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kbondale.wordpress.com berichtet:
Horror movie lessons for managing project issues
My formative years were the 1980’s which were the heyday for slasher film series such as Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Agile Approaches Can’t Save Impossible Projects: Fixed Cost, Scope, Date
You've got an impossible project. You have no flexibility. The project is a fixed-price, fixed-scope, fixed-date project. And, you have a specific team to do the work. ...
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gojko.net berichtet:
Free card deck for 50 Quick Ideas to Improve User Stories
If you liked the Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories book, but have trouble juggling all fifty ideas in your head, get them as a convenient reference card deck. ...
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plan.io berichtet:
Overcoming Indecision: 9 Simple Ways to Stop Being so Indecisive and Help Your Team Make Better Decisions
We’ve all been in one of those meetings, brainstorming sessions, or calls that end up sounding like you’re listening to a broken record. ...
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sarahmhoban.com berichtet:
How to Deal with a Difficult Sponsor
Project managers have to be well-versed in dealing with people. And, since we spend so much of our careers working with others, the odds practically dictate that we will have encountered a difficult stakeholder on one of our projects. ...
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watirmelon.blog berichtet:
Now, Next, Later, Never (improving MoSCoW)
Our team sets quarterly objectives, which we break down into requirements spread across fortnightly sprints. As the paradev on my team I work closely with our product owner to write and prioritise these requirements. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:
How to Succeed As a Project Management Professional in the Gig Economy
My grandpa worked at the same company from the time he graduated high school to the time he retired. His loyalty was rewarded with promotions, raises, and respect from his colleagues and the higher-ups. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Zusammenarbeit – das neue Betriebssystem
Vor Kurzem hatte ich die Ehre, einem tollen Vortrag aus Estland zu lauschen. Hier ging es insbesondere um die Erfahrungen mit der Digitalisierung. Mittlerweile sind dort 99% der Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im digitalen Angebot. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Einführung in das Zürcher Ressourcen Modell
In dieser Folge lernst Du das Zürcher Ressourcen Modell kennen und erfährst, wie Du diese Methode für Veränderungsprozesse, Coaching und Teamentwicklung nutzen kannst. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Advice to Product Owners from a Developer
Some Do’s and Don’ts for Product Owners from your team ...
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andyjohns.co berichtet:
Why Standups are Useless and How to Run Great Product Team Meetings
The majority of meetings are a waste of time. And in my opinion, one flavor of meeting that tops the charts in uselessness is the “status update” meeting. ...
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cognitive-edge.com berichtet:
Separated by a common language?
From time to time in social media I resist the temptation to respond when people talk about the Stacy Matrix; if they conflate the two I generally put up something mild along the lines of They are very different you know and Stacy himself deprecates its use. ...
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blog.pragmaticengineer.com berichtet:
Yes, You Should Estimate Software Projects
I hear more voices saying there is little point in doing time-based estimations on how long building software will take, and thus we should just stop doing it. ...
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martechtoday.com berichtet:
Agile marketers are often forgoing the Scrum Master role, but is this wise?
A trend among agile marketing implementations is to forgo the Scrum Master role and to absorb this into a single role that combines Scrum Master and ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
How to Remain Agile While Scaling
Managing the complexity and scale of both the business and the software were key challenges as Yext started to grow, said Sean MacIsaac at Agile ...
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blogs.timesofisrael.com berichtet:
9 Reasons for Internal Innovation Failures
... deter such employees from leading the way to successful innovation projects. For these forward-thinking individuals, starting a project that could fail ...
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kumanu.com berichtet:
Purposefully Scaling Agile in Your Organization
Agile project management frameworks across departments can give your organization an edge in today's dynamic business conditions.
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dbta.com berichtet:
Agile Earned Value Management
Without this, continued investment in the project is difficult to justify. In traditional project management, Earned Value Management (EVM) is a proxy to ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Wrike for Marketers Performance: Noch mehr Effizienz für Marketing-Teams
... über Wrike for Marketers und Wrike for Marketers Performance finden Sie unter https://www.wrike.com/marketing-project-management/ ...
