Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
toolbox.com berichtet:
4 Key Steps To Build an Agile Infrastructure for Hybrid Work Models
Recommended Reads. Project Management Is Changing: 5 Tips To Stay Ahead of the Game · Productivity Software · Project Management Is Changing ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Learn how to deploy the Taiga kanban solution in minutes with Docker
See how easy Docker makes it to deploy the Taiga kanban solution to your data center or a third-party cloud host.
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searchitoperations.techtarget.com berichtet:
DevOps platforms hone developer experience, yield ops wins
The second is Apptio's ApptioOne IT financial management software. "Our digital product owners will have regular meetings with the business customer ...
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careers360.com berichtet:
Google, Coursera to jointly offer Career Certificates to enhance digital skills
Google's certification platform Grow with Google is offering certifications in IT Support, Data Analytics, Project Management, UX design, ...
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bollyinside.com berichtet:
Best Templates in Google Sheets for Project Management
Project managers have the daunting task of juggling multiple projects, monitoring statements, and supervising large teams of employees, ...
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makeuseof.com berichtet:
The 7 Most Popular Project Management Methodologies and Who They're Best Suited For
At its core, an Agile project management methodology promotes speed and collaboration and typically involves short phases of work and frequent ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Successful Software Development in a Hybrid Environment
Here are some of my recommendations for helping organizations to continue their software development projects in today's hybrid work environment: ...
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bundesbank.de berichtet:
Interview mit Product Owner Digistik Michael
Michael ist schon seit Beginn Teil des J2C Teams und erzählt Dir in diesem Video, was für Ihn am wichtigsten im Programm J2C ist.
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toolbox.com berichtet:
Project Management Is Changing: 5 Tips To Stay Ahead of the Game
The methodology. Today, a majority of businesses have shifted to agile, Kanban, or hybrid strategies that allow teams to shift strategies according to ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projektaudits mit Mehrwert – 5 Beispiele
Ein gutes Projektaudit unterstützt sie dabei. Projektaudits helfen der Projektleitung, das Projektmanagement zu verbessern, blinde Flecken zu erkennen ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Excel-Vorlage – Ressourcenplanung mit Projektpriorisierung
Management Summary. Ein wirksamer Lösungsansatz bei Ressourcenengpässen ist eine Ressourcenplanung auf Basis einer klaren Projektpriorisierung.
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haufe.de berichtet:
Reporting darf kein Selbstzweck sein: Mit Performance Dialogues mehr Wirkung erzielen
Senior Project Manager bei Horváth & Partners Management Consultants. Performance Dialogues: Mehr WIrkung erzielen.
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forbes.com berichtet:
The Importance Of Networking In Project Management
Since project managers must have exceptional communication skills, networking is closely related to their craft. During projects, we have to ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
What Is A Kanban Board? Basics And Benefits
A Kanban board is a tool that provides a visual system for teams to manage project tasks, workflows and communication.
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techreport.com berichtet:
Tools That Are Critical for Effective Project Management
Tools for effectively managing business projects can help ensure success. ... The “Agile Project Management” is very different from traditional ...
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digitaljournal.com berichtet:
Kanban Project Management Software Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
Kanban is a project management methodology. It helps to visualize work and ensure a smooth flow of work. This software provides proper analysis of ...
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heise.de berichtet:
OpenProject 12: Schluss mit der E-Mail-Flut durch OpenProject-Benachrichtigungen
Zuvörderst um Benachrichtigungen dreht sich das neue Release 12.0.0 von OpenProject. Sie sollen Nutzer nun in der Projektmanagementsoftware selbst ...
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eweek.com berichtet:
CIOs Talk Agile: Failing Fast and Learning Faster
... typically lead in the move to Agile, what do CIOs think about this methodology? ... Management loves value being continuously deployed.
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Eigenes Scaled Agile Framework erstellen
Analog dazu kann im Bereich "Sinn" ein Product Owner zum Chief Product Owner werden und für ein Produkt oder eine Produkt-Suite verantwortlich sein, ...
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techreport.com berichtet:
10 Things to Look for in Software for Project Management
Explore the product to be certain it will be able to conform to either an agile or waterfall method of working. Though many project managers ...
