Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.
forbes.com berichtet:
4 Project Management Trends On The Horizon…Are You Ready?
Project management has been a critical business discipline for decades and with the fast paced societal, environmental, economic and technological ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
How to Handle Non Functional Requirements (NFRs)
When working with teams new to Scrum, one of the questions I usually ask is “What are your plans to describe non functional requirements (NFRs)?”.
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financialexecutives.org berichtet:
Project Management For Financial Executives
Managing Editor Olivia Berkman speaks with project management expert Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez regarding how financial executives can bring ...
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elektronikpraxis.vogel.de berichtet:
Die agile Geschwindigkeitslüge
„Mein Auftrag ist es, hier Geschwindigkeit reinzubringen!“ Mit diesen markigen Worten wird die Agile Transition in so manch einer Firma eingeläutet.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
How to help micromanagers be better leaders: 7 tips
SEE: How to build a successful project manager career (free PDF) ... focused on company-wide goals, making it easier to prioritize tasks and projects.
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cloudcomputing-insider.de berichtet:
Agile Managementmethoden verändern unsere Arbeitswelten
Hinter diesem Akronym verbirgt sich eine agile Leadership- und Managementmethode, die von immer mehr großen und auch mittelständischen ...
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ft.com berichtet:
Learn to love meetings by making them better
“Agile” working methods call for a “scrum” in which team members briskly report what they did yesterday, what they're going to do today and if there's ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
AI And Project Management: Artificial Or The Real Deal?
Even project management has demonstrated an increase in this technology's use. In some of the different roles I have held, I've used various types of ...
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sbnonline.com berichtet:
How agile project management can benefit any organization
Agile project management is a methodology born from the software industry as a fast and flexible method of development. Agile is characterized by a ...
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immobilien-zeitung.de berichtet:
Lieber autoritär als agil
Am Ende jedes Sprints zeigt das Team dem Product Owner und allen Stakeholdern das Ergebnis seiner Arbeit live und sammelt Feedback ...
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techzone360.com berichtet:
5 Steps to Define Your Resource Planning Strategy
This will ensure the success of your project as you utilize your manpower ... You will get to know the previous projects and the type of resources ...
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forbes.com berichtet:
Five Surprising Phrases Successful People Never Use At Work
Five Surprising Phrases Successful People Never Use At Work ... get picked for high-profile projects or promotions and your overall career success.
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business2community.com berichtet:
5 Dysfunctions of a Daily Scrum
Daily Scrum is an important Inspect and Adapt event for a Scrum team. Yet the purpose is often ignored and swept under the carpet by a multitude of ...
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cloudwards.net berichtet:
Task Management vs Project Management: Staying Organized in 2019
Project management software typically does everything task management software can do and more. That doesn't necessarily make it better, though.
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
The high cost of project management immaturity
The high cost of project management immaturity ... This was defined as either having no formal project management processes (level 1) or some ...
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itweb.co.za berichtet:
Adapting to the ever-changing rat race
In many situations, organisations have adopted agile, or aspects of agile, ... The change management method has been built to closely align to a ...
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swaay.com berichtet:
5 Things You Need to Become the Next Startup Success Story
The Kanban system is a methodology that you can count on if you are new to project management. It is simple enough to use and flexible enough to ...
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apm.org.uk berichtet:
How to build a project management process from scratch
Marie Hall was given the task of building a project management process and team. Here's how she went about creating her process and her team.
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scrum.org berichtet:
PO Perspective: Team development for the Development Team
A while ago I was brushing the teeth of my 3 year old son when I thought of something. This little dude can walk, run, talk (A LOT!), climb, undress, etcetera, but somehow every morning and evening I’m brushing his teeth, instead of him doing it himself. ...
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cio.de berichtet:
IT-Mitarbeiter sitzen zwischen allen Stühlen
Der Spagat zwischen Linienorganisation und Projektarbeit fällt Führungskräften und IT-Mitarbeitern verständlicherweise nicht immer leicht.
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forbes.com berichtet:
Agile Might Be Dead, But Agility Isn't
Rather than force people to do rigid morning scrum meetings, our entire company participates in an asynchronous daily scrum in a Slack channel.
