Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

How to Define Project Success?

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estee Lauder [Entrepreneur]. The above words ring true in terms of project management and its ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

How to decide whether to outsource project management

Leaders are often faced with questions on whether they should develop a capability or tool in-house or use outside partners. Here are guidelines for ...
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The Best Agile Software Development Companies -- Plus, 7 Best Agile Tools In 2019, According To ...

The platform is fully customizable and can be integrated with other project management tools. 2. Azure DevOps. Produced by Microsoft, Azure DevOps ...
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Resign Thinking - Ein informatives Buch über das Projektmanagement inkl. Workbook

Ihr neues Buch "Resign Thinking" hat die Autorin Jacqueline Otten dem Thema Projektmanagement gewidmet. Darin vermittelt sie anschaulich nicht ...
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Agile Einführung der E-Akte mit Scrum

Agile Einführung der E-Akte mit Scrum .... Mit Scrum haben wir auf diesem Wege – der „Maximierung nicht getaner Arbeit“ – gute Erfahrungen ...
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Agile Softwareentwicklung mit Scrum verändert die E/E-Integration

Viele Automobilhersteller wenden Scrum in Großprojekten an. Denn volatile Anforderungen, schnellere Produktlebenszyklen und hoher Kostendruck ...
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blog.hubspot.com berichtet:

The Key Differences Between a Scrum Master & Product Owner

Learn about the differences between a Scrum Master and a Product Owner and the role each one plays in product development.
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scrum.org berichtet:

Scrum.org Professional Scrum Certification Assessments – Tips for Non-native English Speakers

Having had an opportunity to teach Professional Scrum classes in many countries, I noticed that there are some language pitfalls and traps.
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Project and program management – are specialists or generalists more important?

One of the key findings from the AXELOS PPM Benchmarking Report 2019 is that throughout the world project and program management ...
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vizaca.com berichtet:

Essential Project Management Tips For Organizations

Effective project management requires careful attention to detail, including planning, carrying out, and completing projects on time and on budget.
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Agile for infrastructure requires major cultural shift

Without any kind of formal Agile for infrastructure blueprint, however, ... "The technical project managers decide what it is we're going to build, and then ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Using Kanban with Overbård to Manage Development of Red Hat JBoss EAP

As planning the work for Red Hat JBoss EAP became harder and harder, Red Hat decided to adopt Kanban to make their development process more ...
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Projekte leiten, Menschen führen

Mit diesem Buch lernen Projektmanager moderne Leadershiptechniken kennen ... und Projektarbeit und die Erfolgsfaktoren für Projektmanagement.
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Das volle Potenzial der Agilität

Die Erfahrungen mit agilen Verfahren am Beispiel Scrum sind durchweg ... In einem gut geplanten Kick-off erarbeitet das Scrum-Team die Vision für ...
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jpost.com berichtet:

10 Tips to Improve Your Marketing Project Management Capabilities

10 Tips to Improve Your Marketing Project Management Capabilities ... Some of the ideal candidates of agile marketing would include ongoing ...
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td.org berichtet:

Why People Are the Backbone of Training Project Management

Training consultants, like those at AllenComm, often use hybrid variations of the ADDIE and Agile project management models, each consisting of ...
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inar.de berichtet:

Efecte stellt Kanban-Board mit integrierter Workflow-Automatisierung vor

Efecte erweitert als erster Anbieter seine Service-Management-Lösung um ein grafisches Kanban-Board mit integrierter Workflow-Automatisierung.
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Was kommt nach der Agilität?

Der Trend, agile Methoden wie Scrum für andere Organisationsformen zu adaptieren, ist sichtbar. Ob damit aber wirklich ein Nutzen gestiftet wird, ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:

Kontinuierliche Innovation und ständiges Lernen

Es geht um aktuelle Technologietrends, denen mancherorts die IT-Abteilung hinterherrennt, weil schlicht die Zeit fehlt, neue Projekte anzugehen.
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business.com berichtet:

Do I need a bachelor's degree to become a project manager?

The short answer is no. You do not need a bachelor's degree to become a project manager. However, you'll find it challenging to land a job if your only ...
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proagile.de berichtet:

Lean Startup für die Tourismusbranche

In seinem kurzen Impulsvortrag ging Christian u.a. auf die Bedeutung von Innovation, Prototyping und Feedback bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte hervor. Um nicht in der Theorie zu verharren, schloss er an seinen Vortrag gleich noch einen praktischen Workshop an und ließ die TeilnehmerInnen der ausgebuchten Veranstaltung interdisziplinäre Teams bilden. ...
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Die Projektflut steuerbar machen: Projekte agil in Teilprojekte aufspalten

In einem ersten Artikel vor einigen Wochen hatte ich auf die Kosten hingewiesen, die durch die große Anzahl paralleler Projekte verursacht werden ...
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2 neue Canvas-Modelle

Jüngst sind mir zwei neue Canvas-Modelle über den Weg gelaufen, die ich hier kurz vorstellen möchte. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:

Wer ist Freund oder Feind in Ihrem Projekt?

