Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
cio.com berichtet:
Agile project management: A beginner's guide
If you're new to project management and the agile methodology, the ... Agile is a project management methodology that uses short development ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
Scrum Rituals: Sprint Planning
The ritual that marks the beginning of each sprint is called sprint planning. Sprint planning is hosted by the scrum master, but the person responsible ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Adding Purpose to Scrum with Holacracy
Organisations passionately working with Scrum are still missing a key ingredient: Their organizational governance got stuck in the last century, argued ...
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business.com berichtet:
Think Twice Before Buying Project Management Software
Before I was the CEO of a project management software company, I was a project manager. I do not write this article from a corporate perspective ...
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siliconrepublic.com berichtet:
Project management in the 21st century
Speaking at the latest Harvey Nash DiversiTech meet-up, Jackie Glynn, head of portfolio management at Three Ireland, focused on the need for ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How smartphone home screens can streamline team building and project management
An adept project leader needs to manage all the details, while at the same time working to build personal trust among group members. Things get ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
3 Reasons Why You Should Go into Project Management
With the tech market's explosion over the past few years, project management is quickly becoming a field invaluable to any organization's success.
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axelos.com berichtet:
PRINCE2 2017 Update
This important update reinforces PRINCE2's unrivalled reputation for best practice in project management. As ever, the focus is on what makes a ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Negatives Multitasking richtet großen Schaden an
Schlechtes Projektmanagement kann teuer werden: 25 Prozent weniger Umsatz, 20 Prozent weniger Leistungsfähigkeit – die Auswirkungen ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Projekte brauchen die innere Überzeugung der beteiligten Menschen
...das bekannte Zitat von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry mag Ihnen vielleicht ein wenig abgenutzt vorkommen. Es ist aber so aktuell wie eh und je und wird auch nichts von seiner Aussagekraft verlieren:
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linux.com berichtet:
Communities Over Code: How to Build a Successful Software Project
Joe Brockmeier of Red Hat shares a wealth of practical wisdom for building open source communities in this talk from LinuxCon North America.
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civilserviceworld.com berichtet:
Roundtable: What are the secrets of successful government digital transformation?
The progress so far has been dominated by a focus on front-end projects to ... Successful organisations are building small teams that bring together ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
6 Startups And Popular Websites You Didn't Know Started As Side Projects
The common thread shared by the most successful startups today, from Uber to Facebook, Slack, Stripe and others, is that they all solve very real, ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Scrum und Design Thinking dominieren Entwicklung
Von daher sei es auch keine Überraschung, dass Entwicklungsansätze wie Scrum, Design Thinking und Lean Startup, die in völlig unterschiedlichen ...
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heise.de berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten in verteilten Teams
Die Scrum Master beziehungsweise Projektleiter müssen aber darauf achten, dass eine für alle Kollegen verständliche Erklärung und Dokumentation ...
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blogs.msdn.microsoft.com berichtet:
What's up with us playing Kanban games in the garage?
A couple of months ago a colleague, Ewald Hofman, delivered a phenomenal Kanban training at Microsoft Vancouver, using the getKanban. game.
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digitaljournal.com berichtet:
Why Every Business Needs a PMO
Project management has been in play since the beginning of time. The Great Pyramids built by Pharaohs, the construction of the Great Wall of China, ...
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wrike.com berichtet:
What Are Project Management Tools?
Well, you're smart for coming to a project management software for answers to that question. Project management tools are aids to assist an individual ...
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wrike.com berichtet:
Where Do Project Managers Work?
It's up to project managers to plan, budget, execute, and measure all aspects of a project. Due to the abstract nature of their role, project managers can ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
What Are Scrum Rituals?
The practice of working on a scrum team is organized into a series of rituals. The rituals mark key events in the process of carrying out the work of a ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Managing the Project Manager in a Network
Project Managers are responsible for coordinating and managing budgets, resources, schedules, and stakeholders. But who manages the Project ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Hiring: 42 Scrum Product Owner Interview Questions to Avoid Agile Imposters
Co-authored with Andreea Tomoiaga, 42 Scrum Product Owner Interview Questions to Avoid Hiring Agile Imposters represents the most important ...
