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epicpeople.org berichtet:
(Fr)agile objects: Thinking Scrum through Post-It Notes
Agile methodologies have taken hold as a model to be followed in software industry. Among them, Scrum is one of the most used frameworks and has a high level of acceptance among a large range of organizations. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Create Faster and More Accurate Forecasts using Probabilities
The most important question to stakeholders is often “When can it be done?” There is a lot that goes into answering that seemingly simple question. What is involved in the work? What else are we doing? What risks are there? ...
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martinfowler.com berichtet:
On Pair Programming
Many people who work in software development today have heard of the practice of pair programming, yet it still only has patchy adoption in the industry. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Herausforderungen einer Transformation
Die drei Interviewpartner dieser Folge arbeiten als Agility Master, Product Owner und Agile Coach bei der DB Systel GmbH. Die DB Systel befindet sich seit 2016 in einer umfassenden Transformation hin zu einer selbstorganisierenden Netzwerkorganisation. ...
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crn.com.au berichtet:
Why you should never tell a client a project will be hard
Salesforce AppExchange partner BookingNinjas.com's CEO has offered seven tips for successful client on-boarding, especially in the context of digital ...
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techguide.com.au berichtet:
Why Agile is So Beneficial for Tech Development Companies
In general, the Agile method implies an incremental, iterative method of management. Its main focus lies in helping teams be productive in an evolving ...
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marketingtechnews.net berichtet:
Why project management and communication are the secret weapons of successful agencies
Project managers are responsible for handling change. It's their job to deal with changing deadlines, expectations, and project scopes, and they're ...
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agrarzeitung.de berichtet:
Reif für die Agilität?
Deshalb sind agile Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der neue Hype – beispielsweise Kanban, Scrum, Design Thinking oder Holacracy. Mit ihnen ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
DevOps Stories: Sage mir, was du entscheidest, und ich sage dir … Über unterschiedliche Arten ...
Robert: „Du hast erzählt, dass Erik, euer Product Owner, dafür zuständig ist, Hypothesen über das Produkt und die Kunden zu erstellen und daraus ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum Mastery in 300 Words
Achieving Scrum Mastery is no rocket-science: Make sure that the Scrum Team delivers a valuable, potentially shippable Product Increment every ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Agile teams wish their leaders knew these 5 truths
What tools help support scrum, kanban, and other agile methods? Read also: Top 7 open source project management tools for agile teams.
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why And How Volvo Embraces Agile At Scale
As cars steadily become “computers on wheels”, Agile management is spreading from software development to the whole firm. Last year, I wrote about ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
6 Trends für die Arbeit der Zukunft
Projektarbeit, Social Software und veränderte Arbeitsbeziehungen: Das Trendbüro hat untersucht, worauf sich Führungskräfte einstellen müssen.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Project management v. business process management: What you need to know
When looking at business process management (BPM) and project management (PM), it can sometimes seem like that old chicken-and-egg adage: ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:
Evaluating SAFe
The foundations of SAFe can be found in the agile manifesto which is ... around Agile development, Agile architecture, and Agile project management ...
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der-bank-blog.de berichtet:
So nutzen Banken das Spotify-Modell für ihre agile Transformation
Das Spotify-Modell besteht aus Squads mit einem Product Owner, Chapters und Tribes. Guilds bilden eine Klammer für den bereichsübergreifenden ...
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Warum Automatisierungsprojekte häufig scheitern
„Mit intelligenter Software können Sie Prozesse in kürzester Zeit und mit geringem Aufwand optimieren.“ Keine Frage, Versprechen wie diese aus den ...
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ericsson.com berichtet:
How to grow your workplace with a lean and agile mindset
It was at this time we established our first Scrum team – a group of developers who were keen on cross-functionality. Every Friday, they shared ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Is Project Online ready to replace Microsoft Project?
The desktop application is still there, but the heart of Microsoft's new approach to project management is the online Project service built on Dynamics ...
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irishtechnews.ie berichtet:
10 Great Leadership Skills For Project Management
As per the Project Management Summit survey, the failed projects cost Euro 580,000 on an average in Ireland alone. This research, involving 407 ...
