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haufe.de berichtet:

Permanente Innovation + flexible Fertigung = hochrentables Geschäftsmodell

Agiles Projektmanagement ist derzeit ein populärer Begriff. Er beschreibt eine Sammlung an Methoden, die vor allem auf Flexibilität und Anpassung ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:

Turn Your Side Project into a Full-Time Gig: Tips from Hacking UI

Based in Israel, David Tinter is one-half of the masterminds behind Hacking UI and Side Project Accelerator, two hugely successful projects aimed to ...
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The importance of good project management

Dr Hani Fidawi, country manager Projacs discusses the importance of project management. Qatar is maintaining its economic edge within the Gulf ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

6 ways IoT will change project management

You or someone you know might be one of the managers tapped to run an IoT project, but when you take the assignment, it should be with the ...
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Tech Memo: Wrangle Your To-Dos

To help its 80-plus staff on that front, IAFC started using project management software a few years back. Many such tools are available; the one IAFC ...
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Der Einsatz von Projektcontrolling lohnt sich

... zeigt beispielsweise, dass die Umfrageteilnehmer Zeiterfassung und -abrechnung im Projektmanagement durchaus befürworten, dies in der Praxis ...
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ERP-Software: Wann es Zeit für einen Wechsel ist

Die richtige Projektmanagement-Software sorgt für eine deutliche Erleichterung des Arbeitsalltags. Doch wie finden Sie den passenden Anbieter, der ...
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Karriere 2017: Neun von zehn Deutschen wollen sich weiterbilden

... der Befragten aus. 26 Prozent wünschen sich, ihre Fachkompetenzen weiter auszubauen, zu denen Qualitäts- und Projektmanagement zählen.
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infoq.com berichtet:

The Misaligned Middle and Getting off the Hamster Wheel Using Kanban

Julia spoke about using Kanban to help teams Get Off the Hamster Wheel. InfoQ: Welcome Dominica, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.
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agileadvice.com berichtet:

How Kanban Saved Agile

For my working definition of Kanban, please refer to my previous article 14 Things Every Agilist Should Know About Kanban (this contains links to the ...
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Niche project management services emerge as major focus areas for property consultants

NEW DELHI: Major international property consultants are now offering niche services in the project management space, some of them exclusive for ...
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knowstartup.com berichtet:

10 Tips Project Managers can adopt from Greek Mythology

In this article, we will highlight some of the practical lessons project managers can learn from ancient Greeks that will help them in managing projects ...
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zdnet.com berichtet:

LinkedIn's top jobs of 2017 all involve software in one way or another

Technical program manager (Agile methodologies, software project management, software development life cycle, Scrum, cloud computing). Median ...
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Digitales Planen und Bauen Wege in das Projektmanagement

B. auch die webbasierte Projektmanagement-Lösung Sablono, die eine lückenlose und verlustfreie Verbindung zwischen Planungs- und ...
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onlinepc.ch berichtet:

6 Jobs mit den besten Zukunftsaussichten

Der eSports-Manager, der vom Community- bis zum Projektmanagement als Allrounder eingesetzt wird, kann also punkten. Das Gehalt ist aufgrund ...
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How lean production systems cut the fat out of manufacturing, ERP

In addition, Kanban and other physical signals seemed to eliminate the need for plans and schedules, which are the primary MRP/ERP outcomes.
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sitepoint.com berichtet:

Scrum Rituals: Sprint Retrospective

If the daily standup is one of the most iconic rituals of scrum, the sprint retrospective may be the most representative of the agile philosophy. Sprint ...
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cio.de berichtet:

Scrum, Design Thinking, Lean Startup: Agile Methoden oft falsch umgesetzt

Die Mehrheit der Unternehmen arbeitet mittlerweile mit agilen Methoden. Leider werden die Methoden oft falsch eingesetzt, wie Berater mm1 feststellt.
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Projektmanagement im Anlagenbau

Mit diesem Fachbuch „Projektmanagement im Anlagenbau“ werden alle Projektphasen eines typischen Projekts im Anlagenbau erfasst. Die Autoren ...
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cio.com.au berichtet:

When will the IT project madness end?

