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howtechhack.com berichtet:
Everything You Need to Know About Scrum Events
It is very much advisable for the organisations to be clear about the basic technicalities associated with the scrum events.
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basicthinking.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement-Tool im Test: Was kann Cling?
Organisationstools helfen dabei, uns digital zu sortieren. Aus Berlin stammt ein Projektmanagement-Tool namens Cling.
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Das ist das Ende! Vom guten oder glanzlosen Beenden von Projekten, Ziehwegen, Tourenabbrüchen und allem dazwischen. Teil 1
„Ende gut, alles gut“, sagt man: Vergessen ist alle Mühe, sonnen wir uns im Glanz des Erfolgs. Schön wäre es! Denn leider klappt das „Sonnen im Erfolg“ oft nicht so einfach. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Stop treating managers like the bad guy
A recurring question that I get is “why do we have managers at all in Agile?”. And I get that. ...
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kommunal.de berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten - ein Stadtdirektor erklärt es
Scrum ist ein agiles Rahmenwerk für die Projektdurchführung, mit definierten Rollen und Events. Projekte in Sprints bearbeitet. Es wird in „Sprints“ ...
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tendayiviki.medium.com berichtet:
Can Innovation Thrive Under The Radar In Your Company?
A lot of intrapreneurs ask me whether they should consider working on their ideas under the radar within their company. They are often worried that if they expose their innovative ideas to the company too soon, those ideas will be killed by corporate antibodies. ...
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modusinstitute.com berichtet:
Are You Working In a Toxic Environment?
Toxic environments aren’t always obvious. Many organizations or teams seem functional on the surface but, in reality, are plagued by subtle problems which make it difficult for employees to succeed. ...
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mdalmijn.com berichtet:
Empowered teams are essential for complex work
If you are doing complex work and believe an Agile way of working helps best to deal with that, then you should move towards: ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Denken dringend erwünscht!
„Unser time-to-market ist fatal.“ - „Wir finden keine Fachkräfte, die Azubi-Stellen bleiben unbesetzt.“ ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
7 Quick Tips To Make Your Scrum Team More Self-Managing
Recently, we hosted a workshop for our Patreon community. Its purpose was to use all our personal experiences and creativity, to identify quick tips around team autonomy, and its components self-management, and cross-functionality. ...
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cloudcomputing-insider.de berichtet:
New Work: Was, warum und wie? Der ultimative Leitfaden
Arbeitszeiten sind hybrid, der Arbeitsort ist daher auf einmal irrelevant. Projekt Management wandelt sich mehr und mehr zum Work Management, auch was ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Data Patterns on Edge
Goal-Driven Kanban enables teams to choose from and focus on challenging goals along their road. Teams are free to choose their pace and can take ...
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medium.datadriveninvestor.com berichtet:
The Five Program Management Process Groups
In the project management world, there are five process groups that you will need to be familiar with if you want to be a successful program ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Agile Transformation mit Liberating Structures leicht gemacht
Vor allem der Product Owner kann eine starke Wertschätzung für die verrichtete Arbeit der Teammitglieder beim Sprint Review signalisieren und ebenso ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Why product owners need effective scrum masters
When you consider who the important partners for product people are, your thoughts might turn to the stakeholders, development team, and sponsor. ...
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medium.datadriveninvestor.com berichtet:
Resolving Data Silos in Project Management
Effective data sharing and therefore a resolution of data silos is one of the key ... refuse to help make projects more reliable and successful.
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lennysnewsletter.com berichtet:
What is good monthly churn
Benchmarks for good and great monthly churn, broken down by segment and price point ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
Five Problem-Solving Mindsets You Should Embrace
Whether you are trying to improve productivity, resolve a quality issue, or resolve conflict; there is one critical factor which is often overlooked – a problem solving mindset. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Gescheiter Scheitern…
Eine Kündigung, ein Konkurs – wer verliert, muss oft genug noch Hohn ertragen. Dabei gehören Fehler und Scheitern zum Leben. ...
