Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
pcmag.com berichtet:
5 Simple Steps for Getting Started With Gantt Charts
They are an extremely common type of productivity tool, and they're a key part of many project management services. In fact, the excellent TeamGantt ...
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qualitymag.com berichtet:
Five Nightmares that Haunt Quality Managers
In fact, according to the Project Management Institute (PMI), an executive sponsor's active engagement is actually the top driver of project and program ...
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fi.co berichtet:
5 Reasons Why Startups Need an Online Project Management Software
Could your company benefit from project management software? Read below to see how software could be an affordable, easy-to-use, and potentially ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement bei DB Systel
Rund 1250 Projekte wickelt DB Systel jährlich für den Mutterkonzern Deutsche Bahn ab. Beim Management dieser Projektfülle hilft neuerdings eine ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
11 Ideas to Spice up Your Retrospective
This week, I got a question from a colleague about the Scrum Retrospective. She's Scrum Master of a team that for sure has room for improvement.
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projectaccelerator.co.uk berichtet:
APMP it changing it name to The APM Practitioner Manager Qualification (PMQ)
For many years project managers have asked what does APMP stand for? Well now the APM qualification has a new name “APM Project ...
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elearningindustry.com berichtet:
10 Great eLearning Project Management Tools
Want to know how to track and manage your eLearning projects with your team? Check our list with 10 great eLearning Project Management Tools.
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dzone.com berichtet:
How to Digitally Remaster With the Agile Mainframe
A recent study found that Agile companies have been found to grow revenue 37% faster and generate 30% higher profits. The Project Management ...
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smallbiztrends.com berichtet:
10 Tips for Being Prepared as an Entrepreneur
You can learn more about risk assessment and the impact it can have on project management for your business in this Nutcache post by Sebastien ...
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crosswater-job-guide.com berichtet:
Mit Talent Management mehr Zeit für das Recruiting gewinnen
„Als HRIS Projekt Manager habe ich festgestellt, dass viele dieser Systeme nur versuchen, neue Module einzubauen, aber nicht die bestehenden ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Multitasking gefährdet den Unternehmenserfolg
Eine große Studie mit mehr als 500 Teilnehmern zu „Multitasking im Projektmanagement – Status Quo und Potentiale“, die das Unternehmen Vistem ...
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pharmamanufacturing.com berichtet:
Scrum: The Art of Getting Stuff Done
How Scrum is changing the world and also helping me to not get fired.
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focus.de berichtet:
Management: Das Ende der Befehle: Die Firma ohne Chef funktioniert
Er hat mehrere Bücher zum Thema Scrum geschrieben – ein Framework, mit dessen Hilfe Software bzw. Projekte produktiver, schneller und damit ...
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springerprofessional.de berichtet:
Digitale Technologien und kollaborative Planung
Sechs Professuren der ETH Zürich zeigen anhand eines Reallabors, wie die Digitalisierung zu einer ressourcenschonenden, emissionsfreien und ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Mindjet führt Umfrage zur Relevanz von Kreativität durch
In diesem Kontext werden u.a. Aspekte der Projektarbeit hinterfragt sowie die Einflüsse der klassischen Zeitfresser im Businessalltag. Die Teilnehmer ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Johanna Rothman – Scaling Agile Projects to Programs
This network can contribute to project success when used in conjunction with ... One practice to help with managing programs that Rothman recommends is using a rolling ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to evaluate project management software
There are many reasons to seek out collaborative project management software for projects. For one, the number of tasks, the complexity of tasks and ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Unpacking methodologies in project management
Think of project management (PM) methodologies as blueprints; step-by-step instructions that guide your team on how to build a successful project.
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linkedin.com berichtet:
Controlling and adjusting the plan
Agile project management allows you to produce smaller deliverables more frequently and efficiently, making it an excellent choice for teams that work ...
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business-wissen.de berichtet:
Einen Projektstrukturplan richtig erstellen
ProjektmanagementEinen Projektstrukturplan richtig erstellen ... Projektleiter den Überblick über das gesamte Projekt und plant die Projektaufgaben.
