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scrum.org berichtet:

5 tips to increase your Emotional Intelligence as a Product Owner

The following 5 tips to increase the Emotional Intelligence of a Product Owner as inspired from Scott Watson's work, an emotional intelligence speaker ...
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openpr.de berichtet:

Neue Online-Schulung zu Projektmanagement für Mediziner

Ein neue Online-Schulung zum Thema Projektmanagement hat die E-Learning Infoport speziell für Ärztinnen und Ärzte. Die Schulung vermittelt das ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:

'Scary' findings in Project Management Office Insights survey

This statistic is described as “scary” by Guy Jelley, CEO of Project Portfolio Office (PPO), a Pretoria-based project management consultancy. “In light of ...
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heise.de berichtet:

Projektmanagement-Tool: Zenkit veröffentlicht Progressive Web App

Auf Wunsch inklusive Meta-Informationen, die der Suchmaschinenoptimierung dienen – so sind die Kanban-Boards oder Mindmaps leichter im Netz ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

3 reasons to choose a career in project management

SEE: How to build a successful project manager career (free PDF) ... Project management could be a particularly lucrative career path for younger ...
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How to create business value as a project manager

However, in order to achieve project success and the intended business goals, project managers should instead be focussing on the delivery of ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:

Projektportfolio-Management Buch - 2. Auflage von Jörg Rietsch ist verfügbar

Er hat Lehraufträge im Projektmanagement, ist in der Regionalleitung der GPM (Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement) und ist Trainer bei der ...
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Arbeit im Spannungsfeld: Linienorganisation versus Agilität

Anmerkungen von Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Michael Taube und Dipl.-Ing. Anke Thieme zum Projektmanagement im Zeitalter der Digitalen Transformation.
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Most Organisations are Facing Problems Due to AL/ML Projects

The data science team at such organizations are bound to deliver successful projects operating over a lot of data. The projects are also expected to ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Q&A on the Book Evolvagility: Growing an Agile Leadership Culture From the Inside Out

To get a sense of how this works, consider the example of an agile delivery software team you are managing. For the third sprint in a row, this team ...
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t3n.de berichtet:

Digitalisierung: Die Phase der Sinnsuche hat begonnen

Hat sich die Digitalisierung entschleunigt? „Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit zu messen, ist enorm schwer, egal, ob es um gesellschaftliche oder ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

Why a "closed" open source project may be just what a community needs

Open source projects like Go get flak for being closed to outside ... nearly all successful open source projects: "[T]here is a common feeling that Go has ...
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Personaler sind Coaches, keine Dienstleister

Scrum-zertifiziert und Partner der Projektteams: HR muss agiles Arbeiten im Unternehmen vorleben, sagt Ute Maria Zankl von Publicis Sapient.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

4 ways to gain more project management experience

Without the right skills and know-how, landing a job as a project manager can be difficult. There are smart ways to get relevant project management ...
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How Agile and DevOps leadership empowers the whole team

In Agile and DevOps leadership, managers become project managers or team managers. They don't assign work to individuals; they manage the ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:

Time-Boxes: Wie viel Zeit für welches Meeting?

Seit ich mit mit Scrum und der Tomatentechnik auseinandergesetzt habe, bin ich ein Fan von Time-Boxes. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:

Unterbrechungen aus Sicht des Arbeitsschutzes

Dass Unterbrechungen und/oder Störungen Gift für das produktive Arbeiten sind, haben Sie sicher schon am eigenen Leib erfahren. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:

Freiheit oder Frust – diese Methode hat’s in sich

“Time Blocking” ist eine Planungsmethode, die viele Persönlichkeiten aus der Businesswelt erfolgreich anwenden. ...
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pentaeder.de berichtet:

wir sind fast fertig

Ich werde zwischenzeitlich immer wieder darauf angesprochen was ich von den Verzögerungen beim Bau des Berliner Flughafens halte. Einen weiteren Anstoß etwas darüber zu schreiben lieferte mir vor einiger Zeit ein Telefongespräch, dessen Ohrenzeuge ich unfreiwillig wurde. ...
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pentaeder.de berichtet:

Hört mit dem Etikettenschwindel auf!

