Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
kanbwana.de berichtet:
Modellierung des Eingangs nach Dienstleistung
Statt nur in "Arbeit" und "Ungeplantes" zu differenzieren, sollte der Eingang nach den angebotenen Dienstleistungen strukturiert sein. Und technologisch oder nach benötigten technischen Ressourcen können wir weiter hinten im Workflow unterscheiden. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Effectiveness Manifesto — Practical Tips
Modern and high-performing organizations employ agile concepts to develop better products faster than their competitors. They are constantly running experiments to discover innovative and efficient new ways to solve customer problems, and they build high-speed engineering capabilities to deliver value every day. ...
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lean.org berichtet:
How A Virtual Obeya Can Enable Effective Teamwork
As we are adjusting to new ways of working for as many people as possible through social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19, we have to find new ways to work together effectively. Lean processes and tools are designed to enable people to work effectively together to solve a problem or achieve a purpose. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
In der Krise die Weichen richtig stellen
Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg? Die Krise führt vielerorts zur Konsolidierung. Der kurzfristige Ertrag heute gewinnt notgedrungen die Oberhand über die spekulativen Ideen für übermorgen. ...
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cbinsights.com berichtet:
7 Innovation Frameworks To Navigate Disruption: Apple, Netflix, Amazon, & More
Now more than ever, companies are under immense pressure to innovate and make their products, operations, and business models more compelling and competitive. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
Conversations, Conflict and Leadership – Roman Pichler on The Product Experience
Throughout their careers, whatever question either Lily or Randy has had, Roman Pichler’s probably had some great advice on the topic! ...
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mattphilip.wordpress.com berichtet:
Leadership-Standup Questions
As more leaders and people in management organize themselves into teams working at coordination and strategy “flight” levels, they — like the operational teams they support — use daily standup/flow-planning meetings. ...
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felipecastro.com berichtet:
How to Use OKR During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Your OKRs are, of course, a small problem considering the massive potential impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. But many people have asked me for advice on how to use OKR during the crazy times we are living in, and I felt it was a small thing that I could do to help others, so I decided to write this article to answer the most common concerns. ...
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start.mural.co berichtet:
You're planning a meeting. You would normally put stickies on a wall. But this time you're going to be remote.
Have you recently found yourself planning a remote meeting for the first time? Are you wondering how you’ll deliver a high-quality, interactive experience virtually? ...
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marker.medium.com berichtet:
They Led the Cult of Remote Work. Now We’re All Members.
It only took a pandemic for us to live in Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson’s remote work fantasy ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Our Leaders Use A Scrum-Like Approach To Fight COVID-19
Scrum is founded on empiricism. All rules, artifacts, and events exist to support it. Empiricism is a radically different way to create products because ...
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azbigmedia.com berichtet:
21 must-follow SAFe certification training experts on social media
His website,Scrum.org helps in software development. Eric Willeke (@erwilleke). Willeke is a SAFe fellow with in-depth knowledge of designing and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Using Agile To Combat Uncertainty And Chaos
Agile originated as a software development project management methodology, and it focuses on creating a more efficient process for completing ...
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newslagoon.com berichtet:
Review – How to Make an Agile Workflow for Your Team
The concept of working within an agile framework is different than traditional project management methodologies. A traditional methodology like ...
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applause.com berichtet:
3 Tips to Manage a Remote QA Team
How do you manage a remote team of testers? This is a critical question for many development teams, now more than ever with so many ... This ensures you can maintain an Agile workflow, supports projects moving along as ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:
5 Remote Work Project Management Challenges and How to Fix Them
So, how can project managers address the issue of “lack of motivation” among employees to create a positive workplace that improves productivity?
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basicthinking.de berichtet:
Wie du mit dieser Cloud-basierten Lösung flexibel und effizient deine Projekte steuerst
Für Projektmanager ist es also essenziell, per Mausklick zu identifizieren, welcher Mitarbeiter im Moment an welchen Aufgaben arbeitet und welche ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Prozesse digitalisieren mit Allisa
Norderstedt, März 2020 – Digitale Geschäftsprozesse sind die Grundlage für Industrie 4.0 und neue datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle. Mit der ...
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campusjaeger.de berichtet:
Was macht ein Scrum Master?
Dich interessiert der Job als Scrum Master? Was dich erwartet, welche Voraussetzungen und Aufgaben du erfüllen musst, erfährst du hier.
