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techradar.com berichtet:

How digital transformation is changing project management

That's because greater communication combined with the trend of agile project management, an outgrowth of digital methodologies, is ushering in an ...
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scoop.co.nz berichtet:

How Do We Manage Project Future?

Today's project managers face far more risks and complications and cannot afford to make the same mistake. All the more so, as we increasingly move ...
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Professional Scrum Developers and Their Importance

What baffles me each time I look at the numbers with regards to Scrum certifications, is the low amount of PSD Certified Software Developers in ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:

Site Reliability Engineering verwirklicht agiles Paradigma

DevOps, das aus „Development“ und „Operations“ zusammengesetzte ... Der Experte für agile Software-Entwicklung Consol sieht in SRE einen ...
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td.org berichtet:

Aligning Teams for Successful Organizational Change

Me to project team member: “Can you send this information out to the project group? I'll provide a small distribution list along with the email.” Project ...
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Die 7 Verhaltensweisen erfolgreicher agiler Teams

Diese liefern konkrete Vorschläge, mit welchen Rollen (z.B. Scrum Master und Product Owner), Meetings (wie Planning Meetings und Retrospektiven) ...
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The Agile Museum

I've been teaching the class Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) for the last year now and I strongly believe parts of its content will send some of ...
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Project Engagement Lead is Integral to Agile Project's Success

What was needed most was solid project management — and not from the tech team. Robert Jerome, vice president of innovation and technology for ...
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bio-itworld.com berichtet:

Has Validation In An Agile Software Development Environment Come Of Age?

Although Agile software development originated in the 70s ... Requirements are captured in a requirements management tool.
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Making Sense of Product Owner Effectiveness

Can anyone be a product owner (PO)? What's the best position in the company to fill that role? With Scrum you have one and only one product owner ...
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macwelt.de berichtet:

Zenkit – Projektmanagement-Tool für große Teams

In der Grundansicht ist die Kanban-Variante eingestellt, hier kann man schnell nachschauen, auf welchem Stadium sich die jeweilige Aufgabe ...
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computerbild.de berichtet:


Mit der Projektmanagement-Software „Factro“ behalten Sie Ihre Projekte im Blick. In der Web-App können Sie direkt Ihre Konzepte planen, umsetzen ...
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Outcome Mapping & Scrum: The Story of Amazing Decisions

While the Development Team is responsible for delivering the increment, the Product Owner is responsible for maximizing value by deciding about the ...
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gpm-blog.de berichtet:

Warum brauchen wir mehr Diversität im Projektmanagement?

Warum ist das so? Der Grund ist, dass jedes Projekt unterschiedlich ist und somit nicht jede/r Projektmanager*in automatisch zu jedem Projekt passt.
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scrum.org berichtet:

[VLOG] What Are the Scrum Product Owner Accountabilities

When organisation is transitioning to use Scrum, it is not rare to see people perceive Product Owner as the business analyst or requirements engineer ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Agile Elementarteilchen – Inspect & Adapt

Kontinuierliche Verbesserung ist einer der Kerngedanken agiler Ansätze wie Scrum. Diese Verbesserung ist kein Zufallsprodukt, sondern wird durch ...
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estherderby.com berichtet:

Six Ways to Build Trust

Trust may seem mysterious—something that just happens or grows through some unknowable process. The good news is there are concrete actions that tend to build trust (and concrete actions that are almost guaranteed to break down trust). ...
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Sind agile Methoden (wie Scrum) für alle Projekte geeignet?

Stehen sich agiles und traditionelles Projektmanagement als Gegner gegenüber? Versuchen die neueren Methoden die herkömmlichen zu verdrängen, bis sie ganz verschwunden sind? Gegen diese Art der Darstellung gibt es auch den Standpunkt, dass die traditionellen PM-Methoden wie z.B. PRINCE2 nach wie vor ihre Berechtigung haben und Scrum sie nur ergänzt. Dafür einige Argumente. ...
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Agile Verwaltung und Kommunalpolitik: Stratgische-operative Zielsteuerung mit Objectives and Key Results (OKR)

Wie könnte die strategische Steuerung in einer Kommunalverwaltung aussehen, die die Brücke zwischen dem kommunalpolitischen Steuerungsgremium Gemeinderat auf der einen Seite und der vollziehenden Verwaltung auf der anderen Seite schlägt? ...
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Folge 81: Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Reifegradmodelle, Teil 1

Wir widmen uns in einer neuen kleinen Serie unterschiedlichen Reifegradmodellen von Teams, auch wenn wir uns gar nicht so sicher sind, ob der Begriff nun unbedingt so perfekt passt. Den Anfang machen die 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, oder auch: die 5 Dyfunktionen eines Teams, basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Buch von Patrick Lencioni. ...
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agileforest.com berichtet:

