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Project Human Resource Management: A Complete Primer

You can’t get a professional project done without people. So, you need to manage your team as well as managing your project. And that’s what project Human Resource Management is all about. ...
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Strong Winds Make Strong Trees – 3 Ways to Develop Resilient Team Members

A few years ago, my father-in-law passed away after a prolonged battle with cancer. My wife decided that she wanted to plant a tree in our backyard as a way for us to remember the good memories of his life. ...
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aeon.co berichtet:

How do you teach a car that a snowman won’t walk across the road?

Picture yourself driving down a city street. You go around a curve, and suddenly see something in the middle of the road ahead. What should you do? ...
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8thlight.com berichtet:

Remote Team Workflows

Being in the same room as the people you are working with is not a luxury we all have. Sometimes we are remote from the people we're developing for and that we develop with. ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

The Little Things That Affect Our Work Relationships

One afternoon a manager we’ll call Kassie sent an email to her teammate, Harrison, explaining why she hadn’t included him in a meeting with a group of company executives earlier that day. ...
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How to Engage Remote Workers

Remote work has changed the way corporate America functions. Work-at-home jobs are no longer left to the realm of stuffing ...
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5 Ways Scrum Helps Manage Risks

By building the product iteratively with each Sprint focusing on delivering increment of highest possible value for the customers, Scrum mitigates the ...
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ingenieur.de berichtet:

Scrum-Glossar von A bis Z

Das Daily Scrum ist ein maximal 15-minütiges Treffen des Entwicklerteams zu Beginn des Arbeitstages. Scrum Master und Product Owner sind hier oft ...
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Project management: How it can eradicate poverty

In the best interest of Nepal, it will take some righting of some past wrong practices in project management of over 65 years. They should begin from ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

5 reasons to squash a project

This may not be a common scenario, but there may be a time when you as a project management professional (PMP) may be asked to do things in the ...
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techspective.net berichtet:

4 Reasons Your Business Needs to Use Kanban Boards

Kanban boards can be seen as a form of business dashboard everyone in the organization can use to visually manage their work. In fact, their name ...
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cloudwards.net berichtet:

Setting Up a Fight: Trello vs. Monday.com

Trello is a simple tool that's almost entirely based around its kanban view. You create columns and add cards to them. The cards are dragged from ...
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openpr.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement-Software: factro baut Benachrichtigungssystem aus

Die Aufgaben- und Projektmanagement-Software factro wird von der Schuchert Managementberatung in Bochum entwickelt – mit dem Know-how und ...
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Why is Openness Important to You as a Scrum Master?

As a Scrum Master, I know that serving Development Team, Product Owner and Organization to adopt Scrum is not easy. It takes time (and a lot of ...
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e3zine.com berichtet:

Agile Transformation? Not Without Structure!

Agile methods actually require a lot of coordination and control. ... Traditional project management approaches soon reach their limits in these ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Lee Cunningham on the 13th State of Agile Report

Mobile device testing on real devices with managed USB hubs. ... agile adoption are the ability to manage changing priorities, improve project visibility ...
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com-magazin.de berichtet:

Zenkit erhält großes Update auf Version 3.0

Das Projektmanagement-Tool Zenkit ist jetzt in der neuen Version 3.0 erhältlich. Das Update beschert der Lösung ein optimiertes Design sowie ...
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cio.co.nz berichtet:

Avoid common blockchain mistakes when planning projects

Gartner predicts that more than 80 per cent of the largest successful blockchain projects will be outside of financial services by 2023. But there's still a ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:

Wenn Mitarbeiter Projekte verhindern

Über drei Viertel aller Change-Projekte in Deutschland scheitern. Doch was läuft ... 2018, legt deutliche Mängel im Change-Management offen. Woran ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:

Agile Management Driven By Digital Initiatives

Ask anyone working in tech what agile development is and it's likely that they will start by talking about iterative software development — as they ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Management and Leadership of the Agile Organization

Christopher Davies has spent most of his working life in Financial Services as a developer and project manager. He first adopted Agile in 2008 and ...
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forbes.com berichtet:

How Amazon Became Agile

As in all examples of genuine Agile management, life at Amazon is .... at Amazon to enforce a strategy or change or to get a difficult project launched.”.
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Scrum Vs Kanban: What Are The Major Differences?

