Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

Kanban vs. Scrum: Which Is Better?

While both are agile methodologies, there are differences between kanban vs. scrum. Learn more about each & how to choose the one right for your ...
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dev.to berichtet:

Scrum is Easy

Scrum is easy in theory, not always so easy in practice.
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What is the difference between Scrum and Kanban

Scrum and Kanban are popular agile frameworks used to help teams work together to get things done. Read more to discover their subtle differences.
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Design-Driven Project Management for Event Planners

Do you want to run your event, team, and suppliers more effectively? It's time to embrace design-driven project management. Here's how:
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How to best work with Kanban through multiple sub teams

We have decided to try a Kanban board with restrictions on the work load of Status = IN PROGRESS for each sub team. First we have a backlog that's ...
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www.whatech.com berichtet:

Investing in web development? Tips to refer

While considering the field of web development, there are two varieties of systems conveyed for project management; Agile and Waterfall. In spite of ...
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gruenderszene.de berichtet:

Die 5 größten Marketing-Hebel für das Wachstum Deines Startups

Product-Market Fit: Mache Dein Produkt zum Must-have ... ist super, aber es muss immer ein Process- beziehungsweise Product-Owner definiert sein, ...
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elektroniknet.de berichtet:

Mit Projektarbeit schneller Karriere machen

Im Rahmen von Projektarbeit sammeln Experten in zeitlich begrenzten Einsätzen umfangreiche Expertise in verschiedenen Unternehmen und ...
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cio.com berichtet:

What is a project manager? The lead role for project success

Project managers play the lead role in planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing projects. Here is a look at the project manager role, ...
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Coaching im Projektmanagement – Business Breakfast

Als zweiter Referent verschaffte Markus Bode, Leiter Project Management Office bei arvato CRM Deutschland in Gütersloh, einen Überblick über den ...
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bizcommunity.com berichtet:

The business analyst in an Agile world

But in an Agile world, the traditional BA can seem to be redundant. ... Traditional software development attempts to finish the project all in one go and predict ... customers, users, solution team, technical personnel and management.
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Messages on How can agile principles help construction industry?

PMI is focusing more attention on agile methodologies and principles to be implemented into project management world. I am more curious on ...
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Messages on Agile Budget

Agile Budget. ... Technical Delivery Manager, British Telecom ... How do we charge a client for a project that will be refined while being built?
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pr-journal.de berichtet:

Save the date: erstes BarCamp zu agilen Methoden in der Unternehmenskommunikation

Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban – agile Methoden sind heute in aller Munde. Aber ist Agilität auch das neue Verhaltensmodell für die strategische ...
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wuv.de berichtet:

Post-its und Flipcharts bleiben wichtig

Agilität darf nicht mit höherer Geschwindigkeit - und damit verbunden mehr Kaffeekonsum gleichgesetzt werden. Seine Erfahrungen aus der Praxis ...
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Revision holt Projekte aus der Krise

Auch hier habe ich schon einige Male mit einer Revision des Projektes, der vertraglichen Verpflichtungen und der Projektmanagement-Prozesse ...
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onetoone.de berichtet:

Marketing Operations: Mit diesen fünf Regeln wächst Ihr Projektmanagement im Marketing ...

Wie können Marketer trotz schrumpfender Budgets ihren Output steigern, ohne Abstriche bei der Qualität hinnehmen zu müssen? „Durch die ...
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Britain has long struggled to build power plants – and inefficient project management is to blame

This is the neglect of project management, namely, the planning and construction of infrastructure projects. Nowhere has this been more evident than ...
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Kanban Board for Project Management

Hello, My name is Fabian and I'm a project manager at AeroFarms. I'm currently testing Jira CORE for managing my projects, I have used JIRA in.
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Agile Evolves

by Cyndee Miller Agile is the punk rock of project management. After years of living on the fringe, it's officially gone mainstream—much to the joy of ...
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thecsuite.co.uk berichtet:

The digital project management trends to watch out for in 2018

Traditionally, we've seen a strong demand for technical skills and PM certifications, but this does not always guarantee success. Changes to business ...
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Koordination agiler Entwicklungsteams

Häufig benutzen diese Teams Scrum. Scrum gibt mit der Definition von Rollen, Artefakten und Ereignissen einen methodischen Rahmen, mit dessen ...
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buchreport.de berichtet:

Warum Projekte scheitern und wie sie gelingen

Das funktioniert nicht immer. Der Adesso-Manager empfiehlt daher agile Vorgehensweisen und das Framework Scrum. Diese Methoden „versuchen ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:

Scrum master or a project manager: who is who and what can they do for you?

