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martechtoday.com berichtet:
What are enterprise workflow and project management tools and how do they help marketers?
The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as “a temporary ... of Agile marketing, a philosophy and workflow pioneered by software ...
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searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com berichtet:
Why essential Scrum Master skills are elementary
Scrum Masters are good learners. People often use Scrum, Agile and other software project management terms interchangeably -- and incorrectly. To ...
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searchnetworking.techtarget.com berichtet:
Pair programming pros and cons for network automation
In the Agile software development world, pair programming teams consist of two developers. In the network automation and management world, a pair ...
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scmr.com berichtet:
Is it a Supply Chain Issue or Poor Project Management?
So, what is good project management? Professional project managers will tell you that successful projects require planning, discipline, and good, ...
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t2informatik.de berichtet:
Teambuilding im Requirements Engineering
Nicht alle, die in einem IT-Projekt arbeiten (müssen), verfolgen den Projekterfolg als oberstes Ziel. Natürlich freut sich niemand, wenn sein Team, einzelne Kollegen oder sogar er selbst wegrationalisiert werden, sich seine Aufgaben ändern oder die Arbeit komplizierter wird. ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:
Agile Entwicklung und DevOps in der Praxis
Zusammenfassend können wir also sagen, dass das Ziel einer agilen Entwicklung ist, die Lücke bei der Ermittlung der Anforderungen zwischen ...
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checkpoint-elearning.de berichtet:
"Agile Praktiken sind emergente Praktiken"
Der Scrum Master, Product Owner und Agile Coach Daniel Räder versteht sich als Sparringspartner für Zusammenarbeit, (Business-) Agilität und ...
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checkpoint-elearning.de berichtet:
"Scheitern dürfen ist der zentrale Ansatz"
Mit Kanban haben wir beispielsweise eine Methode, die die SchülerInnen sowohl für sich persönlich, als auch für die Arbeit im Team in der Schule ...
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checkpoint-elearning.de berichtet:
"Ich habe viel herumexperimentiert"
Das heißt Kanban ist für Sie nur ein Tool von vielen im agilen Arbeitsprozess? Ralf Weinert: Zum gemeinsamen Sammeln von Ideen kann man viele ...
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checkpoint-elearning.de berichtet:
"Schnell und bedarfsorientiert umsteuern"
Darüber hinaus steht bei agilen Projektmethoden wie Scrum oder Kanban der Kundennutzen im Fokus: Diesen zum Anlass und Antreiber von ...
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marketingprofs.com berichtet:
Agile Marketing FAQs: Teams, Meetings, Leadership, Measurement, More...
Other, more advanced, project management-style tools include Aprimo, Monday.com, and CoSchedule. You can also dive into the vast world of Agile- ...
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enterprisersproject.com berichtet:
What not to say to agile teams
Each team has a certified Scrum Master and we hired a world-class agile coach to keep everyone on track, so you don't need to hear from me.”.
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consultancy-me.com berichtet:
Project Management Office: Agile PMO versus Traditional PMO
In today's disruptive environment, project management offices need to be just agile as the organisation around them. This is seeing the rise of the ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
I Failed Again – I Talked About Why Agile But They Wanted
Going forward, one of the executives came along and shared with the crowd how exactly Scrum works. She kept talking about scrum events/ceremonies ...
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pressebox.de berichtet:
Mit MindManager agile Produktenwicklung und innovative Prozessmodelle umsetzen
Stefan Weigand von Act Agile kennt diese Herausforderung und hat auch ... Ticketing, Process Development und Requirement Management uvm.
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techrepublic.com berichtet:
DevOps needs to morph into DevSecOps to close security threats in the cloud
Agile project management systems; Collaborative messaging platforms. Forty-six percent of survey respondents said that the most important reason to ...
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oreilly.com berichtet:
Practical Skills for The AI Product Manager
There may be a “product owner” who has end-to-end responsibility for the product's development. In a small company, a single PM may shepherd a ...
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communalnews.com berichtet:
Scrum Master vs. Project Manager: Similarities and Differences
Similarities between Scrum Masters and Project Managers ... PMI-ACP: If you have experience in agile project management and want to explore the ...
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theserverside.com berichtet:
How AI can help with requirements analysis tools
Even with smaller Agile development cycles, bad requirements create various ... development but hadn't yet mastered software project management.
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meinscrumistkaputt.de berichtet:
Folge 87: PO Toolbox, Teil 1 - Produktstart
Als Product Owner ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben das Product Backlog zu pflegen, nur: Wie befülle ich das Backlog überhaupt, wenn da noch gar nichts ist? ...
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agile-verwaltung.org berichtet:
VUKA und die Große Verschwörung
Auf noch unvorsehbarere Art als das üblich Unvorhersehbare hat die Corona-Pandemie den VUKA-Charakter der Welt ins Bewusstsein gehoben: dabei steht V für Volatilität = Unbeständigkeit, U = Unsicherheit, K = Komplexität, A = Ambiguität = Mehrdeutigkeit. ...
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spikesandstories.com berichtet:
If Estimates Were Accurate, We’d Call Them Actuals
I heard this recently from a team. It’s not the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Teams struggle with estimates; others needlessly obsess over it. And while I agree with the sentiment, it’s true but useless. It’s unactionable. ...
