Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
cash-online.de berichtet:
Projektentwickler: Excel-Datei statt Digitalisierung
Auch wenn die digitale Transformation in der Immobilienwirtschaft im vollen Gange ist – bei den ...
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openpr.de berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten: Was ist das eigentlich? Und für wen eignen sich agile Arbeitsweisen?
Im klassischen Projektmanagement würde ein Projektmanager erst den Rahmen für Kosten, Termine und Leistungen feststecken und einen Plan ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 traits other leaders can learn from successful project managers
Project managers possess many admirable traits that enable them to successfully communicate and collaborate with different stakeholders. These five ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Agile vs. waterfall: Project methodologies compared
Choosing the right project management methodology for the job is the first step in project success. But knowing which methodology best fits your ...
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cio.de berichtet:
So identifizieren Sie Projektbeteiligte
Bewerten Sie Stakeholder danach, wie wichtig sie für das Projekt sind und ... Lesetipp: Projektmanagement - Wissen, das Projektbeteiligte wollen ...
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mdpi.com berichtet:
Applying Project Management Tools to Beach Litter Clean-Ups
Keywords: beach litter; project management; project cycle; monitoring; adaptation. 1. Introduction. Marine and beach litter represents a threat with ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
[Mythbusting] How To Calculate The Buffer For The Unplanned Work In The Sprint?
Hey. What's good awesome people? I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. The question that I received a lot lately in related to my three ...
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techspective.net berichtet:
SAFe, Scrum, Kanban Share a Bottleneck and It's Not What You Think
No one is immune to this finding: whether implementing SAFe®, Scrum, Kanban, or Waterfall, the fingerprints of insufficient QA resources are all over ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
4 things new project managers should learn to be effective
Being new to project management can be nerve-racking. Fear not, these four things can help set you up for success as a new project manager.
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whatech.com berichtet:
Top 10 Best Project Management Software Market Overview details shared in the report
Project Management Software enables organizations to supervise ... the tools they need to accelerate creativity and make their teams more agile.
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themalaysianinsight.com berichtet:
Focus on transferable skills
Technical skills include computer technology, agile methodologies, project management software, content management systems and data ...
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business.inquirer.net berichtet:
Agile is the Future of your Projects and Business and learn Agile Project Management
How do we manage projects successfully based on requirements of the business? Managing a project requires a deep level of understanding of project ...
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finanzmarktwelt.de berichtet:
Projektcontrolling-Softwares – Die digitale Lösung für erfolgreiches Projektmanagement?
Zuerst legen die Projektmanager fest, welche Ergebnisse man sich von diesem Projekt erwartet, welche Ressourcen man dafür benötigt und welches ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
14 Project Management Tips For New Tech Leaders
Know that modern project management tools are much more collaborative. Project management is not what it used to be. Remember the old PMI? The ...
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bits-chips.nl berichtet:
The Agile coach as a counselor – what we can learn from Star Trek
... the focus shifts from realizing technical products to business delivery. ... business aim of the next release and helping the product owners prioritize.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Scrum Master: contract your team!
In the course of becoming a Professional Team Coach, I noticed a lot of interesting topics for Scrum Masters who want to improve their coaching stance. I ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Are You Interested in Disciplined Agile?
These are all dwarfed by SAFe and Scrum of Scrums. digital.ai annual state of agile report for agile scaling methods. I don't know about you but 4% ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
5 lessons project managers can learn from the first 2020 US presidential debate
Project management leaders must strive to be accountable and hold others accountable without getting into finger-pointing, as it creates animosity. It's ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:
8 Characteristics of High Performing Agile Teams
Project management tools are useful in this regard, as they allow for tagging work items with certain labels that show with goals they support.
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miningmagazine.com berichtet:
Agile Mining - The Future is Smaller. Bigger is not always better
Proudfoot's Agile management solution, works collaboratively with Owners and EPCM's to improve capital project performance, reducing costs and ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Five reasons why Scrum is not helping in getting twice the work done in half the time
I worked as a product owner for my first product in 2007–08 to manage the ... Collective ownership and end-to-end delivery accountability are still ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Smarte Personalabteilung: Cloud statt Aktenschrank
Im Unterschied beispielsweise zu Kunden- und Projekt-Akten besteht eine ... Erfolgreiche Projekte setzen voraus, dass Unternehmen sich zunächst ...