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leadingagile.com berichtet:
Creating an agile transformation roadmap
An Agile Transformation Roadmap is all about getting people to change and having that change be sticky. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Auf die Plätze, fertig, Sprint
Der Sprint, und so ist es sehr metaphorisch im Scrum Guide niedergeschrieben, ist der Herzschlag von Scrum, die Phase, in der Ideen in Werte umgesetzt werden. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Veränderungswiderstand im Team
Nach wie vor wird viel geschrieben und diskutiert über den berühmten „Veränderungswiderstand“ in den unzähligen Transformationen und Change Maßnahmen. Im Fokus dabei ist fast ausschließlich der Mensch als Individuum. ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Dealing with an underperforming development team published
As the person in charge of the product, you rely on the development team to do a good job. But some teams are held back by performance issues and fail to reliably deliver working software. This article shares my advice on how product people can deal with an underperforming development team and help the group improve. ...
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kasperowski.com berichtet:
Woody Zuill: the best leader is the one who leads without authority
This is the second part of Richard’s interview with Woody Zuill. Woody is an Agile coach well known for popularizing mob programming and the No Estimates movement. ...
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theitriskmanager.com berichtet:
Failure Cultures Reward failure.
“In agile, we fail fast to win early. Traditional teams are afraid to fail!” ...
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corporate-rebels.com berichtet:
Flat Organizations: Companies Do NOT Need Middle Managers
In 1830, during the development of the first railroads, a fascinating event happened in America. ...
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uxdesign.cc berichtet:
The PO vs PM madness
The Product Manager versus Product Owner debate keeps spreading and it’s painful to hear the complete madness that is going on. Is there a difference between the two roles? ...
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svpg.com berichtet:
Process People
For many years I’ve subscribed to the idea that in a product organization, there are essentially two types of contributors: makers and managers. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Splitting Stories - Three Easy Ways
As software developers, the practice of splitting stories seems to be one of the most challenging aspects of defining our work. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Myth of Single Team Scrum
Today, I am going to do some myth-busting. The myth is a resistant one: Scrum is a one team framework. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
What You Should Know Before Becoming a Product Owner in a Large Corporation
Five tough challenges you may run into while wearing the Product Owner hat in massive enterprises ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Doubling your Scrum teams does not double the output
We have a flawed mindset believing adding more people helps. What if five teams are the magic limit? ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How A Culture Of Learning And Experimentation Can Prevent Zombie Scrum
Reflections and findings triggered by the experience interview with Carsten Lützen ...
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sozialtheoristen.de berichtet:
Auskühlung – Über das Management von Erwartungen in Organisationen
Die Aussicht auf Aufstieg ist ein zentrales Motiv dafür, dass sich Personen über das formal erwartete engagieren. ...
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alifeofproductivity.com berichtet:
Some practical tips for slowing down
Takeaway: Slowing down can be tough these days, as I found during a month-long sabbatical. Here are a few tips that helped me take pause during this anxious time. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
Psychologische Sicherheit & erfolgreiches Teamwork
Vor einigen Jahren hat der Internetgigant Google eine Studie darüber durchgeführt, was die Schlüsselfaktoren für erfolgreiches Teamwork sind. ...
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wibas.com berichtet:
Wie können strategische, taktische und operative Ebene zusammengeführt werden?
Um diese durchgängige Agilität zu schaffen, muss eine Voraussetzung erfüllt sein: das gemeinsame Verständnis über die Strategie und jene Parameter, an denen sich ablesen lässt, ob der strategische Ansatz am Markt erfolgreich ist oder nicht und inwieweit die Ziele erreicht wurden oder noch erreichbar sind. ...
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geemco.de berichtet:
Drei Elemente, die jede Verbesserung enthalten sollte
Der Impuls zu diesem Beitrag ist aus einen Artikel von Sean D'Souza entstanden. ...
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Tooling #4: Die gute alte Augenhöhe
Manchmal werde ich gefragt, was für meine Arbeit die wichtigsten Tools und Herangehensweisen sind. ...
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