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cio.com berichtet:
CIO improves project management to push POS
Absent proper project management and data governance, the result is a serious IT headache. That's exactly the situation Marc Kermisch jumped into ...
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afterburner.com berichtet:
Star Wars Scrum: Rebel Agility vs. Empire Command and Control
In the Star Wars saga, the Empire is clearly a traditional waterfall, top-down, command-and-control based organization. Its characteristic corporate ...
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finance.yahoo.com berichtet:
Agile and Lean Program Management: Scaling Collaboration Across the Organization is Available ...
Project and program frameworks are comforting. However, they ... "With agile and lean program management, you make the status visible at all times.
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data-informed.com berichtet:
Most Big Data Projects Fail: 4 Ways to Make Yours Succeed!
Most successful projects are developed and deployed completely standalone from the rest of the company infrastructure. These skunkworks projects ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Your project management New Year's Resolutions
Spend less? Save more? What about work? Here are five project management resolutions that will help you get off to a successful start in 2017.
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Scrum und Design Thinking erobern die Entwicklungsabteilungen
Denn das sind die wesentlichen Gemeinsamkeiten von Scrum, Design Thinking und Lean Startup: Sie legen den Schwerpunkt darauf, in kurzen ...
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mittelstand-die-macher.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement-Software: So klappt die Einführung
Die richtige Projektmanagement-Software sorgt für eine deutliche Erleichterung des Arbeitsalltags. Doch wie finden Sie den passenden Anbieter, der ...
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t3n.de berichtet:
Projektverwaltung: Was Zenkit zum Trello-Killer machen soll
Das Projektmanagement-Tool Zenkit soll sich vor allem durch seine Flexibilität von Konkurrenzprodukten wie Trello absetzen. Wir haben einen Blick ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Applying Sociocracy 3.0 Patterns for Implementing Agile Practices
Priest & Bockelbrink: Most agile frameworks and methods focus on software development and project management, omitting to significantly address ...
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msbusiness.com berichtet:
New year could mean changes in legal world
These techniques include traditional project management, agile project management, enhanced budgeting, process improvement and new ...
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knowstartup.com berichtet:
10 Must-have project management apps for entrepreneurs
Trying to manage a project without project management software can turn into a Godzilla-like apocalypse quickly. Small businesses have a variety of ...
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mddionline.com berichtet:
Alignment of Risk Management Processes for Medical Device Products and Projects
While product and project risk management focuses differ, both processes should be aligned and utilize the same risk management principles.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How critical thinking, or lack of it, makes or breaks projects
Among the objectives of the UMASS-Lowell project management course are helping project managers learn are how to clarify issues to arrive at ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:
Scrum Roles: Product Owners and Team Members
Unlike a scrum master, whose responsibilities are focused on the development team, a product owner has a shared responsibility to the team and to ...
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itbusinessnet.com berichtet:
CMMI® Institute Publishes A Guide to Scrum and CMMI: Improving Agile Performance with CMMI
Agile organizations struggling with issues of performance are increasingly turning to the CMMI for proven results. PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Getting to Done: Tackling Impediments
Scrum teams will always face impediments because the work is complex and dynamic. The question is whether we tackle those impediments or live ...
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accusoft.com berichtet:
Mastering Scrum: Wisdom Perceived or Received?
Are Scrum 'best practices' myth or reality? Learn how one Accusoft Engineer recommends mastering Scrum despite well-intended advice.
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haufe.de berichtet:
Wie Mitarbeiter Agilität praxisnah erleben können
Neben dem Spielleiter, der auch "Timekeeper" und "Product Owner" ist, gibt es nur ein großes Team. Alle anderen Teilnehmer sind Teil des großen ...
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