Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

Strategisches Multiprojektmanagement: Die Zollner Elektronik AG führt die DIN 69909 weltweit ein

Josef Zellner, Leiter Multiprojektmanagement der Zollner AG: "Wir haben uns entschieden, unser Projektmanagement noch weiter zu optimieren und ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:

6 reasons why we need to automate Project Management on Slack

For all the PMs, Engineering Managers, and Team Leads out there who spend hours on team collaboration platforms, this one is for you. Project ...
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Project Management by Ganbai!

Die deutsch-chinesische Zusammenarbeit in Projekten hat eine lange Tradition. Mittlerweile muss man es fast schon als ungewöhnlich...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

Agile project management: The smart person's guide

This is the go-to guide on Agile project management for project managers, business leaders, developers, project and product teams, consultants, ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Make Waterfall Great Again

You may have heard of this new management strategy by its street name of ... plan and execute a project with Waterfall is completely at odds with the Agile method ... The Agile Zone is brought to you in partnership with Sauce Labs.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:

10 Tools für erfolgreiche Projekte mit Scrum & Co.

Das kann z.B. der Fall sein, wenn es mehrere „Product Owner“ oder einen „klassischen“ Projektleiter über dem „Scrum-Team“ gibt, oder wenn neue ...
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Listen Up!

Wanna hear a secret? Then listen up! Facilitating teams is much more than walking them through the Agile/Scrum ceremonies. To turn a group of ...
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prnewswire.com berichtet:

AXIA Releases Book on Improving Communication Between Project Managers and Developers

Packed with real life scenarios, Perfect Strangers explores the often complicated relationship between project managers and developers. From agile ...
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rwa.co.nz berichtet:

The Transformation of Agile Project Management – Mark Pinder

Looking Under the Hood of an Agile Project Manager ... in Programming, Analyst or Tester roles who are looking to move into Project Management.
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econsultancy.com berichtet:

The five pillars of an online to offline tracking programme

Without defining roles, it is likely that the project managers will face resistance from departments which will, naturally, be protecting their domains.
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cio.com berichtet:

How a project manager can smooth interdepartmental conflict

Let's take a look at some of the more common conflicts today's project managers might be forced to deal with and what, if any, actions they can take to ...
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thenextweb.com berichtet:

Land a six-figure project management salary with this 'Agile and Scrum Career Advancement ...

Over the past several years, Agile project management has become the premier method powering software development industry-wide. You can join ...
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cio.com berichtet:

Why senior executives neglect project management

Business leaders don't recognize the value of project management, and that lack of awareness can lead to problems with strategy execution.
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Project management certi?ed: BrenDaniel Productions and the Halifax Chamber help members ...

Big projects tend to have many moving parts. When you're in charge of all those parts, with responsibility for an entire project, the need to stay on track ...
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pocketgamer.biz berichtet:

Keep your game's development on track with Agile project management tool Favro

Project management tools are useful for organising a team, keeping everyone in the loop in a transparent way and letting everyone understand their ...
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cumbriacrack.com berichtet:

UK calls on Sellafield to build project management skills

project-management-image Sellafield Ltd is the driving force for project management skills on behalf of the UK, having been selected by Government ...
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ama.org berichtet:

5 Project Management Pitfalls Your Organization Should Avoid

Implementing project management across all departments in your agency can seem impossible. Avoid these five pitfalls for a less daunting experience.
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themuse.com berichtet:

An Underrated Way for Engineering Teams to Improve Their Workflow

... isn't the only way engineers can be productive and organized. A Kanban schedule's another way to get multiple projects completed simultaneously.
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Scrum Master Anti Patterns: Beware of Becoming a Scrum Mom (or Scrum Pop)

In my experience, there is no difference between the Scrum pop and the Scrum mom. This post is all about the emerging trend of Scrum helicopter ...
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berufebilder.de berichtet:

11 Seminar-Tipps für Führungskräfte: Die besten Chef-Trainings

Ferner gilt bei der Umsetzung von Projekten Ziel, Zeit und die kalkulierten Kosten immer auf dem Schirm zu haben. Ein Projektmanagement-Training ...
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User Experience Design in der agilen Entwicklung

