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blog.projektmensch.com berichtet:
Mit Projekten Wachstum schaffen
Bei diesem Text geht es um eine Sache, die mich schon lange beschäftigt, einem grundlegenden unternehmerischen Anliegen: Wachstum. ...
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t73f.de berichtet:
Agilität agilisierende Agilisten
In fast jeder Sprache gibt es die Tendenz, Adjektive zu nominalisieren, zu verbalisieren, zu personifizieren. Während ein Adjektiv eine Eigenschaft bezeichnet, die erfüllt oder eben nicht erfüllt sein kann, darüber gilt es zu diskutieren, gibt es dieses bei Nomen, Verben, Personenrollen so nicht. ...
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kanbwana.de berichtet:
WIP-Limitierung zuerst am Bottleneck!?
Mir wurde neulich folgende Aussage vorgetragen und ich wurde nach meiner Meinung dazu gefragt. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
DoD EvoCycle, a Simple Technique to Effectively Manage your Definition of "Done"
In today's blog, I want to talk about the evolution process of the Scrum Team's Definition of Done and explain a simple technique that I find very useful in helping a Scrum team managing their Definition of Done. ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
Toxic leaders – the toxic trinity that takes leaders down
Bill Clinton said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” In organizations, “It’s the leadership, stupid.” ...
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leadershipfreak.blog berichtet:
How to bring out the best in others
You’re supposed to bring out the best in others, but what does that mean? How is it measured? ...
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dataversity.net berichtet:
SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS: Where the Market is Going?
SaaS, PaaS, IaaS – these are the three essential models of cloud services to compare, otherwise known as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). ...
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hbr.org berichtet:
The Inherent Failures of Long-Term Contracts — and How to Fix Them
Oliver Hart, Nobel-winning Harvard economist, and Kate Vitasek, faculty at the University of Tennessee, argue that many business contracts are imperfect, no matter how bulletproof you try to make them. ...
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johngoodpasture.com berichtet:
Let them figure it out
"Let them figure it out" is the mantra for small team management at its best. I'm constantly amazed at how fast and successfully small teams converge to a local optimization, finding a methodology for doing whatever they are doing that maximizes their interests. ...
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onlinepmcourses.com berichtet:
Stakeholder Engagement Tips: 5 Tips For Project Managers
Stakeholders – and good stakeholder engagement – are the key to a successful project. So, in this video, we have 5 stakeholder engagement tips for you. ...
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pmbasics101.com berichtet:
Project Management Terminology: 15 Terms a Project Manager Must Know
Project Management Terminology Video. Do watch the video as it includes more visuals and explanations than the text below. ...
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blog.planview.com berichtet:
Is It Time to Rethink Traditional Portfolio Management? [Infographic]
Are your efforts to become more Agile stunted by traditional portfolio management practices? Many enterprises find themselves at a crossroads, caught between a volatile, competitive landscape that demands dynamism and practices that maintain stability, often at the expense of agility. ...
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towardsdatascience.com berichtet:
Why Artificial Intelligence Projects Fail
Over the last few months, I have seen the number of AI projects taken up significantly and most of the folks working on AI projects in their firms are planning to increase their AI initiatives even further over the next 12 months. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:
Measure Cycle Time, Not Velocity
I'm not a fan of measuring velocity. Velocity is a point-in-time measure of capacity. That means that when things change for the team or in the code, the velocity often changes. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:
Complexity is the enemy of software engineering
About a year ago, I was at a client's office to help them with a project that they were working on. Now, this client had hired one of the high-end consulting firms for this project. ...
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ronjeffries.com berichtet:
No Software: No Agile, No Scrum
This article makes a very simple and key point about Agile Software Development, and about Scrum. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
How to tell your team about a management decision you don’t agree with
Q: What’s the best way to tell your direct reports about a management decision they won’t like, when you don’t agree with the decision either? ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
These are the most hated bits of office jargon
Most people working in an office have come across at least one of these at some point, and most will have cringed inside upon encountering them. ...
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prodpad.com berichtet:
Timeline roadmaps suck – Janna Bastow’s Twitter TED Talk
Earlier this week, Janna Bastow, Co-founder and CEO at ProdPad, took to Twitter and published her very own self-proclaimed TED Talk on why timeline roadmaps suck. ...
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qz.com berichtet:
Whatever happened to Six Sigma?
Twenty years ago, no company was flying higher than General Electric. In early 2000, GE passed Microsoft to become the world’s most valuable company. ...