Taylorism isn’t as far from agile and lean as you would think

A lot has been said about Taylor’s book that eventually led to the movement of Taylorism. The most commonly held indictment is that it was mechanistic thinking, taken in an era of solely mechanical manufacturing and no longer applies to the modern world. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:

Advocating Against Advocating Against

I posted this yesterday to the extremeprogramming mailing list, newly risen on groups.io. Edits to the quote here are in [square brackets]. ...
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intercom.com berichtet:

Intercom on Product: The intersection of company and product strategy

Saying no, however, is just one part of a successful product strategy. As your business scales, you’ll need to carefully align your product strategy with your broader company strategy to ensure cohesive and sustainable growth. ...
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hrbartender.com berichtet:

We Need STEM and We Need MESH

I ran across an article recently on Medium titled “Forget STEM, We Need MESH”. It’s a thought provoking read. The author spends a fair amount of time kinda bashing the renewed emphasis on STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math). ...
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weforum.org berichtet:

Why you actually learn more from successes than failures

Contrary to common beliefs about learning from failure, you learn more from success, according to new research. ...
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dataversity.net berichtet:

The Many Dimensions of Data Quality

Data can be anywhere. Companies store data in the cloud, in data warehouses, in data lakes, on old mainframes, in applications, on drives — even on paper spreadsheets. ...
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cassandrahl.com berichtet:

Sharing Responsibilities: Circles Workshop

Earlier this year, I found myself on a team with a total of five testers – a welcome change from the solitary one. With this new count came a new challenge: how could we split tasks and responsibilities in the most sensible, fair and efficient way? ...
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batimes.com berichtet:

Stop Saying Soft Skills

This term has always been at best inadequate, and at worst dismissive and belittling, but there has not been a suitable alternative that everyone could use consistently. ...
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epicflow.com berichtet:

Top 7 Leadership Articles: Autumn Edition

Leadership is a property that has no limits. It requires constant self-improvement as it’s closely related to interpersonal interaction. For a good business leader, lifelong education is a must if they want to be surrounded by true followers. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:


TDD. By which I mean the thing where you write a tiny test, see that it doesn’t run, write just enough code to make it run, refactor the code to remove duplication and add clarity, repeat until done. ...
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Book Review: The Power of Project Leadership

I just finished the last chapter of Susanne Madsen’s piece on The Power of Project Leadership (2nd edition). I closed her exceptional book completely inspired and itching to get a copy in the hands of both LiquidPlanner employees and our customers. ...
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Review: Portfolio Management – A practical guide

Portfolio Management – A practical guide is a publication from the APM Portfolio Management specific Interest Group written by Steve Leary, Richard Moor, Marina Morillas Lara, Stephen Parrett, Lynne Ratcliffe and Adam Skinner. ...
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Key Results and the Estimation of Metrics

Nowadays it is almost standard to use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) in Agile Organizations. It is claimed that this goal-setting-philosophy enables a true delivery/product organization, since the „simple“ application of agile working practices like Scrum or Kanban is not enough to align huge working systems towards a common goal. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:

Podcast: Was tun, wenn die Mitarbeitenden sich nicht an die WIP-Limits halten?

Häufig werde ich mit dieser folgenden Aussage konfrontiert, wenn ich zur Beratung hinzugezogen werde: "Meine Mitarbeiter halten sich nicht an die WIP-Limits, obwohl sie sie selbst definiert haben und wir vereinbart haben, dass wir uns daran halten." Ein Ausdruck tiefer Frustration darüber, dass von den Ideen der Kanban-Methode die zentrale Idee wohl nicht ankommt! Aber so einfach ist das nicht! ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

DoD EvoCycle 2.0 - A Simple Technique to Effectively Manage your Definition of "Done"

A couple of months ago I wrote a small blog about the 'DoD EvoCycle'. A simple technique that I use to help the Development Team take ownership of managing their Definition of "Done." Recently, I did a small change to make it simpler and more intuitive. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

The Sprint Goal Takes Center Stage

About 10 years ago I became part of a Scrum Team. It was my very first experience with Scrum. During these first few months I never heard anyone mention "Sprint Goal". I didn't even know it was something that existed. ...
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Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ich neugierig sein!

Die Digitalisierung verdrängt menschliche Arbeitskraft aus der Wertschöpfung. Sie setzt damit nur fort, was Roboter und Automatisierung schon lange zuvor begonnen haben. ...
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Seven Tips on How to Get Your First Scrum Master Job

Many new Scrum Masters face a common conundrum. You need a job to gain experience, but how do you get that first job without any experience ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:

Ist Kanban agil?

Nein. Naja. Das müssen wir uns genauer ansehen, weil es nicht ganz einfach ist. Die Fragen auf dieser Seite beantworten es aber! ...
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The dangers of helping: are you too helpful

The goal of helping is enabling, not more helping. Over-helpful leaders are over-worked and under-appreciated. Help in ways that strengthen competency and don’t create dependency. ...
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