When choosing agile methodology to serve as your visual process and tool for managing a project, you need to find one that is reliable. Both Kanban ...
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The Agile Manifesto in the Industry 4.0 universe

Make sure the team also meets with someone from management so everyone is in the loop. ... Not only on the project, but on your Agile process itself.
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demotix.com berichtet:

Software Project Management – All you need to know

An already existing IT company that is engaged in the process of software development, can usually be categorized or split into two different parts.
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heise.de berichtet:

OpenProject 9.0: Neue Kanban-Boards für Enterprise-Nutzer

Version 9.0 erweitert OpenProject um Kanban-Tafeln für zahlende Kunden, die sich frei konfigurieren lassen. Auch für die Arbeitspakete gibt es ...
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haufe.de berichtet:

Das agile Team

Das Team hat sich nach Beendigung des Audits dafür entschieden, das Kanban- und Daily Meeting-Prinzip beizubehalten – auch die Leiterin der ...
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mediapost.com berichtet:

4 Lessons From Building A Lean Organization

Opt for aggressive, active management. The flexibility of an agile organization is only valuable if you actively manage it. We manage project probability ...
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hostreview.com berichtet:

7 Characteristics Of Top Remote Product Managers

Top remote product managers know how to use the technology out there today ... Agile managers rate project success by iteratively creating working ...
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e-3.de berichtet:

Agil? Aber bitte mit Struktur!

Den Führungskräften kommt die Rolle des Product Owner zu. Sie haben die fachliche Verantwortung für ein Produkt (zum Beispiel Digital Factory, ...
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t3n.de berichtet:

Was macht eigentlich ein Chief-Product-Owner?

Dieses Mal erklären wir euch, was ein Chief-Product-Owner so macht. ... Der Chief-Product-Owner ist verantwortlich für die übergeordnete Idee, die ...
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produktion.de berichtet:

Rollout einer Data-Science-Lösung innerhalb der Produktion

Data-Science-Projekte sind für viele Unternehmen der ideale Einstieg in die Industrie-4.0-Zukunft – schließlich lassen sie sich relativ einfach ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Adapting Risk-Based Testing to Agile Teams: Think About Testing Before Coding

Risk-based testing improves the quality of the delivered stories and helps system testers to become part of the Scrum team, said Csaba Szök?cs, ...
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techgenix.com berichtet:

Manage it right: Top project management tools for any business

Project management is a core need for every company. It doesn't matter how big or small your business is — or even what business you are in. Project ...
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marktechpost.com berichtet:

How AI Will Change The Future Of Project Management?

Project Management AI is an automated system that has the ability to carry out the management process of a project without workforce. This AI system ...
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forbesindia.com berichtet:

SimpleAgile: A Paradigm Shift for the Agile Methodology

The agile method is a particular approach to project management that is utilized in software development. This, unlike the traditional waterfall ...
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thriveglobal.com berichtet:

5 Lessons in Personal Agility

We had been guests at an Agile conference, submerged in the world of Agile project management and Scrum. Iterative project practices, smart ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

How automation speeds up data science projects

The figures for converting data science projects into corporate business success stories hasn't changed much since and are troubling. Industry ...
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Zwischen allen Stühlen? Der Product Owner in der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Im Scrum-Rahmenwerk gibt es keinen Projektleiter im herkömmlichen Sinne mehr. Einige seiner Aufgaben übernimmt der Product Owner (andere Aufgaben gehen auf den Scrum Master oder das Team über, einige fallen ganz fort). ...
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Im März schreibt Hörer Erik in unserem Slack Kanal, dass er das Gefühl habe “müde” zu werden vom Teamcoaching. ...
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