Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
pressebox.de berichtet:
ProjectPlant GmbH startet Vergleichsportal für Open-Source-Projektmanagement-Software
Für Unternehmen, die auf der Suche nach einer Projektmanagement-Software sind und die die Anforderungen ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Mentale Selbstoptimierung: Bitte mit Vorsicht genießen
Klar ist eine optimale Leistungsfähigkeit nicht nur für Sie ein Thema, aber insbesondere im Projektmanagement geht es doch darum, alle Prozesse ...
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blog.codecentric.de berichtet:
How to handle unfinished User Stories in Scrum
That's why in agile development – for example with the Scrum process – you only care about entirely completed features. It's binary. In the Scrum ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Who is watching after your agile money? Part III
In Part II of this series, we discussed how enterprise-scale agile programs ... program and project management theory, with controls specific to agile.
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linkedin.com berichtet:
Command and Control in Agile Project Management
D-Day, or Operation Overlord, is one of the most studied military campaigns in history. There were a number of factors that led to the success of the ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
7 Must-Have Tools for Smart Project Managers
In today's hyper-competitive market, organizations make use of disciplined project management to ensure that required results get delivered with ...
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enterpriseinnovation.net berichtet:
Five steps to accounts payable automation
While a project manager takes care of the daily management of the project, managing transition, implementing changes across departments and ...
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linkedin.com berichtet:
Was ein Anwalt als/zum Legal Project Manager macht
Über den fundamentalen Wandel der Rechtsberatung wird dieser Tage viel diskutiert und dabei ist oft von Legal Project Management die Rede.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Why Agile Is Critical for Attracting Millennial Engineers
As Agile recruiters, we also see Millennial (age 19-35) engineers ... A 27-year-old project manager told me he left a Big 5 Consulting Firm after nearly ...
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tgdaily.com berichtet:
Benefits of Streamlining Project Management Processes
From time to time, teams are created within a company's division to collaborate on a project. Generally, a project is created to achieve an objective in ...
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news.sys-con.com berichtet:
Best Practices and Challenges for 21st Century Project Management
Assessment of the practice of project management and whether it's truly valuable to the modern organization, and if so, to identify the activities that ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
The Shortest Business Day in Our Lives
Germany, 10 a.m.: All development team members on one side of the world have arrived in the office (some at the last minute). For us, 10 a.m. is ...
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govinsider.asia berichtet:
Four things you should know about DevOps
Using DevOps enables teams to use 'agile project management' – where they continuously improve a project using trial and error. These two buzz ...
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cio.com berichtet:
How to spot signs your project is about to fail
Project management has many facets and anyone of them could derail even the best-laid plans. Recognizing the signs of an impending disaster can ...
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causevox.com berichtet:
6 Free Project Management Tools For Nonprofits
Need help getting your projects organized? Here's 6 free project management tools for nonprofits that will help you reach your goals.
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mittelstand-nachrichten.de berichtet:
Offshore Outsourcing wird auch beim Mittelstand immer beliebter. Gerade der IT Bereich erlebt...
Darauf nicht spezialisierte Projektmanager und andere Mitarbeiter sind hier leider oft überfordert. Der Zeitunterschied, kulturelle Unterschiede und ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Scrum for Research
Individuals on the team had been introduced to Scrum in the past, but Scrum did not look like a good fit for everyone. Googling and reading books for ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Why Have Sprint Zero?
I realize that the concept of a Sprint Zero is a controversial one. And in my initial days of Agile, I was surprised by the importance given to it where I ...
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idw-online.de berichtet:
Projektmesse zeigt Ideen von morgen
Den hohen Wert der Projektarbeit erkennen auch die Studierenden an: Sie sei „sehr interessant und lehrreich durch die Nähe zu späteren ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Digitaler Brückenschlag zwischen Technik und Verwaltung
Mit der praxisnahen Projektmanagement-Funktion ist die Planung, Einteilung und Überwachung von Ressourcen und Terminen ein Einfaches.
