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liquidplanner.com berichtet:
Is Joining a PMO the Right Career Move for You?
In your project management career, you’ll have multiple opportunities to perform different project management roles ranging from a project analyst to a program manager. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Part 1: Why Software Requirements In The Real World Are Hard
This is the first in a series of posts about my experiences developing software in healthcare with my team at Healthforge over the last few years. ...
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visible-quality.blogspot.com berichtet:
When the No Product Owner Breaks
Two years ago we did a 3-month experiment for "No Product Owner". We listed all the work we expected a product owner to be doing, recognizing a particular idea around prioritizing work and knowing about customers on a level where their priorities would somehow better reflect the needs of the business. ...
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tcagley.wordpress.com berichtet:
Agile Techniques: When Daily Scrums Don’t Work
When a Daily Scrum or daily stand-up are not used for micro-planning and collaborating to achieve the team’s goal, they are occurring for a reason. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
What is the GROW Model of Coaching?
The GROW Model of coaching is the best-known and most widely-used coaching model. And coaching is a hugely valuable way for Project Managers to develop our team members. ...
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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
What challenges do distributed teams pose to others?
Face-to-face communication around a shared modeling surface such as a whiteboard is considered to be a highly effective method of creating shared understanding. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Delegieren, aber richtig!
Ein Cheftypus, den ich fürchten würde wie der Teufel das Weihwasser, ist der Mikromanager. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
The true value of persistent problems and nagging distress
“Leadership is a matter of how to be, not how to do.” Francis Hesselbein. ...
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rgalen.com berichtet:
4 Quadrants + 1
One of the product owner models that I’ve been sharing for many years is the 4-Quadrants of Product Ownership. I write about it in my new Scrum Product Ownership book and I’ve also shared it in this blog post. ...
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scrumschau.wordpress.com berichtet:
Agilität: Starke Zitate aus „Nur die Agilen werden überleben“
Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach einer „griffigen“ Definition von „Agilität“. Ein Versuch über den Duden, Wikipedia bis zu scrum.org hatte ich bereits in einem separaten Blogbeitrag unternommen. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Agilität und Lebenszyklus
Beim Blättern durch meine abonnierten Feeds ist mir sofort der Titel eines Artikels bei Haufe online ins Auge gesprungen: Dach 30 stellt Standards für Agilität im Unternehmen vor. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Der Hofnarr an der Seitenlinie
Dienende Führung im Allgemeinen und die unverstandene Rolle des Scrum-Masters im Besonderen wird bisweilen unterschätzt. ...
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diepresse.com berichtet:
Agil über Nacht, Folge 3
Agilität für Fortgeschrittene. Scrum und Kanban haben wir besprochen, heute folgt der Dritte im Bunde: Lean Management. Dafür braucht es nur ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Klassisches Projektmanagement scheitert
Durch die Schnelllebigkeit der Digitalisierung scheint bisheriges Projektmanagement zum Scheitern verurteilt. Ein Denken in Produkten ist sinnvoller ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to manage an AI project's rewards, risks, and readiness
A successful AI project requires focusing on the "three Rs:" Reward, risk, and readiness. Follow these AI project best practices.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Scrum in der Praxis: Agile Entwicklung im Business-Intelligence-Umfeld
Ein Product Owner sollte demnach dem Entwicklungsteam zu 100 Prozent zur Verfügung stehen, um fachliche Fragestelllungen, wie beispielsweise ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Der Scrum Master: Gelebte Agilität daheim
Der Respekt vor der anderen Person hindert den Scrum Master daran etwas zu erzwingen, weil er weiß, dass es vom anderen kommen muss.
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
Why project management could be the career for you
You've got your A level results, perhaps you know what you want to do with you career, but if you're unsure, there's always opportunity in project ...
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forconstructionpros.com berichtet:
Can Blockchain Improve Construction Project Management?
For example, Amsterdam-based HerenBouw is using a blockchain-enabled project management system on a commercial real estate development ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Balancing Generalists and Specialists– Building Successful Agile Teams
Scrum is not magic and will not solve this problem. ... Many teams doing Scrum describe the sensation of being on a Scrum Team like being in a ...