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crn.de berichtet:
Steffen Jung / Marketingleiter bei Braintool Software: Tipps für ein effektives, vernetztes Arbeiten
Um virtuell erfolgreich agieren zu können, ist eines unabdingbar: Eine spezialisierte Software oder ein Dienst für das Projektmanagement. Mitarbeiter ...
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netzwoche.ch berichtet:
«Früher interessierten öffentliche ICT-Projekte kaum jemanden»»
... Hand von Fachämtern wie Steuerverwaltung oder Polizei, deren Kerngeschäft weder ICT noch ICT-Projektmanagement noch Beschaffungen sind.
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dzone.com berichtet:
7 Deadly Sins of Project Management You Should Never Commit
Everyone makes mistakes, and Project Managers are no exceptions. With so many things to take care of, a PM can sometimes get off track and dent a ...
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constructiondive.com berichtet:
Talk the talk: How project management tech can boost communication transparency
When it comes to project management technologies in construction, global cost consultancy and project management advisory firm Rider Levett ...
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businesszone.co.uk berichtet:
5 Crucial Project Management Tips for New Startups
entrepreneurs and project management New startups have limited resources. They can't afford to be all things to all customers. In the early stages of ...
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cio.com berichtet:
8 strategies for achieving IT goals
IT executives and project managers share their tips on how to create realistic goals and the steps you need to take to attain them (with minimal delays ...
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moneyweb.co.za berichtet:
Project managers to explain cost overruns
The Bill will consolidate the legal and policy framework for public sector supply chain management and provide for an apex procurement authority that ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Agile Software-Entwicklung: Bye bye Codemonkey – Vom Spezialisten zum Alleskönner?
Oder auch auf Produkt- oder Entwicklungsebene, z.B. in der Rolle als Product Owner Interner Link [12], wenn es darum geht das Team für ein Produkt ...
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pressnetwork.de berichtet:
Ergebnisse zur Studie „Multitasking im Projektmanagement“
Auch wenn die schädliche Wirkung von Multitasking im Projektmanagement in der Unternehmenspraxis bereits seit langem diskutiert wird, gab es ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
PM Summit: Can Do hält Workshop zum Thema Skill-Management
Die Tracks wiederum spiegeln das breite Spektrum von Projektmanagement wider und reichen von „Technical Project Management“ und ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
4 Important Key Areas of Success for Any Project Management Team
At the root of any successful project stands a project manager, and even though some people think that the only task a project manager has is to ...
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siliconangle.com berichtet:
Creating a new business culture: From project management to product management | #ibmwow
Another effort of Masud's has been shifting how project management is viewed. In the past, it has meant that after a project has been released, the ...
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lexology.com berichtet:
Legal Project Management: The Greatest Thing Since Slice Bread?
We use it now in reference to a useful innovation. In the legal world, the latest "sliced bread" is legal project management or LPM. But, what is it really?
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cio.com berichtet:
8 tips for managing without authority
When it comes to managing indirect reports, there's no substitute for experience. Here's how two project management veterans have found success in ...
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producthunt.com berichtet:
Guide to Scrum Methodology
Guide to Scrum Methodology - The Scrum framework, meetings and artifacts. (Productivity, User Experience, and Analytics)
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Agil ja - aber nicht um jeden Preis
Agil – so lautet das Mantra im Projekt-Management. Doch in vielen Unternehmen ist unklar, in welchen Fällen agiles Vorgehen sinnvoll ist und wann ...
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entrepreneur.com berichtet:
3 Compelling Reasons to Adopt Agile Marketing
Is "agile marketing" on your to-do list for the coming year? ... In fact, in a recent agile marketing survey by project management software provider Wrike, ...
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adtmag.com berichtet:
Making the Agile Standup Obsolete
Our Agile Architect explains why you might just not need a standup. .... around Agile development, Agile architecture, and Agile project management ...
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scrumalliance.org berichtet:
Best Time of the Week to Start a Sprint
About once a year the Scrum Team wonders, "When should we sprint?" That is, “What day of the week should we start each sprint?” There have been ...
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cio.com berichtet:
How to choose the right project management tools
With all the project management and collaboration tools available today, it's important for companies to carefully evaluate which ones will best meet ...
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