Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
report.at berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten
Wer beim Thema Agilität zu den Auskennern gehören oder zumindest so tun will, sollte sich mit den wichtigsten Begriffen wappnen: Wir sind im Scrum ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Why Startups Need Project Managers Now More Than Ever
Since Eric Reis first coined the term “Lean Startup” in 2008, businesses have followed a consistent trajectory: Get flat or go home. The over-structured ...
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informationweek.com berichtet:
DevOps: It's an Ongoing Culture, Not a Project
Both developers and project managers can conclude they're succeeding at DevOps without other stakeholders in the business either understanding ...
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inside-channels.ch berichtet:
Schweizer Softwareprojekte (erst) jetzt mehrheitlich agil
Auch wenn ein Projekt überwiegend als Wasserfall bezeichnet wird, stecken 2017 bei über der Hälfte auch Scrum, Kanban und andere neumodische ...
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deutsche-startups.de berichtet:
"Wenn es um Tools geht, glaube ich: 'Weniger ist mehr'"
Welche Tools, welche Apps, welche Software erleichtert Dir den Arbeitsalltag? "Meine wichtigsten Hilfsmittel sind das Projektmanagement-Tool ...
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faz.net berichtet:
Digitale Arbeitswelt: Projekte untergraben die Hierarchie
... den stetig steigenden Anteil der Informationstechnik im weitesten Sinne an unserem Bruttosozialprodukt. Und Projektarbeit ist menschenzentriert.
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Empirical Product Owner: Innovation Accounting in Scrum
"Few ideas work on the first try. Iteration is key to innovation.” - Sebastian Thrun The Agony and the Ecstasy Have you ever seen the 1965 film The ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to make your IT department more valuable: 4 stages of success
The IT supplier delivers basic IT services, including IT project management and business requirements. "It's all about IT's historic role, in terms of being ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Change Management – kann doch jeder?
Er war von 1996 bis 2004 bei der GZS als Supervisor und Projektmanager für IT-Großprojekte tätig. Nach einem Projekt für den Landkreis Bergstraße ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Call for Contributions für die XP Days Germany 2017 hat begonnen
Den Schwerpunkt bilden agile Vorgehensweisen wie Extreme Programming, Scrum oder Kanban in kleinen und großen Projekten. Jetzt bittet der ...
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agitano.com berichtet:
Change Prozesse richtig angehen – Interview mit Peter Wollmann und Dr. Frank Kühn
Die Experten für Change Prozesse und agiles Management im Gespräch: Peter ... Leading International Projects: Diverse Strategies for Project Success. ... agiler Organisation und Management sowie die Frage, was agile Methoden ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Die schweren Leiden der jungen Unternehmer mit kaufmännischer Software
Die QITT-Methode vereint theoretische Projektmanagement-Ansätze mit langjähriger Berufserfahrung. Sie ist das perfekte ERP-Projektmanagement ...
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theregister.co.uk berichtet:
Who really gives a toss if it's agile or not?
Other organisations and departments may well be doing similar things under the guise of "agile". I'm no expert in project management, but I'm pretty ...
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businessrecord.com berichtet:
Guest Opinion: Managing your most important project -- you Business Record
To deal with this, many technology departments use portfolio and project management to keep our heads above water. We've also adopted Agile ...
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opensource.com berichtet:
How the open source model will soar above the rest
Defining a project is more than just discussing the results of the deliverable. For a project manager, this definition is about learning how to balance a ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to avoid big data project failures: Your 5-step guide
What can big data project managers do to avoid these project failures? "To succeed, you must develop a viable strategy to deliver business value from ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Maximize Scrum with the Scrum Values: Commitment (Part 4 of 5)
We are in the home stretch. This is the fourth in a five-part series about the Scrum values.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Modernizing Government - How Agencies Became Awesome Places to Work Using Holacracy ...
Paul Takken, Michael DeAngelo share their learning using Holacracy, Lean and Scrum attempting to modernize organizations.
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itpro.co.uk berichtet:
Project management: everything you need to know
DevOps combines elements of Agile project management and lean methodologies and is increasingly the most favoured on technical, such as ...
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nhbr.com berichtet:
Build a successful change management process
Often, project managers are so focused on constructing the process improvements of the new initiative that they neglect the change management ...