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computerwelt.at berichtet:
Die 5 wichtigsten Aufgaben eines agilen Software Entwicklungsmanagers
Agile Development hat spezifische Richtlinien für die Rolle von Scrum-Mastern, Produktbesitzern und Teams, aber die meisten Praktiken und ...
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nojitter.com berichtet:
6 Steps for Successful Collaboration
McKinsey research, conducted in collaboration with the University of Oxford, found that, on average, large IT projects (costing more than $15 million) ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Digitalisierung ändert Zusammenarbeit in Führungsetagen
Weil die DigitalisierungDigitalisierung in jeden Teilbereich der Unternehmen eindringt, habe jede Führungskraft diese Themen auf dem Tisch und ...
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bworldonline.com berichtet:
Project management in the transformative age
To successfully lead their organizations through digital transformation, leaders ... This is according to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a leading ...
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techradar.com berichtet:
monday.com – more than a project management tool
We've all been there - sometimes managing projects can feel like you're frantically spinning plates, trying to keep everything from crashing down.
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maschinenmarkt.vogel.de berichtet:
Vom agilen Leuchtfeuer zur gereiften agilen Organisation
... müssen genauso in den Prozess einbezogen werden wie Betriebsärzte, Wissensmanager, Product Owner, Schichtleiter oder die Werksleitung.
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news.efinancialcareers.com berichtet:
COMMENT: The Agile methodology makes no sense in banking
I've spent two decades working in banks, delivering successful technology projects, and the time's come to raise my hand and say what desperately ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to set up a proof of concept project
However, conducting a technology or system proof of concept project is only ... SEE: IT project management: 10 ways to stay under budget (free PDF) ...
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gigabitmagazine.com berichtet:
Agile and Lean: a winning combination for software development
In fact, according to the Project Management Institute, more than 70% of organisations have incorporated some Agile approaches whilst more than a ...
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trainingzone.co.uk berichtet:
Learning strategy: how to upskill an agile organisation
The role of learning and development professionals is to ensure that ... reflecting conventional leadership and management assumptions and practice.
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Scrum in der Praxis: Agile Entwicklung im Business-Intelligence-Umfeld
Ein Product Owner sollte demnach dem Entwicklungsteam zu 100 Prozent zur Verfügung stehen, um fachliche Fragestelllungen, wie beispielsweise ...
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egovernment-computing.de berichtet:
Philosophie und Ethik der Digitalisierung
Die Digitalisierung der Öffentlichen Verwaltung endet nicht mit technischen Lösungen, denn auch ethische und demokratietheoretische Aspekte ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Geht es unseren KMUs zu gut?
Anstatt in die Digitalisierung zu investieren, ruht sich der Mittelstand auf den Erfolgen der Vergangenheit aus. Es droht ein digitaler Dornröschenschlaf ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
Agile and open source can complement each other
Despite the growing popularity of both Agile development and open-source practices, it's not often that they come up in the same conversation.
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rismedia.com berichtet:
Stop 'Dumping' and Get It Done
He then shared with me a simple concept called Agile project management, a new-to-me concept that's common among software development and ...
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business-on.de berichtet:
Fachkräfte als Projektmanager auf dem falschen Posten
Dabei können Firmen durch den gezielten Einsatz ihrer Fachkräfte und eine klare Trennung zwischen Projektleitung und Projektmanagement deutlich ...
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jasonevanish.com berichtet:
How to Write Product Updates that Delight Customers & Reduce Churn
Okay, maybe the “tree falls in a forest” analogy isn’t perfect, but you probably get the point: you need to tell your customers when you make improvements. ...
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mindtheproduct.com berichtet:
The Black Mirror Test – Roisi Proven on The Product Experience
Roisi Proven is a true product person: she has a penchant for imagining the worst, which she’s turned into a superpower to put all of her product decisions through a rigorous ethics test. ...
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clarizen.com berichtet:
The Most Common Mistakes in Project Management & How to Avoid Them
Though in project management, like in most professions, practice makes perfect, it is often the simplest project management mistakes which can keep causing problems. ...
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thedigitalprojectmanager.com berichtet:
DPM Podcast: How To Manage Stakeholders (With Kelly Suter)
In this episode, we join Kelly Suter (as of her last episode, she was in a Technical PM role; now she’s an Executive Producer at Mirum agency) to talk about stakeholder management. ...
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