Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

10 of the Best Project Management Software (Reviewed + Rated)

The traditional methods of project management just don't cut it anymore. Typing information into a spreadsheet or using word processing software to ...
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Wie agil ist Tradition? Die Schweiz und ihre Beteiligungskultur

In letzter Zeit fanden sich an dieser Stelle vielfach Artikel zu Bürgerräten, Partizipation, Beteiligungsverfahren und lebendiger Demokratie. Wie macht das … die Schweiz? ...
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Unternehmung 2.0 – geht es bald auch ohne Chefs?

Diese Frage stellte ich mir schon vor etwa 10 Jahren. Wie ich auf die Frage gekommen bin? Ganz einfach: ich hatte 3 Jahre zuvor die Gelegenheit, die Umstellung der Software-Entwicklungsabteilung in der Rolle des SCRUM Product Owners beobachten zu dürfen, was Selbstorganisation mit Menschen macht. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:

Neun Aufgaben-Arten und was du damit am besten machst

Alle Aufgaben erscheinen auf der To-do-Liste als gleich(wertig). Doch nicht alle sind gleich wertvoll. ...
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Making Meetings Less Terrible

Studies estimate that we spend an hour or more each day in meetings or preparing for them. On the one hand, it’s good that humans are communicating, making decisions and solving problems together. ...
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bueronymus.de berichtet:

Hilfe, ich brauche ein HORG-Detox!

Mein lieber Scholli, ich merke es immer wieder: Die Jahre in der HORG haben tatsächlich Schäden bei mir hinterlassen. Also, von kleinen Macken bis tiefe Spuren. Ich finde das nicht ganz ohne, wenn man bedenkt, dass HORGs ja immer noch für viele Menschen sehr attraktiv sind: klangvoller Name, große Tradition, gute Konditionen und so. ...
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Ein paar Gedanken zum Thema „Fokus“

Der eine oder die andere, die diesem Blog verfolgt, weiss, dass ich mir immer mal wieder Gedanken darüber mache, wie ich mich und meine Arbeit gut organisiert bekomme. ...
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Agile Arbeitszeiterfassung: machen Gerichte NewWork den Weg frei?

Kaum ein Thema ist in Unternehmen so konfliktträchtig wie das Thema Arbeitszeit. Aus der Sicht von Mitarbeitern stellen sich oft die Fragen, ob der Arbeitgeber Teilzeitwünschen entspricht oder die Lage der täglichen Arbeitszeit ändern kann, ob man mit Kollegen Arbeitszeiten gegebenenfalls abstimmen muss oder ob man als Arbeitnehmer eher sogar einseitig entscheiden kann, wann man zur Arbeit erscheint oder wann nicht. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Scrum Mastery in 300 Words

How to make Scrum work? Read on to learn more about my top three objectives for Scrum Masters striving to achieve Scrum Mastery. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Change Organizational Systems with the Liberating Structure ‘Panarchy’

Liberating Structures are a collection of interaction patterns that allow you to unleash and involve everyone in a group — from extroverted to introverted and from leaders to followers. In this series of posts, we show how to use them in your work. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Can Kanban and Scrum Work Together?

Students and clients ask us “Can Kanban and Scrum work together?” all the time. The answer is an emphatic, ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Effective Stakeholder Management

When it comes to Product Ownership, there are a couple of things that are essential to get the job done right. Effective stakeholder management is one of them! ...
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15 Practical Tips to Improve Project Communication

Do you want to improve communication on your projects? And yet make it easier to do at the same time? ...
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mpug.com berichtet:

Milestone Reporting Using Gantt Charts in MS Project

Gantt charts are very popular with project managers and senior managers. They are primarily used to create and communicate project schedules but they can also be used for preparing status reports and giving presentations. ...
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Finding an Optimum – ‘More Haste: Less Speed’

‘More haste: less speed’ my dad would say. And it is certainly true when you are trying to find an optimum way of doing things. ...
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Often I am required to think about the qualities of a prediction, for which I am drawn to the book "The Signal and the Noise: why so many predictions fail -- and some don't" by Nate Silver ...
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A Quick Summary of Risk Management

With that, the probability of the risk occurring for reducible risks and the sources of the irreducible can be handled. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Create & Manage the Project’s Bounds, Part 1

Do you know your project's bounds? Do you know what your sponsors want from your project? ...
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codingsans.com berichtet:


Engineering productivity is key to building good software. It comes down to the manager to make sure the developer team is performing as expected. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

How to Facilitate Multi-Team Product Backlog Refinements

Before and during the Sprint, effort needs to be put into coordination to ensure the Scrum Teams deliver a working integrated product. This situation can be improved with Multi-team Product Backlog Refinement sessions. ...
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weforum.org berichtet:

What does leadership mean in an age of perpetual change?

