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visual-braindump.de berichtet:
Tipps für Telefon- und Videokonferenzen
Heute freue ich mich, dass wir Christian Obad von der Firma LORENZO für einen Gastbeitrag gewinnen konnten. Seine hilfreichen Tipps zu Video- und Telefonkonferenzen hat er auch in seinem Buch “33 TIPPS FÜR EFFEKTIVE MEETINGS” verfasst. ...
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leadinganswers.com berichtet:
Problem Solving: Using Visualization
Some people say we cannot manage what we cannot measure. I say we cannot solve what we cannot see, or at least visualize somehow. ...
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flowwork.rocks berichtet:
Kanban Workflow messen und steuern
Heute geht’s in unserer kleinen Blogserie über Kanban um Praktik Nummer 3: „Miss und steuere den Fluss!“ Wie man mit Kanban den Workflow messen und steuern kann, darüber wurden ganze Bücher gefüllt. ...
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scrumexpert.com berichtet:
Open Source Kanban Tools
If most of the open source projects for Scrum tools have ended being transformed in a limited offer that supports a main commercial product, this has not been the case for Kanban. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Sprint Planning : 5 Dysfunctions
Every Sprint starts with a Sprint Planning event. It is very crucial to ensure that the Scrum Team comes to a shared understanding of what and how are they going to deliver a “Done” increment that creates maximum business impact. ...
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blog.betterworks.com berichtet:
Learning Faster With OKRs
As industries mature, competitors innovate, and technology advances, nimble work culture is a necessary key for business survival. No matter the company size, from start-ups to nonprofits, what’s worked before will no longer work well in this increasingly changing landscape. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Führung auf Distanz – Gärtner schlägt Schachmeister
Die Krise beschleunigt die Digitalisierung. Verteilte Zusammenarbeit aus dem Homeoffice statt gemeinsam im Großraumbüro ist plötzlich der Standard. ...
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leanbase.de berichtet:
Pfadabhängigkeit bei Veränderungsinitiativen in Unternehmen
Möchte man in Unternehmen neue Modelle der Führung und Zusammenarbeit etablieren, die beispielsweise auf Agilität oder Lean aufsetzen, merkt man relativ schnell, dass auf rationaler Ebene scheinbar alles geklärt ist, nur im eigentlichen Handeln sich dann Hürden aufstellen. ...
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productcoalition.com berichtet:
‘Product vs Design vs Tech’: A Partnership, not a Battlefield
This is something that comes up often for me — I get questions like: “What’s the difference between a Product Designer and Product Manager?” “There seems to be a lot of overlap between Design and Product Management? Who does what?” “But if there is overlap who’s ultimately accountable? Who owns which part?” ...
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romanpichler.com berichtet:
Dealing with difficult emotions in product management
As product people, we make tough decisions and occasionally, we have to work with challenging people. It is therefore no surprise that we experience difficult emotions at work. While feelings like irritation, tension, and anger are unpleasant, learning to constructively deal with them is an important skill: It increases our mental wellbeing, builds trust, strengthens connections, and improves our ability to make effective decisions. ...
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svpg.com berichtet:
The Role of Technology
I’ve been spending a good amount of time this past couple of years – and especially the past few weeks – thinking about the root causes of the chasm between the best product companies and the rest. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
The Liberators — Moving Forward in a New and Uncertain World
In the upcoming months, we are hosting a series of virtual workshops (public and in-house) to help your team or organization build the skills to apply Strategy Knotworking. ...
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 86: Verteilte Teams, Teil 3 - Tools
Sebastian erzählt von seinen ersten Erfahrungen ein neues Team Remote kennen zulernen, während Ina von Social Remote Events eines bestehendes Teams spricht. Außerdem widmen sich Ina und Sebastian heute Tools, die für verteiltes Arbeiten sinnvoll sind. Dabei geht es uns weniger um Standard-Tools. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
#GeschichtenAusAgilhausen: Kollegiale Beratung zur Projektportfolio-Steuerung mit Kanban
Vor ein paar Wochen hatte ein Kollege aus der benachbarten Stadt bei Alexander angerufen: „Servus Alexander. Hier ist Robert Müller. Du hattest auf dem Amtsleitersprengel vor zwei Tagen was erzählt, das mich aufhorchen hat lassen. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Was ist Lean Management?
Lean gilt als die westliche Interpretation des Toyota Production System (TPS) aus Japan. Das TPS ist eine Konzeption, um jede Art der Verschwendung zu vermeiden, die sich im Laufe der Zeit bei der Firma Toyota herausgebildet hat und die ständig weiter entwickelt wird. ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Agile Leader Role During an Agile Transformation
This turns out to be much more predictable than using resource allocation to traditional project plans. Leaders Protect the Agile Teams. One of my ...
