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blog.iil.com berichtet:
Dr. Harold Kerzner’s Project Management Predictions For 2020
The landscape for project management changes almost every year. Some changes are relatively small or incremental, whereas other changes can be significant. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
So, you've got to write an RFP
Ever been asked to write an RFP (request for proposal)? It may not be as easy as you think. ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
A Guide to Managing Your Time When You’re Always Behind
It seems to me that being behind on all the things you need to do has become (or perhaps always has been) a part of our basic human condition. ...
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abenteuerhomeoffice.at berichtet:
Drei Umstände, die dich an deinen strategischen Aufgaben hindern
Eine der größeren Herausforderungen, wenn dein Business zu laufen beginnt, ist es, neben dem Abarbeiten deiner Kunden-Aufträge, etwas weiterzudenken. Damit meine ich, dir Zeit zu nehmen, auch strategische und nicht nur operative Aufgaben in deinen Fokus zu rücken. ...
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teamworkblog.de berichtet:
Wir müssen das Projekt noch abnehmen!
Fertig! Monatelang hat der Dienstleister an der Erstellung des Werkes gearbeitet! Es wurde gesprintet! Es wurde das Backlog verfeinert! Es wurde alle 4 Wochen ein Review mit dem Kunden durchgeführt. Der vereinbarte Budgetrahmen wurde eingehalten.Das Produkt ist fehlerfrei. Perfekte Welt! ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Role of Task Dependencies in Project Management
Learn what a minimum viable product is, and the role of task dependencies in project management and the benefits of them. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
DONE Understanding Of The Definition Of "Done”
The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) workshop has a module that talks about the Definition of "Done" (DoD) and Technical Debt. I have often come across several students who find this concept confusing. This article is a small attempt to have better clarity on these topics. Let us take a look at the DoD- ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
Podcast: Definition of Done und Co.
In vielen Kanban-Implementierungen findet man die Definition of Done. Auch weitere Exit-Kriterien und eine Definition of Ready sind meistens zu finden. Ich erzähle dir, wie man sie nutzt und wie man sie etabliert. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Three Tips for Great Product Ownership
The other day I had a conversation with a colleague. He was looking for an opener for a talk - something catchy to illustrate to his audience (mostly finance and banking) that there could well be a need to change their current ways of working. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
When Story Points aren’t Enough…
If there is one trend that has surpassed Agile in our profession over the last five years, I would say DevOps would be a good culprit. As we’ve seen an explosion of tools to implement CI/CD in our Scrum teams, we’ve also seen some of our Agile practices being challenged by this new reality. ...
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ideequadrat.org berichtet:
Prinzipien agiler Strategieentwicklung
Gefühlt wird alles irgendwie agil. Unser Omma war lange agil und die Organisation soll zumindest irgendwann mal agil werden. Ihre auch, oder? Und jetzt auch noch die Strategie? ...
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scrumburg.wordpress.com berichtet:
Das Große Ganze – Komplexität
Organisationen sind komplexe Systeme. Man kann sie nicht aufschrauben und einfach umbauen, wie Maschinen. Wenn man es doch versucht, scheitert man in der Regel. Deswegen sollte man verstehen was die Unterschiede zwischen komplizierten, komplexen und anderen Systemen sind und welche Herangehensweise jeweils angemessen ist. ...
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projectmanager.com berichtet:
IT Governance: Definitions, Frameworks and Planning
Information technology is prevalent in nearly every industry and organization across the globe. It’s a diverse and challenging discipline with a lot of moving parts and critical scenarios. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Agile Project Manager, Scrum Master, or Product Owner?
I spoke with a project manager recently. She told me her story. ...
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artpetty.com berichtet:
Organizational Friction Kills Strategy Execution
The role of top leaders in guiding strategy creation is well documented. Less understood is that once the strategy is formed and shared, the leader’s actions must focus on minimizing organizational friction—the processes, cultural nuances, and political and personal impediments that threaten the organization’s speed-of-execution. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:
35 Conversation-Starter Questions for Social and Networking Events
Meeting people and socializing during the holidays at work parties and social events can be stressful. These great conversation-starter questions can make meeting new people much easier. ...
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nngroup.com berichtet:
Tracking Research Questions, Assumptions, and Facts in Agile
User-related questions and assumptions are not tracked throughout a product’s lifecycle, causing misalignment and overconfidence. Documenting these questions and assumptions in a knowledge board differentiates them from real facts. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
6 diagrams I use to explain Product Management concepts
Some visualisations to help you understand and communicate key ideas in Product Management ...
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mobileappdaily.com berichtet:
Quip: A Project Management Mobile App
The project management app offers every tool to the user that can streamline the whole process of documentation. Right from creating the doc to sail ...