Scrum master vs.project manager - what is the difference? ... Agile thinking introduced the concept of a scrum master, which may seem similar to a ...
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inar.de berichtet:

Prozessmanagement: Prozesse erfolgreich managen

Das Buch „Prozesse erfolgreich managen: mit Erfahrungen aus realen ... der an der TH Karlsruhe zum Thema Projektmanagement promovierte und ...
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cio.com berichtet:

Hybrid: A new project management approach

Hybrid project management promises huge gains in improving product delivery and time to market compared with other methods.
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fastcompany.com berichtet:

How To Manage People When You're Not Technically Their Boss

It can be tricky to know the right thing to say when you're managing a project that's being done by people other than full-time employees who you see ...
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Who is an Expert?

The Project Management Institute's annual events attract some of the most renowned and esteemed experts in the industry. In this blog, Global ...
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Wie Sie Meilensteine als Führungsinstrumente einsetzen

Projekte benötigen Management und Führung (s. z.B. Project Management Institute, 2013, S. 18ff). Wenn Sie ein Projekt "managen", dann planen und ...
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news.sys-con.com berichtet:

8 Things That Make a Test Management Tool Next Generation

But what is a next generation test management tool? ... that silos testing data and doesn't jibe with speed-focused Agile and DevOps teams. ... Enterprise test teams can get a single project running in minutes, and fully migrate to the ...
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Projektmanagement-Praxisforum: collaboration Factory veranstaltet cplace Day 2017 am 19 ...

Das vom Softwarehersteller collaboration Factory veranstaltete Projektmanagement-Praxisforum bietet seinen Teilnehmern ein breites Spektrum an ...
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finanzen.net berichtet:

Studie: Interim Manager erfüllen größtenteils die Erwartungen der Unternehmen / Einsatz ...

Setzt ein Unternehmen einen Interim Manager ein, erwartet es von ihm in erster Linie Projektmanagement- und Führungskompetenz ...
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berlinvalley.com berichtet:

Produktiv wie im Silicon Valley

Director Stephan Hagemann verrät in seinem Gastbeitrag, wie Startups aus ... Die Cloud-Lösung vereint Projektmanagement und Kollaboration für ...
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Neue Optionen gewinnen durch das Widerlegen eigener Annahmen

... z.B. dass das vereinbarte Budget immer "gerissen" wird oder dass Mitglieder eines Lenkungsausschusses wenig über Projektmanagement wissen ...
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Agile lead: 'IT affords endless opportunities'

What's been the hardest thing you've had to face in your career? Recently, I have been performing the role of scrum master within my team.
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With scrum, is an improvement to the product a bug or a story?

When creating a scrum project in JIRA, the default issue types don't include an 'improvement' issue type. So for example, we want to improve the copy.
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cbronline.com berichtet:

Will analytics & cloud drive more successful big data projects?

Analytics is not just a game for big businesses. It just happens that bigger businesses have traditionally created, stored and managed big data ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Q&A on the Book Working with Coders

In practice that largely means IT project managers, people who work in startups, BAs, ... InfoQ: How does agile suggest to deal with these challenges?
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The Real Changes Required to Make Your Organization Truly Agile

Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and Lean deliver on this ... Management and senior leaders demonstrating support for Agile adoption can be ... Agile project teams are cross-functional groups that must be well-engaged ...
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Top 5 Team Management Skills Every Manager Needs

Strong team management skills are crucial to success as a project manager. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, lays out the top 5 skills you need in this video.
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