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gineersnow.com berichtet:
Scrum Institute Helps Students During Turbulent Times
Scrum Institute. We're only three months into 2020, and yet it feels like the world has already faced every disruption imaginable: massive forest fires, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Upcoming White Paper: The Stages of Scrum Mastery
Great Scrum Masters are dispassionate. Noel Burch, a psychologist, created a learning model to describe how humans go through four stages of ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Design thinking: 5 contrarian lessons for leaders
As you work through a project using design thinking, you can easily move from ... When working on a project, leaders should build a team comprised of ... on my insights to implement their own successful design thinking processes.
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guidingtech.com berichtet:
5 Best Trello Alternatives to Manage Teams and Projects
The list will include project management tools, features, customization options, templates, sharing, price, and more. Let's get started. 1. Hive. Hive ...
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emarketer.com berichtet:
Agile Marketing Methodology: Three Myths You Need to Bust
Your software development teams may practice Scrum, and they may have an excellent Agile coach. But it's a myth that you need to mirror every agile ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
How to become the best project manager
Achieving excellence in project management adds tremendous advantages to the organisation, clients and stakeholders. Here are some tips.
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forbes.com berichtet:
AI (Artificial Intelligence) Projects: Where To Start?
As a result, many AI projects fail. According to IDC, only abut 35% of organizations succeed in getting models into production successfully. “While we ...
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information-age.com berichtet:
How your business can succeed in a digital transformation project
Running a successful business digital transformation project should be a key initiative in many organisations. Some are experiencing great success ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Agile Leader Role During an Agile Transformation Part 2
Few leaders take the time to attend Agile training. Most already know all about agile (sigh) and so don't believe they need any Agile or Scrum training ( ...
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techshout.com berichtet:
A Guide To Agile Scrum Methodology In Mobile App Development
What initially started life out as a methodology to crank out high quality and bugless software packages the “Agile Scrum” concept has quickly been ...
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svz.de berichtet:
So entwickeln Sie ein agiles Mindset für die komplexe Corona-Welt
Mit klar definierten Rollen, Events und Dokumenten fordert Scrum anfangs viel Disziplin von Ihnen und Ihrem Team - das könnte angesichts der ...
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aithority.com berichtet:
17 Ways Agile Teams Can Stay Collaborative While Working From Home
Need some ideas to help your agile team stay connected and productive ... before you shift into detail-mode with your project management software.
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iabc.com berichtet:
5 Tips for Success With a New Project Management System
The right project management software can turbocharge your team's performance—but only if it's rolled out well.
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Human-First Product Management Considerations to Make During COVID-19
As the product owner you need to provide the business with accurate and timely data about customers activity. Are they still using your product?
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it-zoom.de berichtet:
Paradigmenwechsel in Sicht
Projektmanagement. Aktuelle News zum Thema Nachricht 1: Digitale Datenerfassung auf der Baustelle. Neue Tiefbau-App für Techniker und ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
3 ways your agile transformation is failing
Like most agile transformations, we thought this is what it meant to be a product owner. They learned things like prioritizing a backlog, refining user ...
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albertonrecord.co.za berichtet:
Agility: 14 Key insights for Agile Implementation
“Agile Project Delivery is a value-driven approach that can give ... Good project management skills are needed to ensure the team is kept motivated ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Product Definition in Large Scale Scrum – Part 1
This is the first part of a blog series about product definition in Large Scale Scrum. In large product development, teams tend to work on just a part of ...
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behoerden-spiegel.de berichtet:
Projekt- und Aufgabenmanagement speziell für Kommunen
Mit dem Projektmanagement-Tool Schedura geht das besser. Es eignet sich hervorragend, um über eine zentrale Plattform unterschiedliche Mengen ...
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softwareadvice.com berichtet:
3 Best Asana Alternatives for Project Management
Asana is a cloud-based project management solution that allows users to break down large projects into small tasks and subtasks with different ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
PMI offers free project management courses during COVID-19 quarantines
ProjectManagement.com, an online PMI project management community where project managers from around the world can communicate, participate ...
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informatik-aktuell.de berichtet:
Machen Sie eigentlich auch DevOps?
Patrick lernt über ein Entwicklerteam agile Methoden kennen und ... Sie wollen den Teilnehmern gerne erläutern, wie Development und Operations ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Silos überwinden: Tipps & Tricks für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von DevOps
Der Betrieb der Software als Service gehört heute, zusammen mit Development und Deployment, direkt zur Wertschöpfungskette und bestimmt ...
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actitime.com berichtet:
6 Ways to Look at Project Costs
Project costs are funds required to perform a planned business endeavor, and they are a key subject in project budgeting and cost management. When estimating costs that your project may incur, you gain a higher chance to keep it profitable and achieve the desired performance outcomes.
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