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appinventiv.com berichtet:
How to Successfully Balance the Project Management Triangle?
The concept of the project management triangle finds its reference in Agile methodology, and agile allows us to welcome changes. We can't really ...
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t2conline.com berichtet:
How Softwares Helps in Managing the Project Execution
Management software can help you to plan and manage projects in one ... Well defined project execution is what forms the basis for the successful ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to prevent dysfunction in project teams before it begins
The success of your projects is reliant on the strength of your team and how well members support each other. Successful project managers ...
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consulting.de berichtet:
Skills vor Rollen - Skillmanagement in agilen Organisationen
Bringen sie Methodenwissen mit, welches ein Arbeiten nach beispielsweise Scrum oder Kanban erfordert? Und liegen die notwendigen sozialen ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Effective Stakeholder Management
So what does the Scrum Guide have to say about stakeholder management? You'd be surprised: Not too much. At least not on first sight. Although the ...
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streetinsider.com berichtet:
Stop using bad Scrum and start tapping the true potential of your team
Scrum itself doesn't go bad—it's the ways that organizations implement it that can be ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Scrum Master Role and the 4 Agreements
The Scrum Master role is complex, and you will make mistakes along the way. Consider how your thoughts, actions, and words demonstrate the power ...
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prnewswire.com berichtet:
Fixing Your Scrum: Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems Book Released
Miller is the co-author along with Ryan Ripley of this new book delivering best practices and practical solutions to common scrum problems.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Change organizational systems with the Liberating Structure
This is the quintessential question facing Scrum Masters, Product Owners and other drivers of change. In this post, we explore how the Liberating ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Bringen wir Agilität wieder ins Gleichgewicht!
So schreiben sie: "The Agile movement is not anti-methodology, in fact, ... Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Agile Transformationen werden in 2/3 der Fälle falsch angegangen
Agile Transformationen werden in 2/3 der Fälle falsch angegangen ... Immer mehr Unternehmen starten agile Transformationen mit dem Ziel, die ... wie Automotive und Manufacturing nennen auch Research & Development in ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Help Them With the Why
Rather than, “we don't want to tell our product owner that he can't release the product because it's not done,” focus on what conversations you would ...
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boersenblatt.net berichtet:
Erst Klebeumbruch, dann "Product Owner"
Dass die Technik-Chefin hier, wie in der Software-Welt üblich, als "Product Owner" firmiert, sorgt in Buchbranche und Fachpresse schon mal für ...
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cypressoft.com berichtet:
How Important Change Management is and Why It Matters
Discover why change management is important in the process of any project management and identify why it matters in current reality.
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heise.de berichtet:
Projektmanagementsoftware factro jetzt mit Newsfeedfunktion
Der aktuelle Major Release der Projektmanagement-Software factro kommt mit einer neuen Newsfeedfunktion. Nutzer sollen so mit dem dynamischen ...
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techfunnel.com berichtet:
The Definition of Agile Project Management
Agile means fast, nimble, and able to move quickly and easily. It is a modern project management methodology that tries to be flexible and adapt ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Release planning advice
Release planning is an important task for product people working with agile teams: It ensures that the product is moving in the right direction and it connects strategy and tactics. Despite its importance, release planning is not always effectively practiced in my experience. This article shares my advice to help you reflect on your release planning practices and improve them. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
Designers and statisticians disagree on what makes a good information graphic
The field of data visualization has become a tussle between accuracy and beauty. In one corner, designers say that data is fungible as long as the presentation is eye-catching. In the other corner, statisticians argue that clarity should rarely be sacrificed in the name of novelty or entertainment. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
If You Don’t Know How to Say Someone’s Name, Just Ask
I have had my name butchered my entire life — not just since I’ve lived in the U.S. over the past eight years, but in countries where I worked all over the world including my home country of Singapore. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Value Stream Mapping Issues and Special Cases
A value stream is a set of activities that are intended to create and deliver a consistent set of deliverables that are of value to customers. Organizations map value streams as a tool to visualize the flow of work. ...
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