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securityboulevard.com berichtet:
How to transition from DevOps to DevSecOps?
These are either development tickets to build a new micro-service or a ... This is where I believe the agile and management of DevOps starts to fail.
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searchsap.techtarget.com berichtet:
SuccessFactors implementation methodology: Overview of choices
The scrum master acts as a type of project manager but manages the product delivery instead of the actual project. Scrum-based agile methodology ...
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towardsdatascience.com berichtet:
Self-Driving Cars — Managing a Project
The project manager has a lot to do. Here, I will identify every task and contact that role involves. In a self-driving car, we rarely create a vehicle that ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Workflow-Management: Diese Tools verbessern die Teamarbeit
Beim Projektmanagement dreht sich im Wesentlichen alles um diese Frage. Die Antwort darauf liefern klassische Projekt- und Aufgabenmanagement- ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Homeoffice und Online-Collaboration funktionieren
Neben der Vermittlung meiner Ideen zum Management in Zeiten der ... und von "Process and Project", die freiwillig an einer Online-Veranstaltung ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How to Scrum in contagion times
We decided to rotate the role of a Scrum Master every day. We believe that everyone should be equally involved in such ceremonies, especially at this ...
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devops.com berichtet:
The Key to Embracing DevOps: A Real-Time Roadmap
Drawing its inspiration from the Agile movement, DevOps extends many of Agile's ... as the number of teams and dependencies involved in a project grows. ... Similarly, management needs to understand what projects are at risk in ...
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enterprisetimes.co.uk berichtet:
What are the challenges of a project management office today?
Adapting to change is what is driving agile transformation, regardless of organization size. Resource management continues to be the biggest challenge ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Practical Advice on How to Use Lead Time
Every organization should have an epic kanban. Prerequisites. You can use lead time as a lagging indicator of your process improvement efforts without ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Produktiver arbeiten mit Workspace-Tools
... man sich wie virtuelle Büros vorstellen, in denen man Collaboration-Apps, Filesharing, das Projektmanagement und Messenger integrieren kann.
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:
How to use a to-do list without driving yourself mad
This combination of personal Kanban and Trello has cleared my head, focussed my mind and allowed me to achieve so much more in a calm and ...
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techreport.com berichtet:
4 Key Features to Look for in Your Project Management Software
While every project runs into unexpected challenges, no business operation in 2020 should have to shut down due to management issues. Project ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
So gelingt die agile Transformation in der Wohnungswirtschaft
Rüdiger Grebe. Leiter EBZ-Akademie, Bochum. Madeleine Thon. Teamleiterin Organisationsentwicklung und Projektmanagement EBZ-Akademie, ...
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finextra.com berichtet:
5 ways to maximize the value of the AI Solutions
Still, the product owner is smitten with the lure of using AI or ML in the product and push the case for expanding the application with an ML model.
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onmsft.com berichtet:
Bots, analytics, project management, and lots more: How to add apps to Microsoft Teams
The most common way to add an app to Teams is from the left side of Teams. You'll see an Apps button. Be sure to click it, search for your app and ...
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com-magazin.de berichtet:
Effektives Projektmanagement im Homeoffice
Die Corona-Krise zwingt Tausende Arbeitnehmern ins Homeoffice. Die Art der ...
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martechseries.com berichtet:
17 Ways Agile Teams Can Stay Collaborative While Working From Home
Is the Coronavirus Threat Forcing Businesses to Create a Remote Workforce? COVID-19Daily Stand-UpProductivityProject Management ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Agile und DevOps – Gegner oder Freunde?
Daily Scrums sind tägliche 15-minütige Meetings des Teams unter Beteiligung des Scrum Masters und eventuell des Product Owner. Sie dienen ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Tools für die digitale Transformation
Sie stellen einen Mix aus Visualisierungs-, Collaboration- und Project-Management-Funktionen bereit und unterstützen eine Vielzahl von Enterprise ...
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scottishconstructionnow.com berichtet:
Project professionals rate people management and stakeholder engagement as most important ...
The Association for Project Management (APM) has launched the final paper in its Projecting the Future series to help address challenges posed by a ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Was ist Lean Management?
Lean gilt als die westliche Interpretation des Toyota Production System (TPS) aus Japan. Das TPS ist eine Konzeption, um jede Art der Verschwendung zu vermeiden, die sich im Laufe der Zeit bei der Firma Toyota herausgebildet hat und die ständig weiter entwickelt wird. ...
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