Aktuelles aus der Welt des ProjektmanagementBranchen-News wöchentlich aktualisiert.

Is team self-selection the obvious choice?

Allowing people to form their own teams, through team self-selection, can be a powerful approach to promote empowerment and to form viable teams with fast transition towards high performance. ...
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Learning Agile The NeverEnding Story

The Agile Manifesto was written almost 20 years ago. If Agile were a fad, it would have surely died by now. ...
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agileadvice.com berichtet:


Is there such a thing as a perfect Scrum Master? Likely not, because of course we are all human and not perfect beings. ...
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benlinders.com berichtet:

Why People Want to Work in Agile Teams

Talking with people I notice that there’s much unclearness on what agile team are, why collaboration matters, and how to work together effectively in teams. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

Dear Scrum Master: The Scrum Events are Theirs, Not Yours !

The Scrum Master is often expected to facilitate and animate every Scrum events. ...
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Use Scrum to Say Goodbye to Risk in Hardware Development

Companies who build hardware often ask if it’s possible to benefit from Scrum. In order to answer this question, I need to first introduce you to my friend Risk. ...
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Wer ‚Ja‘ sagt, muss auch ‚Nein‘ sagen

Wenn Historiker in einer paar Jahrhunderten auf unsere Zeit zurückblicken, werden sie vermutlich nicht das Internet oder Technologie im Allgemeinen als die wichtigstes Veränderung betrachten, sondern die Tatsache, das erstmals in der Geschichte eine große Zahl von Menschen Wahlmöglichkeiten hatte. ...
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The subtleties of obstruction

You don’t intend to sabotage your team, but good intentions aren’t the only factor in successful leadership. ...
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7 faces of distrust

A reader asks, “Maybe a post on how to proceed when relationships have been eroded among team members? With a small team, I find it especially challenging.” ...
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Verletzlichkeit als Führungskraft

Ich erinnere mich noch an ein Kommunikations-Training, das ich vor Jahren mit mehreren Auszubildenden gemacht habe. Sie hatten schon früh Energydrinks und Schokoriegel intus, aber ihre Beteiligung war mehr als gering. Und das in einem Training, das stark vom Mitmachen abhängig ist. ...
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marc-widmann.de berichtet:

Führen ohne Schulterklappen mit emotionaler Bindung an das Projekt

Die zentrale Fertigkeit unserer Zeit: Laterales Führen, also dem Führen ohne Weisungsbefugnis wird mehr Beachtung zu schenken sein. ...
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Ethics: What’s the Code of Conduct for Project Managers?

Ethics may seem like a dry subject from an ancient branch of philosophy. But it is absolutely relevant to your life as a working Project Manager. ...
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Building a Remote or Distributed Project Team

Cesar Abeid and Karen Arnold of Automattic talk about the benefits of building a distributed/remote team and how to get started. ...
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Hub and spoke project architecture

On the HBR Blog Network, Andrew Shipilov has a eye-catching post on "hub and spoke" project networks, or alliances between project partners, as he describes them. ...
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A Compendium of Risk Management Resources

Let's start with a critical understanding of the purpose of managing risk on software development projects. ...
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digitaltonto.com berichtet:

Why Corporate Transformations Fail So Consistently (And How To Fix It)

We live in an age in which change has become the only constant. So it’s not surprising that change management models have become popular. ...
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What’s the right sprint length for your team?

The Scrum Guide calls sprints the “heart of Scrum” and also indicates that they should be one month or less. ...
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agileadvice.com berichtet:


Is there such a thing as a perfect Scrum Master? Likely not, because of course we are all human and not perfect beings. ...
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Leadership: the Hero, the Servant, and the Host

What would you rather be: a heroic leader or a servant leader? Which do you need to develop a positive culture where people and performance thrive? ...
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aspire-cs.com berichtet:

When you need to stop leading and start following

All leaders are also followers. Nobody is autonomous and without the need to follow others. Sometimes the “others” can be your board, manager, employees, peers, or even your significant other. ...
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sarahmhoban.com berichtet:

How to Network Effectively as a Project Manager

I decided to write a post on how to network effectively as a project manager because one of my staff highlighted it as a skill I do well. ...
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themuse.com berichtet:

7 Tips to Declutter Your Calendar

When Adrean Turner started a new role as a cost accountant, one of the tasks passed on to her from her predecessor was a monthly report that took almost two weeks to compile. ...
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ideou.com berichtet:

Why Everyone Should Prototype (Not Just Designers)

As an interaction designer and Executive Design Director at IDEO, Chris Nyffeler knows his way around high-tech digital tools. He’s worked with major tech corporations and government agencies and has helped to launch successful, design-centric tech startups in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. ...
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jrothman.com berichtet:

Eliminate Fake Certainty and Solve the Real Problem

Too often, customers have a “fake certainty” about the problems they want to solve. They might not have defined the real problem, but they have frequently defined the solution anyway. ...
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medium.com berichtet:

What’s Wrong with Dot Voting Exercises

I don’t recall the first time I participated in a dot voting exercise, but I’m sure I felt a sense of wonder at how a skilled facilitator was able to take a jumble of recently minted ideas and get us all to coalesce around just a few of these… ...
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medium.com berichtet:

The top 10 rebuttals to: “Agile is great. But it won’t work here.”

At this point in its lifecycle, Agile is in the mass adoption phase. Whenever I’m in front of an audience or teaching a workshop and I ask, “How many of you work using Agile processes?” ...
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bravegeeks.team berichtet:

Agile is dead: SCRUM implementation survival guide

Dave Thomas, one of the creators of the Agile Manifesto, has declared Agile as dead, stating that the values of being agile have been totally lost behind the implementation. ...
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scrum.org berichtet:

The Value of Liberating Structures for Scrum Masters

Liberating Structures are a collection of 30+ interaction patterns that unflatten, enrich and deepen interactions in groups. With strong roots in complexity science, and collected by Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz, all Liberating Structures implement five design elements and ten principles. ...
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der-bank-blog.de berichtet:

Informelle Kommunikation im Projektmanagement

In Projekten kommen regelmäßig standardisierte Projektmanagement-Instrumente zum Einsatz. Zentrales Element ist dabei ein Status-Reporting auf ...
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benzinga.com berichtet:

Best Project Management Books

Project management is critical for companies of all sizes. Perhaps not as much for mom-and-pop shops (though it wouldn't hurt to learn). A lot depends ...
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CFOs bekommen Fachkräftemangel zu spüren

Dass Kanban zu den verbreitetsten Methoden gehört, dürfte damit zusammenhängen, dass es eng an bereits bekannte Methoden des ...
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Skalierbare Fabrik für Data Scientists

Mit einer Business-Intelligence-Lösung prüfen die Firmen, ob die mit agilen Methoden entwickelte KI-Anwendung im produktiven Einsatz den ...
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jaxenter.de berichtet:

Improv-driven Agility (IDA): Agilität trainieren mit Improtheater 2.0

Die Scrum-Werte gelten tatsächlich auch für Impro-Teams: 1. Sagt ja! (Offenheit) 2. Riskiert etwas und trefft Entscheidungen! (Mut) 3. Lasst euch ...
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techrepublic.com berichtet:

6 reasons why your IT project will fail

To properly implement a project, you must fully perform the last stage of project acceptance and adoption—a stage that won't successfully complete ...
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infoq.com berichtet:

Dave Snowden on Liminality in Cynefin and Moving Beyond Agile to Agility

... Agile People conference in Stockholm, Sweden, about the addition of liminal spaces in the Cynefin framework, pre-scrum techniques and the future ...
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cdotrends.com berichtet:

Four Types of Project Management Offices That Deliver Value

During conversations with clients, Gartner analysts discovered organizations designed project management offices (PMOs) in a variety of setups.
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pctechmag.com berichtet:

How to Manage 'Moving Parts' During Project Management

A successful project is a product of excellent management practices. The project manager is in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly, everyone ...
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cmswire.com berichtet:

How Kanban Boards Work

According to a study conducted by the Project Management Institute, 71% of organizations are using agile principles sometimes, often or always.
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How to Develop Agile Enterprise Framework

Here is an overview of the strategies that are associated with development of the agile enterprise framework. Project portfolio management. The prime ...
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haufe.de berichtet:

"Agile Zusammenarbeit" - Nur ein Modebegriff oder die Lösung für viele Unternehmen?

Methoden, wie SCRUM, Design Thinking, oder auch Kanban fungieren als Wegbereiter, um bei unbeständigen Rahmenbedingungen schnell und ...
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