Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

Menschenkenntnis als ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor bei IT-Neuerungen

Ein Faktor kann IT-Projekte trotz bester Planung und sorgfältigstem Projektmanagement gefährden oder gar scheitern lassen: Der Mensch! Primär ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

6 ways to destroy your project management career

There are many ways to unintentionally destroy your career as a project manager. These are some of the things that could be jeopardizing your future.
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tennessean.com berichtet:

Kanban boards convert projects from circus to symphony

A Kanban board can do that. Developed from lean manufacturing principles, Kanban (pronounced: con-bon) translates to billboard in Japanese.
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the-star.co.ke berichtet:

5 Ways Agile Sprints Can Help Your Team

A popular feature of agile project management is the sprint, a five-day process that helps teams focus on and execute one big goal. You move from ...
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Don't go chasing waterfalls, please stick... Hang on. They're back

According to Wayne Harris, a product owner at Chroma Sports, agile doesn't sit very easily with the Prince 2 project management methodology, ...
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Developer waits two years for management to define project

Henry's first assignment there was "to port all the distributed systems software to DOS … just as soon as project management decided which of three ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Here's 5 Ways You Can Improve Security With Agile Development

The team could involve some of their stakeholders, for example, product or project managers and people from production to be able to act effectively.
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entwickler.de berichtet:

Material Design, Angular 2 und Agile Superhelden – unsere Top-Themen im Mai

Außerdem ging es um agile Superhelden, das Für und Wider von Material ... Auch aus unserer Reihe „Einführung in die Programmierung“ hat es ...
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apriori.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement: Scheitern am Whiskey-Syndrom

Für das Scheitern im Projektmanagement gibt es Gründe. Etwa das Whiskey Syndrom. Mit beschwipsten oder betrunkenen Mitarbeitern hat das nichts ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

User Stories are Placeholders for Requirements

It doesn't matter what methodology you follow (or pretend to follow) Agile Scrum, XP, UP or Waterfall, poor requirements will always hurt a project ...
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Agiles Projektmanagement mit Online-Software

Der Hersteller von Daptiv PPM (Changepoint) entwickelt die Online-Projektmanagement-Lösung konsequent weiter und vereint klassische und agile ...
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rallydev.com berichtet:

CA Agile: The Difference Between Kanban and Scrum

Jean Tabaka briefly explains the differences and similarities between Kanban and Scrum in another Agile Chalk Talk.
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salesforce.com berichtet:

Mit diesen Tipps optimieren Sie Ihr Projektmanagement

Projektmanagement-Lösungen helfen Ihnen, Projekte zeitgenau, in der versprochenen hohen Qualität und im Rahmen des vordefinierten Budgets ...
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Terminal Velocity

The team was fairly new to Scrum practices yet eager to learn, and the development team manager was a staunch Agile/Scrum advocate. The first ...
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Computer ersetzt Projektleiter

Irgendwo im Netz fand ich obige Schlagzeile. In einem Beitrag, der die Folgen der 4. Industriellen Revolution diskutiert. Seine Aussage: Der Computer werde in Zukunft immer ...
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Warum stolpert dieses Projekt dauernd?

Peter rauft sich die Haare. Als IT-Leiter verantwortet er eine größere Anzahl von Projekten. Regelmäßig berichten ihm seine Projektleiter von den Fortschritten, bereiten ...
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Lernende Organisation statt Beratungsresistenz

Sind Sie auch schon "beratungsresistent"? Dafür gibt es ja sehr gute Gründe: In regelmäßigen Abständen gibt es einen neuen Hype, derzeit ...
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Projektgeschichte: "Wir schaffen maximale Transparenz"

Unverkennbar ist das ein Satz aus der beliebten Beratersprache, auch gerne "Beratersprech" genannt - und es ist einer dieser Sätze, der alles und nichts ...
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cio.com berichtet:

Why remote project teams work

Remote project management and virtual teams is more about efficiency and productivity than going green. Read here why it's a great concept and get ...
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cio.com berichtet:

8 quick ways to increase your PM knowledge

If you're a project manager, crammed schedules, overflowing to-do lists and restricted budgets can limit your chances of pursuing formal training.
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cio.com berichtet:

6 ways to be a better project manager

Project management is a complex -- and critical -- function. Here are six pieces of advice to help project managers improve their craft.
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pentaeder.de berichtet:

Projekt-Splitter #2: PM brauchen wir nicht

Aus gegebenem Anlass ... mich beschleicht das Gefühl, dass viele Diskussionen über "richtiges" Projektmanagement völlig sinnlos sind, solange ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

9 steps to building a first-rate remote project management team

Project management is complex, and its challenges are often amplified when navigating within the confines of remote project team environments.
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Agile Leadership

I am grateful that I participate in leadership assessments in the roles I've served in as a ScrumMaster and product owner. Every year, I need to know ...
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Relocating the Retrospective

I would like to take you through my experiences of introducing the #pubretro to two separate Scrum teams, and the effect I have seen it have.
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zapier.com berichtet:

The Ultimate Guide to Project Management: A New Free eBook From Zapier

But there are a handful of popular project management strategies, dozens of project management apps, and an entire ecosystem of tools to help you ...
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zapier.com berichtet:

Project Management Software Stacks: The Apps That 13 Companies Use to Manage Projects

You've found a project management system that works for your team, tweaked your apps to fit that workflow, and boiled your goals down into clear ...
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prnewswire.com berichtet:

IIL's First Annual Agile and Scrum Virtual Conference Goes Live Thursday, June 2, 2016

International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL) will host its first annual virtual conference on Agile and Scrum ...
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cio.com.au berichtet:

Can you really do Agile software development without being DevOps-enabled?

To accomplish this at Bulletproof, we embed a cloud solutions engineer in every cross-functional Scrum team. A team is not just made up of software ...
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Basecamp Vs Freedcamp - 2016 Project Management Showdown

Project management software can be a lifesaver. However, so many different things about project management are customizable nowadays, and a lot ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

5 Reasons Why People Hate Project Managers

Since I write about IT project management all the time, I recently asked him if ... The Agile Zone is brought to you in partnership with CA Technologies.
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archdaily.com berichtet:

Comic Break: "Project Management"

If you're lucky, you'll work with a project manager who will help you learn the things that schools don't teach. If you're not lucky -- and based on the ...
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bizjournals.com berichtet:

The 5 pillars of leadership for successful projects

The Project Management Institute indicates that 67 percent of all projects fail ... Leaders must implement the 5 pillars of project success: Plan, People, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

A Beginner's Guide To Managing A Remodel

Project management is an essential part of remodeling, and there's nothing like the feeling of implementing a plan to create something new and ...
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Managing Your Business: The Right Software Tools Make All The Difference!

In one place, your business can coordinate customer relationship management, inventory management, project management, customer support, ...
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opencredo.com berichtet:

The Seven Deadly Sins of Project Managers

Surprisingly project managers are people too… I know… in some cases it is really hard to believe it; and then they can improve too! Shocking!
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cio.com berichtet:

Are you building the right solution?

The discovery path is based on the lean principle of value stream mapping[2] and the ideas introduced by Jeff Patton called Dual Track Scrum.
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scruminc.com berichtet:

Agile Leadership: Trust vs. Control

Trust vs. Control in Agile Leadership. I Listened to Spotify enterprise coach and Agile thought leader Henrik Knieberg's keynote and loved his analogy ...
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Relative Estimates

In my article “Why Estimate?” I discussed getting clarity on who uses estimates and for what purpose, and what estimates are not for. As discussed, we ...
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How Distributed Teams Can Deliver Value

Although it had been a different team setup, our team delivered value every sprint because of the way it was organized across on-site and offshore ...
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