The UK National Health Service's £117 million IT project disaster. ... “Valuing leadership in program and project management will strengthen the ...
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ibm.com berichtet:

7 Reasons Why Web Developers Need to Think Like Project Managers

We're living in an interesting time right now. Thanks to intuitive content management systems like WordPress and Joomla, it seems like most people ...
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com-magazin.de berichtet:

Teams sollten Projektmanagement Software nutzen

Das "The Project Management Institute” (PMI) hat ermittelt, dass Unternehmen ca. 122 Millionen US$ bei einem Projektwert von ca. 1 Milliarde US$ ...
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foxbusiness.com berichtet:

Clarizen vs. Zoho Projects: The Ultimate Project Management Matchup

If your organization is looking to implement project management (PM) software, then it's hard to go wrong with Clarizen or Zoho Projects. Both PM ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Scrum Myths: There Is No Planning in Scrum

A recurring Scrum myth I see in my training and coaching is that there is no planning in Scrum. Unfortunately, this myth can lead to two negative ...
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Illusionen und ihre Wirkung auf die Projektarbeit

Peter Siwon: "Unsere mentale Optik beeinflusst unsere Sicht auf die Projekte." (Bild: foto art Elisabeth Wiesner/www.fotoart-wiesner.de). Peter Siwon ...
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cio.com berichtet:

Bimodal IT: A steppingstone to agility

This mode is focused on managing “systems of engagement” (such as ... Begin using a hybrid of the agile project management methodology for all ...
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linux.com berichtet:

Automation Is the Key for Agile API Documentation

The very idea of documentation often invokes yawns followed by images of old-school, top-down Waterfall project management. Documentation is ...
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How Agile scrum development methodologies work in the Federal space

Mobomo: The Agile Methodology is an alternative approach to project management that places emphasis on collaboration, iterative development and ...
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info.aiim.org berichtet:

A More Agile Framework for Your Next Records Management Project

Learn about the benefits of using a scrum approach for your records management projects.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Deine Firma wird niemals agil werden

Also holen sie Consultants, machen einige Re-Orgs, sagen ab sofort zu ihren Managern „Scrum Master“, und so weiter … Und dann geben sie ihren ...
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ethority.de berichtet:

Taskulu vs. Jira – Bestes Selfhosting Collaboration Software-Tool f. Projektmanagement & Task ...

Manchmal, auch wenn es man wirklich will, scheint es unmöglich, alte Gewohnheiten abzustellen. Man will die Dinge anders machen – besser, ...
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Wer Komplexität bewältigen will, muss vorgefertigte Muster brechen

Es ist mittlerweile schon ein Gemeinplatz, dass die Komplexität unseres gesamten Lebens beständig zunimmt und dass dies in ganz besonderem ...
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Using agile project management for SEO & digital marketing

Columnist Marcus Miller shares how his company has adapted an agile framework, Scrum, to better manage his company's marketing and SEO ...
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youmagine.com berichtet:

Fibonacci Scrum Poker Dice

Well the numbers and scoring system in SCRUM are purposely vague and confusing. Let's make our answers equally as confusing. It's a die ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

Project management 101: Understanding Six Sigma and its business value

Six Sigma is a project management term that often surfaces within the business world when it comes to excellence and quality, but what does it mean, ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:

The Stress of Agile

It's been a tough time on the project with some tricky technical issues .... around Agile development, Agile architecture, and Agile project management ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

The importance of being ethical in project management

In the world of project management, ethics plays a significant role in day-to-day interactions and behaviors. Ethics enables stakeholders, employees, ...
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6 Project Management Skills Every Marketer Needs to Know

Project management. Two relatively benign words that when put together create headache and heartache for marketers worldwide. Join this webinar ...
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sitepoint.com berichtet:

Team Resources in Scrum

A scrum team doesn't work in a vacuum. There's usually an organization that exists around scrum, and that supports the efforts of the scrum team with ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Scrum Myths: Scrum Is Meeting-Heavy

When Scrum is introduced in a company, most of the time, the development team embraces it with lots of enthusiasm. Scrum embodies self-organizing ...
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