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medium.com berichtet:
Why most Sprint Reviews are boring
But why would they ask such a question? The Sprint Review is a great moment to have a meaningful exchange with stakeholders, where the Scrum Team has an opportunity to inspect and adapt.
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medium.com berichtet:
Sprint Goals are the beating heart of Scrum
What do Star Wars, Jaws, Batman, The Godfather, James Bond, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, and Jurassic Park all have in common?
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medium.com berichtet:
Weekly Status Reports may not create Transparency
Tobring a shift in mindset is the most challenging aspect of Agile Transformations. There have been occasions when the management and senior leadership would want to micromanage the team’s progress, which sometimes gets confused with Transparency.
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Verbranntes Scrum
Heute widmen wir uns einem Thema von Zuhörer Alexander, der in unserem Slack vorgeschlagen hat, doch mal über “Verbranntes Scrum” zu reden: Ein Team hat bereits einmal versucht, Scrum einzuführen und das ist dermaßen in die Hose gegangen, dass das Thema durch ist – verbrannte Erde, verbranntes Scrum.
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Krisenmanagement in Corona-Zeiten: Die Agile Verwaltung kann mit Komplexität besser umgehen
Die Corona-Krise treibt die öffentliche Verwaltung auf allen Ebenen kräftig um. Einer der Nebeneffekte: Sie macht die Schwächen der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland mit Blick auf den Umgang mit komplexen Herausforderungen mehr als deutlich.
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Beyond agile
In den vergangenen Jahren wurde Agilität von einer klugen Strategie zur Softwareentwicklung zu einer Managementmode („Agilität als sinnentleerter Cargo Kult“) aufgebauscht.
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dzone.com berichtet:
32 Best Jira Alternatives For Agile Project Management Teams In 2020
If Jira seems disappointing to you and your team, in this quite lengthy article you’ll discover the best Jira alternatives. Or if you are just browsing the web for a great project management tool, this guide will ease your final decision.
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analyticsinsight.net berichtet:
Significance of Agility for Data Science and DataOps
Instead of an agile product owner, an agile data science team may be led by an analytics owner who is responsible for driving business outcomes ...
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finance-magazin.de berichtet:
Wann Agilität im Controlling wirklich sinnvoll ist
„Das Ergebnis dieser Bedarfsanalyse ist nicht so klar definierbar wie im klassischen Projektmanagement, weil es keine harten Finanzkennzahlen sind ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Erfolgreich agil arbeiten: Teil eins
In dieser dreiteiligen Serie über agile Projektmanagement-Methoden und Scrum als das bekannteste Framework, wollen wir den Nutzen noch einmal ...
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uctoday.com berichtet:
5 Tips for a Successful Microsoft Teams Deployment
ACTION: Get to grips with the wider context for the Teams project. Beware of too many minor implementation projects that could confusion among users ...
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trend.at berichtet:
Projektmanagement: Gebrauchsanweisung für die Krise
Was Projektmanager in Zeiten der (Corona-) Krise am besten tun sollten, über welche Kompetenzen sie verfügen müssen und wie sie sich optimal auf ...
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theweek.in berichtet:
Six Sigma Project Management
A project manager might think that Six Sigma methodology is not suitable to achieve the desired results. But, in reality, a data-driven approach would ...
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builtin.com berichtet:
How to Align Teams Behind a Product Roadmap
A product owner should spend a good portion of their time continuously assessing all of the details to maintain that alignment throughout the ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Die Grenzen von Projektmanagement-Tools
Work Management ist gut für die IT Die Grenzen von Projektmanagement-Tools. IT- und Software-Projekte werden immer komplexer – und ...
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insights.dice.com berichtet:
Agile Training: Educational Paths to Follow (and Avoid)
The Agile method for software development is wildly popular. It involves ongoing ... But how can you 'learn' Agile project management? Is it worth ...
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techfunnel.com berichtet:
What is Agile Development Methodology?
Agile development methodology holds great importance in the world of management. For instance, agile projects are said to be 28% more ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Steve Adolph on Product Management, Product Ownership and Business Agility
I mean, I really love Scrum, but what I all too often see is that we obligate, this person we've designated as the Product Owner as to be the big start and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Key Strategies To Build An Agile Workplace For Business Continuity
This also demands the integration of multiple talent processes, performance management, talent reviews, engagement and learning and development ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How Outsourcing Practices Are Changing in 2020: An Industry Insight
I'm sure any IT leader or organization outsourcing or planning to outsource IT ... Agile development will become more close-knit with digital tools.
