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forbes.com berichtet:

How To Apply The Right Automation And Reporting Tools To Your Business

Asana, Basecamp, and JIRA are just three examples of software tools that can streamline project management. Rather than relying on disorganized ...
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Compare Kanban Tool vs. ServiceBridge

But by using our system, you can easily match the functions of ServiceBridge and Kanban Tool together with their general rating, respectively as: 8.0 ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

Höchste Standards bei der Software-Entwicklung

Bei Scrum werden die Abläufe und Zuständigkeiten mit eigenen Begriffen benannt. Die wichtigsten sind dabei der Product Owner, der Scrum Master, ...
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twt.de berichtet:

Stolpern Sie nicht über diese Hürden im Projektmanagement

Im Projektmanagement bestehen oftmals Hürden, die einen reibungslosen Projektverlauf gefährden. Hier lesen Sie, wie Sie diese Barrieren ...
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Does the Scrum Master Role Ever Go Away?

Scrum Masters coach, mentor, guide, and enable their teams to develop great products. For a new team in an organization that is also new to Scrum, ...
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Agile Consulting

April's theme at ProjectManagement.com is “consulting,” and in this article I examine the world of agile consulting and coaching. I distinguish ...
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How and Why to Integrate Gitlab with JIRA

As for project management, JIRA is well known for planning, tracking, and releasing software, serving as the conduit of communication between ...
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getflywheel.com berichtet:

Why designers need a project management system

Why designers need a project management system. April 24, 2017 by Ashley Gainer. When it comes to managing your workload and your workflow, ...
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Parallele Arbeit begrenzen – kurz-, mittel- und langfristiger Nutzen

Vielen Menschen erscheint es erst einmal unintuitiv, die Menge paralleler Arbeit zu begrenzen. Natürlich wissen die meisten von uns mittlerweile, ...
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lego4scrum.com berichtet:

The book #lego4scrum is out!

Scrum Trainers exploring way of adding more elements of interactivity and gaming into the trainings turning them more to “from the back of the room” ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

9 great networking venues for project management professionals

The potential for project-based networking opportunities comes in various forms, not only at project management (PM) conferences and events, but ...
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blog.entry.com berichtet:

5 Advantages of Project Management Software

five reasons to use project management software to run your projects.
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scrum.org berichtet:

Scrum strives for deep organizational change

During my experience as a Scrum trainer and agile coach, when it comes to embrace Scrum and Agile I've seen again and again people from these ...
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indrastra.com berichtet:

B&E | How Testing is Challenging in Agile Methodology

Agile helps project management deals with many of the most common project pitfalls (such as cost, schedule predictability and scope creep) in a more ...
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vol.at berichtet:

Erfolgreiche Projektplanung dank Checklisten, Zeitplänen & Projektplanungssoftware

Projektmanager sind heute aus erfolgreichen, wachsenden Unternehmen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Aufgaben, die vor noch nicht allzu langer Zeit ...
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Customer Experience Secrets: 4 Tips Every Project Manager Should Avoid

That said, project managers today must actively engage with clients. After all, customer engagement is important for all businesses, no matter the ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Nicht nur die IT muss agil sein

Wir haben vorab mit ihm darüber gesprochen, welche Missverständnisse den agilen Wandel bremsen und was den idealen Scrum Master ausmacht.
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Are Your Minding Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

As project and program managers you have plenty of obstacles in your way — don't become another one. Have you assessed your emotional ...
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Explaining Emotional Intelligence using Metaphor

I have been training professional on Coaching skills. Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in developing coaching skills, or we can say EI is an ...
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The Scrum Process [Infographic]

Anyone who has been looking for a job remotely connected to development will have seen an excess of "scrum" or "agile" roles being advertised.
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Scrum Techniques for Cross-Team Collaboration & Communication

I first learned about Scrum during my earlier career as a consultant in the tech industry, where it's a widely-used technique in software development, ...
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blogs.ca.com berichtet:

Scrum or Kanban: What's right for my team?

