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business2community.com berichtet:
What is Agile Leadership? (Part 1)
In fact, I think I have the record for taking the Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) course from Scrum Alliance three times and the Professional Agile ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Die Top 10 der missbrauchten IT-Buzzwords
Ein Umstand, der Jenny Gray, Senior Directopr of Application Development bei ... Er bevorzuge für intelligente Software, die sich auf Grundlage von ...
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scmr.com berichtet:
AI and Employees: Crafting Successful Teams
AI adoption increases, but project success often lags. Over the past five years, artificial intelligence (AI) has grown from a buzzword to real-world ...
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builtin.com berichtet:
4 Habits for Fostering Growth in Your Engineering Team
It starts with partnering with a product owner or customer to understand the need and provide different options to satisfy that need. And even after the ...
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ingenieur.de berichtet:
ALPEN-Methode: In 5 Etappenzielen zum effektiven Arbeitstag
So lässt sich die Projektmanagement-Methode stetig ausbauen. ... Sie weitere Methoden, um sich selbst und die Arbeitszeit besser zu managen:.
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cmswire.com berichtet:
Balancing Flow and Iteration: A Custom Agile Framework for Marketing Teams
Scrum's short iterations, called sprints, were put forward as the antidote to this absurdly long and ineffective process. Rather than work for months to ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:
The year ahead in DevOps and agile: bring on the automation, bring on the business involvement
Agile technology initiatives include business lines, especially as process managers continue to get more deeply involved in automation, so digital ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Paralleluniversum Projektwelt
Projekte sind wie Handwerker und Familienbesuch: Es freut einen schon, wenn sie kommen – und doch halt noch mehr, wenn sie endlich wieder gehen. ...
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industriallogic.com berichtet:
The Continuous Improvement Canvas
In a previous blog post, I talked about some of the most important insights of awesome team learning. ...
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moderatorenschule-bw.de berichtet:
5 Tipps, wie Sie überzeugend vor der Webkamera sprechen
Videokonferenzen sind mittlerweile fester Bestandteil im beruflichen Alltag. Oder sagen wir eher, über Videokonferenz-Systeme geführte Telefonkonferenzen haben sich fest etabliert. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
3 words that make meetings great
Poorly run meetings offend the talent at the table. Our hatred of meetings points to an issue leaders love to ignore. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
Every day, we are dealing with a thousand things, overrun by emails and messages and tasks and chores … and it can become overwhelming and shut us down. ...
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blog.holisticon.de berichtet:
Kollaborieren statt Kollabieren
Collaboration-Tools als Heilsbringer für bessere Zusammenarbeit? Warum Software-Werkzeuge nur die halbe Miete sind und was man bei der Auswahl beachten sollte. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Die Qual der Wahl
Gute Entscheidungen zu treffen in einer immer komplexer werdenden Welt mit immer mehr Möglichkeiten, ist nicht einfach. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
22 Scrum Master Anti-Patterns from Job Ads: From Funny to What the Heck?
Job ads for Scrum Master positions reveal great insight into an organization’s progress on becoming agile. I analyzed more than 50 job ads for Scrum Master positions to gain these. ...
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scrumschau.wordpress.com berichtet:
Scrum-Begriffe verstehen: Der Sprint
Woran erkennt man Artikel, die aufzeigen wollen, wie doof Scrum sei und gleichzeitig selbst offenbaren, dass der/die Autor:in Scrum nicht verstanden hat? An der Abarbeitung des „Sprint“-Begriffs. ...
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lean-agility.de berichtet:
Verschachtelte Sprints
Im Kosmos der agilen Frameworks gibt es Begriffe die niemand kennt, hinter denen sich aber Phänomene verbergen die in vielen Teams so alltäglich sind, dass es niemandem auffällt, dass sie keinen bekannten Namen haben. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Fix Your Boring Daily Scrums
Imagine Developers arriving at the Daily Scrum feeling like they want the monotony of it to end. They wish they hadn't had to bother to attend in the first place. ...
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marcloeffler.eu berichtet:
Wie begeistere ich meine Kollegen für das Thema Agilität?
