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herbig.co berichtet:
Product Discovery
When the roadmaps for the year ahead get crafted, you should be able to rank the themes you and your team want to work on. Most often, those topics result from epics you've worked on before, your Product Strategy, user feedback or the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) for your team. ...
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felipecastro.com berichtet:
How OKR Helped Gmail Reach 1 Billion Users: an Interview with Itamar Gilad
What exactly does OKR look like in practice at the company that popularized it? I know many readers are curious about OKR at Google, so I’m happy to introduce you to Itamar Gilad, who, as former Lead Product Manager and Head of Growth at Gmail, helped, among other things, launch the Tabbed Inbox feature and grow Gmail from 400 million to 1 billion users. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Is “Soft Sand” Slowing Down Your Scrum Team?
Relaxing on a beach, lying on the warm, soft sand, listening to the meditative sounds of the ocean waves….. just thinking about that scene can begin to relax even the busiest mind. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The road from Business Analyst to Product Owner
The transition from Business Analyst to a Product Owner is something that happens often and naturally. I started as a Developer, then became a Business Analyst and finally got promoted to Product Owner. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Four Symptoms of Zombie Scrum
An introduction of the 4 symptoms, with the symptom ‘No desire for contact with the outside world’ explained in detail ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Frischzellenkur Selbstorganisation? Ein häufiges Missverständnis und seine Konsequenzen
Als mich Ralf Volkmer dazu eingeladen hat, für leanbase.de einen Artikel oder sogar eine Kolumne zu schreiben, habe ich das Themenanliegen auf Twitter weiter gegeben, um allgemeines Interesse abzufragen. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Sinn und Vertrauen in der Krise
Verteiltes Arbeiten und Führung auf Distanz basiert auf Sinn und Vertrauen. Wo beides nicht sehr ausgeprägt war, wird die Corona-Krise zur Vertrauens- und Sinnkrise. Daraus kann man lernen – oder möglichst schnell das vorige Betriebssystem der Organisation hochfahren. ...
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kurswechsel.jetzt berichtet:
Decision Poker – spielerisch reflektierte Entscheidungen treffen
Ein Spiel, das zur Handlungsfähigkeit bewegt, weil es Teams und Organisationen zu gut überlegten Entscheidungen befähigt. ...
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produktwerker.de berichtet:
Mit Liberating Structures als Product Owner Zombie Scrum entkommen
Liberating Structures sind eine Option, um echte Zusammenarbeit zu etablieren. Daher haben wir mit Johannes Schartau von Holisticon gesprochen, ob und wie Liberating Structures Produkt Ownern unterstützen können. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
10 Powerful Questions to Create Better Sprint Goals
Almost everybody sees the value of Sprint Goals. But most teams struggle with them nonetheless. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to creating good Sprint Goals. Sure, there are helpful canvasses and conceptual models out there, like this one and this one. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The plate-drop challenge: how to respond to failure
The only way to learn how many plates you can spin is to break some plates. The question of capacity guarantees failure. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
A Guide to Dealing with the Growing Tiredness & Boredom of the New Normal
This pandemic is no longer an exciting (but scary) novelty. We’re a couple months into this lockdown and crisis, and it’s starting to wear on many of us. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
The Five Types of People to Surround Yourself with for Success
Success is made up of hard work, commitment and passion but perhaps one of the most crucial factors to take into account is who we choose to surround ourselves with. ...
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agilesocks.com berichtet:
5 Ways to Support Your Team (and Yourself) in Uncertain Times
As a coach, I’ve gotten many inquiries from colleagues and students asking for advice. How do I support my team during a time when we have and are still experiencing so much change and high levels of uncertainty? How do I even support myself right now? ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Three lessons I learned working in a remote Scrum team
Given the current COVID-19 climate and as more Scrum teams are now having to work entirely remotely, there may be new obstacles or challenges that can arise from remote cooperation. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
How great leaders build strong relationships
You might think leadership would be easy if it wasn’t for people. Try sending everyone home! Now what? ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Narrative des Präsenzkults: Der Kapitän gehört auf die Brücke
Mit den ersten Lockerungen der Ausgangsbeschränkungen beginnt in vielen Büros das Hochfahren zurück zum Präsenzkult der Vor-Corona-Zeit, weil es echte Arbeit nur im Büro und nur unter Aufsicht geben kann. ...
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Die UFG Catering Simulation (a. k. a. Ubongo Flow Game Remote)
Einige Leserinnen und Leser kennen bereits das Ubongo Flow Game, in dem wir das Spielmaterial von Ubongo nutzen, um die Auswirkungen von Prozessänderungen auf Ergebnisse zu zeigen. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Experiments, Practices, and Strategies for being a Remote Scrum Master
Being an effective and successful Scrum Master requires a wide variety of skills, knowledge, and experience. This variety is captured in the stances of a Scrum Master. The Scrum Master is expected to act as a teacher, impediment remover, facilitator, coach, mentor, and change agent. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Remote Agile (Part 8): Daily Scrum with Distributed Teams
We started this series on remote agile with looking into practices and tools; we explored virtual Liberating Structures, and how to master Zoom. We had a look at common remote agile anti-patterns; we analyzed remote Retrospectives, Sprint Plannings as well as remote Sprint Reviews based on Liberating Structures. ...
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agile-unternehmen.de berichtet:
Wie kann ich die Stimmung von virtuellen Teams messen?