Business models, the nature of work and the composition of workforces are changing radically. Only companies that transform continuously will remain competitive. ...
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The Art of Leadership with Michael Lopp

How can you build trust as a leader? In this episode of Programming Leadership, Marcus and his guest, Michael Lopp discuss the small practices that make a good leader. Listen to learn about building trust, respect, and relationships in a leadership role. ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:

7 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Active Listening Skills for Better Communication

Communication skills are critical for your career. And great active listening skills can serve you in valuable ways you may not have considered. ...
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productplan.com berichtet:

When to Declare Backlog Bankruptcy

A few years ago, I was the acting product manager at a startup, developing an enterprise software product. Building the product was hard: it was taking longer to develop than everyone expected (of course). ...
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dangrover.com berichtet:

A Sanity Test For Large Groups of PMs

At the waning of the dot com boom, Joel Spolsky wrote a great list of best practices for development teams he called the “Joel Test”. It ended up covering things like using version control and automated builds, which were not as common in those Wild West days: ...
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prodpad.com berichtet:

Finding Product/Market Fit

In this talk, delivered at ProductTank, London, Janna Bastow talks about the journey to finding Product/Market Fit. This includes what to look for, how to measure it, and how not to be fooled along the way. ...
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jarche.com berichtet:

working smarter

For the past several centuries we have used human labour to do what machines cannot. First the machines caught up with us and surpassed humans with their brute force. Now they are surpassing us with their brute intelligence. ...
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scrumdesk.com berichtet:

The History of Scrum: How, when and WHY

Scrum’s been around for over two decades and is helping many people successfully develop new products faster and more efficiently. This framework was officially first introduced to the public in 1995 by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, but as the authors say, it’s not anything that hasn’t been done before. ...
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scruminc.com berichtet:

Swarming: How To Instantly Boost Your Scrum Team’s Productivity

Swarming is a simple but often overlooked way to immediately boost the velocity of any Scrum Team. It is a pattern consistently used by hyper-productive teams in any industry. ...
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The Golden Age of Agile Coaching – Shane Hastie

Agile Coaching is a relatively new discipline and there is a lot of misunderstanding about why coaching is useful, what skills and competencies an agile coach needs to have, how they engage with individuals, teams and organisations and how to tell good coaches from mediocre ones. ...
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Reifegradmodelle, Teil 2

Im zweiten Teil unserer kleinen Serie zu Reifegradmodellen von Teams geht es um das Konzept Shuhari, das seinen Ursprung in der japanischen Kampfkunst hat ...
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Wissenschaftliche Projektarbeit: Eine Bestandsaufnahme zum Thema „Agile Verwaltung“

Hanna Looks hat eine Projektarbeit, deren Inhalt sie bereits in zwei Beiträgen auf unserem Blog vorgestellt hat, zum Download bereitgestellt: ...
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dev-insider.de berichtet:

5 Eckpfeiler des Citizen Development

Das Low-Code-Manifest steht in der Tradition ähnlicher technologischer Abhandlungen, allen voran das Agile Manifesto. Diese Dokumente definieren ...
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10 Task & Data Management Tools to Help Organize Your Workday

Pagico is a project management hub that helps you get things done on-time and under budget. With project visualization, daily planning and ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:

Why Does Internal Audit Need to Be Agile?

You don't have to go far to hear an internal audit leader talk about agile. Richard ... Every audit project to be as short as possible. It's very hard to move ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Simulating Agile Strategies with the Lazy Stopping Model

Timlett will be speaking about simulating agile strategies using the lazy ... for expert knowledge about agile project management techniques and the ...
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DevOps-Plattformen: der einfachste Weg zu einer soliden DevOps-Architektur

Um eine Plattform effektiv zu managen, muss man in der Lage sein, ... In umfassenden Integrationen werden Projekt-Management-Tools mit Tools zur ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

3 Key Success Factors for Improving Test Automation Outcomes

Though development teams have made strides to automate their tests in the CI/CD ... Agile teams are particularly well suited for achieving testability, since it ... Buwalda currently resides as Chief Technology Officer for LogiGear.
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forbes.com berichtet:

Want To Be AI-First? You Need To Be Data-First.

While this is still a new area for most enterprises implementing AI projects, we see this sort of merged methodology approach to be more successful ...
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t3n.de berichtet:

Software-Entwicklung: Das sind die Vorteile der Continuous Integration

Neben den bereits genannten Vorteilen führt das Konzept der kontinuierlichen Entwicklung auch dazu, dass ein sauberes Projektmanagement ...
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