Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

cio.com.au berichtet:

Why Agile and DevOps is shaking up management

Many organisations adopt Agile principles during their project planning process and then use DevOps methodologies to release regular – perhaps ...
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thesempost.com berichtet:

Time-Critical SEO Project Management – Classic or Agile?

The good news is: There are opportunities to combine the benefits of agile development and classic project management in order to be both flexible ...
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Successfully Managing a Project Team in a Matrix Environment

In many ways, project managers have a tougher role than department or team managers. Even though the project manager's ultimate goal—a tech ...
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techwire.net berichtet:

State Updates Management Framework for IT Projects

California on Monday published its new Project Management Framework (PMF), a 460-page guide that replaces the existing California Project ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:

Agile vs Scrum vs Waterfall vs Kanban

What's the difference between Agile vs Scrum vs Waterfall vs Kanban? Here's everything you need to know about these project management ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:

Agile Superhelden: Super-Scrum-Master und Profi-Product-Owner

Nicht jeder ist nämlich der geborene Teamplayer oder der perfekte Scrum-Master. Unsere agilen Superhelden zeigen darum, wie agiles Arbeiten ...
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Value Maps für Agile Entwicklung

Wer kennt sie nicht, die endlosen Diskussionen über das beste Skalierungsframework, über Hierarchie, über Scrum oder doch lieber Kanban?
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Projektmanagement leicht gemacht: Work-Breakdown-Structure

Der Projektstrukturplan, oder die Work-Breakdown-Structure (WBS), ist ein erprobtes Instrument, mit dem komplexe Projekte einfach strukturiert und ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Die 3 größten Feinde der Projektabwicklung

Critical Chain Projektmanagement (CCPM) hat die größten Feinde der Projektabwicklung definiert. Folgende drei Effekte beeinflussen bereits ...
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haufe.de berichtet:

Interim-Management-Branche wächst weiter

Change Management gewinnt wieder stark an Bedeutung gegenüber klassischen Projektmanagement- und Restrukturierungsmandaten. Das geht ...
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motorzeitung.de berichtet:

Smart Home-Experte Loxone macht mit Wrike interne Prozesse transparenter

Der österreichische Hersteller von Smart Home-Komplettlösungen Loxone nutzt die Collaboration Lösung Wrike.
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Agiles Projektmanagement ist gut - aber bitte nicht bei uns!

AXELOS Ltd. ist als britisches Public-Private Joint Venture Eigentümer der sog. "Best Practices" wie u.a. ITIL(R) oder PRINCE2(R) und vermarktet die ...
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august.com.au berichtet:

Are you really 'Agile'?

Removed from its context as a project management methodology, agile is an adjective that alludes to easy, graceful and precise movement. When you ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

5 ways a negative corporate culture can kill your IT project

Despite a project manager's efforts to keep projects within scope and tend to all other project management aspects, there are times where corporate ...
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business.com berichtet:

How to Develop an Effective Organizational Structure for Your Startup

To overcome this issue, you can leverage a comprehensive project management platform such as Wrike to distribute work and delegate tasks more ...
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wrike.com berichtet:

Wrike Projektmanagement Blog

Ob Sie nun weiterhin an Ihren alten Methoden festhalten möchten oder ein neues kollaboratives Projektmanagement-Tool suchen, hier nun ein paar ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Now or Never: The Ultimate Strategy for Handling Defects

The question is: “How do we handle defects in Scrum?” My answer is simple. It might look little scary from the beginning, but I've used it many times ...
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How to Build a Stress-Free and More Productive Workplace

To streamline your business-wide processes and maximise the efficiency of your teams, you can use a project management tool like Basecamp. It is a ...
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Ball Runner: An Agile Game

The Ball Runner game originated from the #play14 unconference in London in September 2015. I was toying with the idea of a game around work in ...
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Are You The Scrum Police?

