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scrum.org berichtet:
32 Scrum Stakeholder Anti-Patterns
Learn how individual incentives and outdated organizational structures — fostering personal agendas and local optimization efforts — manifest themselves in Scrum stakeholder anti-patterns which easily can impede any agile transition. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
Podcast: Die Werte der Methode
Werte bilden die Grundlage der Methode, obwohl sie erst spät publiziert wurden und auch wenig referenziert werden. Aus ihnen lassen sich die Prinzipien und Praktiken aber herleiten, wie Mike Burrows in seinem Buch "Kanban from the Inside" getan hat. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Product Backlog Workflow
The emergence of the Kanban Guide for Scrum teams has given new metrics and practices to development teams on how they can augment their Sprint Backlog to manage their work. ...
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agilealliance.org berichtet:
OKRs From a Beyond Budgeting Perspective
The former Intel CEO Andy Grove introduced the concept in this company in the seventies, as described in his 1983 book “High Output Management”. John Doerr, a former Intel employee, later introduced the concept to a young startup called Google. ...
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mountaingoatsoftware.com berichtet:
How to Estimate Story Points With Multiple Teams
When organizations scale agile, they’re faced with the challenge of managing multiple teams. And if you have multiple teams working on the same project, that coordination becomes more complex, particularly when creating estimates. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Mythos Motivation
Wie lassen sich Mitarbeiter motivieren? Eigentlich gar nicht. Jedenfalls nicht von außen. Echte Motivation kommt von innen und hat ihren Ursprung im unstillbaren Wachstumsbedürfnis von Menschen. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Ein Grundverständnis von Kanban bekommen
Kanban wird oft auf eine Technik reduziert, bei der man auf ein Board verschiedene Spalten zeichnet und mit maximalen Aufgabenmengen versieht, die sich in jeder Spalte befinden dürfen. ...
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leadinganswers.com berichtet:
WBS and Product Backlog: Siblings or Distant Cousins?
It’s easy to believe that work breakdown structures (WBS) have been around since the pyramids were built in Egypt, and that product backlogs are new inventions by youngsters in too much of a hurry to plan correctly. ...
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techwell.com berichtet:
Making (and Keeping) Project Risk Visible
I was surprised to discover that a significant risk the project had been monitoring had been closed by the project management team. The risk was still a possibility, and the consequences could be financially devastating if the risk occurred. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
6 Things I didn’t know about being a project manager
I decided to be a project manager. Admittedly, it wasn’t until I started working that I knew such a job existed, but when I realised I did, I knew it was for me. ...
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project-management-podcast.com berichtet:
Social Intelligence for Project Managers
Feeling disconnected from your team? Is getting them all together more like herding cats than project management? Social intelligence concepts (the connections part of emotional intelligence) can help you connect and keep your team all moving in the same direction. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Build Team Resilience: Work Together (Part 1)
I've been working with clients who have brittle environments. Their brittleness doesn't show up all the time. When everything is good, they're able to finish work and deliver. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Five Big Myths Surrounding Technical Debt
In a software company, people often talk about tech debt, usually blaming it for something bad that is happening, such as ...
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svpg.com berichtet:
Team Objectives – Summary
We need some way to assign and manage work to product teams, and we want to do this in a way that is empowering and executes on our product strategy. This is the purpose of Team Objectives. Assuming you have embraced the empowered product team model, and you have capable leaders, it is fairly straightforward. ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Product Backlog Workflow
The Kanban Guide for Scrum teams identifies Work Item Age as being “the amount of time between when a work item started and the current time”. While ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Is being too data-driven dangerous?
The data-driven mindset has become a necessity in modern companies because of the amount of data generated by digitalization and because of the amazing success taped by data-driven pioneers (GAFAs). ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Wie Anwender DevOps einsetzen
... weitere Vorteile wie Time-to-Market von neuen Produkten und Services oder die Vereinfachung des Software Development Lifecycle mit 25 Prozent ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Development Team Anti-Patterns
Scrum recognizes no sub-teams in the Development Team, regardless of domains that need to be addressed like testing, architecture, operations, or ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
When (and How) to Involve Your PMs in the Sales Process
Project managers have a superpower for imagining what could go wrong… which helps them dig into the client's stated and unstated assumptions. This ...