Eine der am meisten gestellten Fragen in meinen Trainings ist: "Wie begeistere ich meine Kollegen für das Thema Agilität?". Das scheint also ein Thema zu sein, das recht viele Scrum Master, Agile Coaches und Führungskräfte umtreibt. ...
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shmula.com berichtet:
Agile Six Sigma – Can it Work?
Many organizations usually go the Agile route or the Six Sigma route, and that is perfectly okay. Technology has become a dominant force in modern times, becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives – both personally and professionally. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Scrum and Agile should be for everyone
In your search for solutions, involve everyone benefiting from them ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why Are Most Backlog Refinement Sessions Dreadful
The five things you must avoid during your refinement sessions. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The 7 steps guide to create your first Scrum Backlog
Learn how to make your first Agile Product Backlog ...
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medium.com berichtet:
About change in a Scrum Team
According to one of the liberators, Barry Overeem, one of the eight stances of a Scrum Master is the Change Agent: ...
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medium.com berichtet:
10 Steps To a Successful Remote Meeting
Are the most productive remote meetings no meetings at all? ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
Stop obsessing over the exact mechanics of Scrum ...
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medium.com berichtet:
What Product Owners Should Avoid While Making Decisions
The four mistakes Product Owners frequently commit with decision-making. ...
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gopractice.io berichtet:
The do’s and don’ts of LTV calculation
LTV (Lifetime Value) is an important metric for decision-making in both marketing and product management. But measuring LTV is a bit tricky and you can easily make mistakes when calculating it. ...
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prodpad.com berichtet:
Should Product Managers Say No?
I came across this question in an online product management community I’m part of. ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Wege zur agilen Selbstsabotage
Sollte der Product Owner dann auf die Idee kommen, sich über die Abweichung vom Terminplan zu beschweren, kommt der beste Part: Dann dürfen ...
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konstruktionspraxis.vogel.de berichtet:
Optimierung der Produktentwicklung mit Scrum
Das Management des Landmaschinenherstellers hat das Konzept der agilen Methodik Scrum überzeugt. So konnte das Projekt Schritt für Schritt ...
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gisuser.com berichtet:
How to become a Scrum Master? Brief guide with the consistent steps
... the Scrum Master track that includes CSM certification, etc., the developer track, and the product owner track. Certificates clearly make the individual ...
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bmmagazine.co.uk berichtet:
Advantages of using Kanban
Kanban is a task management model, often employed by Agile companies. · Visibility and predictability · Increased productivity · Flexibility · Reducing costs ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Scrum Master Job (1): 4 Steps to Identify Suitable Employers or Clients
Are you considering a new Scrum Master job? However, you are not sure that it is the right organization? Don't worry; there are four steps of proactive ...
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ciodive.com berichtet:
Gartner: How CIOs can make a business case for AI
Most successful AI projects have always had management support for them. CIOs must consider these factors when calculating the expected costs and ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Leading Technical Projects - and How to Get Them Done
It was a very successful process in the end. Succeeding With a Migration. What makes it more likely that you will succeed with a migration? Firstly, you ...
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productplan.com berichtet:
Declaring Roadmap Bankruptcy
Whether your product finds a market or falls flat, your team needs to understand why this outcome occurred. That way, you’ll know if your strategic plan is working and your roadmap is on the right track, or if it’s time to declare roadmap bankruptcy. ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Wie Anwender DevOps einsetzen
... weitere Vorteile wie Time-to-Market von neuen Produkten und Services oder die Vereinfachung des Software Development Lifecycle mit 25 Prozent ...
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davefarley.net berichtet:
Is SAFe safe?
I recently made a passing comment in one of my videos about SAFe, it was a bit of a cheap-shot on my part if I am honest and I got picked-up on it, appropriately, by a viewer. ...
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innovations-report.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement im digitalen Wandel
Agile Methoden, die ursprünglich fürs Projektmanagement entwickelt wurden, werden inzwischen auch erfolgreich im Produktmanagement eingesetzt ...
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