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improuv.com berichtet:
Wie Agile Coaches HR ins Transformations-Boot holen - und damit Schiffbrüche vermeiden
“Schon dieser Name - Human Resources! Menschen sind doch keine Ressourcen!” So oder ähnlich höre ich manche Agilisten sich äußern, wenn es um HR geht. ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
Impulse für eine Innovationskultur an Hochschulen
In unserer Hochschule beschäftigen wir uns derzeit damit, wie wir eine auf alle Hochschulbereiche ausgeweitete Innovationskultur schaffen und kontinuierlich pflegen können. ...
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proagile.de berichtet:
Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit
Welchen Einfluss hat die Kultur eines Landes auf die Zusammenarbeit und worauf sollten Unternehmen achten, wenn sie interkulturelle Teams aufbauen. ...
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it-production.com berichtet:
Der schnelle Weg zum Produktentwurf
Grundsätzlich sind für erfolgreiche IoT-Projekte folgende Kriterien entscheidend: Zunächst muss natürlich eine schnelle Einsatzfähigkeit gewährleistet ...
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entwickler.de berichtet:
Von gescheiterten IT-Projekten lernen
Laut einem Report des Project Management Institute (PMI) aus dem Jahr 2017 scheitern 14 Prozent aller IT-Projekte. Und zwar komplett. Von den ...
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versicherungsmagazin.de berichtet:
Wie man Ziele vereinbart und erreicht
Die SMART-Formel kennt jede Führungskraft, denn das Vereinbaren von Zielen ist heute Standard im Führungsalltag. Ihr zufolge sollten Ziele ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:
From Mediocre to Exceptional: How to Become a Superior Project Manager
Of course, having deep knowledge about the technical side of being a project manager is equally important. There are many project management ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
Agile project management: 10 reasons to use it
Agile project management represents a significant shift from the way software development has traditionally been managed – a real mindset change, ...
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jaxenter.com berichtet:
Scaling Agile & Lean with SAFe 4.6
It has short user stories and Kanban is used to identify the bottlenecks in the sprint. The teams use ART (Agile Release Train) to collaborate with other ...
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industrie.de berichtet:
Was bei der Einführung von Chatbots zu beachten ist
Karsten Illing, Global Product Owner für den SAP Enterprise Chatbot, hat Anfang des Jahres den Bot für den Handel auf den Markt gebracht.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How project managers are essential to AI deployment
AI projects are predicted to grow, resulting in an increase in AI staffing numbers in ... SEE: How to build a successful project manager career (free PDF) ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
The real reason businesses are failing at AI
To execute successful AI projects, organizations must be willing to both establish use cases, experiment with multiple use cases, and develop agile ...
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wallstreet-online.de berichtet:
PMI-Studie offenbart laut Projektmanagern besonders produktivitätssteigernde KI-Technologien
Project Management Institute (PMI) veröffentichte heute seinen 2019 Pulse of the Profession-In-Depth Report: AI @ Work: New Projects, New Thinking ...
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chartattack.com berichtet:
The 7 Vital Ingredients for Agile Project Plan Success
There's no escaping agile project management and its associated jargon in the workplace nowadays. Backlog, scrum, scrum master, lean, iteration, ...
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aktiv-online.de berichtet:
Agiles Arbeiten – was ist das eigentlich?
Scrum ist eine Methode des Projektmanagements, bei dem sich die Teammitglieder täglich austauschen. Aufgaben werden hier nicht von einem Chef ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to become a CIO: A cheat sheet
Talk to me about Agile Project Management as it relates to IT. What sort of management style is it, and when would you use it? Have you had to deal ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
How to apply agile to everything: insights from Moonpig
Projects and project management are no longer confined to traditional domains of but can be seen as a 'golden thread' helping to drive quality, ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
The Agile Manifesto from a Lean Perspective
The Agile Manifesto is the work of unique individuals who met in a ... Along with methods of round-trip development, it was in a sort of ascendancy at the time. .... These are typically the analysis, design, testing, and management ...
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martechadvisor.com berichtet:
No Company Is Too Big to Embrace Agile — Just Ask Microsoft
By contrast, when a company standardizes goal-setting and project management, it reduces overlap, keeps cross-functional teams focused and ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
Scrum meetings: The do's and don'ts
Scrum meetings are short and focus on the backlog of project management tasks or directly related concerns. Whether you are a Scrum Master, ...
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