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engineering.atspotify.com berichtet:
Spotify’s New Experimentation Platform (Part 1)
At Spotify we try to be as scientific as possible about how we build our products. Teams generate hypotheses that we test by running experiments — normally in the form of an A/B test — to learn what works and what doesn’t. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Roadmaps Are Dead. Long Live Roadmaps! – Janna Bastow on The Product Experience
When you have questions about roadmaps, it pays to talk to someone who has spent way too much of her life thinking about them. ...
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radicalcandor.com berichtet:
Emotional Reactions At Work Are Awkward: Here’s How To Deal
When you’re delivering difficult feedback, even in a caring way, people are likely to get emotional. That’s OK; emotional reactions are normal. ...
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knowyourteam.com berichtet:
How to build team morale remotely
12 practices for how to build team morale remotely in the long-term, not as a short-term enthusiasm blip. ...
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industriallogic.com berichtet:
Why Are Component Teams Still So Popular?
Perry Reid, a senior coach and trainer, who worked with several others from Industrial Logic to help a telecommunications client, recently told the following story: ...
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jamesshore.com berichtet:
AoAD2 Chapter 4: Investing in Agility
One of the recurring themes in this book is that, in order to be Agile, your organization has to buy in to the underlying Agile philosophy. Not just spending money—that’s comparatively easy—but making real, meaningful changes to organizational structures, systems, and behaviors. ...
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pharmtech.com berichtet:
How To Execute Successful Data Migrations
Insufficient planning often stems from the failure to view data migration efforts as distinct projects (as part of a larger project or program). But that is ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
DevOps job hunt: 3 resume writing tips
With expertise managing critical full-cycle projects that support application ... This means that important past roles or projects may be ignored. ... The key to a successful DevOps job search is finding an effective balance between ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
A Next Gen Sales Methodology
It is an agile project management approach focused leveraging problem solving methods/tools. As in any complex projects, we need to have an array of ...
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gisuser.com berichtet:
How Agile Kanban Board Works?
How does Kanban work in IT? Kanban, like Scrum, is a development management methodology from the Agile philosophy. Its main meaning is centered ...
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pocket-lint.com berichtet:
Is Kanbani the ultimate productivity app to help you get things done?
Kanbani is a task management platform based on Kanban, a development style that's all about keeping track of tasks and moving them between ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:
Agile development: How to tackle complexity and get stuff done
So how can IT professionals manage complexity? The answer, as these three digital leaders show, is to put agility at the centre of the IT organisation and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
When It Comes To Enterprise Implementations, Agile Is Not The Latest Business Fad
Now, a new project methodology - known as Agile - is being embraced to ... Chris Riemann, a Managing Director in the Supply Chain Practice at ...
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contentmanager.de berichtet:
CIOs gefragt: Das sind die Erfolgsfaktoren für IT-Projekte
So wird Ihr IT-Projekt zum Erfolg. IT Projekte starten meist ambitioniert und werden mit großem Enthusiasmus vom Management initiiert. Doch sie bergen ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Agile Entwicklung: Gutes Schätzen geht auch remote
Als Beispiel für ein fiktives Projekt dient eine Fahrradausleihe. ... Fahrrad-Management: Fahrräder können für die Ausleihe angeschafft und registriert, ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
5 tasks project managers must perform to 'sell' their proposals
All managers—business, IT, and project—if they are to be successful—are ... To successfully sell the project, managers need to know their client and ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
What is the Story with User Stories?
... properly in my 2015 book, Agile Project Management; A Nuts and Bolts Guide. So rather than reinvent the wheel, here is an excerpt from that book.
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Zenkit-Team veröffentlicht Zenchat
Modernes Projektmanagement erfordert nicht nur eine gute Zusammenarbeit, sondern auch eine reibungslose Kommunikation. Deshalb veröffentlicht ...
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
What we should do with a Scrum Team's fluctuating Velocity trends?
Velocity is one of the indicators for a 'stable' Scrum Team used in making better team forecasts. Measuring Velocity and studying patterns over a ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
So geht Digitalisierung
November dreht sich alles um die Frage, wie Digitalisierung in fünf Kernbereichen unseres Gemeinwesens und unserer Wirtschaft bestmöglich ...
