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scrum.org berichtet:

How to Create an Agile Community of Practice

Creating an agile community of practice helps winning hearts and minds within the organization as it provides authenticity to the agile transition — signaling that the effort is not merely another management fad. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

Avoid Groupthink and Herd Mentality At Work

Avoiding groupthink is challenging, especially in work settings. Check out these 6 effective guardrails to shape decisions and avoid the herd mentality. ...
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Markt und Produkte – Priorisierung

Stell dir vor, in deinem Garten steht eine Tulpe, so teuer wie dein ganzes Haus! Im Jahre 1637 bezahlte man in den Niederlanden für bestimmte Tulpenzwiebeln 10.000 Gulden pro Stück, dem Gegenwert eines Hauses in bester Lage in Amsterdam. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Focus on Steps, not Leaps

We often try to make massive change once we realize something isn't right and this doesn't normally go so well. When it comes to making progress everyone wants to LEAP; take BIGGER steps. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Experiment: Make the Cost of Low Autonomy Transparent with Permission Tokens

In our book?—?the Zombie Scrum Survival Guide?—?we dive deep into what causes Zombie Scrum; something that looks like Scrum from a distance, but lacks a beating heart. ...
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scruminc.com berichtet:

Understanding Definition of Ready, Acceptance Criteria, And Definition of Done

This post is part of our new ScrumCast series of conversations with thought leaders who have successfully helped transform organizations andmastering the definition of done scrumcast episode? empower teams and individuals. Each episode will explore organizational Agility and Scrum patterns, tactics, and techniques that drive real-world success. ...
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scruminc.com berichtet:

Determining The Right Length Of Your Sprint

The duration of your Sprint sets the cadence for everything else in Scrum; Events, releases, the work itself. ...
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Mit Vertrauen in Führung gehen

Vertrauen ist das Fundament moderner Führung. Freiwillig und mit ganzem Herzen folgen wir nur, wem wir vertrauen. Frances Frei und Anne Morriss beschreiben drei Treiber für vertrauensvolle Führungsbeziehungen: Logik, Authentizität und Empathie. ...
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The 5 powers of shared commitment

A leader who refuses to call for shared commitment embraces pointless turmoil. An inability to create shared commitments propels you toward frantic mediocrity. The doorway to meaningful achievement swings on the hinges of commitment. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

How the Efficiency Mindset Leads to Zombie Scrum

The contradiction and tension between the empirical process of Scrum and the often-used efficiency mindset ...
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medium.com berichtet:

‘15% Solutions’ In Sprint Retrospectives

During Sprint Retrospectives: have you ever heard your team members saying something similar to ‘Nothing will change here’, ‘There is nothing in our hands, we give ideas but …’, ‘Nobody listens here’? ...
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medium.com berichtet:

How A Scrum Master Should Behave

A non-technical analogy that will allow you to understand the mindset and behaviors that a Scrum Master should bring to the role to be truly effective. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

Our Sprint wasn’t cancelled (but my trust in Scrum was)

Why you should cancel a Sprint and what happens when you don’t ...
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medium.com berichtet:

Must Product Owners and Scrum Masters be Archenemies?

Sharing my experience of being a Product Owner and Scrum Master for multiple Scrum Teams at the same time ...
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Taking Final Ideas to Market is the Hardest Part

It seems so simple doesn’t it – “bringing final ideas to market”. So easy to say, yet it does seem so very hard to achieve. ...
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Lessons Learned in Becoming a Product-Centric Organization

How do you shift from a component, technology aligned organization to a product-centric organization? Many organizations find this to be a challenge as they aspire to go beyond agile. To be successful, an entire organization must align their teams for product-centric discovery and delivery. ...
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Leading Teams to Success – Christina Wodtke on The Product Experience

Teaching something is hard – to do it well, you need both an incredible command of the subject and great communication skills. Teaching in the form of a narrative story? ...
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kislayverma.com berichtet:

Independence, autonomy, and too many small teams

“The two pizza team” paradigm has become really popular in the context of organizing software teams. The idea is to have small, self-reliant teams working independently to solve problems. ...
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Agile Missverständnisse: Agile Coach Tribalism

Wenn der Agile Coach nur ein Team hat um dessen Wohl er sich kümmern soll, dann hat er Glück. ...
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svpg.com berichtet:

Keys To Successful Transformation

In the earlier article on Meaningful Transformation, we talked about the steps necessary to effectively transform, and in the following article on Transformation in Action, we gave an example of just what a transformed team and organization is capable of doing. ...
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Daily Buzz: Taking the Next Step of Project Management

A Project Management Office might be a fit for your association. Also: The art of the love letter. You probably use project management principles already, ...
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mashable.com berichtet:

How project management software can help you with productivity woes

Each project management system has its own quirks, but they all promise to streamline your work, so your team can stay focused and on-task.
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Die agile Plattform für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Jira ist eine Projekt-Management-Software von Atlassian. In dem Veränderungsprozess sieht sich der CIO als Moderator und Mentor der Mitarbeiter.
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com-magazin.de berichtet:

Agiler Mindset: Erfolg in transformativen Kulturen

... soziale Kompetenzen in der kollaborativen Projektarbeit. Schnelle Bewegungen in den Märkten und transformative Entwicklungen in den Bereichen ...
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iotforall.com berichtet:

Why IIoT Projects Fail

Complexity: The Key Barrier to IIoT Success. What is the key reason why IIoT projects fail or are less successful than manufacturers hoped? Complexity.
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CAL vs. PAL – Which Agile Leader Training Should You Take?

Scrum Alliance is offering the Certified Agile Leadership training course or CAL and Scrum.org offers the Professional Agile Leader or PAL. Let's dig ...
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techiexpert.com berichtet:

Agile Manifesto vs Water Explained – Project Management

These two terms are popular regarding project management: Agile and Waterfall methodology, but which one should you use? How do you determine ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

On CRM: Can A Project Management System Like Asana Or Basecamp Replace A CRM?

When you use a project management system, your teams are able to schedule and share tasks, emails, notes and progress on just about anything your ...
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techbeacon.com berichtet:

Projects to products: How to ensure your agile team delivers real value

Teams use agile tools to manage epics, features, stories, and tasks. ... age-old project-management practice of breaking tasks into smaller chunks, ...
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5 Kanban Board Software Options to Keep Your Projects on Track

Kanban is a Japanese term that means a billboard in English. In project management terms, it describes the utilization of a visual system focused on ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:

How to Turn Your Remote Marketing Team Into an Agile Marketing Team

Communication ? Daily standups to create faster feedback loops. Visibility ? An Agile project management tool to show how people are spending their ...
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7 essentielle Projektdokumente (Inklusive Vorlagen)

Projektmanagement wird von vielen mit Bürokratie und Papierkram in Verbindung gebracht. Kein Wunder: Projektdokumente gibt es wie Sand am Meer – und alle haben ihr Daseinsberechtigung. ...
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Weisst du was Benefits Mapping ist

Um diese Frage zu beantworten, schauen wir uns die Übersetzung der beiden englischen Begriffe an: ...
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devops.com berichtet:

Shifting to Product-Centric Work in Utilities

Customer centricity is driving this transformation, as product-centric ... Stakeholder satisfaction measures such as product owner demo satisfaction.
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explica.co berichtet:

Top 7 free alternatives to Trello

Furthermore, Trello is also popular for applying the Japanese Kanban method, which was born 40 years ago by Toyota and is a method of project ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Die richtige Strategie für mobiles Arbeiten

Noch entscheidender ist die richtige Software: So helfen Projektmanagement-Tools bei der täglichen Zusammenarbeit im Team. Apps können die ...
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DevOps Vs DevSecOps – What is the difference?

The development of Agile was a healthy break from the Waterfall model. Agile project management starts from: Defining the users; Creating the idea/ ...
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devops.com berichtet:

5 Project Management Skills Every Developer Should Have

The days of the siloed project manager and “skilled” development team are ... You might expect that Agile development and DevOps teams have ...
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Tipps zur agilen Situationsanalyse: Die Methodenkiste der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK)

„Ist GFK agil?“ – die Frage taucht ab und zu in Webinaren oder Webkonferenzen auf. Und eigentlich liegt die Antwort nahe: beide Strömungen stammen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Quellen und haben bislang nicht viel miteinander zu tun. ...
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:


What is your team’s reason for being? Do they even know? When asked, most teams will say their reason for being is to build a feature or a product. To ship it. And after it’s shipped? Does the team still have a reason for being? ...
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