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dzone.com berichtet:
Productivity Data From 50 Dev Teams
This article summarizes key findings from the report and includes opinions from LinearB CEO Ori Keren about how we can interpret the data. ...
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failfastmoveon.blogspot.com berichtet:
The defect funnel - systematically working towards high quality
Although the images don't really resemble much of a funnel, this "defect funnel" is similar to a sales funnel. In the ideal world, you'd find the highest amount and the most critical defects early, and as a delivery progresses through the process, both amount and criticality decrease. Let's take a look at the ideal world (which never happens in reality) ...
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mckinsey.com berichtet:
Revisiting agile teams after an abrupt shift to remote
As organizations adapt to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, their agile teams can be a real source of competitive advantage. Such teams1 are typically well suited to periods of disruption, given their ability to adapt to fast-changing business priorities, disruptive technology, and digitization. ...
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productstride.substack.com berichtet:
Tackling Enterprise Customer Requests
In my experience, all of your stakeholders have ideas on how to make your product better. Some are more proactive in sharing them, but there is rarely a lack of incoming ideas to the product team. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Experiments, Practices, and Strategies for being a Remote Scrum Master
Being an effective and successful Scrum Master requires a wide variety of skills, knowledge, and experience. This variety is captured in the stances of a Scrum Master. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Basecamp’s Shape Up: how different is it really from Scrum?
Basecamp is famous for having their own, often counter-intuitive way of doing things which delivers impressive results for them. Over the years, small nuggets of Basecamp’s way of working have been released to the public. ...
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medium.com berichtet:
Are you working with Scrum or eXtreme Go Horse (XGH)?
I assume that if you have worked with Scrum, at some point in time, you wondered, “Is this Scrum?”. I have experienced numerous misunderstandings about Scrum, and so many anti-patterns, which held teams back from getting the benefits that Scrum can give. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Multitasking is ruining your productivity when you’re working remotely
De-stressing when you’re working from home with a brisk walk around the block is essential for productivity. There is, unfortunately, all the unwanted breaks. You’ve got partners, children and pets that want attention. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Agile is a mindset. Agile is behaviour.
Ahmed Sidkey’s agile mindset image is one I remember fondly from a few years ago at Agile 2014 — a depiction of the differences between doing agile and being agile. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Want to be an Agile Coach? Being a Lean Agile Leader and Practitioner is key!
If your an agile coach, just knowing Agile, or Scrum, or how to set up a Kanban board won’t be enough to get you though the complexities involved in successfully performing the role and being an agile leader. ...
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zenexmachina.com berichtet:
Strategies for successfully leading remote agile teams
Leading remote agile teams was always going to be tricky, and like many leaders faced with the sudden shift to virtual team environments, you may be finding that it takes a while to refine the new ways of working. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
Wie Andere die Dinge geregelt kriegen
Wenn ich einen Workshop zur Selbstorganisation begleite, bin ich immer gespannt, welche Kniffe meine Teilnehmer anwenden, um gut durch ihren Arbeitstag zu kommen. ...
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fuehrung-erfahren.de berichtet:
Blogparade #remoteworks
Nach Wochen der verteilten Zusammenarbeit ist es Zeit Bilanz zu ziehen. Diese Blogparade ist selbst eine Übung in verteilter asynchroner Zusammenarbeit, eine örtlich und zeitlich verteilte Retrospektive, um über Chancen und Grenzen von Homeoffice und Remote Work nachzudenken, Erfolgsfaktoren herauszuarbeiten und so zu verhindern, dass wir wieder in den alten Trott zurückfallen. ...
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ideequadrat.org berichtet:
Das innere Team in der Krise
Welche Partei wählst Du? Klar, musst Du hier nicht beantworten, aber mir fällt auf, dass ich es zunehmend schwerer finde, eine einfache Antwort auf die gestellte Frage geben zu können: ...
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zenhabits.net berichtet:
When You’re Drowning in Tasks, Overwhelm & Stress
I recently talked with a couple of people who are just absolutely slammed with business because of the current crisis, and feel like they are drowning in busyness and stress. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:
Is it professional to finish the Sprint at 9pm?
Sometimes, some actions seem good in the short term, but in reality mask serious dysfunctions. Working overtime in stressful situations is not a viable long-term remedy and should not be seen as a professional solution, but as a warning signal to be heard courageously. ...
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toolblog.de berichtet:
GTD in Diagrammen
Warum war (und ist immer noch) GTD so erfolgreich? Für mich ist ein Kernelement für den Erfolg der klare Ablauf, der sich hervorragend in entsprechenden Diagrammen darstellen lässt. ...
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ivanblatter.com berichtet:
To-do-Liste? Weshalb und wie? (Back to the roots)
Diese Folge markiert den Start der (unregelmäßigen) Serie „Back to the roots“. In dieser Serie beleuchte ich die wichtigsten Themen rund um Zeit- und Selbstmanagement. Ich zeige dir 1. die wichtigsten Grundsätze, 2. wie ich die Grundsätze für mich umsetze und 3. wie wir sie hier im Team umsetzen. ...
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