Auf die Gefahr hin zu provozieren oder den einen oder anderen zu verstimmen muss ich mir heute meinen Ärger um nicht zu sagen meine Frustration von der Seele schreiben. In einem Cartoon zum Thema Retrospektive klang es schon verhalten an, dass es unzählige “Scrum-but”-Implementierungen gibt. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:

How to Build Trust and Improve Communication Within Agile Teams

What parallels can we draw between football and software development? You can hire stellar players that cost a fortune, but they will most likely lose as a team if they do not have a shared vision and strategy. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

How Do 200+ Scrum Masters Deal With Problems Outside Of Their Control?

Changing the way we work is extremely difficult?—?we all know this. It requires us to find novel solutions to wicked challenges, to deal with cultural baggage (‘the way we do things here’) and to bring along the people needed to make a change successful. ...
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5 Tipps zum Sammeln aussagekräftiger Metriken im Scrum-Prozess

Wir machen jetzt seit 3 Jahren Scrum, werden gefühlt aber nicht schneller – Zitat eines Kunden, den ich als Agile Coach betreut habe. ...
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Six Things Your Team Wants from You as Their Scrum Master

I’ve been talking to your team. Well, probably not your exact team. But plenty of teams just like them. And those teams have shared with me six things they want their Scrum Masters to do. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Scrum Master's challenges as a coach while also a member of Scrum Development Team

Thanks in advance for reading. I believe you will find this post helpful if you're a Scrum Master and also a Development Team member. ...
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An Introduction to Kaizen

We trace the modern history of kaizen to Toyota Motor Corporation in the second half of the twentieth century. ...
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aleanjourney.com berichtet:

The Formula for Successful Change

For virtually everyone change means hard work, risk, and the need to learn new ways for unproven benefits. Change is one of the most difficult things for humans to readily accept. ...
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Ich habe einen Traum!

Die Sehnsucht einer neuen und besseren Form der wertschätzenden und dadurch wertschöpfenden Zusammenarbeit von Menschen ist größer denn je. Die Industrialisierung und der Taylorismus haben den Mensch zum Mittel gemacht. ...
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mpug.com berichtet:

Outsourcing Done Wrong

Some of the Worst Practices that Guarantee your Time and Money Won’t Be Well Spent ...
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hbr.org berichtet:

Addressing the Biases Plaguing Algorithms

Executives lured by the siren-song of AI need to understand both the possibilities and risks endemic in AI and data. Even at the dawn of humans interacting with AI through mediums like voice and chat, there are many documented failures of AI attempting to speak and understand human language. ...
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Just because you have information radiators doesn’t mean senior stakeholders will review them! Information radiators are a great idea.

After all, who wouldn’t want to reduce the effort involved in keeping stakeholders up-to-date about a product or project or increase the consistency in messaging to all stakeholders? ...
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projectbliss.net berichtet:

Agile Practices: How to Run a Lean Coffee

The term Lean Coffee doesn’t sound like a productive meeting session. But that’s EXACTLY what it’s intended to be. It’s structured in a way that allows participants to quickly talk through various topics they choose in a short amount of time. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Tactical Ideas for Agile Budgeting, Part 1

Too often, organizations want to budget for an entire year. The managers run around for two or three months in advance of that fiscal year, attempting to predict a ton of things: ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Strategy Behind More Agile Budgeting, Part 2

How do you budget your own money and time? If you're like me, you have a plan for the year. I evaluate the plan—my products, services, and clients—on a regular basis. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

Chatbots and the Rise of the Automated Insurance Agent

Recently, the market’s best insurance agency management systems with the chatbots have been implemented by insurance organizations striving to enhance the quality of client support. ...
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hackernoon.com berichtet:

Product nightmares in 15 comics

Working in a product development is wonderful. However, from time to time it can be a bumpy ride. Product positions in a company are at the intersection of individual effort and organizational structure. ...
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qz.com berichtet:

The most disruptive office distractions, ranked

Of all the distractions that come with working in an office, the biggest is not the room temperature or the traffic sounds from outside. It’s ourselves. ...
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innovel.net berichtet:

How to Avoid Fatal Product Flaws with Agile and Scrum? Lessons from Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 Program

Why did Boeing’s development of the 737 MAX 8 effectively avoid Agile principles? ...
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jarche.com berichtet:

What is innovation?

In writing almost 100 posts on innovation since 2007, it’s time to put the core observations together into a cohesive narrative. Here goes. ...
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uxdesign.cc berichtet:

WTF is Your Metric Doing to Your Customers?

How To Avoid The Unintended Consequences Of The “One Metric That Matters”. ...
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