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scope-online.de berichtet:
Wirtschaftlich erfolgreicher durch Agilität
... es um das Erlernen grundlegender agiler Vorgehensweisen bis hin zu Trainings für spezielle Rollen wie z.B. Scrum Master oder Product Owner.
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Report reveals gap between C-suite executives and PMOs
The report, which was sponsored and managed by Pretoria-based Project ... They also agreed that project management was the practice to drive ...
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thebossmagazine.com berichtet:
Why Good Project Management Starts with Good Machinery
Reading up and getting some guidance on why good machinery is so important for project management will allow your jobs to be completed efficiently ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:
Why Digital Transformation Projects Fail and How to Overcome It
Galeazzo Ciano wrote in his diaries, “Success has a hundred fathers, defeat is an orphan.” If so, there are probably a lot of orphan digital ...
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industry-of-things.de berichtet:
So gelingt die Optimierung des Projektgeschäfts – Teil 2
Entscheidend hierbei ist, mehr Zeit zu generieren für einen richtigen Match, um Projekte erfolgreich durchzuführen und eine bessere Auslastung der ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:
Was ist ein Sprint Backlog?
In diesem Meeting entscheiden Product Owner und Scrum Team gemeinsam, welcher Aufgabenumfang im nächsten Sprint erledigt werden soll.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Categorise Unsolved Problems in Agile Development: Premature & Foreseeable
In theory, the Product Owner processes all backlog items, dismisses the irrelevant and prioritizes the most important ones into sprints, until the backlog ...
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infoq.com berichtet:
Product Thinking: Q&A with Jeff Patton
We often get bound up trying to please the business stakeholder or the product owner who wants that output delivered on time, he said. In the InfoQ ...
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netzpiloten.de berichtet:
Netzpiloten @ AI in Automotive
Dr. Boris Schauerte ist Area Product Owner der BMW Group. Die riesigen Datenmengen, die für die Produktion und Nutzung autonom fahrender ...
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qrius.com berichtet:
Why the Kanban Methodology Is Best for Growing Startup Companies
“Agile” is a collaborative development approach that guides the team through ... Project management is a crucial piece of the startup puzzle because ...
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bravenewcoin.com berichtet:
BNC Pro's 'Agile' advantage
'Agile' refers to self managing teams tasked with developing disruptive software. The agile process is seen as a solution to software development ...
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ventsmagazine.com berichtet:
How Can ITIL and Agile Project Management Coexist
ITIL and Agile can be together? Today, it is a recurring and growing issue in the business industry. However, ITIL is undoubtedly the preferable ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How to Align Your Product Strategy Using the Product Strategy Canvas (Part 1)
Hello awesome people. Back with me again with new learning from the trenches. Over the years working with Product Owners mainly who works in ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Agile project management: 10 challenges you'll face
Agile project management offers a host of potential benefits to the IT organization, including faster deployments, greater adaptability, and better ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum Master Fatigue
They are running into walls trying to change archaic release processes, raising the urgency to management to empower product owners, getting ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Warum starre Projektmanagement-Methoden im agilen CRM-Umfeld falsch sind
Das klassische Projektmanagement ist oft sehr starr und wenig flexibel. Das Ziel wird zu Beginn definiert und auch die Projektschritte, Meilensteine, ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
3 Fears You Need To Overcome If You Want To Be Successful
Others start to expect more from you and hold you accountable for higher levels of performance than you were delivering prior to the successful project ...
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searchengineland.com berichtet:
'Burnout is real': Why successful agencies prioritize time management skills
Learning to juggle the needs of multiple clients and manage those ... Project management platforms are the primary hubs for managing internal and ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Have We Reached Peak Agile?
While certificates prove to a valuable investment from a practitioner's perspective, see the Scrum Master Trends Report 2019, there is an unhealthy ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
10 agile project management tips from the masters
How comfortable are you with agile concepts? If you can easily describe what agile is and talk about it with your peers, and if you understand the ...
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techbeacon.com berichtet:
10 ways to sabotage your ITSM project
Even if you have good project management skills, you can't run a successful ITSM suite implementation off the side of your desk; believe me, I have ...
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