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lovebelfast.co.uk berichtet:
How Kanban Can Benefit Your Business
Kanban is a project management system that's designed to help businesses better manage their workloads. Systems can be introduced to assist ...
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businessnewsdaily.com berichtet:
What Is Project Resource Management?
Project resource management makes sure you are using everything at your ... However, he said Agile can have its own issues and is still evolving.
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mdpi.com berichtet:
Adopting Agile Project Management Practices in Non-Software SMEs
As a result, more flexible agile project management (APM) approaches have emerged over the last decades. Originally developed for the software ...
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newsanyway.com berichtet:
Five Essential Skills All Project Managers Must Have
Effective project management is more than just about degrees or qualifications (those matter too, of course), but in reality, your ability to lead your ...
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timebulletin.com berichtet:
International Project Management Day: History and Importance of the IPM Day
It is a Worldwide appreciation of the many project managers and project groups in every association including non-profit associations and health care ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
10 Reasons Sustainability Needs To Be Part Of Your Digital Transformation Strategy
As geopolitical considerations may impact a sustainability initiative, a project manager may also consider an Agile Project Management methodology ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Change Agent…Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!
Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Change Agent…Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! Like Discuss Bookmarks. View Presentation. Vertical
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medium.com berichtet:
What are NOT User Stories?
The 4 most common misunderstandings of Users Stories that block Scrum Teams from thriving.
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
Find Freedom of the Mountain in Everything You Do
In the last week, two separate men told me they fantasize about leaving everything behind and living on a mountain.
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medium.com berichtet:
Stop locking estimates, start forecasting
Failing to meet timelines is often caused by false expectations
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
Become a Product Visionary with Alternative Futures Analysis
In the 1990s and 2000s, Blockbuster was the nation’s top video rental company, with over 8,000 stores across the globe.
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barryoreilly.com berichtet:
Systemic Effects: the Overlooked Key to Effective Strategic Planning
Many company leaders approach strategic planning and achieving goals in a linear manner that’s too shallow and too focused on the short term. I’m going to show you a better way of identifying the consequences of change, sensing smarter options, and positioning yourself for a better future.
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:
Optimize your process for decision-making, not dogma
featuredby jeff gothelf, posted in agile, enterprise, lean startup, lean ux, product management, product strategy, productivity, research, startups, user feedback, ux team, ways of working, work ethic
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medium.com berichtet:
The critical core components of self-organized companies
If self-organized companies are so much more rewarding and successful, why are we not seeing more of them?
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du-bist-grossartig.de berichtet:
Weisst du was ein Massively Transformative Purpose ist?
Bevor ich Anne M. Schüller & Alex T. Steffen: Die Orbit-Organisation. In 9 Schritten zum Unternehmensmodell für die digitale Zukunft gelesen habe, hatte ich noch nie von einem Massively Transformative Purpose gehört und freue mich nun sehr darauf, mit Dir gemeinsam herauszufinden, was sich hinter diesem Konzept verbirgt.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
„Es ist egal wo wir heute sind, wir wollen in die Zukunft – und da spielt DevOps eine zentrale Rolle“
In unserem Interview mit Neno Loje, selbstständiger Berater und Professional Scrum Trainer, von der BASTA! 2020 in Frankfurt sprachen wir darüber, ...
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heise.de berichtet:
betterCode() präsentiert den Product Owner Day
Erfahrungen für ein besser funktionierendes agiles Produktmanagement verspricht der online durchgeführte Product Owner Day am 10. Dezember ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How To Sell Agile To Your Customers
Four clear benefits that Agile offers to your customers that traditional methods do not
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leadingagile.com berichtet:
The physics of agility: predictability
When large organizations set out to take on Agile Transformation, it’s never for Agile’s sake. They’re usually after one or more of these 6 things, Predictability, Quality, Cost Savings, Early ROI, Product Fit, or Innovation.
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projekte-leicht-gemacht.de berichtet:
OKR – Objectives and Key Results: Mehr als nur Ziele (Grundlagen)
SMARTe Ziele, Unternehmensvisionen, KPIs, strategische Maßnahmen – und nun kommt mit OKR noch ein neues Werkzeug zum Setzen von Zielen um die Ecke?
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