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itsax.de berichtet:
Mein Fachbeitrag zum 3. Projektmanagement Tag 2017
Vergangene Woche wurde ich als Fachreferent zum 3. Projektmanagement Tag des Silicon Saxony e.V. eingeladen. Hier gebe ich Ihnen eine kleine ...
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Der Ozean-Express: Zukunftsvision oder Größenwahn?
Das Projekt Magazin hat Dr. Philipp Gausling, Experte im Management von Risiken in internationalen Großprojekten, zu den Chancen und Risiken ...
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knows-magazin.de berichtet:
Scrum Master – Die Seele des Prozesses
Alle am Projekt Beteiligten – der Kunde, also Product Owner, der Scrum Master, die Seele des Projektes, und das Entwicklerteam – seien begeistert ...
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marktforschung.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement: Wie flexibel ist Marktforschung?
Sie heißen Kanban oder Scrum: Agile Projektmanagement-Tools stehen für effiziente Abläufe, engagierte Mitarbeiter und eine große Kundennähe.
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enterprisetech.com berichtet:
How Agile Teams Make Digital Transformation Happen
Agile project management, on the other hand, accommodates change as the need arises, and scope, schedule and/or cost vary as required. It has this ...
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bankingexchange.com berichtet:
Lessons from Ikea about IT project management
Ikea instructions typically lack words, relying on pictures instead. Is this you with an Barbara Hranilovich/ https://hranilovich.com/ Ikea instructions ...
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cio.com berichtet:
Where did the project go right?
"According to the Innotas annual project and portfolio management survey ... 55 percent of IT professionals reported they had a project fail," he ...
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marketinground.com berichtet:
5 Tips for a Successful Data Migration Project
Data Migration Pro members and visitors have numerous tales of projects delivered with a lack of data quality management, poorly conceived ...
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haufe.de berichtet:
Agile Methoden zur Arbeitsgestaltung
Es gibt den Product-Owner, den Scrum-Master und das Team. Zwischen diesen drei Rollen werden alle Managementaufgaben aufgeteilt.
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projektmagazin.de berichtet:
Hybrides Projektmanagement in Logistik- und Produktionsplanungsprojekten
Weder das klassische noch das agile Projektmanagement wird diesen gegensätzlichen Anforderungen gerecht. Johannes Schweizer von der BLSG ...
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sdtimes.com berichtet:
Organizations put the Scrum back into DevOps
Scrum.org and the DevOps Institute are teaming up on ScrumOps, a new approach to software delivery. ScrumOps is designed to transform IT ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
How Do You Define a Product?
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, we take a peek into a conversation with Professional Scrum Trainers, Ravi Verma, Chad Beier, Charles ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Changes To The Scrum Guide
Watch Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland as they discuss the changes to The Scrum Guide, why they have made these changes, and why the Scrum ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Scrum.org and DevOps Institute Partner to Transform IT Organizations with ScrumOps
Today Scrum.org announced a partnership with the DevOps Institute to provide a foundation to building stronger working relationships between the ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
The Customer, Not the Organization Defines What Makes a Product
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, we take a peek into the second part of a conversation with Professional Scrum Trainers, Ravi Verma, Chad ...
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fredericksburg.com berichtet:
Richardson: A project management case study
I am a Rotarian and love being a member of Rotary primarily because of the “service above self” motto. Rotarians around the world hold events and ...
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appdevelopermagazine.com berichtet:
HacknPlan 1.0 game developer project management tool launches
HacknPlan is a collaborative project management tool tailored for game developers and producers. With HacknPlan, teams can create tasks and ...
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Agile Management at a Healthcare Provider?
Hello, I am looking for case studies on application of Agile Management to healthcare projects. Does anyone know of any good examples?
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projectmanagement.com berichtet:
Effectiveness of Potential Failure Mode & Effects Analysis in Project Risk Management
Objective of This Session Basic understanding of FMEA Introduction Benefits of FMEA History of FMEA Main Elements of FMEA… Types of FMEA ...
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broadwayworld.com berichtet:
Scrum Alliance Announces Partnership With LeSS Company
DENVER, CO - SCRUM ALLIANCE®, the largest, most established and influential professional membership organization and certifying body in the ...
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