COVID-19 zwingt Menschen im Homeoffice zu arbeiten und Manager stehen vor einer neuen Herausforderung: Führung von virtuellen Teams. Doch wie kann ich die Stimmung der virtuellen Teams messen ohne jeden dauerhaft anzurufen. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Can a Development Team member work on more than one team at a time?
In my last post I used the metaphor of a rowing team to describe the potential implications of having more than one Product Owner per product. In this post, I’d like to use a similar metaphor to show what might happen if a Development Team member works on more than one team at a time. ...
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agilelucero.com berichtet:
Mindset assessment
First of all, I want to give a short explanation about Fixed and Growth mindset. Much of that understanding stems from the work of Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, synthesized in her remarkably insight — an inquiry into the power of our beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, and how changing even the simplest of them can have profound impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
What Should Be The Focus For The Product Owner?
The most straightforward answer would be – value, of course! Read on to find out more about why Product Owners should focus on value! ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Wie Sie einen Mind-Sweep durchführen
Eine der Grundprinzipien der Methode GTD von David Allen lautet “Alles aus dem Kopf”. Grund: Der Kopf ist ein hervorragender Diener, aber ein schlechter Organisator. Er erinnert einen immer zu den unpassendsten Gelegenheiten an Dinge, die noch zu erledigen sind. ...
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https: berichtet:
Einfache chronologische Liste zur Gedächtnisstütze
Im beruflichen Umfeld gehört es zum Alltag: Nach einem Telefonat wird eine Gesprächsnotiz angefertigt, nach einer Besprechung archiviert man die Notizen usw. Jedem ist klar, dass man sonst einige Wochen später nicht mehr genau weiß, was wann wie mit wem abgemacht war. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Big Upfront Planning is Out. Pivoting to Respond to Change is In
The Covid-19 global crisis triggered a huge change in the way we work and operate as organisations. With uncertainty at an all time high, the response of many organisations in those early days was to take stock and batten down the hatches and hope there was something to go back to when all of this was over. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Iceberg Model of Scrum!
The world is fast-paced and digital ready which is proved amidst the prevailing COVID-19 at the moment. All activities happening around us are Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous in nature. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Product Backlog Management: what must a Product Owner avoid?
The backlog management is a crucial part of any Scrum Team. Therefore, the Product Owner must clearly understand what to do and what NOT to do. ...
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alistapart.com berichtet:
Jobs To Be Done
A software company I once worked for held what were called “hackweeks” once a quarter. This was a time for developers to work on “whatever they wanted,” as it was framed. Give engineers time to play around with technology, and they’re bound to find the next innovation, or so the theory went. ...
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adrianswinscoe.com berichtet:
Customer experience, innovation, artificial intelligence, culture….a look inside Amazon – Interview with Claire Whitaker
Today’s interview is with Claire Whitaker, a product and artificial intelligence (AI) consultant, who over the last nine years has worked in lean innovation, customer experience (CX), product management and technology including AI teams at top companies across industries, including Amazon. ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Six types of “product” owners
Nearly 20 years after the publication of the first Scrum book, the product owner role is still riddled with misunderstandings. It’s not uncommon for me to meet someone who refers to her- or himself as a product owner, only to discover that the person owns a feature or the product details but not the entire product. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Make It Safe! Psychological Safety for You and Your Teams
Steven Limmer talks about the initial management of software and how it evolved to Agile, and then discusses the common issues with “Agile”, and how this has led to failure and mistrust. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
10 Powerful Questions to Create Better Sprint Goals
Almost everybody sees the value of Sprint Goals. But most teams struggle with them nonetheless. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to creating good Sprint Goals. Sure, there are helpful canvasses and conceptual models out there, like this one and this one. ...
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less.works berichtet:
The Essence of Scrum
Unfortunately, many so-called Scrum adoptions keep missing the essence of Scrum. They are too preoccupied with the mechanics of Scrum; process, roles, meetings, and certifications. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Warum schreien bei der Einführung neuer/agiler Tools eigentlich nicht alle Juchuu? – Eine Einladung zur Reflexion
Letzten Monat habe ich bei einem virtuellen Lean Coffee des Forums Agile Verwaltung teilgenommen. Eine Frage, die dort besprochen wurde lautete in etwa: Wie kann ich meine Kolleg:innen dazu bewegen, sich am (Kanban-) Board mit einzubringen? Ich fand das ein spannendes Thema, denn vor zwei Monaten haben wir bei uns im Team selbst Kanban eingeführt. ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Zertifikate oder Vernetzung – was ist wichtiger in Projekten?
Eine Prüfung erfolgreich mit einem Zertifikat zu bestehen, ist wichtig! Das merken wir aktuell, wenn unter dem Eindruck von Covid-19 zunächst die Schüler der Abschlussklassen in die Schule zurückkehren. Zertifizierte Prüfungen helfen uns zu unterscheiden, öffnen bzw. schließen Türen, und erleichtern wichtige Entscheidungen darüber, wer was wohl kann und darf. ...
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marketingprofs.com berichtet:
Agile Marketing FAQs: Teams, Meetings, Leadership, Measurement, More...
Other, more advanced, project management-style tools include Aprimo, Monday.com, and CoSchedule. You can also dive into the vast world of Agile- ...
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consultancy-me.com berichtet:
Project Management Office: Agile PMO versus Traditional PMO
In today's disruptive environment, project management offices need to be just agile as the organisation around them. This is seeing the rise of the ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
What not to say to agile teams
Each team has a certified Scrum Master and we hired a world-class agile coach to keep everyone on track, so you don't need to hear from me.”.
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