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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
What’s blocking your benefits realization?
PMI just released the Benefits Realization Management practice guide this month which provides comprehensive but still easily consumable coverage of a benefits management framework covering ...
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elisestevens.co berichtet:
Emily Luijbregts – Diversity in project management
Why don’t more business leaders see women in the prime of their lives as an opportunity? That’s the question asked by project management influencer Emily Luijbregts. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Quantitative risk for the new guy on the street
Repetition and review are good--Malcom Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to be expert at anything--so here's a few words that will take a few minutes on three important quantitative concepts every risk manager should know: ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
How to Spot and Deal with Stress in Your Team
Projects can be stressful. And one of your responsibilities, as a Project Manager, is to spot and deal with stress in your team. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Going Agile
I was on a plane recently, and ended up sitting next to a CEO of a medium-sized company. He was deep in the email-responding zone for most of the flight, but finally took a break to have a drink. ...
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theitriskmanager.wordpress.com berichtet:
Scaled Agile for Practitioners – The Epic
As the invited trouble maker, my contribution to the inaugural SAFe Leadership Retreat in 2015 was to suggest a session entitled “Does the “A” in SAFE stand for Agile or Academic?”. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
Managing When the Future Is Unclear
It’s one of the few facts in business everyone agrees on: Without a clear and compelling strategy, your business will fail. From MBA programs, to business book jackets, to the last keynote you attended, you’ve heard it repeated again and again. ...
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yorkesoftware.com berichtet:
NoEstimates in a Nutshell
This is a short video giving an overview of #NoEstimates describing how simple and how powerful the tool is but also some clarification of the limitations of the tool. ...
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jamesshore.com berichtet:
Large-Scale Agile: Where Do You Want Your Complexity?
One of the pernicious problems in large-scale software development is cross-team coordination. Most large-scale Agile methods focus on product and portfolio coordination, but there's a harder problem out there: coordinating the engineering work. ...
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ebgconsulting.com berichtet:
Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product: Getting Started
I usually find a diversity of opinion when I ask anyone within an organization what their products are. This is true for product companies whose primary source of revenue is their product and for companies who use products internally to run their business. ...
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worldfinance.com berichtet:
How digital transformation is disrupting project management and leaders
Every sector is touched by digital transformation – and more and more project managers will be required to manage the rapid changes it's causing.
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worldfinance.com berichtet:
Project Management Institute: How to get the best out of executive sponsors
Executive sponsors connect project managers and project teams to the rest of an organisation: they clear roadblocks, advocate for resources, and ...
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analyticsindiamag.com berichtet:
How To Achieve Effective AI-Powered Agile Project Management
Using agile project management methods such as Scrum, software teams can rapidly deliver quality software using an iterative approach to guide and ...
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learn.g2crowd.com berichtet:
Agile vs. Scrum: A Detailed Comparison (+When to Use Each)
A few years ago, the content research team at G2 Crowd underwent a significant reworking of its project management processes. Yours truly was able ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Megaproject Trends For 2019: Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez On Leadership In The Age of AI
Nieto-Rodriguez: What I've seen in our profession is that people are moving from project management to project leadership. Project management will ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
7 Ways for CIOs to Morph into Business Value
Professional project management is always a priority. There are two ways to manage projects. The first – which many CIOs have perfected over the ...
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knowtechie.com berichtet:
Top 5 Agile certifications that will pay off
Many employers look to certifications as evidence that the candidate has the skills and knowledge to do a good job. But which Agile and Scrum ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Evidence-Based Management Guide - Updated
InfoQ interviewed Patricia Kong, product owner - Enterprise Solutions, Scrum.org, and Kurt Bittner, vice president of Enterprise Solutions, Scrum.org, ...
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toptal.com berichtet:
The Project Management Blueprint Part 2: A Comprehensive Comparison of Waterfall, DAD, SAFe ...
Overview. In Part 1 of the Project Management Blueprint we covered Lean Software Development, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban software development ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Scrum: Was User-Storys sind und wie ihr sie schreibt
User-Storys sind ein Hilfsmittel in agilen Methoden der Software-Entwicklung und schlagen die Brücke zum Kunden. Sie halten Anforderungen in ...