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cioinsight.com berichtet:
10 Tips for Implementing Scrum Practices
Agile development is all about continuous improvement, and scrum—an iterative and incremental agile software development framework—helps get it ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and the Cult of Personality
One of the team members who had been very resistant to Scrum when I first arrived said that he wanted to explain why some of them had been so ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:
Scrum Team Roles & Responsibilities - How to Build the Most Effective Scrum Team
Comprehensive guide for building productive Scrum teams. Roles, responsibilities and tips for hiring Product Owners, Scrum Masters and ...
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nextgov.com berichtet:
Why Agile is Still So Hard for the Government
Getting more of the federal government to buy agile technology services will ... A second project, awarded in July, was for creating citizen log-ins for ... said some agencies grapple with adjusting to a new project management method.
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smallbiztrends.com berichtet:
11 Best Tips for Briefing a Freelancer on Your Project Goals
Upload your instructions to a project management system with tasks and notifications included to track the progress.” ~Marcela De Vivo, Brilliance ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
New IT managers: learn these five people skills
Strong project teams are created when team members know that their manager is fair, approachable and accessible—by anyone on the team, and not ...
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blog.wiwo.de berichtet:
Die wertvollen Erfahrungen der Gescheiterten – Gastbeitrag von Georg Kraus
Denn viele Führungskräfte und Projekt-Manager, aber auch Mitarbeiter, die operative Verantwortung tragen, scheuen sich, Risiken einzugehen.
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it-daily.net berichtet:
IT-Modernisierung und DevOps
Zur Beschleunigung der Softwareentwicklung wurden in den letzten Jahren die Agilen Methoden implementiert. Dadurch wurde der Software-Betrieb...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
Ways to align your agile initiatives
Despite the fact that methodologies like agile and DevOps try to break down the traditional silos in a software development organization, those silos are prevalent. The problem...
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cio.com berichtet:
9 top tools for corporate cloud collaboration
Toggl scales seamlessly so it's well-suited for use by project teams and across ... Designed to make project management easier, Teamweek offers a ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Nur wer etwas versteht, kann richtig zuhören!
Es ist ein langer Weg von den Erwartungen eines Kunden hin zum fertigen Produkt. Bereits vor über 2.000 Jahren beschrieb der chinesische Kaufmann ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Survey on the Need for an Agile Manifesto 2.0
Kamlesh Ravlani, an Agile / Lean Coach and Scrum Trainer, created this survey to gain insight into the need for change in the Agile Manifesto.
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business2community.com berichtet:
10 Project Management Tips for Marketing Managers
Here are ten marketing project management tips to help you get the job done. ... Agile marketing is a new marketing management approach that ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Agile Design Management – Bauplanung mit Scrum
Dr. Selim Tugra Demir und Patrick Theis stellen das Agile Design Management (ADM) vor, bei dem Scrum auf die Planungsphase von Bauprojekten ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Softwareentwicklung: Was tun gegen schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen?
Mitarbeitergestützte Prozesse und Agile-Methoden sollen helfen, die ... „Why You Should Make the Worst Parts of Web Development Even Worse“.
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cio.com berichtet:
Slimming down to Essential SAFe
There are many frameworks and methodologies that have emerged for scaling, including the least prescriptive, Scrum of Scrums (SoS), to more ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Follow Agile Truly
We often preach that face-to-face communication is one of the primary values of Agile and that interaction is the key to success. However, we often fail ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Why You Should Refine Your Product Backlog Regularly
Product backlog refinement is the addition of estimates, detail, and the order of items that exist in a product backlog. This should be an ongoing ...
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smartsheet.com berichtet:
Choosing the Middle Ground Between Scrum and Kanban
Currently, Scrum is the most popular Agile methodology for software development ... Scrum is an Agile methodology that employs small teams working ...
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searchcio.techtarget.com berichtet:
Agile organizations still need project status reports
agile development team and its dim view of project status reports. ... Agile coaches are now telling their managers to stop asking them for project status ...
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