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droplr.com berichtet:
Zoom vs Google Meet: Picking the Best Platform for Your Daily Scrum Meeting
Daily scrum meetings are vital for businesses to define goals and keep everyone on track. Learn whether Zoom or Google Meet is best for your remote ...
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cumbriacrack.com berichtet:
Applications open for popular Project Management course
A popular qualification seen as a fast-track into a project management career has been launched at Furness College. Applications have now opened for ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
[2 Mins FAQ] Can One Person Be Both The Scrum Master And The Product Owner?
The first question that I will answer in this series is: Can one person be both the Scrum Master and the Product Owner? Do you have any question that I ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
It's the end of your project, but has the moment been prepared for?
My musings on project management, project portfolio management and change management. I'm a firm believer that a pragmatic approach to ...
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blog.mayflower.de berichtet:
Agile Missverständnisse: Schneller mit Agil
„Twice the work in half the time“, so heisst es an manchen Stellen. „Agil skalieren!“, hört man häufiger von Vertretern der unterschiedlichsten Skalierungs-Frameworks. Skalieren, das klingt so schön nach Fahrt aufnehmen.
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Social Loafing in agilen Teams
In seinem Blogbeitrag vom 4. Juni 2020 warb Michael Schenkel unter der Überschrift „Das ist doch kein Scrum“1 für eine Anwendung von Scrum, die sich am Geist des Agilen Manifests orientiert, aber genügend Flexibilität erlaubt, um das agile Projekt an die Wirklichkeit im Unternehmen und dessen Umwelt anzupassen. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Coach Takeshi’s Agile 101
What is agile? Why agile? How do we do agile? What’s the difference between Agile, Scrum, Lean, Design Thinking? ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Meetingkultur online – ein paar Erfahrungen
Alle klagen ja über die große Distanz bei diesen unumgänglichen Videokonferenzen. „Die Kaffeeküche fehlt.“ – „Wo bleiben die Klönschnacks auf dem Flur?“ ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
5 Menschen. 1 Stunde. 12 Wochen. Erfahrungen in einem digitalen WOL-Circle
Die Idee von „Working Out Loud“ (WOL) stammt von John Stepper, einem Amerikaner. Das Konzept unterstützt Menschen dabei, in kleinen Gruppen persönliche Ziele zu erreichen, bessere Beziehungen aufzubauen und sich selbst weiter zu entwickeln. ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Rethinking Ten Sacred Truths Of Agile
Given what’s happened this year, we need to rethink many things. Agile management is no exception. Although Agile firms have fared better than most, Agile cannot remain static: the spirit of Agile requires rethinking Agile management itself. ...
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andycleff.com berichtet:
Stop Giving Answers… Ask Powerful Questions Instead
Scenario: a team member runs into an impediment. Comes to the team lead or the scrum master, and asks “What should I do?” ...
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oreilly.com berichtet:
Decision-Making in a Time of Crisis
In the 1996 cult classic film Swingers, two friends, Trent and Mike (played by Vince Vaughan and Jon Favreau, respectively) make an impromptu trip to Las Vegas. At the blackjack table, Mike gets dealt an 11 and Trent tells him to double down. ...
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
How To Influence Without Authority As a Product Manager
Product managers have a unique challenge in that they own the product, yet they have no direct control over how the product is built, marketed or supported. ...
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intercom.com berichtet:
Product Judgment: How some people can repeatedly create product success
Also known as Product Intuition or Product Instinct or Product Taste, it is the idea that you can use your own judgment to (1) accurately predict what your customers need, want and value, and (2) design and ship the right solution for them. ...
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productschool.com berichtet:
The Difference: Prototype vs MVP
Prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVP) are a critical part of product development. Sure, you could dive right in, spend months developing an expensive product with all the bells and whistles. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Mistake-proofing Your Product Development with Scrum
Have you ever noticed how fast you can improve with Scrum? Have you noticed how it dissolves complexity? If you execute Scrum as designed, it eases your ability to navigate complex products. It feels like magic. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
How to put HR in the driver seat of organisational change.
The agility of organizations is increasing, due to a rapidly changing environment and customer needs. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
To task or not to task
I recently had a lively discussion with my fellow agile coaches on whether it’s a good idea to break Product Backlog Items (PBIs) down into tasks or not. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Why companies achieve mediocre results by modifying Scrum
“Scrum is not for us, our situation is different, but we can adapt it to our world.” That’s how the nightmare starts. Once you hear this sentence, be ready for everything. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
Kanban rulez!
Dem einen oder anderen schwebt bei der vierten Kanban-Kernpraktik „Mache (Prozess-)Regeln explizit!“ ja gerne mal ein allumfassendes Pamphlet vor, in dem jede Eventualität haarklein dokumentiert ist. ...
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