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insidehighered.com berichtet:
COVID-19 and Slack
Slack is a poor project management tool. I suppose that Slack could be used to assign and track tasks, develop milestones and critical paths, and build ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
[VLOG] How To Use Scrum With Kanban
Rather than choosing Scrum or Kanban, awesome teams either those who start with Kanban or Scrum, will incrementally add the aspects that are ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Maintaining Mental health on Software Development Teams
Having profound knowledge in psychology and applying agile techniques, Vova helps companies develop a comfortable and productive working ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
A Scrum Master's Search for “The Art of the Possible”
The Scrum Team gather around their team desk to hold the Daily Scrum. Jamie, one of the team members, highlights a problem that he faced ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How the Scrum Values Could Help Us Cope With the COVID-19 Outbreak
When the values of commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect are embodied and lived by the Scrum Team, the Scrum pillars of transparency, ...
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planview.com berichtet:
Lean Metrics to Improve Flow
LeanKit Online Kanban Software. Sign up for a 30-day free trial and you and your team can start building online Kanban boards today. Experience for ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
8 Lügen, die Projektmanager sich selbst erzählen
8 Lügen, die Projektmanager sich selbst erzählen. Vom Überbewerten von Meilensteinen bis hin zur Annahme, dass jeder eine einheitliche Vision vom ...
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devops.com berichtet:
Atlassian Adds No-Code Automation Tool to Jira Cloud
Developers are especially notorious for not always updating project management applications, which usually results in project managers having to nag ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
So You Have Implemented Agile: Now What?
A viable metrics solution. It's difficult to succeed without applying metrics to project management. However, it's important to note that Agile metrics focus ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Q&A on the Book How to Lead in Product Management
Hard skills alone are not enough to succeed as a product manager or product owner. Developing the right leadership skills is crucial to successfully ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Howard Sublett on Current and Future State of the Scrum Alliance
Key Takeaways. When organisations and teams adopt Scrum effectively the difference in atmosphere and attitude to work is palpable; There is still a lot ...
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kmworld.com berichtet:
Deep project management
One discipline firmly entrenched in the slow category is project management, where mainstream approaches are struggling to keep up with the rapid ...
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itnews.com.au berichtet:
Why Coles is turning to 'inclusive Agile'
“When this happens, the project manager or product owner is faced with the challenges of finding the budget for the audit remediation and finding the ...
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insights.dice.com berichtet:
Project Manager Salary and 4 Other Career Questions You Want Answered
Project managers guide projects from initiation through planning and execution; as a result, they are some of the most valuable employees within an ...
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unternehmensdemokraten.de berichtet:
Boeing. Die Zerstörungskraft der Gewinnmaximierung.
Am 26. August 2019 veröffentlichte ich einen Beitrag über die damals hochkochende Krise bei Boeing. Titel: Gewinnmaximierung als ökonomische Selbstverstümmelung. Ein gutes halbes Jahr später habe ich den Eindruck, damit noch zu zurückhaltend gewesen zu sein. ...
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girlsguidetopm.com berichtet:
10 Tips for Good Meeting Minutes
Minutes help with communication at work – they ensure people have a common understanding of what the meeting was about and what they should be doing next. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
Use This Framework to Predict the Success of Your Big Data Project
Big data projects that revolve around exploiting data for business optimization and business development are top of mind for most executives. However, up to 85% of big data projects fail, often because executives cannot accurately assess project risks at the outset. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Use uncertainty poker to increase alignment on delivery approaches
Part of tailoring our approach to delivering a project needs to consider its relative level of uncertainty. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Cost and Value of Collecting Data
Collecting data isn't free. There's a cost to every piece of data. There's also value. How do we balance the cost and value of data? ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Ending the Tyranny of the Measurable
“You can’t manage what you can’t measure” is a maxim fused deeply into the modern organizational DNA. From annual budgets to individual SMART goals or OKRs, measurement has played a pivotal role in key organizational interactions such as building shared alignment, informing continuous improvement efforts, and ensuring accountability. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Über Gleichwürdigkeit in Beziehungen …
Marcus Raitner hat meinen geistigen Horizont wie schon so oft ein weiteres Mal erweitert, und uns auch gleich erlaubt, seinen erneut denkwürdigen Artikel auf unserem Blog erneut zu veröffentlichen (hier die Quelle). ...
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