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scrum.org berichtet:
Scrummer Quiz Part 2 of 5
Last Monday I started the 5-week long Scrummer Quiz, a Summer Quiz that is all about Scrum.
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ventsmagazine.com berichtet:
What are the 5 stages of project management?
Project Management is becoming one of the top courses of all time because of high demand project managers in the market. If you are running a ...
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industry-of-things.de berichtet:
Die 6 häufigsten Fehler beim Stammdatenmanagement
Ein Projekt zum Stammdaten-Management ist ohne die Unterstützung des Topmanagements zum Scheitern verurteilt. Das Vorhaben braucht einen ...
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mittelstand-nachrichten.de berichtet:
Agiles Projektmanagement – Für operative Effizienz und unternehmerische Flexibilität
Kanban ist eine agile Projektmanagementmethode zur Produktionsablaufsteuerung, die auf die Optimierung der Qualität, Flexibilität und Produktivität ...
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it-daily.net berichtet:
Mit Scrum erfolgreich im Team arbeiten
Die Product Owner der einzelnen Themen sind für die Priorisierung verantwortlich und klären Engpässe sowie Konflikte untereinander. Die Anleitung ...
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weforum.org berichtet:
6 ways successful people make more time in their workday
Successful people know that not everything is due immediately. They are able to recognize what is urgent and what is not. List all the projects you are ...
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computerwoche.de berichtet:
Wie Informatiker und Ingenieure voneinander lernen
Dabei ist Digitalisierung nichts Neues. "Der Prozess schleicht sich seit Jahren in die Industrie ein. CNC-Maschinen, die mit einer Software arbeiten, ...
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business2community.com berichtet:
Scrum Has a Messaging Problem
“You are not doing Scrum.” How many times have you heard that? Scrum Police are a legion. If you are not doing , you are not doing Scrum. Whether ...
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datamation.com berichtet:
Top 10 Cloud Project Management Tools
Learn what capabilities are available in modern cloud-based project management tools and identify which one might be the right fit for your business.
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pythonpodcast.com berichtet:
A Modern Open Source Project Management Platform
An interview about the modern, open source project management platform Taiga, and how it can contribute to successful software projects.
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forbes.com berichtet:
4 Project Management Trends On The Horizon…Are You Ready?
While there are long standing debates about different project management approaches (e.g. Waterfall vs Agile), there are clear advantages to each.
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infoq.com berichtet:
Agile Around the World
David Spinks has over 15 years of professional experience spanning Scrum Master, Agile coaching, team leadership and software development roles.
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friday-magazine.ch berichtet:
So steigert ihr eure Arbeitseffizienz
Ein Hilfsmittel für die eigene Planung oder die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen stellt das Kanban Board dar. Dieses Board ist eine erweiterte To-Do-Liste ...
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augustafreepress.com berichtet:
Scrum values every Scrum Developer should know
The word Scrum is not an acronym, contrary to some people's belief, nor does it have a concrete origin. However, the Scrum framework of product ...
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intelligencejournal.com berichtet:
Agile Project Management Tools Market 2019 In-Depth Analysis of Industry Share, Size, Growth ...
This report on Agile Project Management Tools market Added by Market Study Report, LLC, covers valuable insights based on market valuation, ...
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themarketplan.com berichtet:
Agile Development and Testing Services Market – Opportunity Mapping In Terms of Technological ...
Agile development promotes a disciplined approach to processes and ... of methodologies, services, project execution and service management.
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consulting.de berichtet:
Agile Werte richtig vermitteln
An jeder Ecke schießen deshalb Agile Coaches aus der Erde, selbsternannte Scrum-Master bieten ihre Dienste an und kaum jemand kann sicher ...
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cio.co.nz berichtet:
What is gap analysis? Uncovering the missing links to successful performance
Gap analysis is a method of comparing the actual level of performance versus the desired level of performance for a business process, project, ...
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cio.de berichtet:
Erfolgsmodell Digitalisierung
Im Umkehrschluss heißt das, dass 15 Prozent zwar wissen, welche Effekte die Digitalisierung hat, aber noch keine digitale Agenda haben. Allerdings ...
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