agile is a project management technique that brings together workers from different parts of a business, like IT, manufacturing and sales, to complete a ...
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knowtechie.com berichtet:
The best apps for construction project management
Applications for construction project management was only a natural step in the development and integration of a lot of software that wasn't originally ...
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