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devclass.com berichtet:
YouTrack introduces visual project planning helper
JetBrains' project management tool YouTrack 2022.1 has just been released, and features LaTeX support as well as project planning help.
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Scrum Values and the Real World
The 2020 Scrum Guide includes five values that are important to every successful implementation of Scrum. These values are courage, commitment, focus, openness and respect. ...
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:
OKR anti-pattern: sandbagging your key results
Sandbagging is a term used to describe the act (and sometimes art) of under promising and over delivering. If someone is sandbagging they set expectations for a certain level of delivery or performance they know they can hit with ease. ...
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lean-agility.de berichtet:
A long time ago, in an agility far far away ...
Es gibt einige ältere Dinge die so cool sind, dass sofort zwei Reaktionen hochkommen wenn man sie sieht: 1) "Wow, das gibt es schon so lange?" Und 2) "Oh Mann, warum wurde davon nicht viel mehr gemacht?" ...
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getlighthouse.com berichtet:
How To Work Remotely Like A Pro: Advice From A Veteran
Have you recently shifted to working remotely? Has it been a smooth process, or more of a bumpy ride? ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Goal-Driven Kanban
Scrum and its custom flavors dominate. Kanban has captured a niche where there is no need to deal with challenging goals and employing the “fast try/ ...
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ibtimes.com berichtet:
8 Best Project Management Software 2022: For Easier, Quicker Team Collaboration
Project management software is an online collaborative platform that puts everyone on the same page. Poor communication leads to loss of money and ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
My Favorite Hard Questions to Ask When Making a Decision
A challenge for any leader is to resist the temptation to say, “Do this” or “Do it because I’m the boss.” Sure, there are situations where that can be appropriate. ...
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processexcellencenetwork.com berichtet:
Using processes to achieve organizational agility
Agile methodology has become the predominant approach to software development ... This project management process is no longer limited to software ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Mit DORA den DevOps-ROI ermitteln
DORA hat vier Metriken herausgearbeitet, um die Performance von Software Development Teams messen und bewerten zu können.
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gov1.com berichtet:
Top 10 planning tools for successful grant projects
Top 10 planning tools for successful grant projects. Strong, competitive grant proposals have planning time and tools to back them up.
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:
10 Things I Learned from Lean Thinking
My Lean thinking has gradually evolved since my journey began in 2000. I have a real passion for learning and sharing my journey with others. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
What Is the Best Size of a Scrum Team?
I remember my worst meeting with a customer as if it was yesterday. A public sector company. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
More Compromises = Less Value
Accepting compromises often limits Scrum teams from creating more value ...
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dup-magazin.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung: „Do or die!“
Wer analoge Prozesse eins-zu-eins digitalisiert, kann nur verlieren, sagt Kai Grunwitz, CEO bei NTT Deutschland.
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bigdata-insider.de berichtet:
Voraussetzungen für erfolgreiche KI-Initiativen in Unternehmen
Ein grundlegender Faktor für erfolgreiche KI-Projekte ist es, sicherzustellen, dass die für die Automatisierung identifizierten Prozesse für das ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Improving Software Engineering Practices using Essence with Ian Spence
So we've built two practices, one for Scrum of Scrums, and one for executive Scrum, for using Scrum to run a business or a business unit or your Agile ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Elevating Agile With Financial Discipline
Importantly, as IT finance management (ITFM) leaders know, ... are in the midst of evolving from being project-centered to product-oriented ...
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insidebigdata.com berichtet:
Data Scientists Reveal Roadblocks to Digital Transformation
... scientists have revealed significant barriers to effective working and ... accelerating digital transformation projects by using technology to ...
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techtimes.com berichtet:
Quire Review: The Best Project Management Software for Your Team in 2022
As the term implies, project management refers to managing related experiences, skills, and knowledge to achieve specific project objectives within ...
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cio.com berichtet:
5 project management resume tips
Maybe you're interested in a job as a project manager (PM), ... PMs regularly, we came away with tips tailored for project managers to ensure your ...
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