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machinedesign.com berichtet:
13 Challenges When Applying Scrum to Hardware Design
Scrum has become a popular method for developing and designing software. And why not? There's clear evidence it improves the resulting software's ...
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productcraft.com berichtet:
5 Things Product Managers Secretly Wish They Could Tell Their CEOs
Regardless of the industry you work in or the size of your company, becoming a CEO is a pinnacle of success in the business world. You’ve proven your leadership, you’ve done things right, and you’ve been successful. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How to Scale Pilots into a Global IT Organization
In this stage and the following, the product owner plays a super important role, Utschig said. The product owner moves with his idea to BI X for ~4-6 ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
A Transformation Journey for a Distributed Development Organization
They are not part of the development team, but agile is about bringing .... We streamlined our organization by removing many management roles.
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heise.de berichtet:
Die Einführung agiler Softwareentwicklung und von Scrum bei Heise, Teil 3
Meiner Meinung nach MUSS aber mit der Einführung von Scrum oder ähnlichem auch eine Änderung in der Meetingkultur einhergehen. Klare Ziele ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum Patterns – Putting Scrum Into Practice
In 2017 I was talking to the head of the Agile Coach Group of a large bank. She asked me to come over to work with her and help to roll out their ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
5 Strategies to Manage Clients in Asia Remotely
Project management tools allow you to break down and organize deliverables, create roadmaps, and include daily updates to various tasks. Clients ...
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bmmagazine.co.uk berichtet:
Simple product development tips for startups
If you are a startup owner, you will inevitably be making mistakes in the ... A successful product is vital for the growth and relevance of your business in ...
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itworldcanada.com berichtet:
Project prospects: vendor best practice
I concede that the best practices described in this series reference, Commercial Project Management, do not require methodology, but I do believe that ...
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increment.com berichtet:
A guide to distributed teams
How thoughtful systems (and lots of emoji) make for happy, efficient teams—whether your desks are distributed across floors, cities, or continents. ...
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ronlichty.blogspot.com berichtet:
Better Standups
What makes a standup effective? We know, from the Study of Product Team Performance, that the highest performing teams hold effective standups daily. Not every other day, not every third day, not occasionally. Daily. ...
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less.works berichtet:
Actively Doing Nothing (is actually hard work)
What do Scrum Masters actually do, all day long? This is a hard question as the behavior of a Scrum Master is very contextual. It depends greatly on the maturity of the team, the experience of the Product Owner, and the amount of dysfunction in the organization. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Working-out-loud: eine Mentalität der Zusammenarbeit und gleichzeitig eine effektive Selbstlernmethode
Letzte Woche hatten wir unser Abschlusstreffen mit den WOLies, was eigentlich das Ende unseres WOL-Zirkels sein sollte. Aber so viel kann ich schon mal verraten: ein Ende ist es nicht, vielmehr ein neuer Anfang. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Klare Ziele mit OKR
Sonja Mewes hat einen Hintergrund in BWL und früh erkannt, dass in dieser Disziplin die zwischenmenschliche Zusammenarbeit zu kurz kommt. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Agil arbeiten – oder – sich trauen, die Lambda-Schwelle zu messen.
Weihnachten 2019. Wir vom Forum agile Verwaltung wünschen Ihnen natürlich nur das Allerbeste. Und möglichst geringe Lambda-Schwellen 2020. ...
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productplan.com berichtet:
7 Internal Politics Situations You’ll Encounter as a Product Manager
National politics might dominate the headlines and dinner table conversations. But office internal politics impact your everyday life in a completely different manner. ...
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letsgrowleaders.com berichtet:
How to Lead When Your Team is Exhausted
Most of us get there from time to time. You’re stuck in a season where everything feels urgent. It’s one thing to push yourself, but what do you do when you know your team is exhausted too? ...
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blog.coryfoy.com berichtet:
Wardley Mapping Mondays – Unique Attributes
Today’s #mappingmondays video shows the next part of the series of how we can use Wardley Mapping to map out unique attributes as part of April Dunford’s Product Positioning Framework from the book Obviously Awesome. ...
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thethinkingtester.blogspot.com berichtet:
Measuring Quality
The concept of measuring quality can be a hot-button topic for many software testers. This is because metrics can be used poorly; we've all heard stories about testers who were evaluated based on how many bugs they found or how many automated tests they wrote. ...
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codingsans.com berichtet:
Backlog vs. specification: why backlog beats specification?
Specifications are well-loved by managers, because they detail every tiny step up-front. A specification builds a nice hierarchy, and it makes you think that once you hand it over to the developers, they follow it to the letter. Magic happens, and you get a perfect product ready to go. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Advanced Qualitative Prioritization: Kano Model
The Kano Model is a tool to help categorize product requirements. The model created by Professor Kano groups all requirements into five categories: ...
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