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marketing-interactive.com berichtet:
Agile marketing: Break your business hierarchy and traditional culture
In my own words, agile marketing is the work management methodology and operating system for the digital age. The formal history of agile as a ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Die 5 Scrum-Werte in der Praxis – Im Prinzip ganz einfach
Auch die Product Ownerin war zufrieden, konnte sie doch endlich mit .... Scrum Master und Product Owner arbeiteten eng zusammen, um den ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Effizienter arbeiten mit Kanban
Die Grundlagen dafür können sich Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte nun im Rahmen einer neuen Weiterbildung der TÜV SÜD Akademie zum „Kanban ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
So steigern Sie die Projektmanagement-Kompetenz
Ein weiterer Schwachpunkt ist: In vielen Unternehmen fehlen geeignete Projektmanagement-Strukturen. Das heißt, es sind weder die notwendigen ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Vorausschauende IoT-Instandhaltung
Die Zeppelin GmbH will Splunk nutzen, um das Risiko eines Anlagenstillstands zu reduzieren und den Wartungsbedarf von Maschinen und Anlagen ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
RPA: Heilsbringer oder Hype?
... selbstständig intelligent agieren können. Ein Statement von Murat Bayram, Head of IoT & Industrie 4.0 im Bereich Industrie 4.0, Axians IT Solutions.
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
To talk about agile transformation, let's go to the movies
Many organizations conflate true agile transformation with rigorous adoption of the Scrum Framework, Kanban, or other “capital 'A' Agile” processes ...
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hexacta.com berichtet:
How to implement Scrum in 7 steps and not die trying
Let's discover the 7 steps to follow that tell you how to implement Scrum in your projects without dying during the attempt.
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devops.com berichtet:
Implementing DevOps? Start with a Strategy
The continuous integration aspects cover configuration management, code packaging, ... It can be difficult for agile project teams to focus on working on the DevOps items along with the sprint-specific “functional” requirements.
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cio.de berichtet:
Projekte scheitern am Change-Management
Nur 38 Prozent der Mitarbeiter fühlen sich gut in Change-Projekte eingebunden. 2010 waren es noch 61 Prozent. Change-Management scheitert an ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Project Management System Software 2019 Buyers Guide
Evaluating Project Mgmt software solutions can be overwhelming. We've created this guide to help you navigate the vendor landscape. In this guide ...
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nation.com.pk berichtet:
Achieving business success through Project Management
Project management enables the business leaders to meet their business goals and objectives successfully. Project management helps the business ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
RPA: Lieber klein starten als groß zu scheitern
Die Gründe für das Scheitern so vieler RPA-Projekte sind vielfältig: ... kann, ist aufgrund der wenigen erfolgreichen RPA-Projekte nicht trivial.
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capital.de berichtet:
Wichtig ist der Kunde, nicht die Coolness
Oder ein Flughafen: Industrie 4.0 ist verwirklicht, wenn eine intelligente Software die nahe Zukunft prognostizieren kann und die Prozesse automatisch ...
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it.toolbox.com berichtet:
4 things to check out before hiring for your Scrum team
Congratulations! You just got an open rec to hire someone for your Scrum team. That's always a feat worth celebrating. While you might be dreaming ...
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bmmagazine.co.uk berichtet:
7 compelling reasons to take up a career in project management
If you can assess the time spent in a particular task and make excellent decisions, you should consider project management as a long term career.
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legit.ng berichtet:
Functions of project management tools
Functions of project management tools play a vital role in any project. It does not matter whether you create a website, prepare and launch a new ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement à la Hollywood
Inspired by Michael Hatfield: Game Theory in Management, www.projectmanagement.com. Anzeige. Häufig habe ich beim Kennenlernen eines für ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Mobil und flexibel arbeiten nur die Wenigsten
In Zeiten von Industrie 4.0 und Arbeit 4.0 sind sie zudem Erfolgsfaktoren, damit Unternehmen wettbewerbsfähig und als Arbeitgeber attraktiv bleiben“, ...
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lynda.com berichtet:
Agile Software Development
Learn how to improve the efficiency and flow of your agile software development process with kanban.
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