Bevor man ein Projekt startet, macht es Sinn, das Spielfeld genauer anzuschauen und die darauf versammelten Mitspieler. Wer gehört zu den Gegnern, wer wird mich unterstützen, wer steht dem Vorhaben neutral gegenüber? ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:

Agilität? Haben wir probiert! Funktioniert nicht! – Teil 1

Sie haben sicher schon von dieser „Agilität“ oder diesem „Agile“ (sic!) gehört, von dem alle reden. Vielleicht haben Sie “es” sogar schon ausprobiert. Und eventuell haben Sie auch das Gefühl, dass nach Jahren der Euphorie in letzter Zeit die Stimmen der Kritiker und Skeptiker wieder lauter werden? War also alles nur heiße Luft, einfach wieder nur eine von vielen Managementm(eth)oden, die kommen und gehen? ...
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Von Methoden, METHODEN und MeTooden

Tom DeMarco und Timothy Lister unterscheiden in ihrem m. E. nach wie vor lesenswerten Klassiker „Wien wartet auf Dich!“ ...
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schlosser.info berichtet:

Abholen, Mitnehmen, ins Boot holen – Management-Sprech seziert

Was soll das? „Abholen“ und „mitnehmen“. Ich nehme meine Kinder irgendwohin mit, ich nehme meinen Koffer mit. Ich hole meine Familie vom Zug ab. Ich nehme Zuhörer in einem Vortrag auf eine Gedankenreise mit – hoffentlich. ...
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Why teams fail

The things you don’t do are more damaging – in the long-term – than the things you do. ...
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Are you living in a VUCA world?

VUCA is an acronym originally used by the American Military. It was the response of the US Army War College to the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s when, suddenly, there was no longer the only enemy, resulting in a need for new ways of seeing and reacting. ...
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techwell.com berichtet:

Understanding the ScrumMaster's Role in Team Communication

A common misunderstanding among those new to agile is exactly what the role of the ScrumMaster is on the team. I have often heard people say, “I didn’t sign up to be a ScrumMaster; it’s not my job to talk to the product owner,” or “I’m not the ScrumMaster; I don’t like to act like one.” ...
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jessehouwing.net berichtet:

Focus on what was "Done" during Sprint Review

As Scrum Trainer I get to meet a lot of teams and hear of many different ways to do Scrum. Most are valid ways, yet some seem more aligned with the values of Scrum or the purpose of the specific Scrum Element. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

How we align our goals

How can we be aligned and autonomous at the same time? The short answer is: a shared map of enabling constraints on different abstraction levels. This post describes the more concrete answer. ...
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8 habits of successful DevOps team leaders

With DevOps, the gap between leader and team is shrinking: Expect a ... Read also: Top 7 open source project management tools for agile teams. ] ...
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15 Sprint Review Anti-Patterns Holding Back Scrum Teams

Are we still on the right track? Answering this question in a collaborative effort of the Scrum Team as well as internal (and external) stakeholders is the purpose of the Sprint Review. Given its importance, it is worthwhile to tackle the most common Sprint Review anti-patterns. ...
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jeffgothelf.com berichtet:

The hypothesis prioritization canvas

Over the past 10 years we’ve been lucky to have a tremendous amount of content, practice and experience shared to help us build and design better products, services and businesses. ...
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svpg.com berichtet:

The Coaching Mindset

Over the past months, SVPG has published several articles on coaching product managers. Many of these have focused on how to cultivate the right PM mindset: things like customer-centricity, true collaboration, and thinking like an owner rather than an employee, to name just a few. ...
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bbc.com berichtet:

The ‘law’ that explains why you can't get anything done

“It is a commonplace observation that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” British naval historian and author Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote that opening line for an essay in The Economist in 1955, but the concept known as ‘Parkinson’s Law’ still lives on today. ...
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martinfowler.com berichtet:


In the software world, “waterfall” is commonly used to describe a style of software process, one that contrasts with the ideas of iterative, or agile styles. Like many well-known terms in software it's meaning is ill-defined and origins are obscure - but I find its essential theme is breaking down a large effort into phases based on activity. ...
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sarahmhoban.com berichtet:

Solutioning and Project Management

When a colleague asked me to write a post on the difference between solutioning and project management, I knew that solutioning had transcended from a passing fad to a full-blown trend. It had embedded itself in the consulting lexicon, and there was no turning back. ...
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mindiply.com berichtet:

How to Measure Project Success: Beyond Traditional metrics

Having spent the last couple of months interviewing project managers about their ways of working has opened a window of the everyday hassles and troubles of project management. In this article, I will explore the complexities surrounding project success factors and explain what should be measured and the risks associated with not tracking progress. ...
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