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mpug.com berichtet:

Finding Resource Critical Paths and Eliminating Phantom Float

The schedule in the figure above was leveled in Project using the standard leveling order. Even though it appears to be discontinuous, the critical path is correct. It takes into account the leveling delay (lag) between tasks 4 and 5, but, what is causing that leveling delay? ...
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projecttimes.com berichtet:

Building A Real Project Plan That Delivers The Right Results In The Right Way

Any successful projects that I have delivered during my career required nuance, a bit of art and a reliance on some basic must haves to create a greater likelihood of success no matter the environment, type of technology or time constraints. ...
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What are Project Assumptions?

There may be inherent risks when we make project assumptions. We assume certain things to be true when in fact, they may not be. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:

The Delphi Method and How It Applies to Project Management

The Delphi Method (named after the famed Oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece) was first developed by the RAND Corporation after WW2. They had found that traditional methods for trying to predict technological change and future requirements in the military were not proving as successful as they might have hoped. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

6 Software Engineering Outsourcing Risks And How To Avoid Them from Wreaking Havoc

Software engineering outsourcing heavily relies on trusting the team you’ve chosen. You will need to trust their expertise, their abilities and their interest and involvement in the project. ...
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Episode 121: Project Leadership in 2019 with Susanne Madsen

Cesar Abeid and Susanne Madsen talk about today’s new challenges in project leadership and the second edition of her book, The Power of Project Leadership ...
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agileforest.com berichtet:


A few weeks ago I had a joy of returning to Washington DC to attend the 2019 Agile Alliance conference. The last time I attended the conference was in 2015 when there was a high focus on scaled approaches as the new kid on the block. ...
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Aufsteigen, ohne Chef zu sein: Expertenkarrieren bei Otto

... mit entsprechenden agilen Führungsrollen, wie dem Scrum Master oder dem Product Owner, stärkt ein Unternehmen nach innen und nach außen.
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scrum.org berichtet:

Introducing the Zombie Scrum Symptom Checker

Want to know if your team or organisation is suffering from Zombie Scrum? Find out with our free symptom checker and get help. And join our ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

What's a Manager's Role on a Scrum Team?

Did you know the word “Manager” does not show up once in the Scrum Guide? If I were a manager in a fortune 500 organization with a mortgage and ...
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it.toolbox.com berichtet:

Is Scrum Training Needed? Answer Three Important Questions

Sometimes emails come to me about this topic so I decided to write a reply to this topic. The question was: Does Scrum Training Need? The real ...
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knowtechie.com berichtet:

A complete guide to agile software development and its benefits

Agile software development is an approach to software development and project management and refers to a group of software development ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

When Waterfall Principles Sneak Back Into Agile Workflows

I just sat through a project management meeting where I saw AgileFall happen first-hand. The good news is that a few tweaks in process got us back ...
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e-3.de berichtet:

DevOps, aber sicher

Entwicklung und Betrieb von Software zu integrieren ist ein erklärtes Ziel jeder ... Zwar erschwert es die agile Organisation, von Anfang an Entwicklung, ... mit Development und Security auch heute noch zwei Welten aufeinander.
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dev-insider.de berichtet:

Agile Entwicklung um jeden Preis?

Doch geht es auch ohne Sprints und Projekt Owner? ... Fast immer mangelt es an einem kompetenten Product Owner, der alles im Blick hat, der das ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

How Can Agile Leaders Create the Right Context for Ownership

The core responsibility of the agile leader is creating the right context for the agile teams so they can thrive and self-manage. One of the characteristics ...
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scrumatscale.com berichtet:

About Scrum at Scale, LLC

Scrum at Scale, LLC is a joint venture between Scrum, Inc. and Scrum Alliance; it was created to support the Scrum at Scale framework.
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computerwelt.at berichtet:

Daten- und Architekturstandards in der agilen Entwicklung etablieren

... arbeiten, die in der Regel zwei bis vier Wochen lang sind, und Product Owner den Backlog in der Regel mit priorisierten Funktionen überfrachten.
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it-zoom.de berichtet:

Agil in die Zukunft

Bis vor zwei Jahren war das Vendor und Contract Management dieser ... Laut Sebastian Engelke hat das Projekt sogar Strahlwirkung über die ...
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The 4 best in customer support project management solutions

Presented in alphabetical order, here are the top 4 products with the highest customer support sentiment across all reviewed project management ...
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nature.com berichtet:

A project-management tool from the tech industry could benefit your lab

Scientist fans of 'agile' and 'Scrum' claim that they can help labs to prioritize tasks and cut meeting times — but some research groups are more ...
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Why agile projects fail: 3 ways to break the cycle

Most agile implementations, however, are not successful. ... attempts are part of the reason failure rates on IT projects are so staggeringly high.
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forbes.com berichtet:

How To Develop Successful Machine Learning Projects On A Budget

It is a natural goal of any organization to maximize the return on investment of their machine learning (ML) projects. To do this, an organization must be ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Appreciation at Work

They are no longer just analysts or project managers, they are called to ... Like many practices introduced by the agile mindset, appreciation is shaping ...
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consulting.de berichtet:

Agilität: die häufigsten Fehler

Ein Master in systemischer Beratung und über 100 zertifizierte Aus- und Weiterbildungen im Bereich Systemische Beratung, Scrum, Agile Kompetenz, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

what imply cross-functionality exactly for dev team

Hi, In the scrum guide, there is marked: Development Teams are cross-functional, with all the skills as a team necessary to create a product Increment; ...
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Digitalisierung als Chance: 5 Thesen wie sie zu Führung 4.0 beiträgt

Digitalisierung ist kein IT-Projekt! Wir sind mitten im Zusammenbruch der alten Welt. Und wir sollten Pionierdenken pflegen. Wir können mit mehr ...
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pt-magazin.de berichtet:

Wenn Projekte nur noch nerven … müssen an der Veränderung auch Emotionen beteiligt sein

In der Formulierung, dass Projekte nerven, liegt bereits der wichtigste Schlüssel für die erfolgreiche Veränderung einer Organisation: nämlich den ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:

How to Write a Clear Opportunity Statement for Better Problem-Solving

When you set out on a problem-solving effort, it’s important to be clear about the problem you’re going to solve. Even if the whole team knows there’s a problem, you can’t be sure you’re all focused on solving the same problem until everyone comes to an agreement on just what the problem is. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

When Teamwork Is Good for Employees — and When It Isn’t

Most work today is done in teams. While teamwork can lead to innovative ideas and strong performance, it can also be stressful. ...
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appinventiv.com berichtet:

Project Managers vs Product Managers: Difference, Roles & Challenges

In the same respect, Product Managers and Project Managers have their own set of responsibilities to fulfill. They are accountable for the management ...
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leadingagile.com berichtet:

How do you track value in an agile transformation?

There are a lot of vanity metrics floating around in Agile. The fact of the matter is it doesn’t matter how many ScrumMasters you run through a CSM class, it doesn’t matter how many people you train, and how many daily standups you run. ...
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5 Machine Learning Lessons for Product Managers

We all use AI or machine learning (ML)-driven products almost every day, and the number of these products will be growing exponentially over the next couple of years. ...
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widerfunnel.com berichtet:

Going from 10 to 100 experiments per year: Building the frame

Applying a lesson from Henry Ford to your experimentation program. If someone gave you $5,000 and a pile of scrap material and asked you to build a car, how would you do it? ...
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It's Not Just Culture: When Teams Impede Agile Adoption

Cultural norms can hamper successful agile transformation, and organizational culture is the most reported challenge to agile adoption. Many of these habits and customs are started and perpetuated by senior leadership. But that’s often not the only source of resistance to becoming agile. ...
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The Story of 3 Change Agents

In product development it is common to come up with personas to reflect the customers that you have or hope to have in order to better identify assumptions and features that you might build. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:

Some Thoughts on Estimation

Many people object to the tag #noEstimates on the grounds that it is too binary, too contentious, impossible to attain, and so on. My plan is to set that objection aside quickly. ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Breaking Hierarchy - How Spotify Enables Engineer Decision Making

Kristian Lindwall shares how Spotify approaches the problem of fully leveraging the capacity of everyone in the organization. They have made efforts around how they position their engineers equal to managers, how they drive technical strategy and make decisions. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Where I Think “Agile” is Headed, Part 4: What Does “Agile” Mean?

I understand that people want what they perceive as the value “Agile” will bring them. Let's return to the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, what I call the “Agile Manifesto.” (Dave Thomas would have a problem with that, but I'll use it as shorthand.) ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:

Scrum, aber mit Projektleiter?

Wie kann also im agilen Vorgehensmodell das Management zufrieden ... Das geforderte Managementreporting in Form von MS-Project-Grafiken oder ...
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