Your job as a Scrum Master is more than enforcing the Scrum process. If you are acting as police, read this post to see how you can improve.
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cio.com berichtet:

Prepare your project for the 7 faces of change

Unfortunately, organizations tend to ignore some of these faces in their project management methods and tools. What if we instead considered all ...
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winshuttle.com berichtet:

How Lean Data Management Delivers Results in Project Management

The Project Management Office (PMO) should facilitate and assist project managers with project executions and contribute to your project's success to ...
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Gartner Identifies Seven Best Practices for an Effective Project Management Office

Project management offices (PMOs) are increasingly being challenged to prove the value they provide, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner has ...
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brightwork.com berichtet:

Project Management Tips

At BrightWork, we know how difficult the life of a project manager is and we are always aiming to make it that bit easier. We love providing useful ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

Leitfaden für die erfolgreiche Realisation von IT-Projekten

Von ihnen hat er erfahren, wie sie die Herausforderungen im heutigen IT-Projektmanagement bewältigen. In seinem Whitepaper wird dargestellt, wie ...
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tecchannel.de berichtet:

Projekte, Teams und Arbeitsabläufe mit Trello verwalten

Wenn Sie zum Beispiel zum ersten Mal das Projekt "Firmenzeitschrift" in Angriff nehmen, eignet sich entsprechend "Firmenzeitschrift" als Titel.
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cio.com berichtet:

3 misconceptions CIOs have about agile

"I see it a lot -- a CIO of a Fortune 500 company reads an article about scrum or agile, they think it's a great idea. Then, one of their IT managers is told, ...
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Gute Entscheidungen treffen und Projekte einfach priorisieren

Priorisieren im Projektmanagement ist kein Hexenwerk mehr. In jedem Unternehmen sind Entscheidungen an der Tagesordnung. Doch nicht allen ...
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Vision Board: In 4 Schritten zur perfekten Zielcollage

Sich für die gesteckten Ziele täglich aufs Neue motivieren: Das gelingt mit einem Vision Board. Mit unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung erstellen auch ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

6 Business Apps to Cure Your Productivity and Marketing Weaknesses

On the flip side, poor project management leads to crippling financial and emotional losses. In U.S. alone, businesses lose anywhere between 50 ...
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WONDER: A New Coaching Model

Hello, fellow Agile enthusiasts and coaches! Based on my experiences with various coaching models and with coaching multiple teams and ...
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Mit Secure Scrum zu mehr Softwaresicherheit im IoT

Professor Dr. Ing Hans-Joachim Hof leitet die Munich IT Security Research Group. Der IT-Experte mahnt vor allem bessere Softwarequalität an sowie ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Zusammenarbeit in Scrum-Teams: "Für mich ist wichtig, dass kein Mensch ein X ist"

Scrum stellt hohe Anforderungen an die sozialen Fähigkeiten von allen am Prozess beteiligten Personen. Gemeinsam als Team sind Tester, ...
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sys-con.com berichtet:

New MYTEK Whitepaper "Sink or Swim: The Importance of IT Project Management"

This is where IT project management can provide a blueprint for a ... the name of the game in project management as the whitepaper shows how it can ...
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federaltimes.com berichtet:

How monitoring benefits can save projects

I've taken notice in recent months of the impact project management is having in turning around some of the biggest challenges across the federal ...
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wordcamp.org berichtet:

Project Management: The Life Cycle of a Web Design Project

Hilary Fosdal is a speaker at WordCamp Chicago talking about Project Management: The Life Cycle of a Web Design Project. Get to know her below!
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dzone.com berichtet:

The Benefits of Combining Cmmi and Scrum Testing

Capability Maturity Model Integration and Scrum testing can be used as a pair to send your development team to the next level and open up significant ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

HBR's Embrace Of Agile

Agile is a dramatically different framework for management itself. In the .... would bill hundreds of millions of dollars each quarter for project managers, ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:

Easy Team and Project Management with Nutcache

This article was sponsored by Nutcache. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible. Scaling from a sole developer or small ...
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presseportal.de berichtet:

Alltag und Karriere im Projektmanagement: Assure Consulting auf der connecticum 2016

Wie kann ich mir den Alltag im Projektmanagement konkret vorstellen? Welche Perspektiven eröffnet der Einstieg? Kann ich meine ...
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