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nativenewsonline.net berichtet:
The Key to Successful Product Development: A Skilled Product Developer
This is the first and most important step of beginning the project as on the basis of the needs of the client, the whole project will be made. For successful ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Agilität: Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?
Im Zusammenhag mit Agilität werden Scrum, Kanban und moderne Projekt-Management-Ansätze diskutiert. Wer sich die verschiedenen Methoden ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Warum Digitalisierung mehr ist als IT-Modernisierung
Digitale Inseln waren gestern. Vernetzung lautet das Stichwort. Digitalisierung bedeutet für viele Unternehmen vor allem Investitionen in ...
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blog.hubspot.de berichtet:
Projektmanagement: 5 Phasen im Überblick
Mit einem durchdachten Projektmanagement stellen Sie die Weichen dafür, dass Ihre Projekte reibungslos laufen und alle wichtigen Ziele erreicht ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
How do I run a Retrospective?
The Retrospective is one of five events in Scrum. It’s purpose is to inspect the whole Scrum Team from the perspective of people, process and tools, and then adapt the way the whole team works.
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medium.com berichtet:
Leverage Scrum to Motivate Your Team
Imagine this — You are the Scrum Master of a highly motivated Scrum Team. How do you see that team functioning? Do you see them collaborating and innovating? Do you see them producing high quality, high-value software?
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medium.com berichtet:
If you could only ask one question from your Scrum Team, which one would be the most powerful?
You may ask this powerful question next time you wonder if your Scrum Team will be able to deliver value in each Sprint.
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medium.com berichtet:
Why is Scrum a Process?
In the Agile Manifesto, the first line is “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools”. The way I interpret this is that we should first endeavour to understand the way people communicate and work towards a common purpose while giving them the space necessary to make that natural and efficient.
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medium.com berichtet:
Scrum is Difficult to Master — Here’s how you can make it Easier
According to the Scrum Guide, Scrum is simple to understand but difficult to master. The Scrum Guide doesn’t go into detail about why Scrum is difficult to master or how one can make it easier to master.
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medium.com berichtet:
How to Create a Safe-To-Fail Environment?
Is failure celebration a way to go?
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mrjoe.uk berichtet:
Introducing Maximum Viable Product (MaxVP)
We have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), now it’s time to define a Maximum Viable Product (MaxVP).
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Das Lastenheft in der agilen Welt
Lasten- und Pflichtenheft stammen aus dem klassischen Projektmanagement, sind aber auch bei agilen Projekten nicht wegzudenken – denn sie verhelfen Auftraggeber und Dienstleister zu einem gemeinsamen Ziel.
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lifesly.com berichtet:
Agile Business Analyst: Role and Importance
operations, the product owner team wants someone who is the principal product owner, and a business analyst is an excellent choice for this position.
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projekte-leicht-gemacht.de berichtet:
So arbeitest du produktiver – ohne dich mehr anzustrengen
Wie wäre das: Du arbeitest gleich lang, strengst dich nicht mehr an als sonst – aber es kommt am Ende des Tages mehr dabei raus? Oder anders: Du arbeitest entspannter, machst mehr Pausen – und trotzdem ist das Ergebnis genau das gleiche?
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Agilität? Haben wir probiert! Funktioniert nicht! – Teil 5
Nun ist es ein paar Monate her, seit ich Teil 4 dieser kleinen Serie geschrieben und veröffentlicht habe. In dieser Zeit ist viel passiert. Und wir haben viel gelernt.
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
Are Estimates Ever Helpful to Developers?
We know that stakeholders and clients want estimates. They benefit from being able to plan, prioritize, and predict the dates their product will be delivered.
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agilealliance.org berichtet:
Identifying a Code of Ethical Conduct for Agile Coaching
The Agile Alliance Agile Coaching Ethics initiative is developing a code of ethical conduct to raise coaching standards in Agile coaching and amplify the value of the profession.
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mironov.com berichtet:
I’ve abandoned “MVP”
After years of struggle, I’m advising all of my clients and product leader coachees to stop using the term “MVP”. Not to stop doing validation, discovery, prototyping or experiments they may associate that that acronym, but to remove the label from all of their docs and presentations and talks.
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