In a previous blog post, I covered the six steps to choosing between Scrum and Kanban as your primary framework. Summarizing anything to a few ...
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bizedge.co.nz berichtet:

Project managers need to upskill in order to deliver – KPMG report

Organisations are finding that they need to respond faster and be more agile in the way projects are managed. A survey of New Zealand's private and ...
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5 Non-Financial Project Benefits

A blog that looks at all aspects of project and program finances from budgets and accounting to getting a pay rise and managing contracts.
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Projekt Magazin > Wenn weder klassisch noch agil passt. Hybrides Projektmanagement in Logistik ...

Dazu erstellen wir einen Product Backlog, der sich aus einem Project ... Zusammen mit dem Auftraggeber und dem Product Owner legen wir fest, ...
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Projektleiter langfristig an das Unternehmen binden

Um mehr (erfolgreiche) Projekte durchzuführen, sollten Unternehmen kompetente Projektleiter ausbilden und diese langfristig binden – gerade daran ...
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gamasutra.com berichtet:

EVM in games development

I started to use the Earned Value Management (EVM) back in my days in Software Engineering, EVM is a well-known project management technique ...
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Conversation Around Agile , Scrum , Kanban and Waterfall.

In one of our recent Certified ScrumMaster session we had interesting conversation around fundamental differences and similarities between Agile, ...
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Agile Führung: Warum jetzt alle auf den Zug springen – und 6 Gründe, die Finger davon zu lassen

rufen inzwischen auch viele Vorstände und Geschäftsführer. Und sie meinen damit nicht die Softwareentwicklung oder das Projektmanagement.
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e3zine.com berichtet:

You are here: Home / BLOG / Scrum: Hand-Written Notes In The...

Agile, Scrum and Sprint - things that can enable speed and efficiency in your SAP project. [shutterstock: 339027560, StockPhotosLV] ...
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gineersnow.com berichtet:

How Critical is the Critical Path Method in Engineering Project Management?

Every engineering course has a subject called the Engineering Project Management. This discusses the principles of initiating, planning, executing, ...
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InLoox und SOS starten neues Partnerprogramm Projektmanagement der etwas anderen Art

Wer wünscht sich das nicht: eine einfach zu bedienenden Software zum Steuern von Projekten. Inloox behauptet, eine derartige Lösung parat zu ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Improving Work Life with Organizational Hacks

Sipgate is a telephone provider based in Germany who has been using Scrum since 2010. There are about 120 people employed, most of them ...
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agileadvice.com berichtet:

Practicing (subversive) Scrum: you CAN do it!

by Jerry Doucett and Valerie Senyk. So you've taken Scrum training, received your industry certification, and perhaps even experienced being a ...
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Best Practices for Employee Monitoring

Project managers must mitigate projects as they come in and as they are ongoing, constantly requesting more resources from the resource planners.
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dev.acquia.com berichtet:

12 Questions that Project Managers Should Ask Before a Drupal Project Kickoff

You are a Project Manager, sitting at your desk, maybe sipping a fresh-brewed coffee. Suddenly you receive a heads-up that a new Drupal Project is ...
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cio.de berichtet:

Agile Methoden im Praxistest

Innerhalb der agilen Methoden liegt Scrum vorn. Es folgen Kanban, auch "IT-Kanban" genannt, Lean, DevOps und Design ThinkingDesign Thinking.
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netzwoche.ch berichtet:

Die Schweiz entwickelt vorwiegend agil

Über die Hälfte der RE-Mitarbeiter sind Certified Scrum Master, Product Owner oder Developer. Die CPRE-FL-Diplome des International ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Mindmapping: von der kleinen Idee zur großen Innovation

Das Projekt selbst lässt sich MindManager steuern und abwickeln, denn die Software verfügt nicht nur über eigene Projektmanagement-Funktionen ...
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agilesoc.com berichtet:

Take The Um Out Of Scrum

Scrum is big in software and it's slowly creeping into hardware development. To me this is good news because Scrum would be a transformative for ...
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