Ein sogenannter Product Owner übernimmt die Position des Kunden. Er bestimmt die Richtung der Entwicklung und macht auch die Vorgaben zur ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Scrum in zwei Tagen

"Eines der Prinzipien von Scrum ist ein crossfunktionales Team, das aus Product Owner, Scrum Master und einem Entwicklungsteam besteht, in dem ...
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Warum es (nicht) schwer ist, den richtigen Projektmanager zu bekommen

Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, warum es so schwer ist, über einen externen Personal-Dienstleister zu einem geeigneten Projektmanager zu ...
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chemietechnik.de berichtet:

Claim- & Contract-Management

Claim- & Contract-Management sind Teamaufgaben im ... Exzellentes Projekt-Management ist der Schlüssel zur erfolgreichen ...
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netzwoche.ch berichtet:

"Früher interessierten öffentliche ICT-Projekte kaum jemanden"

Und vor allem eine angemessene Management Attention: Grosse ICT-Projekte sind heute auch für das Gemeinwesen erfolgskritisch. Sie dürfen nicht ...
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thecsuite.co.uk berichtet:

Top productivity tools CIOs must consider for agile implementation

With the agile on the rise, great productivity tools have become more ... The interface is rather simple, so project manager doesn't have to worry about ...
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Level35 using Watson to revamp project management

Melbourne start-up Level35 is using IBM's Watson cognitive computing platform to help public-sector project managers better communicate within ...
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Agiles Projektmanagement

Wann ist bei Projekten ein agiles Vorgehen angesagt und wann sind die bewährten Projektmanagementmethoden zu bevorzugen? Das ist vielen ...
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So fördern Sie die Effizienz Ihrer Mitarbeiter

Tipps zur Produktivitätssteigerung in Teams gibt es wie Sand am Meer, aber meist zielen sie auf den einzelnen Mitarbeiter bzw. die einzelne ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

Ravetree's Project Management Platform Helps Businesses Go Agile

If you work in software development, then you almost certainly know about the “agile” method, and even project managers who aren't in the software ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:

Respect and the Agile Workplace (aka 5 Failings of Your Humble Agile Architect)

Respect and the Agile Workplace (a.k.a. 5 Failings of Your Humble Agile .... Agile development, Agile architecture, and Agile project management ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

Agile project management: The smart person's guide

This is the go-to guide on Agile project management for project managers, business leaders, developers, project and product teams, consultants, ...
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gamasutra.com berichtet:

The Game Project Canvas – A Project Management Tool

It's meant as a starting point for people doing their first professional project and not for seasoned experts. It might be suitable for indies as well as AAA ...
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Why CIOs and project managers need to better understand each other's turf

“There is a need to develop healthcare leaders and project managers who understand the complexities surrounding healthcare, and also to ...
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citizentv.co.ke berichtet:

Want to become a project manager? Here's how to do it

Thinking about becoming a fully qualified project manager, but not sure whether you've found the right course for you? If you're interested in a career ...
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gamasutra.com berichtet:

Diving Into Multiple Projects with Different Priorities

Today's blog is going to talk a bit about project management and how we're very soon stepping into the world of multiple projects (not necessarily ...
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Projektmanagement im Dialog – InLoox Insider Tag in der Microsoft Deutschland-Zentrale

Nach einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen von InLoox Kunden, Interessenten und Partnern eröffnete Rainer Schmidl, IT-Projektmanager bei Synlab, den ...
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kuka.com berichtet:


KUKA bietet professionelles Projektmanagement: Erfolgreich ans Ziel von der Idee über die Projektplanung bis zum fertigen Produkt!
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The Manager's Role in Organizational Adoption of Agile

There is no role as manager defined by Scrum." Agile and Scrum, in particular, do not define many other roles either, such as procurement manager, ...
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unit4.com berichtet:

Scrum: Changes Your Approach to Team Leadership

The Scrum methodology, inspired by the formation of the same name used in rugby, changes the approach to team leadership. There is no typical ...
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